2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Back to the past 单元词汇详解(ppt课件).pptx

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1、牛津英语单元词汇详解选择性必修三Unit 3 Back to the past1 breadth /bred/n.宽度;广泛(29)【原句背诵】The Time Traveller was explaining something to us.“People believe there are three dimensions of SpaceLength,Breadth and Thickness;however,there is a fourth dimensionTime.”【联想拓展】breadth of mind 心胸breadth of view 见识的广阔,眼光的远大a new

2、political leader with a breadth of vision有远见卓识的政治领袖【经典例句】She estimated the breadth of the lake to be 500 metres.她估计湖面大约有500米宽。Older people have a tremendous breadth of experience.年长的人们有极其广泛的经验。He was surprised at her breadth of reading.他对于她的博览群书感到惊讶。The curriculum needs breadth and balance.课程设置应该内容广

3、泛而且均衡。【同义词】width n.宽度;广度 2 convince/knvns/vt.使确信,使相信;说服,劝说(29)【原句背诵】The Time Traveller smiled,“It is clear,”he said,“that there is only one way to convince you.We must conduct an experiment.”Then he carried a model of the Time Machine.【联想拓展】convince sb/oneself(of sth)使确信;使相信;使信服convince sb.to do sth

4、 说服某人做某事convinced adj.确信的;深信的;v.使确信(convince的过去分词);说服convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的;v.使相信;使明白(convince的现在分词)convincingly adv.令人信服地;有说服力地convincible adj.可使信服的;可说服的【经典例句】You cant convince others if you yourself arent convinced.如果你没有使你自己信服你就不能使别人信服。Their goal is to convince lawmakers to extend unemployment

5、 benefits.他们的目标是说服立法者扩大失业救济。I dont believe what you said,but if you can prove it,you may be able to convince me.我不相信你说的话,但如果你能证明你的观点,你也许能说服我。Leaders dont force other people but convince them to go along with them.领导者不会强迫其他人赞同自己,但能说服别人。Although I soon convinced him of my innocence,I think he still ha

6、s serious doubts about my sanity(明智;精神健全).尽管我很快就让他相信我是清白的,但是他还是非常怀疑我精神是否正常。【链接高考】(2020新课标卷II)He says its not easy to convince people that nutria fur is green,but he has no doubt about it.他说,并不容易让人们相信海狸鼠的皮毛是环保的,但他对此毫不怀疑。(2016天津卷)I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself,

7、not with me.我试图说服自己,问题出在问题本身,而不是我。3*voyage /vd/n.航海,航行,航天 vi.航行,远行(30)4*fleet /flit/n.舰队;捕鱼船队;车队(30)5*navigate/nvet/vt.航行;导航 vi.导航(30)【原句背诵】The historical articles below are about the voyages of two famous explorers.In the summer of 1405,Zheng He,one of Chinas greatest explorers,set sail from Taican

8、g on his first voyage.A fleet of over 200 ships navigated the blue seas,with almost 28,000 people on board,which was a splendid scene.【联想拓展】an around-the-world voyage 环球航行a voyage in space 航天旅行a fishing/whaling fleet 捕鱼捕鲸船队a reduction in the size of the British fleet 英国海军的裁员to navigate by the stars

9、根据星辰确定航向navigation n.导航;航行,航海;航运navigator n.航海家;领航员;驾驶员【经典例句】The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage(=first journey).泰坦尼克号首航便沉没了。He aims to follow Columbuss voyage to the West Indies.他打算沿着哥伦布的航程到达西印度群岛。A fleet sailed for New South Wales to establish the first European settlement in Australia.一支舰队驶向新南威

10、尔士去建立欧洲在澳大利亚的第一个移民地。How do you navigate your way through a forest?你怎么才能设法走出森林?The river became too narrow and shallow to navigate.河道变得又窄又浅,无法航行。Captain Cook was responsible for safely navigating his ship without accident for 100 voyages.库克船长负责了安全导航,百次航行无事故。【链接高考】(2016全国新课标卷II)A new collection of pho

11、tos brings an unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back to life.一组新的照片让一次失败的南极之旅重现生机。(2016全国新课标卷II)Shackleton,a onetime British merchant-navy officer who had got to within 100 miles of the South Pole in 1908,started a business before his 1914 voyage to make money from movie and still photography.沙克尔顿曾是一名英国

12、商船海军军官,1908年他到达了离南极不到100英里的地方,在1914年的航行之前,他开始了通过电影和摄影赚钱的生意。(2017全国卷III)These include custom-made navigation(导航)tools,night vision systems and intelligent speed adaptations.这些包括定制导航工具、夜视系统和智能速度适应。6 on behalf /bhf/of 代表(或代替);为帮助;为了(30)【原句背诵】Between 1405 and 1433,on behalf of the Ming Dynasty,Zheng He

13、made a total of seven voyages.【经典例句】Id like to represent a problem to the school on behalf of the student union.我想代表学生会向学校提出一个问题。On behalf of the Students Union,Im writing to invite you to give us a speech on Chinese history.我代表学生会写信邀请您给我们做一个关于中国历史的演讲。On behalf of my crew,Id like to welcome you aboa

14、rd British Airways flight 602 from New York to London.我谨代表全体工作人员,欢迎你们乘坐英国航空公司从纽约飞往伦敦的602号航班。7 load/ld/vt.&vi.装上,装人(30)【原句背诵】His ships were loaded with china,silk,tea and other treasures as gifts for foreign rulers,and the fleet paid friendly visits to more than 30 countries and regions.He even saile

15、d as far as the east coast of Africa.【联想拓展】load(up)(with sth)/load sth/sb(into/onto sth)(把大量)装上,装入load sth(into sth)/load sth(with sth)把装入(武器、照相机或其他设备)upload v.上载,上传 n.(上传的)内容download v.下载 n.下载程序;下载行为 workload n.工作量【经典例句】The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck.这3个人好像已经装好了那辆卡车。Men wer

16、e loading up a truck with timber.工人正在把木料装上卡车。【链接高考】(2020天津卷)Check out other items.The library is now a multimedia zone,loaded with information in many formats(载体形式).看看其他项目。图书馆现在是一个多媒体区,有许多格式的信息。(2020新课标卷II)It was a big deal for us to load up and go to the local library,where my kids could pick out b

17、ooks to read or books they wanted me to read to them.这对我们来说是件大事,去当地的图书馆,在那里孩子们可以挑选要读的书或他们想让我读给他们听的书。8*compass/kmps/n.罗盘,指南针;圆规(30)9 log /l/n.航海日志,正式记录;原木 vi.&vt.伐木(30)【原句背诵】As they sailed,the navigators took compass readings,kept logs of their voyages and charted the coast.Later the detailed maps be

18、came Zheng Hes Navigation Map.【联想拓展】log file 日志文件like a log 象木头一样不动;无知觉的【熟词生义】log in/on(计算机)登录,注册,进入(计算机系统)log off/out(计算机)注销;退出(计算机系统)10 strengthen/stren/vt.&vi.加强,增强(30)11 harmonious /hmnis/adj.友好和睦的;协调的,和谐的(30)【原句背诵】Zheng Hes efforts help develop and strengthen harmonious relations with these cou

19、ntries and regions,exposing foreign people to Chinese culture,and allowing the Chinese to better understand overseas lands.【联想拓展】strengthen environmental protection 加强环境保护strengthen the awareness of 提高意识;强化意识strengthen unity 加强团结strengthen discipline 加强纪律strength n.体力,力量;实力;长处,优势harmonious socialist

20、 society 社会主义和谐社会harmonious world 和谐世界harmoniously adv.和谐地;协调地harmony n.和谐,和睦;融洽;协调【经典例句】Her position in the party has strengthened in recent weeks.最近几个星期以来,她在党内的地位有所增强。Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge.这座桥需要加固。The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.这些活动目的在于增强你的腹部

21、肌肉。Any experience can teach and strengthen you,but particularly the more difficult ones.任何经历都可以让你学到东西,使你变得坚定,那些更困难的经历尤其如此。Their harmonious relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.他们融洽的关系部分来自于他们相似的目标。n short,a good and harmonious environment at home is necessary for a child to grow hea

22、lthy.总之,良好和谐的家庭环境对孩子的健康成长至关重要。【链接高考】(2019全国卷I)The likeable plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships,jump-start interpersonal skills and,when tapped early,are employed ever after in life and work.这种讨人喜欢、能和别人相处融洽的特质可以加强校园友谊,提升人际交往能力,而且,如果能在早期发挥作用,就能在以后的生活和工作中发挥作用。(2016浙江卷)Gos

23、sip also can have a third effect:it strengthens unwritten,unspoken rules about how people should act.八卦还有第三种影响:它强化了人们行为的不成文的规则。(2014广西卷)The popularity of au pairs from China has been strengthened by the increasing numbers of American parents who want their children to learn Chinese.由于越来越多的美国父母希望自己的孩

24、子学习中文,来自中国的互惠生越来越受欢迎。12 dismiss/dsms/vt.不予考虑;对不屑一提;去除,摒除;解雇;解散(30)【原句背诵】For many years,some historians dismissed the records of these voyages as legends.【联想拓展】dismiss sb/sth(as sth)不予考虑;摒弃;对不屑一提dismiss sth(from sth)去除,消除,摒除(思想、感情等)dismiss sb(from sth)解雇;免职;开除dismissal n.解雇;免职【经典例句】I think we can saf

25、ely dismiss their objections.我认为我们对他们的异议完全可以不予理会。He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless.他认为民意测验毫无用处而不予考虑。Some parents would dismiss their childrens dreams as worthless and force them to give up their dreams.有些父母会认为自己孩子的梦想是没有价值的,并且强迫他们的孩子放弃这些梦想。The worker claims he was unfairly dismissed from hi

26、s post.工人声称自己被无理免职。【链接高考】(2018全国卷II)Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy,but we cant forget that deep relationships wouldnt even exist if it werent for casual conversation.将闲聊视为不重要很容易,但我们不能忘记,如果不是随意的交谈,深层的关系根本就不存在。(2017北京卷)There are probably decades in which to plan for the arrival of super

27、intelligent machines.But the problem should not be dismissed out of hand,as it has been by some AI researchers.可能还需要几十年的时间来计划超级智能机器的到来。但这一问题不应被忽视,就像一些人工智能研究人员所做的那样。13 proof /pruf/n.证据,证明(30)【原句背诵】The final proof came when an enormous shipyard was discovered in Nanjing,where the fleet had been built.

28、【联想拓展】proof of sth/that.证据;证明positive/conclusive proof 确切的确凿的证据【经典例句】Can you provide any proof of identity?你能提供什么身份证明吗?These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability.这些成果进一步证明了他的杰出才干。You have to have proof of residence in the state of Texas,such as a Texas ID card.你必须有在德克萨斯州的居住证明,例如一张得

29、克萨斯州的身份证。There is no proof that the knife belonged to her.没有证据证明那把刀子是属于她的。【熟词生义】proof(against)adj.能抵御;能防范;可防护(用于合成词)防的;抗的water proof 防水的;不透水的explosion proof 防爆moisture proof 防潮corrosion proof 防腐的;防腐蚀的;耐蚀性的fire proof 防火;耐火的dust proof 防尘的;防尘rainproof/windproof clothing 防雨防风服装The car has childproof loc

30、ks on the rear doors.汽车后门装有防止儿童开启的锁。14 acknowledge/knld/vt.承认(权威、地位);承认(属实);(公开)感谢(30)15 influential/nfluenl/adj.有很大影响力的,有支配力的(30)【原句背诵】Zheng Hes accomplishments are now widely acknowledged,and he is remembered as one of Chinas most influential explorers.【联想拓展】acknowledge sb/sth(as sth)承认(权威、地位)ackn

31、owledgement n.承认;感谢;(作者的)致谢acknowledgeable adj.能被接受的;能被承认的unacknowledged adj.不被承认的;未确认的influential(in sth/in doing sth)有很大影响的;有支配力的a highly influential book 十分有影响力的书influence n.影响,作用;势力,影响力;有影响的人(或事物)v.影响,对起作用【经典例句】She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.她拒不承认改革的必要性。Kahn is also acknowledged

32、as an excellent goalkeeper.卡恩还被认可为一名优秀的守门员。Cristiano Ronaldo is widely acknowledged as/to be the best football player in the world.普遍认为C-罗是世界最佳足球球员。Naylor acknowledged,in a letter to the judge,that he was a drug addict.在一封写给法官的信中,内勒承认他是一个吸毒者。She is one of the most influential figures in local politi

33、cs.她是本地政坛举足轻重的人物。He had been influential in shaping economic policy before his retirement.退休前,他在制定经济政策方面曾起过很大作用。The committee was influential in formulating government policy on employment.委员会左右着政府就业政策的制定。【链接高考】(2019全国卷III)If you talk about fashion today,you are talking about China-its influences,it

34、s direction,its breathtaking clothes,and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways.如果你谈论今天的时尚,你就是在谈论中国它的影响、它的方向、它令人惊叹的服装,以及年轻的设计师和模特如何最终在许多方面承认这一点。(2012北京卷)We acknowledge that this change may be difficult for some school staff,particularly whose own children are educ

35、ated in other authorities.我们承认,这一变化对一些学校员工来说可能是困难的,尤其是那些自己的孩子在其他部门接受教育的员工。(2012北京卷)He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services,such as water conservation.他承认荒地确实提供了有用的服务,比如水资源保护。(2020山东卷)The tests show that the social environment is extremely influential when were making decisions.测

36、试表明,社会环境对我们做决定的影响非常大。16 insist/nsst/vi.&vt.坚决要求,坚持;坚持说(31)17 route/rut/n.路线,路途;途径,渠道(31)【原句背诵】Columbus insisted on searching for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean.【联想拓展】insist on/upon(sth/doing sth)坚持,坚决要求;督促,强调insist that坚决要求;坚持说But if you insist 如果你坚持话insis

37、tence n.坚持,强调;坚决主张insistent adj.坚持的;迫切的;显著的;引人注目的;紧急的a coastal route 沿海的路线an escape route 逃脱的路径the route to success 成功之路wireless routers 无线路由器【经典例句】Its not that difficult,she insists.“事情并没有像想的那么难,”她坚持说。Jessica insisted on being present at all the interviews.杰西卡坚决要求出席所有的采访。She insisted on his/him wea

38、ring a suit for the conference.她坚持要他穿西装出席会议。Motorists are advised to find an alternative route.建议驾驶者换一条路线。Researchers are trying to get at the same information through an indirect route.研究者们正试图通过一条间接途径获取同样的信息。【误区】注意在insist that结构中,当insist意思是“坚决要求”时,that从句中谓语动词用should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。当insist意思是“坚持说

39、,坚持某种观点”时,that从句中谓语动词根据需要使用相应的时态。在具体使用时一定要学会判断!My family insisted that I(should)not give in,but stay and fight.我家人坚持认为我不应该屈服,而应该留下来斗争。He insists that she(should)come.他执意要她来。The president insisted that he was acting out of compassion,not political opportunism.总统坚持说他这么做是出于同情而不是政治投机。Many protesters ins

40、ist they are pacifists,opposed to war in all forms.许多抗议者坚持说他们是和平主义者,反对一切形式的战争。The authorities insist that the discussions must not be linked to any other issue.官方坚持这些讨论绝不能和任何别的问题联系起来。【链接高考】(2015江苏卷)If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common goo

41、d,they would cease to be free.如果人们坚持要摆脱自力更生和为共同利益承担责任,他们将不再享有自由。(2013陕西卷)More things in Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on finding the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experience.对于那些坚持以自己的经历为基础寻找存在的最深意义的人来说,More things in Heaven这本书里有更多的东西会吸引他们。(2021浙江卷)Many primary sc

42、hools support walking school-bus routes(路线),with days of regular,parent-accompanied walks.许多小学都支持校车步行路线,每天都有家长陪同步行。(2018全国卷I)Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route(路线)make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing.舒适的自行车和平坦的旅游路线使骑自行车之间的地点有趣和放松。18 financial /fannl/adj.财政的,金融的,财务的(31)【原句背诵】After c

43、ontinuous attempts,he received financial support from the King and Queen of Spain.【联想拓展】financial services 金融服务to give financial advice 提供财务咨询to be in financial difficulties 处于财务困难之中financial crisis 金融危机;财政危机financial management 财务管理;金融管理financial system 金融体系;财务系统financial market 金融市场financially adv

44、.财政上;金融上finance n.财政,财政学;金融;vt.负担经费,供给经费;vi.筹措资金【经典例句】Tokyo and New York are major financial centres.东京和纽约是主要的金融中心。The company is in financial difficulties.这个公司处于财务困难之中。The CEO has named a new chief financial officer(CFO).执行总裁已经提名了一位新的财务总监。Local businesses have provided financial support.当地企业提供了财政资助

45、。【链接高考】(2021浙江卷)That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly.这部电影让他进入了职业生涯的后半段,他的喜剧表现就足以让一部电影获得经济上的成功,即使电影评论家不会给它很高的评价。(2017全国卷III)However,these plans were abandoned be

46、cause of financial problems.然而,由于财政问题,这些计划被放弃了。19 depart/dpt/vi.&vt.离开,启程(31)【原句背诵】On 3 August 1492,he departed from Spain with three ships carrying about 90 crewmen.【联想拓展】depart from 离开;开出;从出发depart for 开往;去往;动身去depart from sth 违反,背离(常规)departure n.离开,启程;出发;背离【经典例句】In the morning Mr.McDonald depart

47、ed for Sydney.麦克唐纳先生早上起程去了悉尼。The train departed Amritsar at 6.15 p.m.火车在下午6点15分离开了阿姆利则。Flight 45 will depart from Harbin at 11:45 a.m.and arrive in Hongkong at 2:30 p.m.45号航班将于上午11:45从哈尔滨起飞,并于下午2:30到达香港。【熟词生义】depart v.违反;背离(常规);离职The manager departed his job on December 16.经理于12月16日离职。Departing from

48、 her usual routine,she took the bus to work.她一反常态乘公共汽车上班了。Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense?为什么我们这个国家偏离了良好的教育观念?20 shortage/td/n.不足,短缺(31)21 leak/lik/vi.漏,渗漏;渗入 vt.漏,渗漏;泄露 n.漏洞(31)【原句背诵】The journey was full of challenges:it took longer than expected,they fac

49、ed a shortage of food,and one of the ships was leaking badly,which put everyone on this ship in grave danger.【联想拓展】food/housing/water shortages 食物住房用水短缺a shortage of 缺少a shortage of water resources 水资源短缺a shortage of funds 资金不足leak sth(to sb)泄露,透露(秘密信息);走漏【经典例句】A shortage of funds is preventing the

50、UN from monitoring relief.资金短缺使得联合国无法监督救济工作。Vietnam is suffering from food shortage.越南正遭受食品短缺之苦。There is no shortage of(=there are plenty of)things to do in the town.城里不愁找不到活儿干。The contents of the report were leaked to the press.报告的内容泄露到新闻界了。【链接高考】(2019浙江卷)The loss of big trees was greatest in areas


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