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1、人教版新课标人教版新课标 英语选修英语选修8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventionsUsinglanguage一、单词识记一、单词识记 1._ n.版本版本;译本译本2._ adj.现在的现在的;流通的流通的3._ n.堵塞堵塞;阻塞阻塞;果酱果酱4._ n.金属丝金属丝;电线电线5._ n.冰箱冰箱refrigerator versioncurrentjamwire6._ vt.联想联想 n.同伴同伴7._ vt.捉住捉住;抓住抓住;夺夺8._ v.显示显示的差别的差别9._ vt.忍受忍受;忍耐忍耐;负担负担10._ adj.熟的熟的;成熟的成熟的ripe asso

2、ciate seizedistinguishbear11._ adj.清白的清白的;天真的天真的12._ adv.高兴地高兴地;愉快地愉快地13._ adv.突然地突然地;唐突地唐突地14._ n.文件文件 vt.提交提交15._ v.轻打轻打 n.(水水)龙头龙头tap innocentmerrilyabruptlyfileThe Development of Phones Telephones have become part of our life.But do you know who invented the telephone?A British inventorcalled Al

3、exander Graham Bell.Bell is known for much of his work for deaf education.He became a professor of vocal physiology at Boston University.para.1para.2 para.3para.4para.5para.6para.7A.Bell is a continuing searcherB.Bells life information,and especially interestC.How was the telephone invented?D.Bells

4、curiosityE.The importance of his invention-telephone F.Bells new discoveries in other areas of invention G.Bells first telephone messageGeneral idea of each paragraph【useful expressions】从文中】从文中划出划出以下短语以下短语P25【para.2】1 踩出来的路,平路踩出来的路,平路2 一心投入一心投入【para.3】1 开始着手开始着手2一系列敲击出来的点一系列敲击出来的点3.用一种特定的次序用一种特定的次序4

5、.运动的电流运动的电流【para.4】知道;意识到知道;意识到【para.7】1 和和.联系在一起联系在一起 the beaten track dive into set out to do a series of dots tapped out be associated with in a particular ordera moving electrical currentbe aware of1 dive into (1)He dived into the river from the bridge to save a drowning child.(2)He dives into m

6、usic and compose many beautiful songs (3)He dived into his pockets and took out one Yuan.Jump into the water(跳水跳水)devote oneself to(投入投入,潜心研究潜心研究)put ones hand into(迅速把手伸入迅速把手伸入)【exercises】He _ his career and made a great contribution to our country.A.dived himself into B.devoted himself to C.dived

7、to D.devoted toB 【注意】潜心研究【注意】潜心研究 dive into.=devote oneself to.=be devoted to2 Every time you do you will be certain to find something【注意】【注意】名词短语或副词起连词作用名词短语或副词起连词作用 相类似的有相类似的有 (1)与与次数次数(time)有关的短语有关的短语 第一次第一次 最后一次最后一次 下次下次 (2)“一一就就.”the instant/moment/minute/second immediately,instantly,directly t

8、he first time the last time next time【exercises】1【translation】一看到这些照片,我就会想起】一看到这些照片,我就会想起我们一起的日子。我们一起的日子。I will think of the days when we were together the moment I see the photos.2.-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?-Yes,I gave it to her_I saw her.A.while B.immediately C.suddenly

9、 D.so B 2.Bell never set out to invent the telephone and what he was trying to design was a multiple telegraph.贝尔从未打算发明电话而是试图贝尔从未打算发明电话而是试图 设计一种复式电报。设计一种复式电报。set out(to do sth.)开始(做某事)开始(做某事),着手干着手干;为某个目标而努力为某个目标而努力e.g.They are setting out to do a new experiment.他们正在着手做一项新的试验。他们正在着手做一项新的试验。He set ou

10、t to break the record for the channel swim.他决心打破游过海峡的记录。他决心打破游过海峡的记录。set out to do sth.=set about doing sth.set out for=set off for=leave for意为意为“出发到出发到去去”e.g.Lets set out before dark.我们天黑前动身吧。我们天黑前动身吧。Tomorrow Ill set out for Beijing.明天我将出发去北京。明天我将出发去北京。5.The patent was given in 1876,but it was not

11、 until five days later that Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant,Watson.这项专利是这项专利是1876年发布的,但是贝尔年发布的,但是贝尔是在是在5天之后才跟他的助手华生通了第天之后才跟他的助手华生通了第一次电话。一次电话。It is/was not until that.这是强这是强调调not until引导的时间状语从句句型。引导的时间状语从句句型。e.g.It was not until he finished his homework that he went to bed.1)I

12、t wasnt until nearly a month later _ I received the managers reply.A.since B.unless C.as D.that 2)Did Jack come back early last night?Yes,it was not yet eight oclock _he arrived home.A.before B.when C.then D.that【translation】(1)一天,牛顿在实验室里一天,牛顿在实验室里潜心于研究潜心于研究。(2)他他一一开始做开始做实验实验就就忘记了周围的一切。忘记了周围的一切。(3)直

13、到直到下午下午才才意识到自己没吃午饭。意识到自己没吃午饭。(1)(4)他正他正沉迷于沉迷于思考思考,所以把自己的手表放进了锅所以把自己的手表放进了锅(pan)里。里。(5)今天人们也常常今天人们也常常把把牛顿和专注牛顿和专注(concentration)联联系在一起系在一起。dive intoset out to do,the secondBe lost in thought.associate A with B be associated withIt is/was not untilthat(1)一天,牛顿在实验室里一天,牛顿在实验室里潜心于潜心于研究。研究。(dive into)One

14、day,Newton dived into research in his lab.(2)他一他一开始做开始做实验就忘记了周围的一切。实验就忘记了周围的一切。(set out to do,the second)The second he set out to do his experiment,he forgot everything around him.(3)直到直到下午下午才才意识到自己没吃午饭。意识到自己没吃午饭。(It was not until that.)It was not until the afternoon that he realized he had not had

15、lunch.(4)他正他正沉迷于沉迷于思考思考,所以把自己的手表放进了锅所以把自己的手表放进了锅里里(pan)。(lost in thought)(Because he was)lost in thought,he put his watch into the pan.(5)今天人们也常常今天人们也常常把把牛顿和专注牛顿和专注(concentration)联系在一起联系在一起。(be associated with,associate A with B)Newton is often associated with concentration now.One day,Newton dived

16、into research in his lab.The second he set out to do his experiment,he forgot everything around him.It was not until the afternoon that he realized he had not had lunch.Lost in thought,he put his watch into the pan.Newton is often associated with concentration now.一天,牛顿在实验室里一天,牛顿在实验室里潜心于研究潜心于研究。他。他一一开始做开始做实验实验就就忘记了周围的一切。忘记了周围的一切。直到直到下午下午才才意识到自己没吃午意识到自己没吃午饭。他正饭。他正沉迷于沉迷于思考思考,所以把自己的手表放进了锅所以把自己的手表放进了锅(pan)里。今天人们也常常里。今天人们也常常把把牛顿和专注牛顿和专注(concentration)联系联系在一起在一起。


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