2022年人教版中考英语语法There be句型-远亲不如近邻 (ppt课件).pptx

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2022年人教版中考英语语法There be句型-远亲不如近邻 (ppt课件).pptx_第5页
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1、There be 句型大揭秘本课件整体介绍一、引入1方式:根据字母提示填单词,记单词。共5个。填对3-4个老师点赞学霸豆豆,全部填对点赞2 个学霸豆豆。目的:用填空的方式复习课本单词,让记单词动起来,有趣起来,同时不想脱离课本。2找人脸 Can you tell me how many faces are there in the picture?(引导学生说出 There _ in the picture.目的:增加趣味性,同时引出本节课主题there be句型本课件整体介绍二、内容讲解(重点标红加粗共5个部分,蓝色是该主题下需要重点讲授内容)概念构成 (分两种情况there is/ther

2、e are 分别列出)就近原则 (经过变换句子语序的方式提问,让学生自己说出答案,最后老师概括总结“就近原则”)there be Vs have/has(意义不同;结构不同)there be句式变化(肯定变否定、变一般疑问句,变特殊疑问句)there be在不同时态下的结构(一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时)特殊情况(there+情态动词+be.there be+sb/sth doing sth+地点)there be 句型的反义疑问句 综合练习(主观题给图片和场景学生用句型来描述)+客观题(选择题)七下单词消消乐七下单词消消乐Can you tell me how many faces a

3、re there in the picture?There be 句型 远亲不如近邻目录 1.概念&构成 2.就近原则 3.There be Vs have/has 4.There be句式变化 5.There be句型在不同时态下的结构 6.特殊情况 7.There be 句型的反义疑问句 8.综合练习 概念&构成概念&结构 There is a beauty in front of you.There is much homework to do。There are many bamboos in the zoo.开学来的太快就像龙卷风概念:there be 句型又叫“存在句”,翻译为“某

4、地有某人、某物”结构:There is+介词+地点There is +介词+地点There are+介词+地点 初一常考地点介词1.There is a panada _ tree.2.There are two panadas _ bed.3.There is a hat _ his head.初一常考地点介词There is a little dog _ chair.There are two panadas _ window.初一常考地点介词在我家 _在我 _在车 _在 _在车 _在 _初一常考地点介词 在我家附近 near my house 紧挨着我 next to me 在车外的前面

5、 in front of the car在左边 on the left 在车里的前面 in the front of the car在右边 on the right 小牛试刀用用be的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1.There _a map on the wall.2.There _many things on her desk.3.There _twenty yuan in my purse.小牛试刀答案用用be的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1.There is a map on the wall.2.There are many things on her desk.3.There i

6、s twenty yuan in my purse.1.There _(be)many things over there.2.There _(be)a little girl in the room.3._ there any water on the moon?4.There _(be not)a bike behind the tree.5.There _(be)a dictionary and two books on the desk.6.There _(be)some juice in the glass.小牛试刀1.There are (be)many things over t

7、here.2.There is (be)a little girl in the room.3.Is there any water on the moon?4.There isnt (be not)a bike behind the tree.5.There is (be)a dictionary and two books on the desk.6.There is (be)some juice in the glass.小牛试刀答案 就近原则 就近原则There is and two cute panadas next to the window.There _ two cute pa

8、nadas and next to the window.就近原则There is and two cute panadas next to the window.There are two cute panadas and next to the window.就近原则:there be 句型中有多个主语时,be动词的选用由离there be最近的主语决定。小牛试刀1.There _ a big dog and a small cat near the table.2.There _ a pen,two pencils and an eraser in the pencil-box.3.Th

9、ere _ some books and a pen on the desk.小牛试刀答案1.There is a big dog and a small cat near the table.2.There is a pen,two pencils and an eraser in the pencil-box.3.There are some books and a pen on the desk.There be Vs have/has There be Vs have/has的区别【共同点】两者都表示“有”的含义。I have a brother.我有个弟弟。The table has

10、 four legs.那张桌子有四条腿。There is a clever student in front of me.在我前面有个聪明的学生。1.意义不同:there be 表示“某处有某物”,强调某地存在某物,是一种存在关系。have/has 表示“某人或某物拥有某物”,强调一种所属关系。2.结构不同there be句型结构是:There be+sb./sth.+介词+地点have/has句型结构是:Sb./Sth.+have/has+sb./sth.There be Vs have/has的区别 小牛试刀 这儿有一辆新自行车,但是我没有钱买它。_ a new bike,but _ no

11、 enough money to buy it.在我的床下面有两颗篮球,但是我哥哥一颗都没有。_ two basketball under my bed,but my brother _one.小牛试刀答案 这儿有一辆新自行车,但是我没有钱买它。There is a new bike,but I have no enough money to buy it.在我的床下面有两颗篮球,但是我哥哥一颗都没有。There are two basketball under my bed,but my brother doesnt have one.there be句式变化1.变否定句There is a

12、 panada on the chair._?There is some water in the bottle._?There are two pens and a book on the desk._?1.变否定句There is a panada on the chair.There isnt a panada on the chair.There is water in the bottle.There isnt water in the bottle.There are two pens a book on the desk.There arent two pens a book o

13、n the desk.在there be句型中,be后+not或no,可变成否定句。注意someany;andorThere is a panada behind the tree._?There is some water in the bottle._?There are two pens and a book on the desk._?2.变一般疑问句There is a panada behind the tree.Is there a panada behind the tree?There is water in the bottle.Is there water in the

14、bottle?There are two pens a book on the desk.Are there two pens a book on the desk?在there be句型中,be动词提前放句首并大写,可变成一般疑问句。注意someany;andor2.变一般疑问句小牛试刀将下列句子变成否定句和一般疑问句,并作回答。1.My uncle has a black baseball.否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 回答:_小牛试刀将下列句子变成否定句和一般疑问句,并作回答。2.There is seven books and three pens in my schoolbag.否定句

15、:_ 一般疑问句:_ 回答:_小牛试刀答案1.My uncle has a black baseball.否定句:My uncle doesnt have a black baseball.一般疑问句:Does your uncle have a black baseball?回答:Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.2.There are seven books and three pens in my schoolbag.否定句:There arent seven books and three pens in my schoolbag.一般疑问句:Are there sev

16、en books and three pens in your schoolbag?回答:Yes,there are.No,there arent.(1)There are five bikes in the room._?(2)There is a boy in the house._?(3)There is some rice in the bowl._?3.变特殊疑问句(对主语部分提问)(1)There are five bikes in the room.Whats(there)in the room?(2)There is a boy in the house.Whos(there)

17、in the house?(3)There is some rice in the bowl.Whats(there)in the bowl?【注意】be动词一律用单数 is 对There be句型中的主语进行提问时 指物用“Whats(there)?”指人用“Whos(there)?3.变特殊疑问句(对主语部分提问)小牛试刀对划线部分提问1.There is a clever student in front of me.问句:_2.There are seven books and three pens in my schoolbag.问句:_ 小牛试刀答案对划线部分提问1.There i

18、s a clever student in front of me.问句:Who is(there)in front of you?2.There are seven books and three pens in my schoolbag.问句:What is(there)in your schoolbag?(1)There are five bikes in the room._?(2)There is a boy in the house._?3.变特殊疑问句(对修饰主语的部分提问)(1)There are five bikes in the room.How many bikes ar

19、e there in the room?(2)There is a boy in the house.How many boys are there in the house?对There be句型中修饰主语的量进行提问时:主语是主语是可数名词可数名词,无论单复数无论单复数,均用均用“How many+复数名词复数名词+are there+介词介词+地点?地点?”3.变特殊疑问句(对修饰主语的部分提问)(1)There is some rice in the bowl._?(2)There is a little bread in the fridge._?3.变特殊疑问句3.变特殊疑问句(对

20、修饰主语的部分提问)(1)There is some rice in the bowl.How much rice is there in the bowl?(2)There is a little bread in the fridge.How much bread is there in the fridge?对There be句型中修饰主语的量进行提问时:主语是主语是不可数名词不可数名词,则用则用“How much+不可数名词不可数名词+is there+介词介词+地点?地点?3.变特殊疑问句3.变特殊疑问句(对修饰主语的部分提问)小牛试刀对划线部分提问1.There is homewo

21、rk to do.问句:_2.There are books in my schoolbag.问句:_3.There ispen in Toms pencil box.问句:_小牛试刀答案对划线部分提问 1.There is homework to do.问句:How much homework is there to do?2.There are books in my schoolbag.问句:How many books are there in your schoolbag?3.There ispen in Toms pencil box.问句:How many pens are th

22、ere in Toms pencil box?(1)There is a car under the tree._?(2)There are three apples on the plate._?3.变特殊疑问句3.变特殊疑问句(对地点状语提问)(1)There is a car under the tree.Where is the car?(2)There are three apples on the plate.Where are the three apples?对对there be后面的后面的地点状语地点状语进行提问进行提问“Where is/are+主语主语?”3.变特殊疑问句

23、(对地点状语提问)小牛试刀对划线部分提问1.There are seven books 问句:_2.There is a man 问句:_小牛试刀答案对划线部分提问1.There are seven books 问句:2.There is a man 问句:1.There are some cars and buses on the street.(改为一般疑问句)_ there _ cars or buses on the stress?2.Is there a pay phone across from the library?(做否定回答)No,_ _.3.There is a piec

24、e of paper on the table.(改为一般疑问句)_ there _ piece of paper on the table?小试牛刀4.There are two pay phones in the neighborhood.(改为否定句)There _ two pay phones in the neighborhood.5.There are 15 children in our class.(对划线部分提问)_ _ children _ _ in your class?小试牛刀1.There are some cars and buses on the street.(

25、改为一般疑问句)Are there any cars or buses on the stress?2.Is there a pay phone across from the library?(做否定回答)No,there isnt .3.There is a piece of paper on the table.(改为一般疑问句)Is there a piece of paper on the table?4.There are two pay phones in the neighborhood.(改为否定句)There arent two pay phones in the neig

26、hborhood.5.There are 15 children in our class.(对划线部分提问)How many children are there in your class?小试牛刀答案总结一、对There be句型中的主语进行提问:(1)主语指时,提问用:whos(2)主语指事物时,提问用:whats【注意】be动词一律用单数is二、对There be句型中修饰主语的数量进行提问(1)可数名词用:how many+名词复数+are there?(2)不可数名词用:how much+不可数名词+is there?三、对There be句型中的地点进行提问用:where记忆口

27、诀There be句型有特点,主语跟在be后边。单数主语用is,复数用are记心间,多个主语并列时,be随身边主语变。变否定,很简单,be后要把not添。变问句也不难,把be提到there前。肯定句中用 some,否定疑问any 换。there be句型不同时态下的结构There be 在一般现在时中的结构There _ four seasons and twelve months in a year.There _ a little bread in the fridge.There be 在一般现在时中的结构为:There _+sb./sth+介词+地点There be 在一般过去时中的结

28、构There _ a party for my sister in our family yesterday.There _ 40 students in the class last term.There be 在一般过去时中的结构为:There _+sb./sth+介词+地点There be 在一般将来时中的结构There _ an interesting film tomorrow evening.There _ a meeting the day after tomorrow.There be 在一般将来时中的结构为:There is/are going to be+sb./sth+介

29、词+地点There will be+sb./sth+介词+地点小牛试刀1.Every Saturday evening there_ a party.A.isB.wasC.wereC.will be2.There _ a football game in our school this Sunday.A.hasB.will haveC.will beD.have3.There _ three English classes last Friday.A.isB.wasC.wereC.will be小牛试刀答案1.Every Saturday evening there_ a party.B.wa

30、sC.wereC.will be2.There _ a football game in our school this Sunday.A.hasB.will haveD.have3.There _ three English classes last Friday.A.isB.wasC.will be 特殊情况 1.含有情态动词的there be句型 我的表可能有毛病。There _ something wrong with my watch.一定是搞错了。There _ some mistakes.井里不可能有水。There _ water in the well.1.含有情态动词的the

31、re be句型 我的表可能有毛病。There may be something wrong with my watch.一定是搞错了。There must be some mistakes.井里不可能有水。There cant be water in the well.含有情态动词的there be句型 结构:There+情态动词(can,must,should,may)+be.+介词+地点 There may be.+介词+地点.(可能有)There must be .+介词+地点.(肯定有)There cant be .+介词+地点.(一定没有)小牛试刀1.There _ someone

32、outside,but I am not sure.A.isB.may beC.may haveD.must be2.I saw the box moving,so there _ something in it.A.isB.may beC.must haveD.must be小牛试刀答案1.There _ someone outside,but I am not sure.A.isB.may beC.may haveD.must be2.I saw the box moving,so there _ something in it.A.isB.may beC.must haveD.must

33、be2.there be+现在分词结构There is a panada _ the tree.有只熊猫在爬树。There were two panadas _ on the grass.那时有两只熊猫在草地上玩耍。There is a piano _ against the wall.钢琴靠墙立着。2.there be+现在分词结构There is a panada climbing the tree.有只熊猫在爬树。There were two panadas playing on the grass.那时有两只熊猫在草地上玩耍。There is a piano standing agai

34、nst the wall.钢琴靠墙立着。There+be+主语主语+V-ing.,表示,表示动作正在进行动作正在进行,也可,也可表示一种状态表示一种状态。小牛试刀完成句子:完成句子:将会有更多的机器人在工厂工作。将会有更多的机器人在工厂工作。There _ more robots _ in the factoty.书上有些鸟儿在唱歌。书上有些鸟儿在唱歌。There _ some birds _ in the tree.有个小女孩躺在草地上。有个小女孩躺在草地上。There _ a girl _ on the grass.小牛试刀答案完成句子:完成句子:将会有更多的机器人在工厂工作。将会有更多的

35、机器人在工厂工作。There will be more robots working in the factoty.书上有些鸟儿在唱歌。书上有些鸟儿在唱歌。There are some birds singing in the tree.有个小女孩躺在草地上。有个小女孩躺在草地上。There is a girl lying on the grass.there be 句型的反义疑问句反义疑问句复习Miss Du is a beautiful teacher,?结构:陈述部分 ,简短疑问部分?八字原则:前肯后否,前否后肯 there be 句型的反义疑问句1.There is a cup on

36、the table,_?No,there isnt.2.There will be a new hospital nearby,_?Yes,_.there be 句型的反义疑问句1.There is a cup on the table,isnt there?No,there isnt.2.There will be a new hospital nearby,wont there?Yes,there will.小牛试刀1.There was an English party,?2.There is nothing wrong with your watch,?3.There will not

37、 be any trouble,?小牛试刀答案1.There was an English party,wasnt there?2.There is wrong with your watch,is there?3.There will not be any trouble,will there?综合练习用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.There was a farmer _(work)and some cows _(eat)grass on the farm.2.There _(be)a sheep and some goats on the hill yesterday.3.There

38、must _(be)someone in the corner because there was something _(move)quickly.4.There _(be)writers and singers in our school last week.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。5._ there _(be)an interesting concert in town tomorrow?6.There _(be)a lot of changes in my hometown in the future.7.Two years ago,there _(be)some hard-wo

39、rking people in the forest.8.There _(be)some boys _(play)with each other.单项选择1.There _ a lot of meat on the plate.Would you like some?Just a little,please.A.isB.areC.amD.be2.There _ much rain in this area in August every year.A.isB.wasC.areD.were3.There _ serious air pollution if people use more and

40、 more cars.A.hasB.will beC.have D.will have4.There is some milk in the bottle,_?A.isnt itB.arent thereC.isnt there D.are there 5._ is there on the table?A.How many applesB.How much breads C.How many foodD.How much bread 6.There _ some paper and a pen on the desk.A.areB.haveC.hasD.is 7.There _ in the

41、 next room.A.is TomB.are some boys C.are theyD.is the boy单项选择8.There is _ orange tree behind _ house.A.an;theB.the;aC.an;aD.the;the9.There _ a football match in our school this afternoon.A.is going to haveB.are going to have C.is going to beD.are going to be10.Theres going to _ in tomorrows newspape

42、rs.A.have something newB.have new something C.be something newD.be new something8单项选择11.There _ a book and three pencils on the desk.A.beB.is C.areD.am12._ there a new bike in front of our classroom?A.IsB.AreC.DoD.Does13.There _ any books on your desk.A.arentB.isnt C.dont D.doesnt14._ _ apples are t

43、here on the table?There are four.A.How much B.How many C.How large D.How big单项选择15._ _ milk is there in the bottle?There is little.A.How many B.How old C.How far D.How much16._ your father _ a new car?A.Is;there B.Are;there C.Does;have D.Do;has17._ less milk in this bottle than in that one.A.There h

44、ave B.There has C.There is D.There are 单项选择18.Again,my computer doesnt work._ must be something wrong with the CPU.A.ThereB.ThatC.ItD.This19.There _ a talk show on CCTV-3 at eight this evening.A.is going to beB.is going to have C.will haveD.are going to be20.There _ no milk in the fridge.Could you g

45、ot some for me,Dick?All right,Mum.A.isB.areC.wasD.were单项选择21.There isnt _ food in the fridge.A.someB.anC.aD.any22.How many _ are there on the table?Eighteen.A.milkB.milks C.bottle of milk D.bottles of milk23There are_ in a year and December is _ of the year.A.twelve month;the twelfth month B.the twe

46、lfth month;twelve monthC.twelve months;twelfth month D.twelve months;the twelfth month单项选择1.What do you _?2._ a reading-room in the building?3._ flowers in the garden?4.My parents _ some nice pictures.5._ many children on the hill.用“have/has;there be;Be there”填空用本节课所学句型描述下图。家庭作业相信你一定很热爱自己的家乡,请同学们用th

47、ere be 结构介绍自己家的样子。要求:1.写出家乡5年前的样子。(环境,设施,建筑物等)2.写出现在家乡的样子。3.发挥想象,想象5年后家乡的样子。词数:80词左右。书面表达书面表达_范文Its happy for me to introduce my hometown to you,because my dear hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.In the past,we llived ia small town with trees all around.There were no tall buildings and the

48、 street was narrow.Just outside the town,there was a river.You can see different kinds of fishes swimming in the clear water.People here lived a simple live.范文Great changes have taken place so far.There are a lot of tall buildings,beautiful department stores and factories everywhere.Different kinds

49、of cars and busess running in the big streets.But with the development of the industry,we have fewerr trees.Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious.We must do something to stop itI believe that our town will become more and more beautiful in the future.诊断反馈总结 1.概念&构成 2.就近原则 3.There be Vs have/has 4.There be句式变化 5.There be句型在不同时态下的结构 6.特殊情况 7.There be 句型的反义疑问句 8.综合练习


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