2024届高三英语二轮复习 续写训练 课件.pptx

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1、 Dad and Madison were walking through the party store,gathering decorations for Madisons upcoming birthday party.“But I dont want to invite Lucy Gilbert!I dont like her!”“Madison,you are being unreasonable.If every girl in your class is invited to party but you,youll feel left out.It would be a big

2、mistake not to invite Lucy to the party.”“She never even talks to me!”Dad sighed and moved down the aisle.“Lucy is a new girl in class.She just moved here a little over a month ago.Think about how that must feel.She doesnt know one single person in the school.She left all of her to get to know every

3、one.”“No,it wont.She will probably sit in the corner and not talk to anyone.Every day at lunch she sits all by herself.She wants to eat alone!”Madison shrugged and rolled her eyes.“Madison,Im done discussing this.You will invite every girl in your class,including Lucy Gilbert!”On Saturday morning,th

4、e family blew up balloons and decorated the house cheerfully.Madison was dressed beautifully for the day,wearing her new blue dress.It was not typical of her to dress herself like this.She usually wore sports clothes because she loved to be outside riding her horse Star with a lead rope(缰绳).Madison

5、greeted her friends at the doorstep,picturing various presents her friends would bring her.In the meanwhile,she was wondering whether Lucy would ruin the party if she came.Anyhow,all the girls she invited came finally,including Lucy.The girls had a fantastic time by singing and dancing while Lucy sa

6、t in the corner silently alone.Later,all the girls gathered around the table as Madison opened her presents.Opening them one by one,Madison thanked her friends,with a bright smile on her face.1.Lucys present was the very last to be opened.2.Deeply moved by what she said,Madison held the lead rope ti

7、ghtly in her hands.【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了麦迪逊在过生日时,邀请全体同学包括不喜欢的露西庆祝生日。露西别出心裁的生日礼物深深的感动了麦迪逊,让作者看到了露西内心深处的善良并自此与露西成为好朋友。1.Lucys present was the very last to be opened.最后打开的是露西的礼物要点1.揭晓礼物是什么(the lead rope)2.Madison看到礼物后的反应 3.Lucy说话2.Deeply moved by what she said,Madison held the lead rope tightly in her han

8、ds.被她的话深深地打动了,麦迪逊紧紧抓住线绳。要点1.麦迪逊听到露西的话之后,心理状态发生的变化,意识到自己错了。2.重新认识露西并与她成为了好朋友。3.升华续写线索:打开礼物听到露西的话感动心理变化成为好友第一段:Lucys present was the very last to be opened.最后打开的是露西的礼物。要点1.揭晓礼物是什么(the lead rope)2.Madison看到礼物后的反应 3.Lucy说话1.大家都很期待地等着。Madison很不情愿地拆开礼物。2.原来Lucy送的是一条精致的lead rope。3.看着礼物,Madison既高兴又内疚,静静地站着。

9、4.看着Madison的反应,Lucy说:“我知道你喜欢骑马,所以我想这礼物应该会适合你的,希望你会喜欢。”2.Deeply moved by what she said,Madison held the lead rope tightly in her hands.被她的话深深地打动了,Madison紧紧抓住线绳。2.Deeply moved by what she said,Madison held the lead rope tightly in her hands.被她的话深深地打动了,Madison紧紧抓住线绳。要点1.麦迪逊听到露西的话之后,心理状态发生的变化,意识到自己错了。2.

10、重新认识露西并与她成为了好朋友。3.升华1.Madison羞愧。因为她之前对Lucy这么的不友好。2.她知道自己错了,既内疚又感激。所以她走向Lucy,并且说:对不起,我很喜欢你送的礼物,谢谢你这么的细心。希望我们能做好朋友。3.Lucy听到后,好高兴地点头。4.Madison也高兴,然后他们 就一起去唱歌跳舞,享受舞会。5.升华Lucys present was the very last to be opened.Worrying that it would ruin the party,Madison grabbed the present reluctantly and ripped

11、open the gift-wrap paper.Inside was a delicately hand-made lead rope!Shocked,she widened her eyes,covering her hands over her mouth.“Its a lead rope for your horse Star.I made it by myself!”Madison pulled it out of the box and placed it on her lap,amazed at its beauty.Lucy added,“I heard you talking

12、 about your horse at school.Thats when I got the idea to make you a lead rope.”Deeply moved by what she said,Madison held the lead rope tightly in her hands.It was,by far,her very favorite birthday present of the day.She suddenly felt so bad because she had been so mean to Lucy.With tears swirling i

13、n her eyes,she blinked hard to fight them back,feeling a mixture of regret and gratitude.“Thanks so much for this lead rope.I love it!Would you like to join us and be our friends?”Lucy nodded cheerfully.Madison put her arm around Lucys shoulders,both smiling.With applause and laughter echoing throug

14、h the house,Lucy joined the other girls to enjoy the party.One very hot morning,Mrs.Carr was occupied in doing housework in the kitchen,with her two kids Tom Carr and his sister Dot playing in the yard.Tom was nine years old,but Dot was only three,and Tom took very great care of his little sister.Su

15、ddenly a man rushed hurriedly into the yard.It was Mr.May,who lived at the next station,which is a big farm in Australia.“Fire!”he cried,“Fire!One of the worst fires I ever saw in my life.Come along,Carr,and bring all your hands,”Mr.Carr called his men out,and away they all rode.“Stay behind,sweetie

16、s!”warned Mrs.Carr from the window of the kitchen,continuing with her work.“Look there,Dot,”said Tom,“the brown calf has got out of the yard!”In the hurry of the men riding off to fight the fire,the gate had not been closed again and the brown calf was running away.Tom ran at once to bring the calf

17、back.and Dot ran after him,About half a mile from the farm yard the open land came to an end,and the bush began.The calf ran among the trees,and the children followed.The trees were not thick at first,and it was very easy to follow the brown calf through the bushes.But soon the calf ran into a deep

18、valley,where Tom couldnt follow it.“Oh,what a pity.Dot,”he said.“The calf is lost now;it will get away into the bush.But give me your hand.We must go home!”Tom began to feel very afraid.If the fire came through the bush and caught them,he and his little sister could be burned to death.He tried to ge

19、t on faster,but he could not find the way out of the bush.Tom took his little sister on his back,and carried her for a long way,tired and thirsty.At last he came up to a cave at the edge of the bush.Meanwhile,Mr.Carr got the news from his wife that the children were lost.1.At last he came up to a ca

20、ve at the edge of the bush.最后他来到灌木丛边的一个山洞。要点1.Tom带妹妹到山洞里,并照顾妹妹 2.兄妹俩互相鼓励。2.Meanwhile,Mr.Carr got the news from his wife that the children were lost.与此同时,卡尔先生从妻子那里得知孩子们失踪的消息。要点1.卡尔夫妇寻找走失的孩子,2.找到,一家团聚。3.升华1.At last he came up to a cave at the edge of the bush.最后他来到灌木丛边的一个山洞。要点1.Tom带妹妹到山洞里,并照顾妹妹.2.兄妹俩互

21、相鼓励。最后他来到灌木丛边的一个山洞。1.看起来他们可以在那里休息一下。2.但是汤姆犹豫了,因为他害怕里面有危险的东西。3.环顾四周,他看到了黑烟和火,这迫使他把妹妹抱了进去。4.他妹妹吓得哭了起来。汤姆把妹妹安置在一块石头上,轻轻地拍了拍她的背,给她穿上武器。5.她渐渐平静下来,好奇地打量着周围的环境。后来她甚至开始唱歌来鼓励她的哥哥。2.Meanwhile,Mr.Carr got the news from his wife that the children were lost.与此同时,卡尔先生从妻子那里得知孩子们失踪的消息。要点1.卡尔夫妇寻找走失的孩子,2.找到,一家团聚。3.升华

22、与此同时,卡尔先生从妻子那里得知孩子们失踪的消息。1.这对夫妇非常担心,他们立即出发去寻找孩子们。2.他们一边喊着,一边祈祷着,顺着脚印在灌木丛中扫出了一条路。3.突然,他们听到了熟悉的甜美的声音。这是Dot!4.他们喜极而泣,奔向自己的孩子。5.汤姆把他的故事讲了一遍,得到了一再的表扬。6.勇敢的男孩坐在卡尔先生的肩膀上,小女孩躺在妈妈的怀里,四个人高高兴兴地回家了。At last he came up to a cave at the edge of the bush.It seemed that they could have a rest there.But Tom hesitated

23、 because he was afraid of something dangerous in it.Looking around,he saw black smoke and fire,which drove him to carry his sister in.His sister was so scared that she began to cry.Tom settled his sister on a rock and armed her,tapping her on the back gently.Gradually she calmed down,peeping at the

24、surroundings curiously.Later she even started to sing a song to encourage her brother.Meanwhile,Mr.Carr got the news from his wife that the children were lost.So worried were the couple that they immediately set off to look for the children.Yelling and praying,they followed the footprints and swept

25、a road through the bushes.Suddenly they heard the familiar sweet voice.It was Dot!Overjoyed with tears,they rushed towards their kids.Tom briefed his story,and was praised repeatedly.Over the distant horizon,the black smoke was fading away.With the brave boy on Mr.Carrs shoulders and the little girl

26、 in moms arms,the four headed to their home joyfully.本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了一个早晨Tom Carr和妹妹Dot在院子里玩耍时,有人来告知他们的父亲Carr先生“失火了”,Carr立即将所有人都叫出来帮忙救火。Tom和Dot在追赶一头小牛的过程中迷路了,火离得越来越近,Tom和Dot很害怕,他照顾妹妹,并和妹妹互相鼓励,Carr夫妇知道了孩子迷路的消息急忙寻找兄妹俩,最后终于一家团聚的故事.Alice had just been appointed in the multinational bank.After one month of

27、 severe training,today was her first day to go to work.She got up a bit earlier than usual,and decided to skip her gym workout as she did not want to risk being tired or getting late to her office on her first day.She went through her morning routine and spent a lot of time in selecting what to wear

28、.None of her dresses seemed to appeal to herthey were either a little too casual or too dull and she definitely wanted to make an impression right from the start.Finally she settled on the white embroidered(刺绣的)dress.She waved bye to her mom and set off cheerfully towards the bus stop.But she saw a

29、bus leaving the stop just as she crossed the street.Now she would have to wait for a good 15 minutes.15 minutes passed and then 30 minutes and there was no sign of the bus.“It must be stuck in heavy traffic”,a kind lady who was also waiting for the bus told her.Hearing that,Alice got anxious.She had

30、 to reach her office on time.Then she saw a taxi approaching but when she tried to stop it,the taxi driver sped by without even taking a glance at her.Alice was wondering what she could do.It was then that a car stopped near her and a man waved to her.The driver asked her where she was going and aft

31、er Alice told him that she was going to the bank at Nariman Point,the man said“Oh,my office is in the nearby building.Can I give you a lift?”Alice hesitated for a moment and got into the car.They exchanged names and began to talk for a while.Then the driver switched on the radio and was absorbed in

32、the song.Alice looked out of the window and imagined her first day at work,worrying whether she was capable of the new job,and if she could get along well with her colleagues.After about ten minutes,Alice realized they were not on the familiar route to her office.She began to worry that she might ge

33、t into the car of a bad man.Then the car turned around a corner and Alice saw the tall building where her office was unexpectedly.She began to worry that she might get into the car of a bad man.她开始担心自己可能上了坏人的车。要点:1.Alice认为自己可能遇到坏人的忐忑的心理活动 2.Alice想要自救并采取何种行动。Then the car turned around a corner and Al

34、ice saw the tall building where her office was unexpectedly.然后汽车拐了个弯,爱丽丝看到了她办公室所在的高楼。要点:1.峰回路转之后,Alice的欣喜之感2.对于怀疑司机的愧疚之感以及对司机的感激之情。续写线索:被任命选衣服交通拥堵搭顺风车怀疑担忧感谢She began to worry that she might get into the car of a bad man.她开始担心自己可能上了坏人的车。要点:1.Alice认为自己可能遇到坏人的忐忑的心理活动 2.Alice想要自救并采取何种行动。她开始担心自己会上坏人的车。1.

35、但是她平静地问司机:“我们是去我的银行吗?”2.司机说:“是的,但是我们走一条新的近路,因为通常在这个时候另一条路上交通很拥挤。”他继续唱着歌。3.这话说得有道理,爱丽丝什么也没再说。4.又过了十五分钟,这条路对她来说更加陌生了。5那个人开得很快,爱丽丝越来越着急。她的心狂跳。6.她决定下次车子停在红绿灯前时,她就跳下车。Then the car turned around a corner and Alice saw the tall building where her office was unexpectedly.然后汽车拐了个弯,爱丽丝看到了她办公室所在的高楼。要点:1.峰回路转之后


37、又过了十五分钟,这条路对她来说更加陌生了。那个人开得很快,爱丽丝越来越着急。她的心狂跳。她决定下次车子停在红绿灯前时,她就跳下车。然后车子拐了个弯,爱丽丝意外地看到了她办公室所在的那幢高楼。她松了一口气。没过几分钟,他们就到了大楼的门口。“我们到了!”司机把车停了下来说。爱丽丝下了车,她的脸变红了。她为怀疑司机而感到很抱歉。她相信世界上确实有更多善良的人。她笑着说:“非常感谢!”,然后满怀期待地赶往办公室。她知道她今天会过得很愉快。She began to worry that she might get into the car of a bad man.She got ants in he

38、r pants.But she asked the driver calmly:“Are we going to my bank.?”The driver said:“Yes,but we take a new shortcut,because there is usually heavy traffic on the other one at this hour.”And he continued his song.That made some sense and Alice didnt say anything more.Another fifteen minutes passed,and

39、 the road was even stranger for her.That man was driving speedily and Alice became more and more anxious.Her heart beat wildly.She decided that when the car next stopped at the traffic lights,she would jump out.Then the car turned around a corner and Alice saw the tall building where her office was

40、unexpectedly.She breathed a sigh of relief.Within minutes,they reached the gate of the building.Here we are!the driver pulled up and said.Alice got out of the car,her face turning red.She felt quite sorry for having doubted the driver.She believed there were indeed more kind people in the world.She

41、said,Thank you very much!,with a big smile,and hurried to her office with great expectation.She knew she would have a good day.本文以人物为线索展开。讲述了刚刚被任命到跨国银行的女孩Alice,顺利通过严苛的训练,即将走上工作岗位。在第一天上班路上遇到交通拥堵,未能及时搭上公交车,情急之下搭上一位陌生人的顺风车,在对司机的信任与怀疑中纠结,并在最后及时到达公司的事情。My teenage son,Jordan,always complained about having

42、 to be home earlier than all his friends.He would tell me that he was already seventeen,but was still not allowed to go out at night.He believed he was practically an adult.I pointed out that he was not an adult as he was still in high school.You dont trust me!he yelled.Before I continued,he slammed

43、(砰地关上)the door and walked away.I sighed.How could I make Jordan see that I only wanted to keep him safe?I decided to go for a walk,hoping the December air would clear my head.I opened the front door and nearly stepped on her:a small black cat,just like a meatball.Hi,Meatball,I said,bringing her into

44、 my arms.I walked back in,touching her neck gently.Meatball seemed happy enough to come in the house,but after an hour or two,she sat by the door,meowing(猫叫)to go back outside.Why wont she just stay in with us all the time?Nathan,my youngest son asked.I explained to him that she was happy here,but s

45、he liked being able to come and go as she pleased.That must be nice,Jordan muttered(发牢骚)from the other room,complaining why the cat,not him,could come and go.He even asked me to give Meatball a curfew.Meatball became a regular.One night,temperatures were unusually low.Meatball stood at the door,meow

46、ing to go outside.I shook my head at her,afraid that she might freeze to death.She stared at me and meowed again.I patted her head,I know youre not happy,but its good for you to stay inside.Moms not being strict with you,Nathan told the cat.Shes just trying to keep you from turning into a frozen mea

47、tball.We both laughed at his joke.The next morning,I couldnt find Meatball.I asked the kids if anyone had seen her.Jordan nodded,I let her out last night.As I drove to the animal hospital,Jordan sat in the back,holding Meatball inside his coat.Jordan nodded,I let her out last night.乔丹点点头:“我昨晚把她放出来了。

48、”要点1.我告诉Jordan不能放出去的原因,他知道后也担心起来。然后和我一起找meatball.2.我们找到了meatball,发现它受伤了。我们打算开车送去the animal hospital。As I drove to the animal hospital,Jordan sat in the back,holding Meatball inside his coat.我开车去动物医院的时候,乔丹坐在后面,把肉丸放在外套里。要点1.Jordan后悔自责2.我们赶到the animal hospital,抢救及时,meatball活下来了。3.Jordan醒悟 Jordan nodded

49、,I let her out last night.乔丹点点头:“我昨晚把她放出来了。”要点1.我告诉Jordan不能放出去的原因,他知道后也担心起来。然后和我一起找meatball.2.我们找到了meatball,发现它受伤了。我们打算开车送去the animal hospital。乔丹点点头:“我昨晚把她放出来了。”1.当我听到这话时,我气得转过身来。“她整夜都在外面?”“太冷了,她可能会死!”我说。2.乔丹哽咽着说不出话来,不知道该怎么办。3.我抓起外套冲了出去。乔丹跟在后面,眼里充满了恐惧。4.几分钟后,猫被发现了,它在发抖,蜷缩成一个小球。5.我把她抱起来,发现它受伤了。我决定把它送

50、到动物医院。As I drove to the animal hospital,Jordan sat in the back,holding Meatball inside his coat.我开车去动物医院的时候,乔丹坐在后面,把肉丸放在外套里。要点1.Jordan后悔自责2.我们赶到the animal hospital,抢救及时,meatball活下来了。3.Jordan醒悟我开车去动物医院的时候,乔丹坐在车的后面,把肉丸子抱在外套里。1.他坐立不安,不停地道歉。2.幸运的是,兽医救了肉丸。3.看到她睁开眼睛,乔丹的脸像太阳一样容光焕发。4.然后,令人惊讶的是,他转向了我。他为他所做的事

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