Unit4 Breaking boundaries Vocabulary词汇(ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Learning aims1.Read after the audio of the words to correct your pronunciation;2.Read texts to memorise the Chinese meanings as many as possible;3.Grasp the expanding language points about some key words and finish exercises.statistic n.(一项)统计数据statistical adj.统计的;统计数据的,统计学的statistically adv.统计地;统计上

2、地according to statistics 据统计statistics analysis 数据统计 assist v.协助,帮助 assistant adj.助手,助理,售货员 assitance n.帮助 with the assitance/help of assist sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事 assist sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事To preserve a friend three things are necessary:to honor him present,praise him absent,and assist him in his

3、 necessities.维持友谊三点不可缺 当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。vital adj.极其重要的极其重要的be vital to/for 对极其重要的it is vital to do sth 做某事是极其重要的of vital importance 至关重要it is vital/necessary/natural/important/strange/essential that(should)do sth .是极其重要/必要/合理的/重要的/奇怪的/重要的Its vital that we(should)carry out the operation immediatel

4、y.我们应该立刻进行手术,这是极其重要的。It is emphasised that reading is of vital importance in language learning.要强调的是,阅读在语言学习中至关重要。tragic adj.悲惨的;不幸的tragically adv.悲惨地tragedy n.悲剧 There was a news report about the tragic accident on the highway.relieve v.减轻,缓解 relief n.减轻,缓解 relieved adj.宽慰的 relieve sb.of sth.帮某人从某事

5、中解脱出来 to ones relief 令某人宽慰的是 bring relief to 减轻的痛苦 breathe a sigh of relief 松一口气1.In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme,one of whose purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.2017江苏 1963年,联合国成立了世界粮食计划署,其宗旨之一是缓解世界范围内的饥荒。2.Computers can relieve us of boring and repetitive tasks.specialist n

6、.专家;技术兵专家;技术兵 special adj.特殊的,特别的 specialize vi.专攻,专门从事specialize in.专攻These people are leading specialists in their respective fields.infectious adj.传染传染(性性)的;感染性的的;感染性的 infect v传染;使感染infection n传染,感染;传染病be infected with 被传染上;被感染outbreak n.爆发breakthrough n.突破breakdown n.故障output n.产量,输出income n.收入o

7、utcome n.结果 break out break through break downput outcome income out devote devotion be devoted to doing sth 致力于做某事 devote oneself/ones life to doing sth 献身于致力于 1.There is no doubt that the best prize in life is the opportunity to dedicate to a cause worthy of dedication.2._(devote)to scientific res

8、earch wholeheartedly,he spends little time with his family.Devotedcompensate vt.弥补;补偿;偿还弥补;补偿;偿还compensation n.补偿,赔偿;赔偿金,补偿金compensate for 弥补,补偿compensate sb for sth 因为某事补偿某人1.He received a large sum of money as a _(compensate)for his loss in the fire.2.Nothing will ever compensate for his lost chil

9、dhood.什么也不能弥补他失去的童年。什么也不能弥补他失去的童年。3.Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.车祸的受害者会得到伤害赔偿。车祸的受害者会得到伤害赔偿。compensationcollaborate vi.合作;协作;同心协力合作;协作;同心协力 =cooperatecollaboration n合作,协作 Such a complex project requires that we collaborate with several foreign companies.realistic adj.

10、现实现实(主义主义)的;实际的的;实际的;逼真的realistic fiction 现实主义小说realistic problem 现实问题The paintings on the walls are so realistic!practicalimpractical adj.不切实际的minority n.少数少数,少数派少数派 adj.少数人的,构成少数的少数人的,构成少数的minority group=ethnic minority 少数民族be in a/the minority 占少数;成为少数派majority n.大部分,大多数 adj.多数(人)的minor adj较小的;次要

11、的;轻微的major adj主要的;重要的;大的cast vt.投;选派(角色);安排投;选派(角色);安排(cast,cast)n.演员表cast sb as sth 选某人扮演某个角色cast light on sth 使了解某事;阐明某事cast doubt on sth 使怀某事疑cast a shadow/cloud over sth 给某事蒙上阴影cast out 驱逐,驱出cast off 摆脱;抛弃cast away 丢掉;浪费cast aside 抛弃,废除1.Her fathers illness cast a shadow over the birth of her ba

12、by.她父亲的病给她孩子的出生蒙上了一层阴影。2.Recent research has cast new light on the causes of the disease.最近的研究使人进一步了解了这种疾病的起因。inclusive adj.包括的;包容广阔的包括的;包容广阔的All prices are inclusive of delivery charges.exclusive adj.独家;专有的;排外的;不包括 These are the exclusive seats for our VIP.harmonious adj.协调的;和睦的,融洽的协调的;和睦的,融洽的harmo

13、ny n.和谐harmonize v.使调和,使一致 in harmony with 与协调一致out of harmony with 与不协调一致Eg:In short,a good and harmonious environment at home is necessary for a child to grow healthy.总之,良好和谐的家庭环境对孩子的健康成长至关重要。rewarding adj.reward n.报酬 v.奖励 in reward 作为回报 reward sb with sth 用某物奖励某人 reward sb for(doing)sth 因为(做)某事而奖

14、励某人1.However,if others benefit in the process,and I get some reward too,does it really matter where my motivation lies?【2019全国卷】然而,如果其他人在这个过程中受益,而我也得到了一些报酬,那我的动机是什么真的重要吗?2.If the monkeys touched the left side of the screen they would be rewarded with seven drops of water or juice.2019全国卷如果猴子触摸屏幕的左边,

15、他们将得到七滴水或果汁作为奖励3.It is rewarding to try new things.【2020浙江阅读理解】division n.分歧,分裂,分开分歧,分裂,分开 divide v.分,分开;意见分歧;分割divided adj分裂的;有分歧的cell division 细胞分裂division of labour 劳动分工administrative division 行政区域divisions between rich and poor 贫富差异divide.into.把分成divide.from.把与隔开divide.between/among .在中分bring fo

16、rth 使产生,使出现使产生,使出现 This apple tree always brings forth lots of fruit.bring about 造成,引起,带来bring down 使降低bring in 介绍,引进;赚得bring out 生产(新产品);(尤指)出版;使显现,激发bring up 提出(议题等);抚养;呕吐dedicate adj.致力于,献身于致力于,献身于 dedication n.献身dedicated adj.专心致志的She dedicated her time to working and being a mother.He told the

17、reporter that his new book was dedicated to his daughter.His dedication to finding the vaccine was very admirable.He was very dedicated to his homework.把(时间、力量等)用在.致力于,献给对.的献身/热爱对.专心致志“致力于./献身于”apply oneself to doing/n.devote oneself to doing/mit onelf to doing/n.dedicate oneself to doing/n.endure v

18、.持续存在持续存在,忍受endurance n.持久力;忍耐力;忍受enduring adj.持久的,不朽的;能忍受的endure to the end 坚持到底;忍耐endure hardship 忍受苦难beardurable adj.耐用的,长久的 permanent adj.永恒的,长久的constant adj.不变的,永恒的deathless adj.不死的,不朽的changeless adj.不变的,永恒的nobly adv.高贵地;高尚地高贵地;高尚地noble adj.高贵的,高尚的&n.贵族nobility n.贵族;高贵的品质in vain 白白地,徒劳地白白地,徒劳地A

19、ll his efforts to fetch water with a basket were in vain.influence n.&v.影响 influential adj.有影响力的,有权力的有影响力的,有权力的,有势力的有势力的have an influence on/upon.对有影响under the influence of.在的影响下influence sb to do sth 影响某人去做某事1.The tests show that the social environment is extremely influential when were making deci

20、sion.【2020全国卷1】测试表明,社会环境会对我们的决策造成极大的影响2.A healthy family environment will have a positive influence on any child.1.assist_ n._助手,助理,售货员 n._帮助,援助2.relieve_ n._换班者;宽慰;减轻;缓解 adj._宽慰的3.specialist_ v._专门研究;从事 adj._专业的,专门的 n._专业,专长4.infectious_ v._传染,污染 n._传染,污染 adj._受到感染的5.devotion_ v._献身于,致力于 adj._挚爱的,忠

21、诚的,全心全意的pensate_ n._赔偿,补偿,弥补 adj._赔偿的,补偿的,弥补的7.collaborate_ n._合作,协作,勾结8.minority_ adj._较小的,次要的 adj._大的,重要的 n._大多数v.协助,帮助assistantassistancev.给某人换班reliefrelievedn.专家specializespecializedspecialtyadj.传染性的infectinfectioninfectedn.奉献devotedevotedv.弥补,补偿compensationcompensatoryv.合作,协作collaborationn.少数派,

22、少数minormajormajorityWords TransformationWords Transformation9.harmonious _ n._和谐,融洽10.rewarding _ v._奖励,奖赏n.奖励,回报11.civil_ v._教化,改善,使文明 adj._文明的,有礼貌的 n._ 文明,文明社会_民权12.slave_ adj._奴隶的,卑屈的 n._奴隶制13.division_ v._使分开,分散14.civilian adj._n._15.dedicate_ adj._有奉献精神的 n._奉献,献身16.endure _ adj._持久的,持续的 adj._可忍

23、受的17.nobly _ adj._崇高的,高尚的18.influential _ n./v._ 影响,作用adj.和睦的,融洽的和睦的,融洽的harmonyadj.值得做的值得做的rewardadj.公民的,国民的公民的,国民的civilizecivilizedcivilizationcivil rightn.奴隶奴隶slavishslaveryn.分歧,分裂分歧,分裂divideadj.平民的,百姓的平民的,百姓的平民,百姓平民,百姓v.致力于,献身于致力于,献身于dedicateddedicationv.持续存在,忍耐持续存在,忍耐enduringendurableadv.高尚地高尚地n

24、obleadj.有影响力的有影响力的influence用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空1Calligraphy is possibly the most (influence)and popular art in China2We should never forget those who contributed to the (liberate)of the Chinese people3Less than ten percent of the employees in their company are womenThat is to say,women are in th

25、e (minor)4I remember it in my heart forever that success belongs to anyone who has the most (realize)dreamsinfluentialliberationminorityrealistic5I would like to thank all of you who made the effortIt is a relief that employees show their (devote)to their job6The government declared financial (assis

26、t)would be obtained by those in the employment training courses7Those suffering from (infect)diseases were separated from other patients8There was a (divide)of opinion on that matter9To avoid such conflicts,we should be kind to one another,which is essential to enjoy a (harmony)life10Traveling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and (reward)experiencedevotionassistanceinfectiousdivisionharmoniousrewardingThanks for attention


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