六年级下册英语教案-Unit 12 My vacation plan辽师大版(三起) (2).docx

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1、课文标题 Unit 12 My vacation plan 第一课时一、 教学材料分析:这节课是复习一般将来时态。小作者为暑假和家人一起去北京旅游所制定的计划。通过师生、生生之间的对话、自主感知、模仿理解和体验来习得what are you going to do? I am going to Beijing with my family. How are you going there? I am going there by plane. Its going to be rainy. I should take an umbrella.等表述询问描述等功能的语句在真实语句中进行交际。二、

2、学情分析:本节课为六年级下册最后一节课。他们已经基本学完了小学阶段的全部内容,具备一定的语言基础,在学习文本时具备丰富的知识储备和语言材料进行交流。此外由于学生年级较高,生活经验也比较丰富。因此有丰富的经历可以在交流中进行分享。学生之前已经学过一般将来时,因此能够自然,平稳的进行交流。综上所述。学生具备很多优势,完全可以在真实的语境中,自然习得本课语言。三、 教学目标:1. 复习一般将来时态陈述句的表达方法。如I am going to.等,并能在实际情景中正确使用。2. 复习词汇:物品类词汇,如umbrella,raincoat,sunglasses,hat:服装类词汇,如sweater,j

3、acket:动词短语plan,take pictures,have a good time:介词with,in 等。3. 复习用一般将来时态表述自己的计划,能读懂、会说Read,write and say板块的短文。并能填补空缺。4. 能读懂会说Read and write板块的天气预报,并能按提示完成填空任务。5. 学会对自己的学习和生活进行合理的规划:了解不同国家和地区的风景名胜。培养热爱生活,健康向上的积极心态。四、 教学重难点1. 教学重点 复习一般将来时态陈述句的表达方式。 读懂、会说Read,write and say 板块的短文,完成填补空缺的任务。2,教学难点 灵活、准确地运用

4、一般将来时态表述自己的计划和转述他人的计划。五、 教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up1. Greeting2. Show students some pictures of places both in China and all over the world.1. Greeting2. Students talk about the pictures with teacher.在热身环节,师生明确本节课的主题,并且在聊天和讨论的过程中,激发学生对旅游这一主题的兴趣,激活语言能力。PresentationI1. Ask the students where they wan

5、t to go.2. Tell students where I am going in summer vacation and present the word phrase be going to and the future tense.3. Ask the students where they are going on summer vacation.4. Present the phrases”with my family,by plane” and use the phrases to say the whole sentence1. Practice the words and

6、 phrases they learned.2. Students get to learn the future tense.3. Exchange the plan of the summer vacation.4. Try to understand and use the sentence in the situation of exchanging their experience in the future.Answer with a thinking map.教师和学生自然交流此刻的感受,交流彼此心中的旅游目的地。复习一般将来时态简单用一般将来时描述要去哪里,达到联系生活,进行操

7、练的目的。通过逐层推进落实语言点,词组,逐渐丰富自身语言,学生最终能够用完整的一句话表达和谁如何去某地。通过逐层推进,一步步生成思维导图。PresentationII1. Show a video. Teacher presents the task of the class”my vacation plan” Before the task,teacher presents her own vacation plan.2. Present the new words by talking about the pictures.present the phrases and sentences

8、 gradually:see the animals,climb the Great Wall,visit the largest palace in the world,take pictures,on our way home.3. Talk about their vacation plan in the future tense. What are you going to do?4. According to the weather report ask students choose which clothes should take.5. Present the text aga

9、in.1. Enjoy the video and get to know the whole text and the task.2. Answer the questions by observing the pictures with the future tense. Practice the sentences by asking and answering.3. Students discuss in group and share their ideas.4. Students watch the video text and follow the video,read it.通

10、过观看老师自己做的假期计划,学生进一步明确接下来的任务。通过声音图像的刺激整体呈现文本,学生直观感受。通过观察图片来自然生成目标语言。过程中会有学生调动已有的知识储备,运用旧知进行大量交流,通过旧知的运用自然生成习得文本新知。通过学生在组内讨论旅游中的新鲜事物。达到熟练运用一般将来时的目的。学生讨论的兴趣盎然,达到百花齐放的景象。课堂气氛达到第一个高潮。学生观看课文视频,跟读课文。Practice Language use1. Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the weather report.2. Make their own

11、 travel plan.1. Students give their answers and share their ideas in class.2. Making their own travel plan.学生通过填词活动,进一步复习天气类单词和一般将来时。通过学生在组内完成旅游宣传海报,组内制作海报,全组成员汇报这些过程来操练,拓展,延伸,丰富本课语言。HomeworkAssign the homework1. Make a plan of your travel in your vacation.2. Love our country and the environment.Get the homework复习巩固所学,拓展延伸所学。


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