初中英语九年级全册-10-10 Unit 10 Section A (Grammar focus-4c))导学案.doc

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1、Unit10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section A (Grammar focus-4c)导学案【学习目标】1掌握be supposed to的用法。2教会学生根据所学内容,谈论各国的风俗、礼仪及应该和不应该做什么。3指导学生能通过学习,培养学生尊重不同国家的文化,养成良好的行为习惯。【重点及难点】1. 学会使用be supposed to来谈论应该做什么,不应该做什么。2. 掌握be supposed to的用法。【课前预习】一、根据汉语提示完成单词。1. Carmen found she had left her _ (护照)at home just

2、 before getting on the plane.2. The teacher asked me to get some _ (粉笔) for her in the office.3. We found there was no_ (黑板) in the classroom on the first day in school.4. On this island, there is only one _ (季节),its spring.5. You should pay attention to your table _ (礼仪)when you are living with a f

3、oreign family.二、 用What are you supposed to do? / I was supposed to/ Youre supposed to填空。1_ when you are late for school?2_ wash your hands before a meal.3_ when you are invited for a Chinese dinner?4_ bow when I met someone for the first time in Korea.5_ when you have a bowl of rice in China?【合作探究】探

4、究一、学习下面的词汇和短语。 1)passport n. 护照2)chalk n. 粉笔3)blackboard n .黑板4)northern adj. 北方的;北部的 拓展:north n. 北方 northeast n. 东北 adj. 东北的5)coast n. 海岸;海滨6)season n. 季节7)knock v. 敲;击 n. 敲击声8)eastern adj. 东方的;东部的9)worth adj. 值得; 有.价值 be worth doing 某事值得被做10)manner n. 方式;方法 礼貌;pl. 礼仪good manners 有礼貌table manners 餐

5、桌礼仪11)clean. off 把.擦掉12)take off 脱下;起飞【词汇应用】1) When you go abroad, dont forget to bring your _. 当你出国时,不要忘记带护照。2) How many _ are there in the box? 盒子里有几支粉笔?3) My hometown is in _ _ _ China. 我的家乡在中国的东北部。4) There are four _ in a year. 一年有四个季节。5) Listen, somebody _ _ _ the door.有人正在敲门。6) This project _

6、_ _.这个项目值得被讨论。7) Please _ the blackboard _.请把黑板擦掉。探究二、观察表格,总结 be supposed to 的用法。例句总结You are supposed to hand in your homework on time.你应该按时交作业。 1.be supposed to意为“应该;被期望/期待; 理应”,时态、人称和句式的变化在_上体现,to为_符号,后接_。They are not supposed to take photos in the museum.他们不应该在博物馆拍照。2.be supposed to do的否定式,要在_后加_

7、, 此时相当于be not allowed to do, 意为“不被许可;不应当”The girl was not supposed to talk back to her mother, because she is so tired every day.这个女孩不应该和她妈妈顶嘴,因为她每天都很辛苦。如果表达“过去某时应该(不应该)做”时,用was (wasnt) / were (werent) supposed to do, 相当于should (shouldnt) have+动词过去分词。He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago.他本该一小时

8、前就到。3.“be supposed to +have+及物动词过去分词” 表示“_” 是虚拟语气的一种表达方式,含有责备、失望之意。be supposed to 的主语既可以是人,也可以是物。用法示例当be supposed to 的主语是人时,意为“应该”表示劝告、义务、责任等You are (not) supposed to bow when you meet someone for the first time.你第一次见到某人时(不)应该鞠躬。当be supposed to 的主语是物时,表示“本应;本该”。表示“某事应该发生却没有发生”The train was supposed

9、to arrive half an hour ago.火车本应在半小时之前到达。探究三、知识链接。1. After class, students _ clean the chalk off the blackboard. 课后,学生们_ 擦黑板。clean off 意为“把擦掉”e.g. She _ the mud _ her shoes. 她擦掉了鞋子上的泥。 Mom _ the water _ the table. 妈妈擦掉了桌子上的水。2. If there are people in the meeting room, you _ knock before entering. 如果会

10、议室里有人,你_进去之前先敲门。knock 不及物动词,意为“敲,击”。e.g. I _, but no one answered. 我敲了门,但是没有人应答。【搭配】knock at / on the door 敲门e.g. I _ _ the door and John opened it. 我敲了敲门,约翰开了门。knock 还可作可数名词,意为“敲击声,敲击”e.g. I heard _ _ _ at the door. 我听到了很响的敲门声。3. In many eastern European countries, you _ take off your gloves shakin

11、g hands. 在许多欧洲国家,你_ 在握手之前摘掉手套。take off 意为“脱下(衣服,鞋子等)”,其反义词为put on “穿上”e.g. _ _ your black coat and put on the red one. 脱下你的黑色外套,穿上那件红色的。take off 还可意为“(飞机等)起飞”e.g. The plane will _ _ soon. 飞机很快就会起飞了。【中考链接】Its very hot here. Why not _ your coat?A. put on B. try on C. take off D. turn off4. but it is h

12、elpful _ (learn) as many of these customs as possible. 但是对这些风俗了解的尽可能多,是有好处的。as .as possible 意为“尽可能的.” as 与as 之间用形容词和副词的原级。该短语通常可以和as.as one can/could 互换。e.g. She wants her son to come home _ _ _ _. 她想要她的儿子尽快回家。 You should speak English as much as possible.= You should speak English _ _ _ _ _.你应该尽可能的

13、多讲英语。5. but it is worth the trouble if you want to understand another culture. 但是如果你想了解另一种文化,即便麻烦也是值得的。be worth (doing) sth. 意为“值得做某事”e.g. The museum is worth a visit. 这座博物馆值得参观。 These pictures are worth _. 这些图片值得收集。be well worth doing sth. 表示“很值得做某事”e.g. This film is well worth seeing. 这部电影很值得一看。【拓

14、展】be worth a visit / trip 值得参观/浏览 be worth the time / effort/ trouble 费时间/费力/ 麻烦也是值得的。【中考链接】I think his idea is worth _ (consider).6. table manners 餐桌礼仪manner 名词,意为“礼貌,礼仪”,通常用复数形式。e.g. Its _ _ to talk with a full mouth. 嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的。have good/bad manners 有/没有礼貌manner 作名词,还可意为“方式,方法”。一般作单数名词。She has

15、 a special manner of doing things.她的做事方式很特别。探究四、单元语法。 动词不定式 不定式是指在句中无人称和数的限制,并在句中起着名词,形容词和副词的作用的一种动词的形式。不定是不能在句子中作谓语,但作为动词的一种形式,它具有动词的某些特征,即可以带有自己的宾语,状语等。本单元主要学习不定时的三种常见的固定用法。1. be supposed tobe supposed to 表示“应该”,to是不定式符号,其后跟动词原形。e.g. Teachers are supposed to treat all the students equally.老师应该对所有的

16、学生一视同仁。 The new laws are supposed to prevent crime. 这些新法令本应该起到防止罪犯的作用。 You are not supposed to smoke on the bus. 你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。【注意】be supposed to 的主语是“物”时,它表示“本应,本该”,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”;当be supposed to 的主语是人时,意为“应该;被期望”,它可以用来表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等,相当于情态动词should.2. be expected to 表示“预计,预料”意义,to 是不定式符号,后接动词原形。e

17、.g. They are expected to make an announcement later on today.预料他们晚些时候会宣布一项通告。 She is expected to be a good doctor. 她有望成为一名医生。3. It is + 形容词 + 不定式“It is + 形容词 + 不定式”结构表示“做某事是的”。it 是形式主语,代替真正的主语是不定式短语。有时不定式前有for/of sb. 表示其逻辑注意。e.g. Its hard to say which lifestyle is better. 很难说哪一种生活方式更好一些。 Its not nec

18、essary to get up so early. 没有必要起那么早。 It was kind of you to help us. 难得你好心帮助我们。 It is impossible for us to do two things well at the same time. 要我们同时干好两件事是不可能的。【注意】1)当形容词描述不定式的特征,性质时,常用for sb 此类形容词常用的有easy, difficult, important, necessary, possible 等。2)当形容词描述主语的性质,身份,特征时,常用of sb. 此类形容词常用的有kind, nice,

19、 good, polite, rude, patient, careful, careless, wise, clever等。【达标检测】一、单项选择。1. She had never been to the Great Wall before. Today she saw it _ the first time.A. at B. forC. in D. by2. If you go into trouble you can _ your teacher _ help.A. turn; to B. ask; for C. help; with D. look; for3. Do you nee

20、d _ to read on the train?A. special anything B. any special thing C. anything specially D. anything special4. He came_ late. So he only had_ bread.A. a bit; a bit B. a bit of; a bit of C. a bit; a bit of D. a bit; a bit5. Its very impolite _ others _.A. keep; waiting B. to keep; waiting C. to keep;

21、wait D. keep; wait 6. You _ stick your chopsticks into the food. Its impolite. A. are not supposed to B. dont C. should D. are expected to 7. You shouldnt start _ first if there are _ people at the table. A. eat; old B. to eat; younger C. eating; older D. eating; young 8. The best way to improve Eng

22、lish is to practice _. A. as soon as possible B. as quickly as possible C. as much as possible D. as clear as possible 9. I find _ difficult to learn the table manners. A. it B. thats C. whats D. its 10. Its getting cold. Would you mind _ the window? A. closing B. to close C. closed D. opening 二、根据句

23、意及汉语提示,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Its impolite _(be) late for a meeting. 2. Youre expected _(wear) a suit and tie.3. He is going to visit the _(north) coast of Norway next vacation.4. Its our duty _(clean) the blackboard after class.5. I dont like keeping others _(wait). Its impolite.6. You are supposed to tak

24、e off your gloves before _(shake) hands.6. Thanks for _ (give) me the message.7. Before _ (go) home, we did some shopping in the supermarket.8. There are many different _ (manner) in different areas.9. You have to _ (cut) it off.10. I find it difficult _ (remember) French.三.根据所给汉语完成英语句子。1. 你应该什么时候到?

25、 我应该在七点钟到。When were you_ _ _? I _ _ _ arrive at 7:00.2. 尽可能多的学习那些风俗习惯是有帮助的。It is helpful _ _ _ many of these customs. 3. 如果会议室有人,在进去之前你应该先敲门。If there are people in the meeting room, you _ _ _ knock before entering.4. 在很多东欧国家,握手前你应该摘掉手套的。In many eastern European countries, you _ _ _ take off your glo

26、ves before shaking hands.5. 关于美国的餐桌礼仪你是怎么看的?What do you think of the _ _ in America?6. 如果你在冬季去访问挪威北部海岸,你应该带着暖和的衣服。If you visit _ _ _ _ Norway during the winter season, it is supposed to pack warm clothes.参考答案:【课前预习】一、1. passport 2. chalk 3. blackboard;4. Season 5. manners二、1. What are you supposed t

27、o do 2. Youre supposed to3. What are you supposed to do 4. I was supposed to5. What are you supposed to do探究一1. passport 2. chalks 3. the northern of 4. seasons5. is knocking at 6. is worth discussing 7. clean. off探究二1. be ;不定式;动词原形2. be; not3. 本应该探究三1. cleaned off;cleaned off2. knocked;knock at; a

28、loud knock3. take off; take off; A4. as soon as possible; as much as you can5. collecting; considering6. not manner;【达标检测】一、 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. A 二、1. to be 2. to wear 3. northern 4. to clean 5. waiting 6. shaking 7. going 8. manners 9. cut 10. to remember 三、1. supposed to arrive was supposed to 2. to learn about 3. are supposed to 4. are supposed to 5. table manners 6. to the north of


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