2021年中考英语复习练习课件:专题十七 任务型阅读.pptx

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1、 中考英语 专题十七 任务型阅读 A组 2019年全国中考题组 题组一 句子还原 Passage 1(2020云南昆明,D) 1 You may have already forgotten the days when you had to learn how to use chopsticks. Every Chinese kid struggles with them for some time. 2 They come with their own special rules and traditions. 3 Playing with chopsticks is seen as bad

2、 manners, just as making noise with forks and knives in a Western country would be rude. There are also some superstitions(迷信) related to chopsticks. For example, some people believe that chopsticks should not be left standing upright in a bowl. It looks like the incense(香) that Chinese use to honor

3、 the dead. 4 You should not tap chopsticks on the edge of the bowl either, as beggars do this to ask for food. Parents may get mad if children do this as they dont want their children to be as poor as beggars in the future. Apart from being tableware, chopsticks can also be a great gift. 5 Newlyweds

4、(新婚夫妇) sometimes re- ceive chopsticks as a wedding gift. Skilled craftsmen paint beautiful images on chopsticks to make them look like fine artworks. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A.How Chinese kids learn to use chopsticks B.People should not make noise with chopsticks. C.Learn the rules

5、 and traditions behind chopsticks D.Doing it at the dinner table is believed to bring bad luck. E.But chopsticks are not just simple tools to pick up food. F.We should learn the traditional culture behind forks and knives well. G.In Chinese, “chopsticks” reads “kuaizi”, which means to have babies so

6、on. 答案答案 语篇解读 文章介绍了中国的筷子文化。吃饭时玩筷子、把筷子直立插在碗的中间或用筷子敲打碗的边 缘,都被认为是餐桌大忌。绘有精美图案的像艺术品的筷子也可以作为新婚礼物。 1.C 通观全文,文章主要讲有关筷子的文化,所以标题应该选择“学习筷子背后的规矩和传统”。 2.E 根据上文“每个中国孩子都在学习使用筷子的时候努力过一段时间”和下文“它们有自己特殊的 规矩和传统”可知,此处应该选择“但筷子不仅仅是简单的夹食物的工具”。 3.B 根据下文可知,吃饭时玩筷子并发出声音被视为没有礼貌的行为,故此处应该选择“人们不应该用筷 子发出声音”。 4.D 根据上文内容“把筷子直立插在碗的中间,

7、看起来像中国人在祭奠逝者时使用的香”可知,此处承接 上文,指出“在饭桌上这样做被认为会带来厄运”。 5.G 结合本段大意可知,可以通过送筷子向新婚夫妇送去美好的祝福,因为“chopsticks”在汉语中读作 “kuaizi”,意味着“快快生子”。 长难句长难句 For example,some people believe that chopsticks should not be left standing upright in a bowl.例如,一些人认 为筷子不应该直立插在碗的中间。 这是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句。that chopsticks should not be left

8、 standing upright in a bowl作believe 的宾语。 重点词汇重点词汇 tradition n.传统 Passage 2(2020吉林,E) The novel coronavirus(新冠病毒) has changed our lives. In many countries, it has also changed the way people greet each other. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and inven

9、t safe ways. Lets take a look. 1 Lean forward(倾身向前), touch faces and make a kissing sound. This is French peoples favorite way of greeting. But when the virus is going around, too many kisses are not good. An expert gives everyone in France a suggestion: simply looking into a persons eyes can be a g

10、reeting. Its not as romantic as kissing, but its safe. 2 Like the French, Italians are also romantic people. When they meet, they always hug or kiss each other. Recently, an Italian grandma made a video to help everyone fight the disease. According to her, if you want to say hello to others, do not

11、hug or kiss. Instead, you can close one of your eyes and give them a wink(眨眼). Isn t it cute? 3 Its a very Australian thing to put your hand out to shake hands. But if you do this, the virus can jump from one person to another. Now a health official(官员) in Australia says a pat(拍打) on the back would

12、be bet- ter. But it also has some problems. For example, its a bit impolite if you do this to your teacher. What do you think? 4 People in Iran often shake hands when they meet. But a recent video shows that an interesting way to greet others is now popular in Iran. In the video, three Iran men wear

13、 masks and put their hands in their pockets. They dont shake hands, but try to “shake” feet. 5 An official from WHO suggested that we use three greetings: waving hands, Thai “wai”(泰式合十礼) and bumping elbows(碰肘礼). 根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意。 A.The advice from WHO. B.No kissing, even if you are French. C.Is

14、the footshake the new handshake? D.Pat on the back. E.Grandma has a good idea. 1 2 3 4 5 答案答案 语篇解读 本文介绍了在疫情期间,为了减少传染风险,各个国家都发明了不同的新的问候方式。 1.B 主题句。本段讲的是亲吻礼是法国人最喜欢的问候方式,但在疫情期间过多的亲吻并不好。根据关 键词kissing和French可知选B。 2.E 过渡句。根据设空处后一句“Like the French, Italians are also romantic people.”可知,设空处承上启 下。根据本段第四句“Rec

15、ently, an Italian grandma made a video to help everyone fight the disease.”可知, 一位意大利老奶奶制作了一个视频来帮助人们与疾病做斗争。这与E项相呼应。故选E。 3.D 主题句。根据第四段第四句 “Now a health official in Australia says a pat on the back would be bet- ter.”可知,本段是在介绍澳大利亚的新问候方式:拍后背。故选D。 4.C 过渡句。根据第五段最后一句“They dont shake hands, but try to shake

16、 feet.”可知,伊朗的人 们不握手,而是尽量“抖”脚。故选C。 5.A 主题句。本段主要说的是WHO的一位官员建议的三种问候方式。A项内容是对后文的概括。故选A。 题组二 阅读表达 Passage 1(2020山西,E) 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,按要求完成所给任务。 When learning is mentioned, regular school can be the first place which you can think of. However, the Internet is changing the way students learn. Many learning a

17、pps provide rich courses for the learners to meet their levels of knowledge and interests. TED is one of them. With the Internet, learners are allowed to learn at home or anywhere else. Which do you prefer: Regular School or Home School? What can you do to improve your online studies? To successfull

18、y learn online, you can follow these steps. First of all, you should always keep in mind what you hope to complete by the end of it. Then, a study plan is needed. A good study plan includes a study calendar and a to-do list. Next, when having a class, be active to think about what the teacher says a

19、nd express yourself. Af- ter class, remember to review what you have learned by reading your notes or making a mind map. With the coming of 5G, the cloud classroom might not be far away. However, whatever advantages online learning has, it just offers a way of learning. It doesnt take the place of a

20、ny of the ways. There must be many more ways of learning in the future. Nobody knows what will happen. 1.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. 2.According to the passage, why do people choose TED? 3.Whats the common advantage of regular school according to the students? 4.What can w

21、e infer(推断) about Michael from his words? 5.Please complete the second step in the chart(图表). What else can you do to improve your online studies? 6.What do you think the way of learning in the future will be like?Why? 答案答案 语篇解读 互联网正在改变学生的学习方式。究竟是常规的学校学习还是网上学习更具有优势,这是摆 在我们面前的问题。无论怎样,这些都是学习方式的改变,都无法代

22、替学习本身的方法。 1.然而,互联网正在改变学生的学习方式。/. 定语从句students learn修饰先行词the way。 2.Because they are interested in public speaking./Because they want to develop their speaking skills./Because it meets their interests./. 根据文章第二部分TED文框里的第一句可知,这款免费的应用软件对于那些对公 共演讲感兴趣的人来说是一个很好的工具。 3.Working in groups./Discussing in group

23、s./They can work in groups. 根据图中Amelia和Miya的观点可知, 在学校学习的优点是小组讨论或小组学习。 4.He might/could/may be a slow learner in regular school./He might prefer having classes at home./. 根据 Michael说的最后一句可知,他在家里学习比在学校学习进步大,他很可能更喜欢在家学习。 5.Make a (study) plan./Make plans.I can look up new words in the dictionary./I can

24、 search useful information online./. 根据文章倒数第二段第三句Then,a study plan is needed.可知此处与“制订计划”有关。 6.I think students dont need to go to school often in the future.Because they can have classes in the cloud classroom at any time./. 长难句长难句 When learning is mentioned, regular school can be the first place wh

25、ich you can think of.当提到学习时,你可能 第一个想到的是常规的学校学习。 本句中which引导的定语从句修饰先行词the first place,When引导的时间状语从句中使用了被动语态。 重点词汇重点词汇 rich courses 丰富的课程;take the place of代替 词汇积累词汇积累 advantage n.优势,优点;a mind map 思维导图 Passage 2(2020吉林,F) A new report from a university says 80% of the worlds teens dont get enough exerci

26、se every day. The report was based on(基于) research done with about 2 million students aged 11 to 17 around the world. Accord- ing to the report, activity standards are different in different countries and they are also different between boys and girls. In China, for example, only 20% of the boys are

27、 active enough, compared to 11% of the girls. Why dont teens go out for exercise? One main reason is that they always have technology products in their hands or around them. They spend too much time on smartphones, computers and TVs in their free time. Many teens find it very hard to pull themselves

28、 away from these devices(设备). The report says that young people need to do less in the digital world but more in the real world. It advises kids to get at least an hour of exercise every day. This could include running, biking, playing sports, or many other outdoor activities. More and more research

29、 shows that exercise not only helps the body, but also helps the brain. Besides, doing sports helps kids to make friends. Mark, a sports fan, started to play football when he was six years old. He used to be shy and weak, but now he has become taller and stronger. He gets to know the importance of c

30、ommuni- cating with his teammates and how to learn from mistakes and failure. And he has made lots of friends with the same interest. They often have football training on the playground. They have more to talk about and enjoy the happiness after training. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 1.How many students around th

31、e world took part in the research? 2.Are activity standards the same between boys and girls according to the report? 3.What does the report advise kids to do? 4.When did Mark start to play football? 5.Where do Mark and his teammates often have football training? 答案答案 语篇解读 本文为说明文。文章介绍了在中国大部分孩子缺乏锻炼,比起

32、运动他们更喜欢科技产品。作 者建议青少年应该每天至少锻炼一小时,并说明了运动的益处。 1.About 2/two million (students)./About 2,000,000(students)./About 2/two million students took part in the re- search./About 2,000,000 students took part in the research./About 2,000,000 students(aged 11 to 17/ around the world) took part in the research. 由

33、第一段第二句“The report was based on research done with about 2 mil- lion students aged 11 to 17 around the world.”可知本题答案。 2.No,they arent./No. 由第一段第三句中的“activity standards are different in different countries and they are also different between boys and girls”可知本题答案。 3.It advises them/kids to get at leas

34、t an hour of exercise every day./To get at least an hour of exercise every day. /The report advises them/kids to get at least an hour of exercise every day. 由第二段第六句“It advises kids to get at least an hour of exercise every day.”可知本题答案。 4.When he was six/6 (years old)./At the age of 6/six./He started

35、 to play football when he was six/6(years old)./ He started to play football at the age of 6/six. 根据第三段第三句“Mark, a sports fan, started to play football when he was six years old.”可知本题答案。 5.On the playground./They often have football training on the playground./They often do it on the playground./ Ma

36、rk and his teammates often have football training on the playground. 由第三段倒数第二句“They often have football training on the playground.”可知本题答案。 题组三 完成表格/句子 Passage 1(2020陕西) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 Lets say you are taking a walk along the road and you happen to see one or two waste bottles lying on the gr

37、ass beside the road. What would you do? You may have different choices. Firstly, you can leave the bottles there as they are. It was not you who threw them away. Why should you do something about it?This is quite OK. Secondly, you can pick them up and throw them into a dustbin(垃圾箱). By doing this, y

38、ou have walked a step further to help make our home clean. This action is a better choice. Thirdly, you might want to pick them up and give them to an old man or woman who collects waste for a living. If this is your choice, you have walked even further. Youre not only thinking about doing something

39、 for the environment, youre also developing yourself to be a person who would think of others and help them. As for young kids, they may always have such a question:“When do I grow up?”Yes!When does a child grow up?And how can a kid know he or she has grown up?These are interesting questions. As for

40、 us, fifteen- year-olds, who are finishing middle school, were no longer younger children. We should know whether or not we have grown up. When we start to have a sense of offering a helping hand for a cleaner city and greener world, and when we have a loving heart to think more of others than of ou

41、rselves and are ready to help them, we can say that we have grown up. Remember:If we help others, others will help us. If we do our best for nature, nature will offer its best to us in return! 1.How did the writer start the passage? The writer did it by giving a(n) of daily life. 2.How many choices

42、are there in the second paragraph? There are choices. 3.What does it mean when you pick up the waste bottles and give them to someone else? It is a sign that youre a person that has grown up. 4.What does the underlined word“home”refer to in the second paragraph? It refers to the “ ” we live in. 5.Ho

43、w did the writer support the main idea in the passage? The writer used as an example to support the idea. 答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。作者告诉我们什么时候我们才算真正长大了。作为青少年,怎么知道我 们是否已经长大,这要看我们是否会主动帮助保护环境和帮助他人。作者最后告诉我们:帮助别人,别人也 会帮助我们;爱护自然,自然也会回报我们。 1.example 第一段是举了一个生活中的例子。故填example。 2.three/3 根据第二段中You may have different c

44、hoices.Firstly.Secondly.Thirdly.可知,本题填three/3。 3.helpful/kind/caring/. 根据第二段最后的who would think of others and help them可推测出你是一个乐于 助人的/善良的/体贴的人,故可得出本题答案。 4.neighborhood/country/city/. 根据上下文可知,home指自己居住的地方,比如社区、城市和国家等。由 此可得出本题答案。 5.what to do with waste bottles/the ways of dealing with waste bottles/.

45、根据第二段可知,作者用怎样处理 草地上的废旧瓶子为例,来论证自己的观点。故可得出本题答案。 长难句 Youre not only thinking about doing something for the environment,youre also developing yourself to be a person who would think of others and help them.你不仅仅是在考虑为环境做点什么,而且还在培养自己成为 一个为他人着想并帮助他人的人。 本句包含一个由who 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a person。 阅读短文,根据其内容完成文后的表格。 Tr

46、ash collection is a problem for Curitiba. First, the city has only one landfill. Second, its garbage trucks do not fit on some of the streets in the citys low-income (低收入) neighborhoods. Curitiba knew the solution lay in getting everyone involved (参加). Passage 2(2020贵州贵阳) In 1989, the city started a

47、 recycling program called Garbage That Is Not Garbage. The city set up a central re- cycling center for sorting (把分类) recyclable materials, food-based and waste. Colorful cartoon characters were symbols of different kinds of recyclable materials, which could help children get to know the importance

48、of recycling. Collection bins were the same colors as the cartoons, reinforcing(加强) the message. People made money by picking up the trash at these bins and taking it to the center for processing. Today, Curitiba claims to have the highest recycling rate of any city in the world. Cambio Verde, the Green Exchange program, and Compra do Lixo, the Buying of Garbage program, are suc- cessful recycling programs in Curitiba. They get


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