2021年高中英语外研版必修4课件:Module 4 .4.pptx

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1、Section Writing 如何写人物介绍如何写人物介绍 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 人物介绍属于记叙文的写作范畴,写作时要围绕人物组织材料。 此类文章一般包括几个基本方面的内容:人物的基本信息(如:姓名、 性别、籍贯、民族、生卒年月、学历、职务);人物的贡献、功绩、 科技成果、著作等。如果是介绍现在的人物,写作时,介绍人物的 现状要用一般现在时,介绍人物的简历要用一般过去时,介绍人物 的未来情况要用一般将来时。如果介绍历史人物,一般要用过去时。 人物介绍的写作步骤一般是: Birthday and birthplace Family background Education

2、background Big events in his or her life Evaluation 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 介绍人物出生及籍贯的常用词汇:be born,bring up,come from,live in,grow up 介绍人物的学历、简历、职务、年龄等信息的常用词 汇:study,scientist/thinker/teacher.,do research,graduate from,at the age of,go to college,become interested in,serve as,give up 介绍人物贡献的常用词汇:improve

3、,develop rapidly,discover,make a breakthrough,make great contributions to 为了使人物介绍时的书面表达具有连贯性、逻辑性和可读性,我 们可以使用一些过渡性词汇。如写人物简历变换时间时可使用 first,then,at last/finally等;写对人物充满情感时可用even,still,only,of course等;写人物在不同领域取得的成就时可用both.and.,not only.but also.,as well as,again,once again 等;写人物经过努力最终 成功时可用as a result,t

4、hanks to,so,therefore等。 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 一、开头 1.,who was born on.,is a. 2. one of the.,was born. 二、主体 1.He is fond of. 2.He graduated from.and was awarded a PhD degree. 3.In his spare time,he devoted his time to. 三、结尾 1.He is one of the best. 2.He was/is respected for. 3.He is regarded/honored as

5、. 4.He made great contributions to. 5.From him, I realize. 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 请用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,介绍一下该人物,要求根据所 给信息作适当发挥,且须包括以下三部分内容: 1.对该人物的简单介绍; 2.喜欢该人物的理由; 3.从该人物身上得到的启示。 Thomas Edison inventor; creative; diligent; full of wisdom “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspirati

6、on.” 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 Thomas Edison Born in America,Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating.In fact,he was a man full of imagination. I admire Edison a lot because of the great contributions he made to the world.He had more than

7、 1,000 inventions.In his life time,he was always eager to know how things worked. He was also so diligent that he worked day and night.And this explained why he had so many great inventions. 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 What impresses me most is his famous saying,“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”Probably I cannot be an Edison myself,but I can be a hardworking learner.From him,I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born,but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.


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