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1、How to write an English How to write an English composition well composition well based based on pictureson pictures? ? 写 作 根据以下六幅图画,用英语写一篇故事。根据以下六幅图画,用英语写一篇故事。 生词词:calling card名片 注意:1故事须须包括所有图图画的内容,可以适当增 加细节细节,使故事连贯连贯。人称不限. 2词词数120左右。 Step One:认真审题,确定体裁和主题。 *关注文字说明,参考词汇及画面。 *记叙文,一个拾金不昧的故事。 *第一 或第三人

2、称,过去时态 Step Two:围绕主题,提炼要点。 *P1 放学回家,捡到钱包 *P2 打开钱包,钱和名片 *P3 电话失主 *P4 等待失主 *P5 认领钱包 *P6 失主感谢 每个图片用一句话表达形成骨架(2m) *P1. On my way home, I found a wallet. *P2. There was a calling card in it *P3. I telephoned / called the owner *P4. I waited at the bus stop *P5. I gave the wallet to her. *P6.The owner wan

3、ted to reward meI refused it and went back home Step Three:合理想象,补齐要点。 *P1补充地点(某一公交车站附近) *P2补充心理活动(失主肯定焦急等) *ending补充感想(做了该做的事情) Step Four:连句成篇,过渡自然。 *连接词 *过渡句 *总结句 One day, on my way home after school, I found a wallet near the No. 323 Bus Stop. I opened the wallet and saw lots of money and a callin

4、g card in it. From the calling card I knew the owners name, address and telephone number. So I went to the public telephone and called the owner. Then I waited at the bus stop. Before long the owner arrived, and I gave the wallet to her. The owner was so thankful to me that she took out a 100-yuan-n

5、ote to reward me. But I politely refused it and went back home. Doing good deeds is my duty. One day, I was making my way home happily after school when I caught sight of a wallet lying on the ground near the bus stop. I picked it up at once and looked around, but there was no one in sight. I opened

6、 the wallet and found there was a lot of money and a calling card in it. From the calling card, luckily, I knew the owners name, address and telephone number. Thinking the owner must be very anxious, I hurried to a nearby public telephone and called the owner. Then I sat at the bus stop and waited p

7、atiently for the owner to come to claim the wallet. Before long the owner arrived, with sweat pouring down. Receiving the wallet, the owner was so thankful to me that she took out a 100-yuan-note to reward me. Of course I politely refused. Though I got home a little bit later that day, I felt very h

8、appy because I thought I had done a good deed and that was what I should do. Practice makes perfect. 我的朋友Tony和我放学后通常都是步行回家。 My friend Tony and I always walk home together after school. 然而,几天前,在我们回家的路上发生了非同 寻常的事。 The other day, however, something unusual happened on our way home. Practice makes perfe

9、ct. 那天我们两正一边走一边愉快地聊天,突然听 到身后传来一个很大的声音。 We were talking and chatting happily that day when we heard a loud sound behind us. 我们四处张望,想知道究竟发生了什么。 We looked around, wondering what had happened. Practice makes perfect. 使我们震惊的是看到一名女子浑身是血,躺在 地上。 To our shock, we saw a woman lying on the ground, covered in b

10、lood. 我们立即意识到发生了可怕的车祸,那女子肯 定被车撞了。 We immediately realized it was a terrible accident and the woman must have been knocked down by the car. Practice makes perfect. 我们冲过去救她,但是一个戴着眼镜的男子走 了过来,不让我们靠近那受伤女子。 We rushed to help her, but a man wearing glasses came over and stopped us getting close to the inju

11、red woman. 我们对这男子很生气,心想,他怎么可以阻止 我们救人呢。 We were very angry with the man, thinking how he could stop us from saving the dying woman. Practice makes perfect. 这个男子笑了,叫我们转过身去。 The man smiled and asked us to turn around. 我们看到的是一个人肩扛摄像机躲在灌木丛里 。原来他们在拍电影。 What we saw was a man carrying a camera on his shoulder hidden in the bush. It turned out that they were making a film.


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