(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Culture 1School Life-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:a155e).zip

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    • Culture 1 School life.pptx--点击预览
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    • Weiliang's school life.mp4
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    • 教案a155e.doc--点击预览


粤人教版四年级下册粤人教版四年级下册 Culture1: School Life My favorite movie: Coco Miguel My favorite movie: Coco Miguel My favorite singer is going to have a music show in my school hall! I want to watch the music show. But my grandma doesnt agree that. Can you help me to win the Grandma: If you can pass three tasks, you can win three tickets to the show! Orange Ticket I can say! Pink Ticket 2 I can guess! Blue Ticket 3 I can read! Lets watch a video about Miguels school life! Hello, everyone. Im Miguel. Im a student from Mexico. There is a big hall in my school. There are three music rooms. I can play the guitar there. Its very cool! Miguels school life oo sch l r m c l m n s n n dles class r oo m Can you read? Win the orange ticket! Weiliang Bobby Miguel Miguel has two pen pals. Whats in Bobbys school? Have a guess! There is a hall. We can sing a song and play basketball. sing a song play basketball Pair work ? ? ? school ? How many playgrounds there? S1 Is there a playground in Bobbys school? S1 Yes, there is. S2 There is a playground. S2 ? ? ? ? ? ? a playground Pair work ? ? ? school ? How many there? S1 Is theres school? S1 Yes, there is./No, there isnt. S2 There is/are. S2 ? ? ? ? ? ? a playground science room science room computer room Bobbys school playground computer room music room science room Weiliangs school playground science room science room art room art room computer room computer room computer room writing room music room cooking room science room science room Win the pink ticket! Name From There is We can. Bobby the UK a hall Weiliang China a playground Fill in the table A. have P.E lessons B. do morning exercise C. have assembly D. have flag-raising ceremony Lets watch a video about Bobbys school life! Lets watch a video aboutWeiliangs school life! Name From There is Every Monday morning Bobby the UK a hall Weiliang China a playground Fill in the table A. have P.E lessons B. do morning exercise C. have assembly D. have flag-raising ceremony have assembly have P.E. lessons have flag-raising ceremony do morning exercise What can we do in Bobbys school? We can have assembly in the hall. have assembly in the hall We can play games in Sports Day. play games in Sports Day We can draw pictures in the art room. draw pictures in the art room We can have science class. have science class We can have riding class. have riding class马术课 We can play computer in computer room. play computer What can we do in Weiliangs school? have writing class书法课 do morning exercise We can have flag-raising ceremony. have flag-raising ceremony We can do morning exercise. We can play computer in computer room. play computer We can have music class in music room. have music class We can have writing class. We can have cooking class. have cooking class Win the blue ticket! Lets enjoy the music concert together! Thank you for your help! What about your school life? Lets watch a video about our school life! Moral Education We love our school ! We should make it more beautiful! 学校是我家,我们爱护它! My Dream School life This is our dream school life. There is a_______________. We can_________________. There are_______________. We can_________________. There are ______________. We can_________________. We like our dream school life ! group work ? ? My dream school ? ? ? ? ? 1. Finish your writing and try to introduce your school life to your friends or parents. 2. Do more reading about school life on class blog.教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1.能了解并掌握文本中出现的生词如 assembly,flag raising ceremony,do morning exercise,能巩固运用本册书第一单元所学的 重点句型: There is __________. There are_________. We can ______________. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 1.能够在阅读文本时,抓住有效的信息,并学会记录下关键的信息, 提高阅读效率和技能。 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 1.通过展示多个国家的校园生活,回到自身的校园生活,引导学生 热爱自己的校园,并努力将它变得更美丽。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 1.基本策略:在完成 guessing game,discussion,group work 等课堂 活动时,积极与他人合作,学会独立思考及和他人合作完成学习任务 。 2.认知策略:能在教师创设的较为真实的情境下了解中西方校园生活 的差异和共同点,能意识到自己或同伴在口语和书面上的错误并获得 及时纠正。 3.调控策略:明确自己的学习目标,通过课前的微课学习,把握本单元 学习内容的重难点,找出自己学习上的不足,课后积极与老师和同学 交流学习方法。 4.交际策略:抓住每个运用已学知识进行交际的课堂活动机会,敢于 呈现,不怕出错。遇到问题能勇于面对,敢于向老师同学请教,能独立 完成学习任务。 5、 资源策略:通过微课、视频和网络等学习和查找与本课相关的学 习资源并完成课前课后练习,实现资源共享。 文化意识目标:文化意识目标: 1. 了解不同国家的学生的校园生活的共同性和差异性。 2. 尊重不同国家的校园生活。 学情分析学情分析 1.四年级的学生已具备基础的听说读写能力,孩子们对英语有浓厚的 兴趣,愿意去模仿,也善于开口说英语,能在老师的引导下进行简单的 英语交流。 2.在本节文化课开展前,学生已经在第一单元 School 中学习并掌握 了关于校园活动和建筑物的重点单词和句型的读法写法和实际语境 的应用,这对于本节文化课的开展起到很好的铺垫作用。 3.有一定的语言基础,在教师、图片、语音、歌曲视频等协助下,能 进行简单的描述和对话; 4.低年段的孩子喜欢通过歌曲、游戏、视频歌曲、游戏、视频等方式学习英语,喜欢来 源于动画片中的人物和情境动画片中的人物和情境。 教材分析教材分析 本课时选自粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点英语四年级下册 Culture1 School life.本节课的话题是校园生活,与学生日常生活息 息相关,很容易激发学生表达的欲望,并且本节课的设计将本单元将本单元 内容与本册第一单元内容与本册第一单元 UnitUnit 1School1School 的话题和内容进行整合的话题和内容进行整合,将描述 描述校园生活和体会中西方校园生活差异作等任务放在较为真实的 情境下去完成。 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点: 能了解并掌握文本中出现的生词如 assembly,flag raising ceremony,do morning exercise,能巩固运用本册数第一单元所学的 重点句型 There is __________. There are_________.We can ______________. 教学难点:教学难点:1.1.能就“校园生活”这一话题进行口头和书面形式的交 流,完成听说读写等教学活动,并汇报展示。 3. 体会中西方校园生活的差异和共同性。 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step1. Free Talk Q: What day is it today? Q: What do you do on Tuesday? Q: What are you going to do on May Day. Im going to watch a movie. 设计意图设计意图: : 通过与学生打招呼,询问学生工作日做什么和周末节假日打算做某事等 信息,有效复习前面几个单元所学内容,并逐步引导到本节课主线内容 。 Step2.Leadin My favorite movie is Coco.(寻梦环游记寻梦环游记) Miguel is a boy who likes playing the guitar. His favorite singer is going to have a music show in his school hall. He wants to watch the music show. But his grandma doesnt agree that. His grandma said: If you can pass 3 tasks, you can win 3 tickets to the show. Can you help him to win the 3 tickets to the show? 设计意图设计意图: : 1) 呈现本节课的主线人物:热门动画片电影寻梦环游记里的米格 尔。教师将基于电影内容进行改编的故事引入课堂,在有趣并带有任 务的情境中激发学生学习的兴趣。 2) 利用主线情节,将学生分成两个男女大组,通过小组间的竞赛来赢 取进去音乐会的门票,来设置本节课的评价机制。 Step3.Presentation. Task 1 I can say Watch a video about Miguels school life. Phonic teaching: oo(语音输入和渗透语音输入和渗透) ) 重点突出单词 room 中的字母组合 oo 的发音规律 Read more words with oo: school, moon, noodles, classroom,etc. 设计意图设计意图: : 1)通过呈现电影中米格尔学校生活的小视频,引导学生朗读他的学校生 活文章,让学生在故事情境中初步体会如何介绍自己的学校生活,并引 出语音重点 oo 的教学。 2)通过积木块的联想记忆,让学生学会读更多关于 oo 的单词,拓展词 汇,同时巩固语音知识。 Step4.Practice Task 2 I can guess T: Miguel has two pen pals. One is Bobby from the UK. The other is Weiliang from China. Do you want to know their school life? Lets have a guess first. A: Listen and guess B: Look and guess. (pair work) 板书呈现句型 There is.、There are. 设计意图设计意图: : 1) 通过米格尔有两各来自外国的笔友,引出书本当中阅读文章的两位 主人公 Bobby 和 Weiliang 并通过音频先猜猜看 Bobby 的校园内有什么 2)通过两人操练的环节,猜猜 Bobby 和 Weiliang 学校里分别有哪些教 室,学会用 Is there.?和 How many 来提问。 Task 3 I can read Watch two videos about Bobby and Weiliangs school life. Listening task: fill in the table Check the answer (emphasize three difficult word or phrases: assembly, flag-raising ceremony, do morning exercise) Use body language and pictures to explain their meaning. 设计意图设计意图: : 1)通过观看教室自己制作的两个视频,学生了解 Bobby 和 weiliang 的 学校生活,并训练学生阅读文章搜寻关键信息的技能。 Step5. Culture Learning Read out the two passages together T leads ss to read the key sentences group by group. Q: What can we do in Bobby/Weiliangs school life? We can . Eg: have assembly in the hall./have writing class/ have cooking class Conclude: T: We have already passed three tasks, so we can get the tickets to th e music show now! Lets enjoy the music concert together!(play the vi deo) Conclude the evaluation(总结男女生加分情况) Step6. Production Miguel: Thank you for your help! What about your school life? Enjoy a video of our No.10 primary school made by one of my stude nts. Moral education: Love our school! We should make it more beautiful! Writing your dream school life T: How to make it more beautiful? Now its time for you to design our dream school life. Brian Storm:(discussion) Q: What rooms do you want in your dream school? Why do you design this room? (group work) draw and write. Group report (read their passage together) Step7. Homework 1. Ss choose homework A or B to finish: A. Please finish your writing and introduce it to your friends . B. Do more reading about school life on our class blog. 板书板书 设计设计 Culture1: School life There is . There are . We can. ticket Bobby Weiliang 教学教学 反思反思 这是四年级下册前四个单元学完后的一个文化课,本节课基于四年 级孩子活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对动画、游戏、竞赛、挑战任务 特别感兴趣等特点,本课引入了教师改编的关于电影寻梦环游记里 米格尔要看音乐会的故事,融入了本节课内容中的另外两位主人公 Bo bby 和 Weiliang,创设了帮助米格尔拿到音乐会门票的教学情境,并主 要设计了 3 个学生挑战任务, “I can say - I can guess -Ica n read”,在各个教学环节中培养了学生的听说读写等能力、思维和 动手制作能力以及培养了学生的核心素养,让学生轻松掌握本课知识。 这节课教学目标明确,重难点突出,在教学活动中充分发挥了英语教 学与信息技术的深度融合。本课最大的亮点在于以下几点: 1、中西方文化的教育渗透:通过对比 Bobby 和 Weiliang 这两个来自 英国和中国的孩子的校园生活,教师善于整合和利用文本,通过视频 和图片等方式,体会中西方校园生活的差异。 2、教学过程能娴熟合理运用信息化教学设备开展教学活动并取得显著 效果:例如在课堂上鼓励学生与白板互动,合理运用各种多媒体教学资 源,整合多种学习资源,有效的激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习效 率。 3、创设的情景符合学生的学情特点,有效的进行了学科之间的整合,训 练了学生的逻辑思维能力,语言综合运用能力以及学生之间同伴互助合 作的能力。 4、 注重在课堂中渗透情感教育,提升学生的核心素养。在观看自己十 小校园的视频介绍时,渗透要热爱校园,将校园变得更美丽。 本节课的不足和改进之处:单词的操练形式不够多样,故事的叙述 可以更加生动活泼,引人入胜,在任务 2 的环节中,指令语可以更清 晰,在时间允许的情况下,可以让更多的小组上台展示自己的作品, 增强他们的自信心。
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