湘少版六年级下册-Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:c06d3).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:c06d3)
    • A song This is the way .mp3
    • A song This is the way .swf
    • Part A 录音.mp3
    • Part A 视频.swf
    • Part B录音.mp3
    • Unit 3.ppt--点击预览
    • 图片.jpg--点击预览
    • 教案c06d3.doc--点击预览


A Lets Listen and Say B Lets Learn C Lets Practise F Lets Have Fun 回到首回到首 页页 Lets sing a song! lDo you like him? lNo,I dont likehim. lWhy? lHes too fat. 回到首回到首 页页 脏孩子 lDo you like him? lNo,I dont like him. Why? lHe is so dirty. 回到首回到首 页页 lDo you like him? lYes, I do.Why? l Hes clean and lhealthy. 回到首回到首 页页 lWe should learn to take care of ourselves. lWhat should we do? 回到首回到首 页页 lWe should wash our hands before eating. 回到首回到首 页页 keepkeep ourour bodybody cleanclean 保持我们的身体清洁保持我们的身体清洁 lWe should wash our face and body every day. 回到首回到首 页页 lWe should eat vegetables,fish and fruit. eateat healthyhealthy foodfood 吃健康的食物吃健康的食物 回到首回到首 页页 We can run,jog,swim and take long walks. do exercise every day 每天做运动 l runl jogl swim ltake long walks 回到首回到首 页页 lWe can sing,dance and draw. lfeel happy l 感到快乐 回到首回到首 页页 B Lets Learn keep our body clean eat healthy food 保持我们的身体清洁 吃健康的食物 feel happy do exercise every day 感到 每天做运动 回到首回到首 页页 A Lets Listen and Say 回到首回到首 页页 回到首回到首 页页 A Lets Listen and Say keep our body clean wash our hands, face and body clean eat healthy food eat vegetables, fish and fruit health y do exercise every day run, jog, swim, walk stron g sing, dance and draw happ y 回到首回到首 页页 Read and Judge. 阅读课文,判断下列图片中是有哪些是课文阅读课文,判断下列图片中是有哪些是课文 中建议我们做的。中建议我们做的。 回到首回到首 页页 一、选择填空。 1. You _____ wash your face every day. A. will B. do C. should D. are 2. _____ food is good for us. A. Healthy B. Happy C. Health D. Healthily 3. He wants _____ strong. A. to B. be C. to be D. to do 4. We should _____ our face clean. A. keeps B. keeping C. to keep D. keep D C A C 回到首回到首 页页 二、看图补全句子,每空一词。 1. We should ______ our ______ before eating. 2. We should eat ______ ______. 3. She feels ______. was h healt hy hand s foo d happ y 回到首回到首 页页 1、听录音,并模仿朗读课文,尝试根据课堂上完成的 表格复述课文。 2、为家人设计“温馨提示语”,如:We should keep our body clean. We should do exercise every day. 3、抄写本单元的单词和词组,各两行。 回到首回到首 页页Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves. Period 1 教材分析教材分析 本单元主要让学生学会用情态动词 should和can来表达自己对养成健 康生活习惯的建议和想法。 学情分析学情分析 学生在四,五年级学习过can的用法,在六年级上册学习用句型“We should/shouldnt”表达应该或不应该做的事情。 教学目标教学目标 1. Be able to master the words & phrases: keep our body clean,eat healthy food,feel happy,do exercise every day,take care of, jog, 2.Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words 3.Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: We should./We can. 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1. Be able to master the words: keep our body clean,eat healthy food,feel happy,do exercise every day, take care of,jog. 2. Be able to master the sentence: We should./We can. 教法、学法教法、学法 Reading /Listening/Talking. /Singing. Play Games. 教学准备教学准备 textbook, Computer/TV/ pictures Step 1 Happy warming-up 1、 Greetings:T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning T:Glad to see you! Ss: Glad to see you,too! T:Are you happy? Ss:Yes,Im happy. T: Im happy,too. 2、 Lets sing a song: THIS IS THE WAY.(学生边唱歌边做动作) 3、 This is a hen. So many eggs. Lets pick up these eggs. Group A,B,C,D. Come on! Step 2 Happy presentation and drill 1、New words and sentences (1)、Show three photos: a fat boy , a dirty boy ,a clean and healthy boy. Let the Ss say something about it. T:There are three boys. Who do you like? S1: I like the clean and healthy boy. Because he is clean and healthy. So we should learn to take care of ourselves. What should we do? (2)、Show two pictures : keep our body clean. a、 We should wash our hands before eating. b、We should wash our face and body every day. So we should keep our body clean. (Write “keep our body clean.” on the blackboard, the Ss read after the teacher.) (点名读,齐读) (3)、Show a picture: eat healthy food What should we eat? Ss: We should eat vegetables, fish and fruit. T: Yes, these food is healthy. We should eat healthy food. (Write “eat healthy food” on the blackboard, the Ss read after the teacher.)(分组读) (4)、Show a picture : do exercise. T:Look,we want to be strong. What can we do? Ss: We can run, jog, swim and take long walks. T: Yes.If we want to be strong. We should do exercise every day. (Write “do exercise every day” on the blackboard, the Ss read after the teacher.) (5)、Show a picture : feel happy. T:How to be happy? Ss:We can sing, dance and draw. T:Yes ,we feel happy. (6)、Drill a、Look at the screen, listen to the tape and read after it. b、Game-Quick response T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words together. 2、 The dialogue (1)、第一步:Listen and look. 整体感知课文大意。课件播放Part A 视频,学生一边静静倾听录音,一边观看视频,融入课文的情境之中。 (2)、第二步:Listen, point and find. 抓住关键信息。翻开书,一边听,一边指,画出含有should 的句子。 T: Please turn to page 9 .Listen to the tape and mark out the sentences of should. (3)、第三步:Listen and repeat. 听音,跟读,注意模仿原声带地道的语音、语调。尤其注意语气要让听者认同 。 (4)、第四步:Read and answer. Group work.阅读课文,小组合作,梳理信息,完成表格。 We shouldWe want to be keep our body cleanwash our hands, face and body clean eat healthy foodeat vegetables, fish and fruit healthy do exercise every dayrun, jog, swim, walkstrong Sing, dance and drawhappy Step 3. Happy practice 1、Read and Judge. 阅读课文,判断下列图片中是有哪些是课文中建议我们做的。(PPT呈现图片) 2、 小练笔。 (1)、选择填空。 a. You _____ wash your face every day. A. will B. do C. should D. are b. _____ food is good for us. A. Healthy B. Happy C. Health D. Healthily c. He wants _____ strong. A. to B. be C. to be D. to do d. We should _____ our face clean. A. keeps B. keeping C. to keep D. keep (2)、看图补全句子,每空一词。 a. We should ______ our ______ before eating. b. We should eat ______ ______. c. She feels ______. Step 4.Homework 1、听录音,并模仿朗读课文,尝试根据课堂上完成的表格复述课文。 2、为家人设计“温馨提示语”,如:We should keep our body clean. We should do exercise every day. 3、抄写本单元的单词和词组,各两行。 Blackboard design Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves. A B C D
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