(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 1 A Parade Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:0035a).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 A Parade Day_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:0035a)
    • Unit 3 How often do you go hik.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 3 How often do you go hik.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案0035a.doc--点击预览


第四课时:第四课时: 课后反思课后反思 本课时是小学高年级英语读写和阅读结合的教学课例,教学内 容是开心学英语第七册第三单元How often do you go hiking?第 四课时内容,教学内容主要是复习本单元的单词和句型,围绕本单 元的内容开展相关的阅读活动,从而引出学生的写作训练。这是一 节从教学内容到教学设计都非常符合该年段学生特点的一节课,教 学内容的话题主要围绕“hobbies” ,学生也比较感兴趣。我在教学设 计上有以下的几个特点: 1、 课堂活动有趣、直观。六年级的小学生对知识充满好奇心 和求知欲,所以教师设计了一些看图对话的教学活动,让学生利用 已有的知识通过图片和文字阅读来获取新知识。学生对这样的课堂 活动非常感兴趣,课堂气氛比较活跃。 2遵循“整体教学”的原则。虽然本节课的教学对象是 11 岁左 右的小学生,但教师设计的活动,每一个环节都是本着“整体教学” 的原则进行的,所以学生耳濡目染的是一个完整的语言篇章,从而 在篇章中去感受语言、学习语言。 3. 精心选材。本单元的教学内容本来是非常枯燥的,但经过任 课老师精心设计,把单调的图片设计成有趣的文字,让学生在轻松 的环境下获得了大量的知识。 4. 以学生为中心,利用角色扮演,给予学生展示才华的机会, 满足他们的表演欲。 通过这些设计,使学生们的学习热情高涨,达到老师预定的目 标。之后的 Pairwork 以及 group work 中,孩子们都愿意开口说,并 说得很流利。 在每个活动中,我的意图是让孩子们把本课的句子和以前所学 的结合起来,让孩子们学会灵活地运用所学的句子进行英语综合交 际,不仅仅停留在学过的知识上。 存在问题:虽然在复习时已经强调一般现在时的第三人称单数 形式,但孩子们在两两问答时,还是很多学生把 likes 说成 like;goes 说成 go. 阅读练习时也有部分学生不能理解文章的意思,学生还没 有养成良好的阅读方法。导致有小部分学生不能很好的完成写作练 习,今后要注重对此类学生的课后辅导。 这是一节高年级的英语阅读探讨课,如何将“听、说、读、写” 更好地贯穿在教学中,设计更多的适合学生和操作性强的活动,或 许说初步形成一个高年级的英语阅读模式,还需不断地研讨和实践。3 How often do you go hiking? The fourth period Do you like ? How often do you go ? swimming shopping ice-skating dancing hikingfishing How often does he go hiking? He goes hiking three times a month. How often does she go shopping? She goes shopping five times a month. How often does he go fishing? He goes fishing six times a week. How often _____ they go dancing? They go dancing four times a week. do Listen and answer the questions: 1. What is Jenny doing ? 2. Does Jenny like hiking ? 3. How often does she go hiking ? 4. What does Gogo like ? 5. How often does Gogo go ice- skating? 6. Is Gogo good at ice-skating ? Difficult point 1. must be (必定) E.g . You must be a good boy /girl . 2.be good at (擅长于) be not good at (不擅长于) E.g . I am good at English . I am not good at playing basketball. 3. Not really . 不一定 Gogos letter Hello boys and girls , My name is Gogo . Im from the U.S.A . Im eleven years old . Im in Grade Six . I always take the bus to school . I like going hiking and ice skating . I go ice -skating about three times a month and I go hiking about twice a month . I also(也) like playing baseball .But Im not good at baseball. What about you ? Please write to me soon .( 请尽快给我回信) Yours, Gogo Reading and choose the best answer . ( ) 1. Where is Gogo from ? A. Hes from from China . B. Hes from the U.S.A . C. Hes from English. ( ) 2. What are Gogos hobbies ? A. Hiking and reading. B. Hiking and ice-skating. . C. Hiking 、ice-skating and playing baseball. ( ) 3. How often does Gogo go ice-skating ? A. Once a week . B. Three times a month . C. Twice a month . ( ) 4. How does Gogo go to school ? A. By bike . B. By bus . C. By taxi . B C B B Hello Gogo , Im Molly. Im from China . Im a teacher .I usually take a bus to school .I like playing ping- pong.I play ping-pong about twice a week . Im good at playing ping-pong. I also like swimming. But Im not good at swimming . Yours, Molly Hello Gogo , Im ______ . Im from China . Im a ___ . I usually ________ to school . I like _____ . I go _____ about ______ . Im good at___. I also like ____ .But Im not good at _____. Yours, ______ Homework 1. Read the conversation to your parents(父 母)for two times . 2. Do a survey(调查): Ask one of your friends hobbies ,and try to write about him/her .E - 1 - 一、教学内容:教学内容:本节课的教学内容是广东版教材开心学英语六年 级下册第一单元:“Unit 3 How often do you go hiking? ” 第四课时教 学。本课时主要复习一般现在时态语法知识,主要体现在如何让学生能对 一般现在时态一、二人称以及第三人称的正确理解和恰当运用。此外,本 单元还要求学生能用英语询问别人(第三人称)喜欢什么活动和活动的频 率。这一课时,就是让学生学会综合运用以上知识点进行阅读与写作的训 练。 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 学会运用 Vocabulary 的单词和词组进行交流。 2学习运用句型 How often do you/they go fishing? How often does he/she go hiking ?等句型及其正确回答方法。 3.复习本单元的 conversation 中对话故事,并能针对其进行简单的问答。 4.学习一些课外的知识 (二) 能力目标: 1.学生能用英语列举出常见的业余运动的词汇。 2.学生能用所学句型表达自己和询问他人进行业余运动的频率。 3.学生能在学习故事后,用准确的语句进行回答和阐述。 4.发展学生听、说、读、写的能力。 5.培养学生课外阅读和理解的能力。 E - 2 - (三 )情感与态度目标: 1.培养学生小组合作的精神。 2.培养学生热爱运动的生活习惯。 ( (四四) ) 教学重点教学重点 1.能正确运用不同人称的句型进行交流。 2.能灵活运用所学句型来回答和表达。 How often does he/she go ? He/ She goes . How often do they go ? They go . 3.学习并了解 Conversation,通过学习能够表演,培养学习兴趣。 (五)教学难点:(五)教学难点: 1.如何准确运用本课所学句型进行表述。 2.如何培养学生发散性思维的能力。 三、教学策略:三、教学策略: 1采用情景教学法、活动教学法等教学法进行教学。因为小学生的特 点是活泼好动,好奇心强,模仿能力强。让学生参与到课文的表演,可以 提起学生的学习兴趣,有利于课堂教学,让学生更好地理解、掌握知识, 提高他们在实际生活中运用英语语言的能力。 2. 交际法 如:开头的问答环节,通过学生自主提问和回答问题,激 发学生学习英语的兴趣。 3.任务型教学法 如:要求学生按时完成组内活动和自主学习活动。 4.制作多媒体课件来辅助教学,形象、生动、真实的情景展现,为学生 的学习提供了良好的基础。 E - 3 - 四、教学过程 Teaching ProcedureTeaching aims 一、Warming up The English corner. 利用课前三 分钟时间,把旧 知识巩固的同时 培养学生“听” 、 “说”的好习惯。 轻松的交谈,让 学生有充分开口 说英语的机会。 二、Review 1 1. Look at the pictures and review the phrases. 2. Ask some questions about the pictures: How often do you go ? 3. Pair work. Ask and answer. 4. Feedback. 三、Review 2 1. sing the song 2. Answer the questions about the song . 通过熟悉的 图片复习新句型, 为下一步教学做 好铺垫。 通过歌曲, 调节气氛,让学 生放松心情,并 达到温故知新的 效果。 E - 4 - 四、Revise the conversation. 1.Use the free talk to lead in : e.g.I like shopping. I go shopping twice a week. What do you like ? How about Jenny and Gogo ? 2. Conversation (1)Show out the questions. Ask Ss to read the question together. (2) Read the story together. (3)Answer the questions. (4) Role playing. 四、Reading I. 1.Lead-in Show out a letter from Gogo 2. Read the letter . 3.Finish the exercises. 4. Check the answers. 五、Reading II. 1. Show out Miss Chens letter to Gogo . 2. Read the letter together. 3. Have Ss discuss in groups: Talk about yourself. 4. Check some students . 从自然的话 题引出课文,并 进行复习。让学 生自然习得,化 简为易。 故事的学习, 通过表演模仿等 活动,激发学生 的学习兴趣。 在学生有一 定的基础是增加 适量的课外阅读; 在阅读中设置不 同的任务,逐步 解决课文中的知 识点。让学生学 会如何“读” 。 通过阅读训 E - 5 - 五教学流程图、五教学流程图、 六、Writing. 1、Try to write by themselves. 2、Share in your groups. 3. Check some students. 4. T gives the evaluation . 七、Summary and Homework 1. Weve learned the words and the target sentences. 2. Read the words and the Target sentences. 3.Ask your parents and do a survey. 练,从而顺利的 引导出学生的小 习作,达到水到 渠成的效果。再 通过小组分享的 形式,让学生欣 赏他人文章的同 时发现自己的不 足,再结合老师 的评价,给予学 生一定的支持和 鼓励。 结合本课所 学的知识,把知 识运用到生活中 去,也能作为检 测课堂教学效果 的手段之一。 E - 7 - Unit 7 How often do you go hiking? Review Step1 Show the pictures of this unit and answer the questions. Step2 Sing the song . a) Sing the song together . b) Answer the questions about the song Step3 Revise the conversation. a) Read the conversation b) Answer the question about the conversation. c) Role play Warm up Step1 The English corner Step2 Free talk and talk about “hobbies”. Reading Step1 Show out a letter from Gogo . Step2 Reading the letter and try to finish the exercises . Step3 Check the answers . Post-reading Step1 Show out Miss Chens letter to Gogo . Step2 Read the letter together . Step3 Have Ss discuss in groups: Talk about yourself Step4 Check some students. E - 8 - 六、教学检测安排(渗透在教学环节中) 1.每个环节设计合理的师生交流和生生交流,通过提问进行检测。 2. PPT 提问检测,及时反馈学习情况。 3.通过小组练习,上台表演检测学生课文学习情况。 4. 通过阅读两篇短文和小习作来检测学生阅读与写作能力。 七、板书设计及练习: 1. Blackboard design UnitUnit 3 3 HowHow oftenoften dodo youyou gogo hikinghiking ? ? TheThe FourthFourth PeriodPeriod HowHow oftenoften dodoeses he/shehe/she _______? ? He/SheHe/She gogoeses about three times. Make a summary about this lesson. Homework :1. Read the conversation to your parents(父母)for two times . 2. Do a survey(调查): Ask one of your friends hobbies ,and try to write about him/her . and share the feeling with classmates . . Summary and homework Writing Step1 Talk about yourself in your groups . Step2 Try to write about yourself . Step3 Share in groups. Step4 Check some students and give the evaluation. E - 8 - HowHow oftenoften dodo youyou /they/they ______________ ? ? I/I/ TheyThey gogo aboutabout . 2.Exercises:2.Exercises: A)A) ReadingReading andand choosechoose thethe bestbest answeranswer . . ( ( ) ) 1.1. WhereWhere is is GogoGogo fromfrom ? ? A. Hes from from China . B. Hes from the U.S.A . C. Hes from English. ( ( ) ) 2.2. WhatWhat areare GogosGogos hobbieshobbies ? ? A. Hiking and reading. B. Hiking and ice-skating. . C. Hiking 、ice-skating and playing baseball. ( ( ) ) 3.3. HowHow oftenoften doesdoes GogoGogo gogo ice-skatingice-skating ? ? A. Once a week . B. Three times a month . C. Twice a month . ( ( ) ) 4.4. HowHow doesdoes GogoGogo gogo toto schoolschool ? ? A. By bike . B. By bus . C. By taxi . B)B) TryTry toto writewrite Hello Gogo , Im ________ . Im from China . Im a __________ . I usually ____________ to school . I like ___________ . I go _______ about __________ . Im good at___________. I also like _________ .But Im not good at __________. Yours, ______
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