(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 2 A Magic Day-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:801cf).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 A Magic Day_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:801cf)
    • Great days Let's chant 音频 曾珍兰.mp4
    • Great days 拓展阅读材料录音 曾珍兰.mp3
    • Great days 文本录音 曾珍兰.mp4
    • Great days.docx--点击预览
    • Great days.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案801cf.doc--点击预览


Great days Name:___________ 1. Read the passage again and finish the mind map.(读课文,完成 思维导图.) 2. Read and write True or False. 1).Yang Liwei was the first spaceman in the world. ( ) 2) Yang Liwei came back to the earth after three days. ( ) 3) Fei Funlong and Nie Haisheng went into space by Shenzhou 6. ( ) 4). Liu Yang was the first space woman in China. 3. Read your passage and ask your classmates about the other great days to finish the chart together.(朗读你手中的阅读材料,并 通过询问其他同学获得另外大日子的信息,再完成表格填空。) (Passage A) Great days There are many great days in China. On July 1st,1997, Hong Kong returned(回归) to China. On December 20th, 1999, Macau returned to China. Chinese People cheered and celebrated (庆祝)for these great days. Well never forget those great days! PlaceWhenEvent(事件) (What happened) Hong Kong Macau Beijing (Ask: What happened in ? When?) 4. Writing. (Writing skills: When? Who? What happened? How did you feel?) A great day (Passage B) Great days There are many great days in China. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________ (Passage B) Great days There are many great days in China. On August 8th, 2008 , it was a great day. Beijing hosted (主办) the Olympic Games. Well never forget those great days! PlaceWhenEvents(事件) (What happened) Hong Kong Macau Beijing (Ask: What happened in ? When?) 4. Writing. (Writing skills: When? Who? What happened? How did you feel?) A great day _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________Great Days 粤人民2011课标版三年级起点英语六年级下册 Unit2 A Magic Day (阅读阅读 课课) Lets talk: Gogos trips I went on a trip. I went on a trip. I went on a trip. I went on a trip. I went to the desert. I went to space. I ate some cheese. I sang a song. I played with friends. I danced around. And I got a magic lamp. And then I went home. Lets chant. Lets go to space! Gogo has a spaceship. He is a great spaceman. He had many great days in space. a /ei/ face base ea /ei/ break ay /ei/ May bay steak Lets learn. Great days in China. Lets look and listen on Page 26. Great days There are many great days in China. Yang Liwei went into space on Shenzhou 5 on October 15th, 2003. He was the first Chinese spaceman. After 21 hours he came back to the earth. A lot of people waited for him excitedly and cheered. On October 12th, 2005, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng traveled into space on Shenzhou 6. They stayed in space for five days. They talked to their families online. Nie Haishengs daughter sang “Happy Birthday” to him. He was so happy that he cried. On June 16th, 2012, Liu Yang traveled into space on Shenzhou 9. She was the first spacewoman in China. Well never forget those great days! Yang Liwei went into space on Shenzhou 5 on October 15th, 2003. He was the first Chinese spaceman. After 21 hours he came back to the earth. A lot of people waited for him excitedly and cheered. Great days. delay They feel excitedly and cheered. Great days Oct. 15th,2003 after 21 hours whenwhowhichwhat Lets finish the mind map about Yang Liwei. Yang Liwei Shenzhou 5 first Chinese spaceman Now read by yourselves and finish the mind map. On October 12th, 2005,Fei Junlong and Nei Haisheng traveled into space on Shenzhou 6. They stayed in space for five days. They talked to their families online. Nei Haishengs daughter sang “Happy Birthday” to him. He was so happy that he cried. Great days. delay On June 16th ,2012,Liu Yang traveled into space on Shenzhou 9. She was the first spacewoman in China. Great days. delay Great days Oct. 15th,2003 Liu Yang after 21 hours whenwho which what Lets finish the mind map about Fei Junlong, Nie Haisheng and Liu Yang. Yang Liwei Shenzhou 5 first Chinese spaceman Fei Junlong Nie Haisheng sang a song 1. Yang Liwei was the first spaceman in the world.( ) Lets write True or False. 2. Yang Liwei came back to the earth after three days. ( ) 3. Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng went into space by Shenzhou 6. ( ) 4. Liu Yang was the first spacewoman in China. ( ) delay F F T T Lets know more, read more! delay Do you know more great days in China? Lets work together. Great days There are many great days in China. On August 8th, 2008 , it was a great day. Beijing hosted the Olympic Games. Well never forget those great days! Great days There are many great days in China. On July 1st,1997, Hong Kong returned to China. On December 20th,1999, Macau returned to China. Chinese People cheered and celebrated for these great days. Well never forget those great days! Passage A Passage B What happened in Hong Kong? When? Hong Kong returned to China. On July 1st, 1997 Lets ask. PlaceWhenEvents (What happened) Hong Kong Macau Beijing July 1st, 1997Honk Kong returned to China. December 20th, 1999 Macau returned to China. August 8th, 2008 Beijing hosted the Olympic Game. Lets finish the chart together. delay Great days There are many great days in China. On July 1st,1997, Hong Kong returned to China. On December 20th,1999, Macau returned to China. Chinese People cheered and celebrated for these great days. On August 8th, 2008 , it was a great day. Beijing hosted the Olympic Games. Well never forget those great days! Lets read the whole passage. There are many great days in China. There are also many great days in our life. Can you write down one of it and share it with your friends? Lets share. There are many great days in my life. On October 10th,2017, it was a great day for me. It was my fathers birthday. We bought a big birthday cake and had a big party for him. We sang a birthday song for him. He was so happy. I will never forget that great day. Lets share. A great day Lets write. A great day __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ I will never forget that great day. delay Well never forget those great days! China is a great and strong country. We are Chinese. We love China! Remain true to our original aspiration. 勿忘初心, 牢记使命。 delay Homework 1. Talk about some great days with your family in English. 2. Surf the net to collect more great days in China and draw a mind map.1 一、一、 教教 材材 分分 析析 本课时选自粤人民 2011 课标版三年级起点英语六年级下册第二单元 More reading and writing,是以 Great days 为主题的一节阅读课。 这一单元的主要时态是动词一般过去时;重 点句型是 What did you do ? I read a book. Did you ? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. 学生能够用一般过 去时去描述过去的事件。 在设计教学活动中考虑到学生已有知识水平,在此书本文本阅读基础上增加了适当地拓展 文本,让学生更加了解和掌握事实性文本阅读的阅读技巧。 本课时是本单元的最后一节阅读理解课,如何掌握正确有效的学习方法策略,更快更有效 的进行课本知识的传授,促进教学的效率和质量的提高。在教学设计中应注重教学活动的层次 性,因此在阅读过程中我设计了思维导图的活动,通过在整理和完成思维导图的过程中,关键 词和核心内容的查找可以更好的帮助学生们加强对所学知识的理解,并将所学内容进一步的加 以深化。 二、二、 学学 情情 分分 析析 学生们通过近六年的英语学习,已有一定的英语基础知识和积累,能用英语进行日常交流; 能听懂稍复杂的一些对话;掌握了一些阅读技巧,进行文本阅读。 在前面两个单元学习中,他们已经掌握了用一般过去时描述发生的事情;会用一般过去时 描述过去事件。 这个年龄段的孩子开始进入青春期,课堂上部分孩子开始不愿意举手发言,会害羞或者害 怕回答错误后遭到其他同学嘲笑;因此老师应设计合适合作完成任务的活动,使学生拉近彼此 距离、乐于参与。 三、三、 教教 学学 目目 标标 三、三、 教教 学学 目目 【语言知识目标语言知识目标 】 1. 掌握字母 a 字母组合 ea、ay 的发音/ei/。 2. 通过 warming up 环节复习一般过去时,会用一般过去时描述过去事件。 3. 会用恰当的阅读策略读懂本课文章 Great days。 4. 能正确运用一般过去时描写自己的 great days 并分享。 5. 能根据文本完成思维导图并根据思维导图描述事件。 【语言技能目标语言技能目标】 1.通过观看视频、听录音、阅读小短文等环节,读懂文章并能够正确进行对文本的判断。 2. 能通过阅读拓展文本,更加了解中国更多的 great days,并能够通过合作学习,差异化 阅读的方式了解并读懂拓展文本。 3. 能正确地描述自己生活中的美好日子,对所学进行归纳拓展。 2 标标 【情感态度目标情感态度目标】 注重情感渗透,鼓励学生进行小组合作学习,互帮互助。激发学生学习英语的热情,能开 口说英语,并乐于说英语。引导学生了解中国的伟大,引导学生爱生活,爱祖国。 【学习策略目标学习策略目标】 1 首先整合五、六年级的教材内容,把 Gogo 曾经去过的地方再次呈现在学生面前,勾 起学生回忆,并自编 chant 带动学生学习的兴致,引出本课话题。 2. 用新闻小视频,再为视频配上文本内容录音,让学生们通过观看视频听配音,对文本 有最直观的印象。 3运用思维导图激发学生运用英语思维思考的能力,学会用思维导图概括事件,最终能 达到根据思维导图用自己语言描述事件从而培养学生的思维,提高阅读能力。 4设计学生自主阅读第三第四自然段并完成思维导图,旨在培养学生阅读方面的“自学 (self-studying) ”能力。 5. 设计学生通过信息差异化阅读,男生女生必须合作学习,在完成任务的过程中自然习 得语言,并及时内化。 6. 注重阅读教学的拓展,设计拓展阅读文本,拓展学生的文化视野,发展他们文化交际 的意识。 7. 注重板书设计与本课主题相结合, 将本课的重点内容呈现在思维导图上,通过思维导图 帮助学生梳理文本内容。最后在情感教育环节中提升学生对生活对祖国的情感,勿忘初心, 牢记使命! 【文化意识目标文化意识目标】 通过了解中国近年来在外太空取得的成就,了解中国航天员杨利伟、费俊龙、聂海胜和刘 洋的事迹从而激发学生对中国的自豪感,我们祖国是强大而伟大的。我们热爱祖国,因此我们 要勿忘初心,牢记使命! 四、四、 教教 学学 重重 难难 点点 【教学重点教学重点】 1. Sounds: the phonics sound and words: a, ea, ay /ei/. 2. Sentences: A What did ? Who? Which? Who? What happened? 3. Use the mind map to read and understand the passage. 4. Use the past tense to talk about past events. 5. Use appropriate reading skills and strategies in the reading process. 【教学难点教学难点】 1. Can understand the passages and finish the tasks. 2. Use appropriate reading skills and strategies in the reading process. 3. Can use the past tense to write down the great days in the life. 3 五、五、 教教 学学 过过 程程 Pre reading: . Warming Up and Lead In Step1. Talk about Gogos trips 1. Free talk: Did you have great days last summer holiday? What did you do? 2. Gogo had many great days. He went to many places, lets look and talk about Gogos trips. Where did he go? 3. A chant for Gogo. Listen and chant. Lets talk: Gogos trips I went on a trip. I went on a trip. I went on a trip. I went on a trip. I went to the desert. I went to space. I ate some cheese. I sang a song. I played with friends. I danced around. And I got a magic lamp. And then I went home. Lets chant. 【设计意图】从自然的提问环节不断重复 great days 为引出话题做铺垫,在这个环 节中我整合了五六年级教材,找出课本中 Gogo 曾经去过的地方,让学生复习一般 过去时,并熟练运用句型 Where did he go? What did he do?进行问答。通过 chant 环 节活跃学习气氛,这个 chant 第一段内容是根据本单元的 story 内容而编,同时也 属于教材整合,而第二部分的内容则引出本课的话题而编。 Step2. Lead in the topic 1. T: Gogo had many great days in space. Lets watch a video. (after the video) T: What does Gogo have? He has a spaceship. Hes a spaceman. 2. Lets learn the sound. a, ea, ay /ei/ 3. Gogo had many great days in space. There are many great days in China. Do you want to know? Lets watch a video first. Gogo has a spaceship. He is a great spaceman. He had many great days in space. a /ei/ face base ea /ei/ break ay /ei/ May bay steak Lets learn. 【设计意图】通过 Gogo 搭乘 spaceship 的小视频,创设合理情境,自然引入话题, 并在这过程中还进行语音/ei/的学习和练习。由 Gogo 引入我们今天的阅读主题。 While reading: Step 1. Watch a video about great days in China. 4 五、五、 教教 学学 过过 程程 【设计意图】通过观看新闻视频,让学生对将要阅读的文本有最直观的初印象。 Step2. Then lets look and listen on Page 26. 【设计意图】根据录音听和阅读文本,让学生快速全文阅读,了解文本大意。也 旨在不脱离文本,合理使用教材。 Step3. Read and learn about Yang Liwei. Yang Liwei went into space on Shenzhou 5 on October 15th, 2003. He was the first Chinese spaceman. After 21 hours he came back to the earth. A lot of people waited for him excitedly and cheered. Great days. 【设计意图】老师带领学生通过 PPT 学习第一个伟大的日子,杨利伟的故事。 Step 4. Lets finish the mind map about Yang Liwei. Great days Oct. 15th,2003 after 21 hours whenwhowhichwhat Lets finish the mind map about Yang Liwei. Yang Liwei Shenzhou 5 first Chinese spaceman 【设计意图】在老师的带领下通过提问和引导共同完成关于杨利伟的思维导图, 通过思维导图帮助学生整理和找出关键词和核心内容,更好的帮助学生们加强对 所学知识的理解并将所学内容进一步的加以深化。 Step5. Read by yourselves and finish the mind map with your partner. 5 五、五、 教教 学学 过过 程程 On October 12th, 2005,Fei Junlong and Nei Haisheng traveled into space on Shenzhou 6. They stayed in space for five days. They talked to their families online. Nei Haishengs daughter sang “Happy Birthday” to him. He was so happy that he cried. Great days. On June 16th,2012,Liu Yang traveled into space on Shenzhou 9. She was the first spacewoman in China. Great days. 【设计意图】设计学生自主阅读这两个自然段并和自己的 partner 合作完成思维导 图,旨在培养学生阅读方面的“自学(self-studying) ”能力和合作精神。 Step 6. Retell the passage with the mind map. 1. Ask some students to show their mind maps and retell with it. 2. Teacher guides students to retell the whole passage with the mind map on blackboard. 6 五、五、 教教 学学 过过 程程 Great days Oct. 15th,2003 Shenzhou 6 Liu Yang after 21 hours talked online first Chinese spacewoman whenwho which what Lets finish the mind map about Fei Junlong, Nie Haisheng and Liu Yang. Yang Liwei Shenzhou 5 first Chinese spaceman Oct. 12th2005 Fei Junlong Nie Haisheng five days sang a song June 16th,2012 Shenzhou 9 【设计意图】 通过完成余下的思维导图,检查学生对文本的理解与否。并带领学 生根据板书上的思维导图对文本进行梳理,以达到真正理解文本的目的。 Step7. Write True or False. 1. Yang Liwei was the first spaceman in the world.( ) Lets write True or False. 2. Yang Liweicame back to the earth after three days. ( ) 3. Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng went into space by Shenzhou 6. ( ) 4. Liu Yang was the first spacewoman in China. ( ) F F T T 【设计意图】通过 True or Fasle 快速判断学生是否完全掌握文本,是否掌握文本的 一些具体细节部分。 Extension reading: Step 1. Lets know more, read more. Hong Kongs Return , Macaus Return and Beijing Olympic Games are big events in China. Lets read and know more. Step 2. Lets work together and ask each other. 7 五、五、 教教 学学 过过 程程 Lets work together. Great days There are many great days in China. On August 8th,2008 , it was a great day. Beijing hosted the Olympic Games. Well never forget those great days! Great days There are many great days in China. On July 1st,1997, Hong Kong returned to China. On December 20th,1999, Macau returned to China. Chinese People cheered and celebrated for these great days. Well never forget those great days! Passage A Passage B What happened in Hong Kong? When? Lets ask. 【设计意图】女生手上的 Passage A 男生手上拿到的 Passage B。 在这个环节中设计差异化阅读,利用信息沟,设计让男生和女生要互相提问才能 得到完整的答案。这个环节旨在培养学生的合作意识还有在阅读时运用恰当的阅 读策略,要敢于开口,与人交际才能获得答案。 Step3. Lets finish the chart together. PlaceWhenEvents (What happened) Hong Kong Macau Beijing July 1st, 1997Honk Kong returned to China. December 20th,1999 Macau returned to China. August 8th, 2008 Beijing hosted the Olympic Game. Lets finish the chart together. 8 【设计意图】通过男生女生互相合作互相提问,共同完成表格,理解拓展文本, 完成拓展阅读任务。 Step3. Lets look and listen the whole passage. Great days There are many great days in China. On July 1st,1997, Hong Kong returned to China. On December 20th,1999, Macau returned to China. Chinese People cheered and celebrated for these great days. On August 8th,2008 , it was a great day. Beijing hosted the Olympic Games. Well never forget those great days! Lets read the whole passage. 【设计意图】出现完整的文本,并通过听和看了解文本,从片段到整体,对拓展 材料进行更完整的学习。 After reading: Step1. Lets share. 1. T: There are many great days in China. There are also many great days in our life. Can you write down one of it and share it with your friends? 2. Lets share my great days. There are many great days in my life. On October 10th,2017, it was a great day for me. It was my fathers birthday. We bought a big birthday cake and had a big party for him. We sang a birthday song for him. He was so happy. I will never forget that great day. Lets shar
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