(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 3 A Lucky Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:70a8e).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 A Lucky Day_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:70a8e)
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一、教学目标教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1) 能听说读写短语:won the game, had some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift. (2) 能掌握句型:I had a lucky day! What happened? First, I had fun with friends. Next, I won the game. After that, I got a nice gift. Wow! Youre really lucky. 2. 能力目标: (1) 能够简单描述自己的一些活动:如:won the game, ate some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift. (2) 能够运用 What happened?句型询问别人发生的情况。 (3) 能够运用 first, next, after that, and then 描述自己开心一天的活动的先后次序。 (4) 能根据图片提示,补全短文:My Lucky Day. 3.情感态度目标: (1)学生能够提高合作意识和自主探究、归纳的能力。 (2) 培养学生积极的态度面对生活的每一天,学会与朋友分享心情。 二、教学重点二、教学重点,难点。难点。 1.教学重点:(1)能够运用短语won the game, ate some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift . 描述自己一天的活动,并能写成一篇小短 文。 (2)能够运用 What happened?句型询问别人发生的情况。 2. 教学难点: (1)能够运用 first, next, after that, and then 描述自己开心一天的活动的先后次 序。 (2)理解并运用动词不规则变化的过去式:winwon, eatate, havehad, getgot . 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1. 多媒体课件、字母卡片 2. 板书图片,学生练习资料 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm- up 1. Free talk. T: Hello, Boys and girls! How are you today? ( S: Im fine.) T: What day is it today? (S: Its Wednesday.) T: What day was it yesterday? (S: It was Tuesday.) T: What did you do yesterday? / Did you watched TV / cleaned your room / studied English?(问几个学生) 2. T: Wow! You did many things yesterday. Now, lets sing a song, What did you do?(唱歌) Enjoy the chant: What did you do? (播放视频 )What did you do ? What did you do? What did you do? I cleaned my room . Oh , yeah ! I watched TV . Oh , yeah ! I talked to friends. Oh , yeah ! And I studied English ! Oh , yeah ! Oh , he had a happy day . What about your weekend ? 【设计意图: 通过复习第一单元的 chant 来调节学生的情绪,活跃课堂气氛, 营造轻松的学习氛围,同时通过 chant 复习已学过的动词短语,为本单元新短 语的学习做好铺垫。再通过让学生谈论开心周末,为后面文段的导入埋下伏笔。 】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Teacher shows some pictures about her happy/lucky day.(出示图片,让学生听) T: You sang so well. I did a lot of things yesterday, too. What did I do? Now, lets listen and check the pictures. OK? Yesterday I was happy. First, I had fun with friends . Next, I won the game . After that, I ate some cotton candy and got a nice gift . Wow! What a lucky day!(展示课题“A Lucky Day” ,用卡纸直接贴出或 直接在黑板上书写,并读两次。 ) 2. Check the pictures, and learn to read the new words. T: Good. You are right. First I had fun with friends. (展示新词汇,并让学生 跟着录音读。 ) (用同样的方式教读以下三个词汇)Next, I won the game. After that, I ate some cotton candy and got a nice gift. 2 要求学生听教师说一遍, 然后可以跟着教师说。 (出示上面的短文) 3. 检查学生的读音,并纠正。 4. 展示图片,让学生复述。 T: I was happy yesterday. First, I(展示图片,让学生尝试说出词汇。 ) S: Had fun with friends. T: Next, I S: Won the game. T: After that, I S: Ate some cotton candy and got a gift. T: Wow! What a lucky day! T: Great! You are so great! Now, lets say it again together. 【设计意图:通过 Teachers happy day 语篇导入新课学习,把本节课要学习 的动词短语贯穿在语篇中,让学生通过回答问题讲述老师那天做过的事情 来掌握短语的意思,理解 first, next, after that,所表达的次序,较好地检查到 学生对短语的掌握情况及有效解决学生学习的难点不规则变化动词 win won, eatate, havehad, getgot 的原形与过去式,有利于学生自主学习的 能力。 】 Step 3 Target 1. T: Look! This is Jenny. Is she happy? ( S: Yes. ) Jenny was happy. She had a lucky day. Now, lets listen and check the right pictures.(展示图片,并播放录 音。 ) ( 1 ) Read the words first. ( 2) Get a student to choose the pictures, and then listen again and check them out. 2. Look, listen and say. ( 1 ) Listen, and try to repeat it. ( 2 ) Ask and answer: T: What happened to her? S1: First, she had fun with friends. S2: Next, she won the game. S3: After that, she got a nice gift. T: Wow! Is she really lucky? (S: Yes.) 3. Pair works. T: Now, lets practice the dialogue in pairs.(让学生进行对话练习) Then, get one or two pairs to act out the dialogue. 【设计意图:通过听对话、选图片,然后模仿跟读,最后同桌对话操练的方 式进行 Target 学习,让学生逐步学习并掌握 Target 的内容,加强了学生的交际 能力,并为后面的输出做好知识铺垫。 】 Step 4 Practice 1. Pair work: share the happy/lucky day with partners. A: I had a ______ day. B: What happened? A: First, __________. Next,___________. After that, _____________. B: Wow! Youre really ________. 2. Report the day in class. 【设计意图:通过小组合作分享开心的一天的形式,让学生在活动中巩固、运 用,形成语言技能,培养学生的语言表达能力。 】 3. Chant activities: T: Look! This is my friend, Xiaoming. He had a lucky day yesterday. What happened to him? Now lets look and say.(让学生根据图片补全信息) T: Wow! Thats really a great day. Lets chant together. I had a lucky day Lucky day, lucky day, I had a lucky day. Great day, great day, I had a great day. We won the game. I had fun with friends. I got a football. We won the game. I had fun with friends. I got a football. 【设计意图:通过说唱让学生在唱、做中进行律动,活跃气氛,营造轻松的氛 围,同时复习巩固短语与文段,为下面的小编埋下伏笔。 】 Step 5 Consolidation 1. Listen and fill in the blanks. Hi! I am Jenny. I had a _______ day yesterday, First, I ______________. Next, I ___________________. After that, I _______________. Wow! Im really _______! 2. Let a student read it out and check the answers. Then, read it by self. 【设计意图:通过再次听Target的对话内容进行复习巩固,既可以训练听力, 又能复习词汇和句型,更为最后的知识输出拓展而做好铺垫。 】 Step 6 Extension 1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. (添加图片 took some photos , ate seafood , drank some juice , got a nice dress .) My _______Day I had a _______ day last Sunday. First, I _______ to the park. N_____, I _______ a bike and ________ fun with friends. _______ that, I _______ models at home. And then, I _______ an apple and _______ some juice. I was really _______. 2. Read the passage in groups. 【设计意图:通过看图完成小作我的一天,引导学生总结学过的动词短语,培 养学生的学习归纳及写作运用的能力。 】 Step 7 Summary 1. Go over the phrase. T: What did you do today? Ss: We talked about our lucky/happy day. T: What words can we use? Ss: We can use first, next, after that. 2. Its good to share our happiness with friends. (情感教育) We should be happy every day. 【设计意图:通过小结本节课学过的短语和句型,引导学生思考总结,增强学 生的语言综合知识运用能力。 】 Step 8 Homework 1. 必做作业:Read the phrases and target. 2.选做作业:Try to write something about your or your friends happy/lucky /bad day. 【设计意图:让学生根据自己的能力选择不同要求的作业,有利于了解学生的 知识水平和分层教学,进一步提高学生对语言的运用能力和思维能力。 】 五、五、 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 3 A Lucky Day What happened? First, I had fun with friends have - had Next, I won the game win - won After that, I ate some cotton candy eat - ate And then, I got a nice gift get-gotUnit 3 A Lucky Day Vocabulary, Target and Chant activities Free talk What did you do yesterday? Did you watch TV / cleaned your room / studied English? Lets chant. I was happy yesterday. What did I do yesterday? 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) I was happy yesterday. What happened? First, I Next, I After that, I and Jenny had a lucky day. What happened? 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) Look, listen and repeat. Wow! Youre really lucky! What happened? First, I had fun with friends. Next, I won the game. After That, I got a nice gift. I had a lucky day! Ask and answer. Jenny had a lucky day. What happened to her? First, she ________________. Next, she ________________. After that, she ____________. had fun with friends won the game got a gift Wow! She was really lucky! Practice in pairs. Talk about your lucky day with your partner. A: I had a ______ day. B: What happened? A: First, __________. Next,___________. After that, _____________. B: Wow! Youre really ________. Xiao Ming Lucky day, lucky day, I had a lucky day. Great day, great day, I had a great day. We __________________. I ____________________. I ____________________. won the game had fun with friends got a football Listen and fill in the blanks . Hi! I am Jenny. I had a _____ day yesterday, First, I ______________ ______. Next, I ________________. After that, I ___________________. Wow! I was really _______! lucky had fun with friendswon the game got a nice gift lucky Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. My _______Day I had a ______ day last Sunday. First, I _____ to the park. N_____, I _____ a bike and _____fun with friends. _______ that, I _____ models at home. And then, I _______ an apple and _______ some juice. I was really _______. Summary I had a lucky day. What happened? First, Next, After that, Homework 1. 必做作业:Read the phrases and target. 2.选做作业:Try to write something about your or your friends happy/lucky /bad day.一、教学目标教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1) 能听说读写短语:won the game, had some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift. (2) 能掌握句型:I had a lucky day! What happened? First, I had fun with friends. Next, I won the game. After that, I got a nice gift. Wow! Youre really lucky. 2. 能力目标: (1) 能够简单描述自己的一些活动:如:won the game, ate some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift. (2) 能够运用 What happened?句型询问别人发生的情况。 (3) 能够运用 first, next, after that, and then 描述自己开心一天的活动的先后次序。 (4) 能根据图片提示,补全短文:My Lucky Day. 3.情感态度目标: (1)学生能够提高合作意识和自主探究、归纳的能力。 (2) 培养学生积极的态度面对生活的每一天,学会与朋友分享心情。 二、教学重点二、教学重点,难点。难点。 1.教学重点:(1)能够运用短语won the game, ate some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift . 描述自己一天的活动,并能写成一篇小短 文。 (2)能够运用 What happened?句型询问别人发生的情况。 2. 教学难点: (1)能够运用 first, next, after that, and then 描述自己开心一天的活动的先后次 序。 (2)理解并运用动词不规则变化的过去式:winwon, eatate, havehad, getgot . 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1. 多媒体课件、字母卡片 2. 板书图片,学生练习资料 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm- up 1. Free talk. T: Hello, Boys and girls! How are you today? ( S: Im fine.) T: What day is it today? (S: Its Wednesday.) T: What day was it yesterday? (S: It was Tuesday.) T: What did you do yesterday? / Did you watched TV / cleaned your room / studied English?(问几个学生) 2. T: Wow! You did many things yesterday. Now, lets sing a song, What did you do?(唱歌) Enjoy the chant: What did you do? (播放视频 )What did you do ? What did you do? What did you do? I cleaned my room . Oh , yeah ! I watched TV . Oh , yeah ! I talked to friends. Oh , yeah ! And I studied English ! Oh , yeah ! Oh , he had a happy day . What about your weekend ? 【设计意图: 通过复习第一单元的 chant 来调节学生的情绪,活跃课堂气氛, 营造轻松的学习氛围,同时通过 chant 复习已学过的动词短语,为本单元新短 语的学习做好铺垫。再通过让学生谈论开心周末,为后面文段的导入埋下伏笔。 】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Teacher shows some pictures about her happy/lucky day.(出示图片,让学生听) T: You sang so well. I did a lot of things yesterday, too. What did I do? Now, lets listen and check the pictures. OK? Yesterday I was happy. First, I had fun with friends . Next, I won the game . After that, I ate some cotton candy and got a nice gift . Wow! What a lucky day!(展示课题“A Lucky Day” ,用卡纸直接贴出或 直接在黑板上书写,并读两次。 ) 2. Check the pictures, and learn to read the new words. T: Good. You are right. First I had fun with friends. (展示新词汇,并让学生 跟着录音读。 ) (用同样的方式教读以下三个词汇)Next, I won the game. After that, I ate some cotton candy and got a nice gift. 2 要求学生听教师说一遍, 然后可以跟着教师说。 (出示上面的短文) 3. 检查学生的读音,并纠正。 4. 展示图片,让学生复述。 T: I was happy yesterday. First, I(展示图片,让学生尝试说出词汇。 ) S: Had fun with friends. T: Next, I S: Won the game. T: After that, I S: Ate some cotton candy and got a gift. T: Wow! What a lucky day! T: Great! You are so great! Now, lets say it again together. 【设计意图:通过 Teachers happy day 语篇导入新课学习,把本节课要学习 的动词短语贯穿在语篇中,让学生通过回答问题讲述老师那天做过的事情 来掌握短语的意思,理解 first, next, after that,所表达的次序,较好地检查到 学生对短语的掌握情况及有效解决学生学习的难点不规则变化动词 win won, eatate, havehad, getgot 的原形与过去式,有利于学生自主学习的 能力。 】 Step 3 Target 1. T: Look! This is Jenny. Is she happy? ( S: Yes. ) Jenny was happy. She had a lucky day. Now, lets listen and check the right pictures.(展示图片,并播放录 音。 ) ( 1 ) Read the words first. ( 2) Get a student to choose the pictures, and then listen again and check them out. 2. Look, listen and say. ( 1 ) Listen, and try to repeat it. ( 2 ) Ask and answer: T: What happened to her? S1: First, she had fun with friends. S2: Next, she won the game. S3: After that, she got a nice gift. T: Wow! Is she really lucky? (S: Yes.) 3. Pair works. T: Now, lets practice the dialogue in pairs.(让学生进行对话练习) Then, get one or two pairs to act out the dialogue. 【设计意图:通过听对话、选图片,然后模仿跟读,最后同桌对话操练的方 式进行 Target 学习,让学生逐步学习并掌握 Target 的内容,加强了学生的交际 能力,并为后面的输出做好知识铺垫。 】 Step 4 Practice 1. Pair work: share the happy/lucky day with partners. A: I had a ______ day. B: What happened? A: First, __________. Next,___________. After that, _____________. B: Wow! Youre really ________. 2. Report the day in class. 【设计意图:通过小组合作分享开心的一天的形式,让学生在活动中巩固、运 用,形成语言技能,培养学生的语言表达能力。 】 3. Chant activities: T: Look! This is my friend, Xiaoming. He had a lucky day yesterday. What happened to him? Now lets look and say.(让学生根据图片补全信息) T: Wow! Thats really a great day. Lets chant together. I had a lucky day Lucky day, lucky day, I had a lucky day. Great day, great day, I had a great day. We won the game. I had fun with friends. I got a football. We won the game. I had fun with friends. I got a football. 【设计意图:通过说唱让学生在唱、做中进行律动,活跃气氛,营造轻松的氛 围,同时复习巩固短语与文段,为下面的小编埋下伏笔。 】 Step 5 Consolidation 1. Listen and fill in the blanks. Hi! I am Jenny. I had a _______ day yesterday, First, I ______________. Next, I ___________________. After that, I _______________. Wow! Im really _______! 2. Let a student read it out and check the answers. Then, read it by self. 【设计意图:通过再次听Target的对话内容进行复习巩固,既可以训练听力, 又能复习词汇和句型,更为最后的知识输出拓展而做好铺垫。 】 Step 6 Extension 1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. (添加图片 took some photos , ate seafood , drank some juice , got a nice dress .) My _______Day I had a _______ day last Sunday. First, I _______ to the park. N_____, I _______ a bike and ________ fun with friends. _______ that, I _______ models at home. And then, I _______ an apple and _______ some juice. I was really _______. 2. Read the passage in groups. 【设计意图:通过看图完成小作我的一天,引导学生总结学过的动词短语,培 养学生的学习归纳及写作运用的能力。 】 Step 7 Summary 1. Go over the phrase. T: What did you do today? Ss: We talked about our lucky/happy day. T: What words can we use? Ss: We can use first, next, after that. 2. Its good to share our happiness with friends. (情感教育) We should be happy every day. 【设计意图:通过小结本节课学过的短语和句型,引导学生思考总结,增强学 生的语言综合知识运用能力。 】 Step 8 Homework 1. 必做作业:Read the phrases and target. 2.选做作业:Try to write something about your or your friends happy/lucky /bad day. 【设计意图:让学生根据自己的能力选择不同要求的作业,有利于了解学生的 知识水平和分层教学,进一步提高学生对语言的运用能力和思维能力。 】 五、五、 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 3 A Lucky Day What happened? First, I had fun with friends have - had Next, I won the game win - won After that, I ate some cotton candy eat - ate And then, I got a nice gift get-got
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