(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Review 2-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:42fa6).zip

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Last Trip 粤人教粤人教2011课标版开心英语课标版开心英语 六年级六年级Unit 4-Unit 6小学英语过去时复习课小学英语过去时复习课 yesterday every weektomorrowlast night next year now beforejust now last May Day last week 看到表示看到表示过去过去的时间,请站起来并大声朗读。的时间,请站起来并大声朗读。 Game How _____ Elly go to school yesterday? She _____________to school. She ____ _____. did rode a bike was tired What happened just now? She _______ the boy. She was _____ .pulled angry They were sad. Why ____ they sad? Because they _____ the box. dropped were Did they ____the Iphone this morning? No, ____________. They ___ ____. use they used the computer were busy Was carried the bag ____ Miss Cai happy yesterday? Yes, she ____. Because the boy __________ for her. was ____ you in Zhuhai last summer holiday? No, I was not. I ____ on a nice trip. Were was When? Where? HowWho? Elly s trip Did you .? Were you.? When? Where? HowWho? Elly s trip last summer holiday What ? July 9th,2015 Sunny I have fun on my holiday. I stay in Thailand for 5 days. On the 1st day, we study English there. On the 2nd day, we visit some temples. On the 3rd day, we go to the garden. I sing and dance there. On the 4th day, I shop and I get many gifts. On the last day, I 到这一步就总结规律 练习二:把动词过去式分类练习二:把动词过去式分类 练习一:圈出动词练习一:圈出动词 练习二:把动词变成过去式练习二:把动词变成过去式 hadstayed studied visitedwent sangdanced shopped got Pictures of my last day of the holiday Guessing game Did .? Pictures of my last day of the holiday Did . ? Were/Was.? Pictures of my last day of the holiday Did.? Were .? . . From : E To: L Dear Lily, Love,Elly go, went, visit, visited, eat, ate, 改为ZOOM的trip ,他发了微信,但是很多错误,请改错 How are you ? I like Thailand.I like spicy(辣辣的的) food there, I often __________spicy food in Thailand. The last day in Thailand,I __________ to the beach with my family. It was sunny and hot.Then I went to the airport(机机场场).I didnt _______by train. I _______by plane. Next holiday, I am going to ______ Canada. Good luck! To : From: Dear Lily, How are you ? I like Thailand.I like spicy(辣辣的的) food there, I often eat spicy food in Thailand. On the last day in Thailand,I went to the beach with my family. It was sunny and hot.Then I went to the airport(机机场场 ). I didnt go by train. I went there by plane. Next holiday, I am going to visit Canada. Good luck! 1.What did Eily do on last day? ______________________________________ 2. What does Eily often do ? ______________________________________ 3.What is Eily going to do next holiday? ______________________________________ 妈妈回来,梦醒了,质问他做了什么,这里改为对话式的, 看问题写答句或者看答句写问题 换成三个问题 练习四:阅读邮件内容,回答问题练习四:阅读邮件内容,回答问题 How was my trip? exciting busy funny happy boring magic It was lucky Happy Time Last Tree-Planting Day Last Spring Outing June 1st Last Basketball Game Last Group Photo Chrish(珍惜珍惜)Our Happy Time How What When WhoWhere 请写写你朋友的请写写你朋友的happy time My friend is ________. Her happy time was_________.___________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______ Homework 1. Tell me something about your friends happy time. OR 2. Tell me something about your happy time. a. a dairy b. an e-mail c. a letter1 Revision of the Past Tense 教学设计教学设计 一、教学设计整体思路一、教学设计整体思路 本复习课努力体现语法为语言服务的宗旨,将语法实践练习结合具体的语 言活动来进行,使语法学习情景化、交际话。围绕话题 “last trip”展开,融 合课本的 1-3 单元内容。通过设计不同的任务帮助学生全面地复习了一般过去 时态的基本知识点,整节课充分地利用语篇推动教学,促进学生语言知识和语 言技能等各方面的综合发展。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1. 语言知识:语言知识: 整合复习一般过去时的陈述句、疑问句形式(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句) ,使学 生熟练掌握该语法现象的构成(form) 、意义(meaning)及用法(use)。 2. 语言技能语言技能: 能够熟练运用一般过去时的句式陈述自己或他人所做过的事情。 能够熟练运用一般过去时的句式提问他人做过什么事情。 3. 学习策略学习策略 本课所遵循的基于任务的语法教学模式,借助语篇推动的方式,强调通过归纳 和反思的手段,使学生通过自己的观察与思考,对语言现象进行分析并找出规 律;然后在接下来的产出性任务活动中对已形成的假设,如某结构怎么构成, 表示什么意义等进行检测,促进对自己的语法知识进行重构。这种学习方式能 够促进学生自主学习能力的形成。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 1、教学重点:1)复习巩固过去分词形式的构成,尤其是不规则形式变化,如 sang, rode 等。 2)强化一般过去时句式的语用功能,使学生能够在恰当的语境 中运用。 2、教学难点:1)不规则变化的过去分词在疑问句中的使用。 2)比较动词过去时与现在分词、动词原形在功能句中的不同, 引导学生针对某个语境选择正确的表达法。 四、教学辅具四、教学辅具 多媒体课件 五、教学过程五、教学过程 2 Step 1 Warm-up Ask and answer: How are you? How were you yesterday?. PPT 闪现过去式的时间,并对学生提出要求。 T:Can you read the time of past tense? 【设计意图】学生通过快速读出过去时的时间,引出过去时,并活跃学生气氛。 Fill in the blanks according to the pictures. 【设计意图】学生通过之前对词汇的复习进入到问答环节。 Lead in 通过最后一组图片问答引入话题:last trip T:Do you want to know something about my last trip? 【设计意图】引导学生运用特殊疑问句与老师进行话题交流,并引导他们关注 一般过去时的提问方式。 Step 2 Reading 老师通过话题“last trip”,引导学生围绕 what,where,when,who,how 等方 面进行提问,然而引出听力内容。 T:How was my trip? 【设计意图】在利用语篇听力阅读和推动的情况下,通过导、学、练、测四个 步骤引导学生回顾动词过去式的变化规则及其用法,并复习词汇,然后进行归 纳。 Step 3 Practice Read and circle、fill 紧接着上述阅读内容将话题延续到课堂上,设计完成游记 Email 的任务 T: What about the last day of my trip? How was the trip? 【设计意图】设计完成游记 Email 的任务,帮助学生区别动词不同形式的使用, 3 整合复习了 didnt 后面动词的正确使用。 Step 4 Lead out 1.Free talk 师生或者生生根据 PPT 提示交流自己的 happy time T: Where was it? What did you do? Where did you go? How was it? 【设计意图】通过设计不同层次的任务,先由师生交流作为示范为后续的生生 交流以及书面表达作铺垫,另外借助分享身边同学的事拓阔学生对于本次话题 的理解,丰富了话题的表达。 2.Try to write something about your friends happy time. 【设计意图】通过课堂练笔,加深学生的印象,并巩固知识,提高语言应用能 力。 Step 5 Homework Writing: 以“happy time”为话题写一篇小练笔介绍一件关于你自己或者你 朋友的 happy time. 【设计意图】借助生活中的事情作为预料展开本次课的复习,话题源于生活最 终回归生活,教师通过课堂的反复示范为学生的语言知识输出已搭建好脚手架, 作业则是作为检测学生正确并真实地运用语言知识的手段。 板书设计板书设计 Last Trip 4 pull-pulled drop-dropped carry-carried use-used eat-ate Handout 5 I. Circle the verbs in the passage I have fun on my holiday. I stay in Thailand for five days. On the 1st day, we study English there. On the 2nd day, we visit some temples. On the 3rd day, we go to the garden, I sing and dance there. On the 4th day, I shop and I get many gifts. On the last day, I . II. Choose and fill in the blanks. go, went, visit, visited, eat, ate, Dear Lily: How are you ? I like Thailand. I like spicy(辣的) food there, I often __________spicy food in Thailand. The last day in Thailand,I __________ to the beach with my family. It was sunny and hot.Then I went to the airport(机 场).I didnt _______by train. I _______by plane. Next holiday, I am going to ______ Canada. Good luck! Love, Elly 1.What did Elly do on last day?_______________________ 2. What does Elly often do in Thailand?________________ 3.What is Elly going to do next holiday?__________________ 6 III. Discuss and write My friend is ______. Her happy time was _________________. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I am ______ . My happy time was _______________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________.
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