(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 2 A Magic Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:64d4e).zip

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A Magic DayA Magic Day How are you feeling today? 01 Before Reading Lets say together! Close your eyes,and listen what can you see ? where are you? Listen and say Where were you ? funny? excited? Look and say In the fun park a place we can play Trees Animals Rivers Rides Eat Drink park? fun park? Ferris WheelFerris Wheel Its said that ferris wheel in each box is filled with happiness. When we look up to the ferris wheel is looking at the happines. Implied Meaning Ferris wheel happines wishes A ticket for the Ferris WheelFerris WheelFerris WheelFerris Wheel My friends EricErics sister-Sally Erics friend-Alex 02 Enjoy reading Fast-reading:快速阅读,找出表格中的信息。 3W Where Who When Fast-reading:快速阅读,找出表格中的信息。 1、Where did they go? 2、Who are they? 3、When did they go? They went to the fun park Erics families and his friend Alex On Erics birthday Enjoy ReadingEnjoy ReadingEnjoy ReadingEnjoy Reading Sally EricAlex Scanning:寻读。Finish the task . 1.What did Sally and her family do1.What did Sally and her family do? 2.2.What was Sallys favorite rideWhat was Sallys favorite ride? ReadRead and and answer:answer: My name is Sally. My dad took this photo on my brothers birthday! We went to a fun park, and rode on all the rides. Look, this was my favorite. 1.What did Sally and her family do1.What did Sally and her family do? ride the bike ride on the horse ride - rode 骑 Ride This is the rideThis is the rideThis is the rideThis is the ride This is the rideThis is the rideThis is the rideThis is the rideThis is the rideThis is the rideThis is the rideThis is the ride 乘坐 ride my bike 游乐设施 favorite rides ride We went to a fun park and rode on all the rides. The swings What was Sallys favorite ride? Lets guess! What was Erics favorite ride? Does Sally have the same ride as Erics?Does Sally have the same ride as Erics? the roller coaster the roller coaster the roller coaster Im Eric,Sallys brother. This is my favorite ride,but I was sick afer it.My mom gave me some water and talked to me.I walked around slowly and felt fine later. What did Eric do in the fun park? Group Work: Find and Fill Read and choose: A He played his favorite ride. B He drank some water and talked to his mother E He walked around slowly after feeling sick. D He saw a movie. C He sang songs. B ,C, D Read and Judge: My name is Alex. Im Erics best friend.There were lots of cool things in the park!I dont like rides,so I played games. I didnt win anything.We also ate some cotton candy!Here is a photo of it! Read and judge 1.Alex also likes the rides so he rode on all of them. ( ) 2.Alex won nothing in the fun park. ( ) 3.Alex played games and ate some candy. ( ) 1.Alex also likes the rides so he rode on all of them. ( ) My name is Alex. Im Erics best friend. There were lots of cool things in the fun park. I dont like rides, so I played games. I didnt win anything. We also ate some cotton candy! Here is a photo of it. Read and judge: F What was Alexs favorite ride? My name is Alex. Im Erics best friend. There were lots of cool things in the fun park. I dont like rides, so I played games. I didnt win anything. We also ate some cotton candy! Here is a photo of it. 2.Alex won nothing in the fun park.( ) Read and judge: T My name is Alex. Im Erics best friend. There were lots of cool things in the fun park.I dont like rides, so I played games. I didnt win anything. We also ate some cotton candy! Here is a photo of it. 3.Alex played games and ate some candy. ( ) Read and judge: F What do the passages mainly talk about? A.Sallys happy day in the fun park. B.Erics birthday. C.Erics families and friends happy day in the fun park. 03 After reading JJIn the fun park,what did you do ?In the fun park,what did you do ? We went on the ________. Lets talk and write: What did you do ? cotton candy chips excited the roller coaster (过山车) orange juice cola We drank _______. We ate ______. We were____. Activity- Activity- Ask & WritingAsk & Writing Activity Rules:Activity Rules: 4 peolpe in one 4 peolpe in one group,group,askask one by one by one ”what did you one ”what did you do?” then put do?” then put together the 4 together the 4 swings, swings, writewrite down down on the paper.on the paper. A happy day in the fun park pumper cars(碰碰车) torrent Yongjin(激流勇进) bungee jumping(蹦极) ferris wheel(摩天轮) swinging ships(海盗船) Drop Tower(跳楼机) 提示 Lets talk and write: A happy day in the fun park cotton candy chips hamburger hot dog excited happy the swings (大摆锤 ) the roller coaster (过山车) water orange juice cola A ticket for the Ferris WheelFerris WheelFerris WheelFerris Wheel1 教材版本教材版本:广东人民出版英语六年级下册 课型:阅读教学课型:阅读教学 教学设计:教学设计: 一、一、 教学目标教学目标 1)学生能够通过观察课文的插图,基本上抓住文章的主要信息点,过山车, 大摆锤,便可以猜测出可能这篇文章大致内容从而能正确理解短文内容以及大 意。 2)能够从文中获取信息,了解 Eric 一家和他的朋友 Alex 在游乐场的活动情况, 完成教师设计的阅读任务。 3)能够掌握一定的阅读技巧略读,详读。 重点重点:难点难点: 1.培养学生在插图的帮助之下获取信息的能力。 2.培养学生的朗读文本的能力。 3.培养学生的阅读技巧。 4.能够用教师的提供的关键词描述自己在游乐场的活动情况并且进行写作练习。 二、学生学习情况分析二、学生学习情况分析 本单元是六年级下册 unit2 A Magic Day 的英语阅读教学内容。这节课的 课型是阅读课,重点在于学生阅读和理解文章的意思,了解 Eric 一家和他的好 朋友 Alex 为了庆祝 Eric 的生日到游乐场的活动情况。 三、教学策略三、教学策略 1情景教学,在学生已有的经历上创设情景,以游乐场摩天轮为主线,一方 面对文化生活知识的渗透与了解;另一方面引出文章的教学,以便更好地整体 2 呈现语言材料,让学生在直接的语境当中获取学习信息。 2通过“任务型教学” ,让学生在阅读中获取信息,并能运用所学知识与实际 生活相关联。 3.辅助手段: CAI,活动交流练习。通过实际操作、教师引导学生如何阅读文章, 学生自己判断关键词的技巧,来提升学生的阅读能力。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Teaching ProcedureTeaching aims Step 1 Warm-up 1.Greetings: How are you feeling today? 2.Warm up: A. Listen and say B. Look and say Notice : park & fun park 【设计意图:以听觉效应 引导学生形容 park,以 视觉效应引导学生说出 fun park,对比二者之间的 不同于相同,引出课题。 】 Step 2 Pre -reading 1.Lead in -In the fun park 2. Introduce “Ferris Wheel” 3.Introduce 3 friends and they will help us to finish the task (Exercise paper) 【设计意图:介绍摩天轮 的知识,以摩天轮为主线 设置任务,并通过三个好 朋友来完成每部分的练习 任务。 】 Step 3 Enjoy-reading 1.Fast-reading & answer the questions. Read the first time to answer 3W questions. 2.Scanning & find the details Read the second time to finish the task. A.Read and answer(the first part about Sally) Notice : ride the swings B.Read and choose(the second part about Eric) Notice : the roller coaster C.Read and judge(the third part about Alex) Notice : cotton candy 【设计意图:通过快速阅 读和寻度的方法,对三个 任务部分进行讲解,以出 示图片的形式讲解 ride 这个词的两层含义,通过 观察文中的插图来讲授 the swings and the roller coaster,中间以英文歌曲 的插入来提升学生的兴趣。 】 3 3.Conclusion What do the passage mainly talk about? Step 4 After-reading .Activity work 1.Lets talk in groups “What did you do in the fun park?” 2.Ball Work Put together 4 swings and write down 3.Lets read in groups 4.Extension : say more about your fun park 【设计意图:通过活动的 设计,以小组为单位,彩 色球问答,拼蝴蝶的形式, 来完成本节课的基础写作 练习,最后通过一个空白 球来升华难度。 】 。 Step 5 Summary& Homework 1. Conclusion the task paper and the knowledge. 2. Read this passage .
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