(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:50393).docx

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1、1 教学设计教学设计 教学内容教学内容:Unit Unit 5 5 Being HelpfulBeing Helpful (Target)(Target) 学习目标学习目标: : 1.知识目标:听说读写以下词组 turn on the light, turn off the TV, put away your books, take out your notebook, take out the trash, put on your jacket, hang up your clothes, clean up the room , in a minute, later 2.能运用句型 Can

2、you ., please ? Sure. / Sorry. 进 行交际 3.通过本课学习,要学会乐于助人。 教学教学重重难点难点: : 1.能够看图说出并写出相应的词组 2.能够熟练地运用句型进行交际:Can you ., please ? Sure. / Sorry. 教学准备:教学课件、教学光盘、图片卡片 课堂教学环节:课堂教学环节: .Warm up:.Warm up: 1. Greetings 2. Lets sing a song “Little Bird” 3. Answer two questions: A. Can you teach me how to fly? B. Ca

3、n you sing me a little song? 2 4. 通过播放词组图片,询问学生 Can you tell me what you see? 学生回答 hang up your clothes, turn on the lights 等进行词组的复习。 PresentationPresentation 1.看一些在上一环节出示过的图片填空 Can you _, please? Sure, Ill _ later. 2. 学习并掌握 Can you take out the trash / hang up my clothes / clean up my room ? 3. 学会回

4、答别人的请求帮助 Sure, Ill take it out later. / Sure, Ill hang them up in a minute. / Sorry , Im busy now. 4. 在此基础上,进一步学习并理解课本 P57 页的目标语 言(Target)。 5. 而后,学生进行 Pair work, 读一读 Target. 6. 插入一个小组 PK 游戏,锻炼小组间互相帮助及合作。 a.全班分为 6 个小组 b.请一个同学抽签,两个小组相互 PK 读句子,读对加 2 分,读错扣 3 分,输的小组接受惩罚。 7. 请一些学生上台挑战自己,尝试背诵出 Target, 锻炼 自

5、己的记忆力。 3 PracticePractice 通过幸运大转盘的游戏,完成相应的练习。 1.turn on the _ (开灯) 2.take out the _ (把垃圾带走) 3.翻译:你能把电视关掉吗? Can you turn off the TV? 4.Can you put _ your toys?Sure. Ill put them away later. A. on B. away C. off 5.看图写出相应短语(导学案 P62)。 Consolidation 巩固练习 1. T: Look at the pictures and make some dialogues

6、. Example: Can you turn on the light? Sure. Ill turn it on right now. ( Sure. Ill do it right now.) T: Choose 1-2 pictures to make dialogues. Can you _? Sure. Ill _right now / in a minute / later. Sorry. Im busy now. 4 2. Some students show their pictures and act out the dialogues. . Sum up . Sum up 问:Can you_? 答 1:Sure. Ill _right now / in a minute / later. 答 2:OK. Ill do it right now / in a minute / later. 答 3:Sorry. Im busy now. . Homework. Homework 1. 背诵课本 57 页对话。 2. 尝试默写课本 57 页单词与对话。


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