(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:06210).docx

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(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:06210).docx_第1页
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(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:06210).docx_第2页
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(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:06210).docx_第3页
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(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:06210).docx_第5页
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1、1 I. Teaching contents: P60 Reading and writing II. Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge objects To grasp the usage of the following sentences. 1) Can you sweep the floor? 2) Im proud of you. 3) Im washing the dishes. 2. Ability objects 1) To train the Ss reading and writing skills. 2) To foster the Ss

2、skills of reading and stimulate their critical thinking ability. 3. Moral objects 1) To build the Ss confidence and develop their abilities to communicate with others to get information. 2) Educate the Ss to help parents do some housework at home and try to be a hard-working and helpful person from

3、now on. III. Teaching Points 1. Teaching important points 1) The usage of the sentence structure: Im proud of you. 2) The Ss abilities of understanding the passage. 3) The training of the Ss skills of reading and writing. 2. Teaching difficult points 1) The training of the Ss skills of reading and w

4、riting. 2) The training of the Ss abilities to communicate with others to get information. IV. Teaching Aids: PPT, pictures V. Teaching Method: Task-based Approach, Situational Approach VI. Teaching Procedures Step I. Greeting and warming up 1. Greeting each other. 2 2. Sing an English song Can you

5、take out the trash. (设计意图:借助歌曲开始课堂教学,活跃气氛。同时选用与本课内容紧密结合的歌 曲,也为新知的呈现埋下伏笔,自然导出本课话题。) Step II. Pre-reading 1. Lead-in. 1) Show a poster about Volunteers Needed in Yanzhou Academy. T: Yanzhou Academy is more than 140 years old. We should keep it clean and tidy. So we need some volunteers to sweep it eve

6、ry day. Im a volunteer now. Do you want to be a volunteer? 2) Guessing game. Show some pictures of Piggy and ask Ss to guess what she can do and what she is doing. T: I have a friend. She is a volunteer, too. What can she do? What is she doing? (设计意图:创设一个烟洲书院招募志愿者的情景,让学生在真实的情景下进行语 言学习,可以帮助学生从整体上理解文章

7、内容,降低学习难度,一条主线贯穿整个 教学。) 2. Predict the story. 1) Show a picture of Puffy in this passage and ask Ss to predict the story. T: I have another friend. It wants to be a volunteer. Then ask some questions: What is its name? What are these on its feet? What does it want to do? What can it do? 2) Help Ss t

8、o predict the answer according to the picture and teach them a new word -mop. 3) Show another picture of Tonys family in this passage and ask Ss to continue to predict the story. T: This is a picture of Tonys family. They are busy with housework. They are hard-working. They all want to be volunteers

9、. What are they doing now? 4) Help Ss to predict the answers according to the picture. (设计意图:读前利用教材中的插图让学生对文本内容进行预测,直观、形象的教 材插图不仅可以激起学生的阅读欲望,还可以引导他们主动参与文本内容的学习。) 3 Step III. While-Reading 1. Skimming. T: Now open your books and turn to Page 60. Please read the story quickly and try to answer the que

10、stion: What is Puffy doing now? 2. Intensive reading. T: Read the story again. Please read it carefully this time and do some exercise. 1) Fill in the blanks with the sentences below. 2) Answer the question: What is Tony doing? 3. Listening to the story. T: Now close your books and listen to the sto

11、ry carefully. Then try to do the following questions. 1) Tick or cross. a. Today is Grandmas birthday. b. Jenny can sweep the floor. c. Mom is washing the dishes. d. Tony is proud of Puffy. 2) Answer the question: Who is taking out the trash? (设计意图:运用快速阅读、仔细阅读、听短文等多种方法对文章进行学习,既能 加强对学生阅读能力和技巧的培养,又能吸引

12、学生注意力。同时采用图片等辅助手 段,形象直观的展现文章内容,穿插各种题型,帮助学生巩固理解。) 4. Role-play reading. T: Now lets have a role-play reading. There are three characters in the story. So one student acts mom, the second acts Tony, and the third acts Jenny. OK, four students in a group to practice. Ask 2 or 3 groups to read the story

13、. (设计意图:小学生喜欢模仿,让学生进行分角色朗读符合小学生的年龄特点, 可以让课堂由枯燥乏味变得生动有趣,吸引学生由被动学习变为主动学习。 ) Step IV. Post-Reading 1. Interview. Interview Tonys family and make up a dialogue. T: Now we know Tonys family are hardworking. Everyone can do housework. They are helpful. I think they can be the volunteers. Now I want to int

14、erview one of them. 4 T: Hello, Im a reporter. I know you all want to be the volunteers in Yanzhou Academy. What can you do at home? Jenny: Hello, Im Jenny. Im 10 years old. Im helpful at home. I often help my mom do the housework. I can sweep the floor in the morning. I can wash the dishes after lu

15、nch. I can take out the trash, water the flowers and put away my toys in the afternoon. I can make the bed, too. Im helpful. T: Oh, you can do many things at home. If you want to be a volunteer, you should fill in an application first. Jenny: OK. 2. Complete the application. Teach Ss to write the ap

16、plication. Application(申请表)(申请表) Name Jenny Sex(性别)(性别) girl Age 10 Telephone 558811 Reason (What can you do?) I often help my mom do the housework. I can sweep the floor in the morning. I can wash the dishes after lunch. I can take out the trash, water the flowers and put away my toys in the aftern

17、oon. I can make the bed, too. Im helpful. (设计意图:通常情况下孩子们对游戏是比较感兴趣的,为了持续学生的学习兴趣, 设计采访和写申请表的环节,给学生做一个示范,达到学以致用的目的。) 3. Writing practice. Ask Ss to write their applications. T: Now Jenny is a volunteer. Do you want to be the volunteer? Please fill in the application and you can be. (设计意图:高年级学生有写的能力,适当的

18、对所学内容进行拓展训练,有利于学生 的长远发展,同时写作也为提高学生对语言综合运用的能力搭建舞台。) 4. Share the applications. Ask 2 or 3 Ss to share their applications. 5 T: Who wants to share your application? T: Very good. You can do much housework at home. Youre helpful. Now youre a volunteer. Congratulations. 5. Show a list of kids housework

19、in the USA. T: You all did a good job today. But do you know, in the USA, the kids can do housework when they are very young. Now lets look at some pictures and know more. T: So we should help parents do some housework at home. Try to be a hard-working and helpful child from now on. (设计意图:通过对西方国家孩子家务清单的了解,不仅可以缓解学生上课的紧张情 绪,既对学生进行思想教育的熏陶,还可以渗透西方国家文化,一举几得。) Step V. Homework 1. Tell the story to your friends. 2. Prepare for a speech of Who is helpful. Step VI. Blackboard design Unit 5 Being Helpful -Reading and writing Mom: washing Dad: taking Tony: watering Puffy: sweeping Jenny: cleaning


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