(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 3 A Lucky Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)--(编号:80f53).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 A Lucky Day_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)__(编号:80f53)
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    • Unit3 A Lucky Day教学课件.pptx--点击预览
    • Vocabulary.mp3
    • 教案80f53.doc--点击预览


Unit 3Unit 3 A Lucky DayA Lucky Day Vocabulary& target 1 Free talk Yangyang was very happy yestoday. Where did he go?Where did he go? yestoday, he was happy.yestoday, he was happy. Because he Because he had a Lucy day.had a Lucy day. What What happenhappeneded? ? win I ________ the game. What happened? won 赢 won win the game won the game eat I ________ some cotton candy. What happened? ate 吃 ate eat some cotton candy ate some cotton candy have fun I ________ with friends. What happened? had fun 玩的开心 had fun have fun with friends had fun with friends get I ________ a gift. What happened? got 得到 got get a gift got a gift First, 1 1 Next, 2 2 After that, 3 3 I had a lucky day. I ate some cotton candy. I won the game. I had fun with friends. Pair work. A: I had a lucky day! B: What happened? A: First, . Next, . After that, . B: Wow! Youre really lucky! 1 But, Sally felt not so good.Sally felt not so good. Because she Because she had a bad dayhad a bad day. . wake up I ________ late. What happened? woke up 醒来 woke up wake up late woke up late miss I ________ the bus. What happened? missed 错过 missed miss the bus missed the bus forget I ________ my homework. What happened? forgot 忘记 forgot forget my homework forgot my homework lose I ________ my keys. What happened? lost 丢失 lost lose my keys lost my keys First, 1 1 Next, 2 2 After that, 3 3 I had a bad day. I lost my keys. I forgot my homework. I missed the bus. Pair work. A: I had a bad day! B: What happened? A: First, . Next, . After that, . B: Wow! I hope tomorrow is a good day! Look and say woke up late missed the bus forgot my homework lost my keys won the game ate some cotton candy had fun with friends got a gift Lets do some exercise.Lets do some exercise. 1. _____ a gift 2. _____ my keys 3.______ up late 4. ______ my homework 5. ______ the bus got lost woke forgot missed Lets do some exercise.Lets do some exercise. 1.had ___ with _____ 2. ____ the game 3.ate some _____ ______ funfriends won cottoncandy 1.What happened to him? First, He Next ,He Then, He lost his keys. missed the bus. heard a noise. 2.What happened to her? First, she Next, she Then, she ate some cotton candy. had fun with friends. got a gift. Target Listen and Chant Write and Chant Lets talk about a bad or good day. Show your talking Enjoy your life everyday. Homework Lily First Next Then 1.背诵今天学的短语. 2.仔细观察下图,根据提示写一篇短文,题目自拟。 THANK YOU课程引领课程引领 一、本部分的教学目标是要求学生能够听、说、认、读八个动词词短语:won the game、 ate some cotton candy、 had fun with friends、 got a gift、 woke up late、 missed the bus、 forgot my homework、 lost my keys. 能借助图片认读单词,并根据单词卡片及自己的实际情况描述自己过去的一天。 二、本课时的主要教学内容是 won the game、 ate some cotton candy、 had fun with friends、 got a gift、 woke up late、 missed the bus、 forgot my homework、 lost my keys. 八个动词短词。联系学生的生活实际, 从 lucky day 、bad day、great day 让学生按顺序描述自己的过去一天, 并滚动复习句型 I had a lucky/bad /great day.First,Next,After that 最后通过全身反应教学法 (TPR),对所学单词进行巩固。词汇教学可以利用图片、表情和动作等 展示词汇意义,使教学内容更加直观形象,让学生感到轻松、自然,让 单词更容易被学生吸收,从而降低教学的难度,激发学生的学习兴趣和 自主学习的欲望。TPR 教学法能够有效克服小学英语词汇教学时的枯燥 和机械型操练,创造轻松愉快的课堂分为,全方位调动学生的听觉、视 觉、头脑和身体等感官,是学生处于兴奋、积极接受的主动学习状态。 教材使用教材使用 一、教材内容分析 本课是开心版小学英语六年级年级下册第 3 单元第 1 课时。本单元主题为 A Lucky Day 学生在本单元 1-3 课中学习 won the game、 ate some cotton candy、 had fun with friends、 got a gift、 woke up late、 missed the bus、 forgot my homework、 lost my keys. 八个动词短词并了解和掌握动词过去式的变化, 用 lucky day 、bad day、great day 让学生按顺序描述自己的过去一天,并 滚动复习句型 I had a lucky/bad /great day.First,Next,After that 二、确定教学重难点 教学重点: 1能听懂会认读八个动词短语。 2动词原形及过去式的认和读。 3.能够按事情发生的先后顺序描述过去发生的事情。 教学难点: 1动词原形及过去式的认和读。 2询问发生什么事情的句型 What happened? 3如何描述过去发生的事情:I had a lucky/bad /great day.First, Next,After that 4.表达对方真的很幸运的句型 Wow!You are really lucky! 三、重难点突破方案 在热身环节,利用上一节课的 chant I went on a trip 来复习已经学过 的动词词汇,引出 happy、great、lucky 为本课教学的顺利开展进行铺垫工作。 进入呈现环节后,教师通过课件出示的图片引出 happy、great、lucky,引出教 学内容。说:I had a lucky day.What happened? First, I won the game.Next, I ate some catton candy. After that ,I had fun with friends。课件呈现环节,通过 TPR 活动,在手、眼、脑的配合中,学生对四 个 won the game、 ate some cotton candy、 had fun with friends、 got a gift、 动词短词的音和义和形巩固操练。由神态图片转入 bad 缘由的短语认读教学 woke up late、 missed the bus、forgot my homework、 lost my keys. 并进行目 标句型的滚动操练。 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 知识目标: 1能够听、说、认、读 won the game、 ate some cotton candy、 had fun with friends、 got a gift、 woke up late、 missed the bus、 forgot my homework、 lost my keys. 八个动词短词并了解和掌握动词过去式的变化。 2询问发生什么事情的句型 What happened? 3.如何描述过去发生的事情:I had a lucky/bad /great day.First,Next,After that 4.表达对方真的很幸运的句型 Wow!You are really lucky! 技能目标: 创设情景,小组合作学习中巩固运用句型和单词。 情感目标: 教育学生用乐观、积极、向上的态度面对自己的生活。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 教学重点: 能够听、说、认、读 won the game、 ate some cotton candy、 had fun with friends、 got a gift、 woke up late、 missed the bus、 forgot my homework、 lost my keys. 八个动词短词并了解和掌握动词过去式的变化。 教学难点: 动词原形及过去式的认读,变化规律的掌握,并能正确运用。Win-won eat-ate have-had get-got wake-woke miss-missed forget- forgot lose-lost 三、教学策略三、教学策略 词汇教学可以利用图片、动作等展示词汇意义,使教学内容更加直观形象, 让学生感到轻松、自然,让单词更容易被学生吸收,从而降低教学的难度,激 发学生的学习兴趣和自主学习的欲望。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 教学环节教学环节教学活动教学活动设计意图设计意图 1师生日常用语问候。 T: Hello everyone,What is the weather like today? What is the date today? Ss: It is- It is- T: Very good, you are so clever. Step 1: 热身/复习 Warm-up/Revision 2Chant 引出 happy,great sad 的表情图片 ,复习部分动词过去式。 创设真实的情境,用 旧知引新知 1课件出示图片,教师提出: My friend Yangyang was happy yestoday.He had a lucky day. 2Where did he go? 3What happened to him? 让学生根据图片说出动词短语 词 won the game,并能用 I won the game. 这个句型来回 答老师的问题:What happened to him? 在学生的回答中继续 呈现了本课新词汇 ate some catton candy、had fun with friends 、got a gift,教师 就将相应的单词卡片贴在图旁, 带着学生多次重复认读。 由此 引导学生用 First,I won the game.Next, I ate some catton candy. After that,I had fun with friends.并用卡片滚动操练句型。 继续呈现伤心图片教学短语 woke up late、 missed the bus、 forgot my homework、 lost my keys. 4滚动操练描述自己过去的句 型。 教师创设情境,自然 地引出本课时的新词 汇,学生更容易接受。 5课件呈现,听录音,跟读单 词。 熟读单词和句型。 Step 2: 新课展示 Presentation 6两人一组操练本课时句子 I had a lucky/bad /great day.First,Next,Aft 通过操练进一步熟悉 单词和句子。 er that 7.课件呈现,通过 TPR 活动, 完成 Target 部分。 8. 在手、眼、脑的 配合中,学生对单词 Win-won eat- ate have-had get-got wake- woke miss-missed forget-forgot lose-lost 的音和义和形巩固操 练。 让学生通过模仿来感 知语音,进一步熟悉 单词和句子。 1 单词卡和动作游戏,叫个别学 生上来根据图片做动作让另一 个学生说出这个单词。 形义配对,使学生真 正从单词的形和义两 方面掌握形容词。Step 3: 趣味操练 Practice 2.看图根据所学知识完成句子。 3.Lets chant. 让学生通过模仿来感 知语音,进一步熟悉 单词和句子。 1 Step 4: 作业检测 Homework 2.听录音并跟读三遍。 让学生分享自己幸运 或糟糕的过去一天, 并教育学生用积极、 向上、乐观的态度面 对每一天,也能够激 发孩子们的学习兴趣。 板书设计: A Lucky Day I had a lucky/bad /great day. First, won the game、 ate some cotton candy、 had fun with friends、 got a gift、 Next, After that, woke up late、 missed the bus、 forgot my homework、 lost my keys.
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