(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:f18dc).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Feeling Excited_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:f18dc)
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Weloveanimals! Review: Guesstheriddles 1.Ihaveaverylongneckandlegs. Icaneattheleavesontopofthetree. (Agiraffe) 2.Ilooklikeahorse,butmybody iscoveredbyblackandwhitestripes. (Azebra) 3.Ilooklikeadog.Butpeople andanimalsareallafraidofme, becauseIlikeeatingthem. (Awolf) 4.Iliveinlakesandrivers.Ieatfish andbirds.Ihavefourlegsandalong tail.Ihavelotsofprettyteeth. (Acrocodile) 5.ImfromSouthAustralia.Ilike sleepingonthetree.Iliketoeat leaves. (Akoala) (Apanda) 6.Iwearbigblackglassesonmy face.ImfromChina. Pandais thenational treasure(国宝) ofourcountry. Andnowpandasarebeingsent( 赠送)toothercountries,sothat peopletherecanenjoythem. ThisisStephenHarper,theprime minister(总理)ofCanada.Hevisited Chinain2009.Helovedpandasvery much.Hehopedpandascouldbesentto Canada.Nowhisdreamcomestrue. Readthereportandanswerthe questions: 1. Wherearethepandasgoing? 2. Whataretheirnames? ThereisagiftgoingtoCanada.Doyou knowwhatitis?Twogiantpandasare goingtoCanada.Sing-singandLan-lanare goingtoazooinToronto.Lan-lanis8years oldandSing-singis14yearsold.Lan-lanis big,butSing-singisbigger.Giantpandas comefromChina.Theyarebiggerthan koalas.Buttheyaresmallerthanpolar bears.Therearefewerthan2,000pandas leftonearth.Soletsstudyandlearnabout pandas.Wecanhelppandas! GiantpandasgotoCanada Answerthequestions: 1. Wherearethepandasgoing? 2.Whataretheirnames? TheyaregoingtoCanada. TheyareSing- singandLan-lan. Readthereportagainandfind outmoredetails(细节)about pandas. 1. HowoldareSing-singandLan-lan? 2. Whoisbigger,Sing-singorLan- lan? 3. Whichisbigger,apandaora koala? 1. HowoldareSing-singandLan-lan? 2. Whoisbigger,Sing-singorLan-lan? 3. Whichisbigger,apandaora koala? Sing-singis14yearsold andLan-lanis8yearsold. Sing-singisbigger. Apandaisbigger. Thekoalais______________. Thepandais_____________. bigbigger big bigger Thepandais__________. Thepolarbearis_________. bigbigger big bigger Therabbitis__________. Themouseis_________. smallsmaller small smaller 1.Lan-lanis8yearsold,sheis______. Sing-singis14yearsold,heis _______. oldolder old older 2.Myfatheris39yearsold,my motheris35yearsold.Myfather is________than(比)my mother. older longlonger 1.Thegreenruleris ________________. 2.Theblueruleris ______________the greenruler. long longer than 1.Thepencilis_______. long short short shorter 2.Theruleris_______________ thepencil. shorter than 1.Theboyis ___________. 2.Thegirlis ___________ ___________. short shorter shortshorter thanhim tall taller Steve Yaoming Steveistall. Yaomingis tallerthanhim. Thereareabout1,590 pandasleft(剩余的) onearth. few少的fewer更少的 Thereare________ than2,000pandas leftonearth. fewer(少于) ThereisagiftgoingtoCanada.Doyou knowwhatitis?Twogiantpandasare goingtoCanada.Sing-singandLan-lanare goingtoazooinToronto.Lan-lanis8years oldandSing-singis14yearsold.Lan-lanis big,butSing-singisbigger.Giantpandas comefromChina.Theyarebiggerthan koalas.Buttheyaresmallerthanpolar bears.Therearefewerthan2,000pandas leftonearth.Soletsstudyandlearnabout pandas.Wecanhelppandas! GiantpandasgotoCanada Thebirthplace(出生地)ofthe pandas: Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! China Thecolorofthepanda: Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! blackandwhite 熊猫头部和 身体毛色黑 白相间分明 ,但黑非纯 黑,白也不 是纯白,而 是黑中透褐 ,白中带 黄。 Othercolor: Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! brown 秦岭地区 的熊猫个 体偏大, 体毛粗糙 ,腹毛略 呈棕色色 泽。 Eatinghabits: Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! bamboo Whatelsedotheylikeeating? Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! Sometimestheyalsoeatother food,suchashoney(蜂蜜),eggs, fishandflowers. Likedoing : Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! sleeping Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! Yes,theycanclimbtrees quickly(迅速地). Canpandasclimbtrees? Dopeopleintheothercountrieslike them? Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! Yes,theydo. WhereisthePandaBase? Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! ItsinSichuan. WhatdothescientistsinthePanda Basehope? Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas!Letslearnmoreaboutpandas! Theyhopetohavemanymore giantpandas. Theyalsohopetohaveenough pandastobesetfree(被释放 )andletthemliveinthe wild(在野外生活)again. GiantPandas 1.Pandaisthenaturetreasureof_______. 2.Itis________and__________. 3.Itlikeseating____________.Italsolikes ______________. 4.Itis________thanakoalabut ___________thanapolarbear. 5._______________________. Letswriteaboutthepandas!Letswriteaboutthepandas!Letswriteaboutthepandas! Letswritetheotheranimals!Letswritetheotheranimals!Letswritetheotheranimals! Macroscopic Features (外貌特征) TheColorof thefur(毛皮 )/skin(皮肤) Eatinghabits (饮饮食习惯习惯 ) Koala Giraffe Elephant Kangaroo Tiger Rabbit small grayleaves alongneckplants alongtrunk gray grass apouch yelloworangecolorwith brownspots browngrass astrongbody yellow,blackmeat longearswhite,gray carrots,grass Pleasewrite theanimals youlike. Animalsareourgood friends.Weshouldtryto protectthemandletthem liveinthewaytheylike!A Rabbit Im a little ___________. Im _____________. My eyes are _______. I have two big ___________ and a small ___________. I like ________________. And I like ___________________. Im very cute. A Giraffe The giraffe is _________ Africa. It is the ____________ land-living animal. It has a long ___________, each __________ in a giraffes neck is very long. It can be over 5.5 metres tall. Its neck alone may be 1.9 metres long. The giraffe eats ___________, so it can reach the leaves high up on the trees. A Crocodile 鳄鱼鳄鱼 Im a _____________. Im usually in the _____________. I have a long and thick ____________and four short ____________. My mouth is very __________ and I have a lot of ______________. I like eating _______________. A Koala Im a ____________. Im ___________ South Australia. Im small. My whole body is mostly _____________ and a little _______________. I have two big ___________, and a big ________________. Im not ____________, and not _______________. I like _____________. I usually ______________ for about 20 hours a day. People say Im lazy(懒惰的)(懒惰的). I like to eat _________________. They _______________ very slowly, but I can __________ very fast. Tigers Tigers are very ________ and powerful. Tigers look handsome as well, they are ___________ and _______________. They look like a ____________, but much ______________ than a cat. The tail is _____________ and strong and it can hit its quarry dying. _____________ in the forests are tigers food. There are fewer tigers left in the world now. A Lion Lion is the _________ in the forest (森林之王森林之王). It has a big _________ and big __________. It often _______________ up and down with his mouth wide open . It has a _____________ body. Lions spend much of their time resting and they are inactive for about 20 hours per day. It is the second-largest living cat after the tiger. An Elephant _____________ is the largest animal on land today. It is __________ and strong. It has big ears and trunks. It can __________ quietly and help people __________ heavy things. Elephant is usually __________ in color. It has a __________ trunk, it can move trees and heavy logs. Its size, beauty, and power will forever be useful to man.We Love Animals 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: Giant pandas go to Canada There is a gift going to Canada. Do you know what it is? Two giant pandas are going to Canada. Sing-sing and Lan-lan are going to a zoo in Toronto. Lan-lan is 8 years old and Sing-sing is 14 years old. Lan- lan is big, but Sing-sing is bigger. Giant pandas come from China. They are bigger than koalas. But they are smaller than polar bears. There are fewer than 2,000 pandas left on earth. So lets study and learn about pandas. We can help pandas! 一、设计理念: 在六年级学生学习了课内阅读文章 The Panda Base 的前提下, 从学生的年龄特点与英语学科的知识特点出发,为学生拓展英语学 习的渠道,精选英语阅读材料,有效结合课内和课外知识。在教学 中,主要采用任务型教学和小组合作探究模式,凸显学生的主体地 位。整个教学过程融学生的自学、群学及教师的导学于一体,把新 课程所提倡的“以学为中心”的理念和“自主” 、 “合作”的学习方 式真正落到实处,实现教学效益的最优化。 二、教学目标: 1. 能理解文本内容,正确朗读并复述文本。 2. 能初步了解和运用形容词比较级 3. 能掌握文本中的新单词和新日常表达。 4. 能自觉保护动物。 三、教学重点和难点: 1. 教学重点:能正确地理解文本内容,并流利说出熊猫的特点。 2. 教学难点:能运用文本知识,描述和书写其他动物。 教学过程: I. Greetings: 1. Free talk: T: Whats the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday/ last Sunday? Where did you go last Sunday? T: I went to a zoo last Sunday. I saw many animals. Can you guess what they are? 2. Guess the animals. (1) zebra (2) wolf (4) giraffe (5) tiger (6) panda 3. Lead in: T: I love pandas. Panda is the national treasure(国宝) of our country. And now pandas are being sent(赠送) to other countries, so that people there can enjoy them. 4. T: This is Stephen Harper,the prime minister (总理) of Canada. He visited China in 2009. He loved pandas very much. He hoped pandas could be sent to Canada. Now his dream comes true. 5. T: Heres a report about it. Lets read it and answer the questions. II.Presentation: 1. First-reading: Read the report and answer the questions: (1) Where are the pandas going? (2) What are their names? 2. Second-reading: Read the report again and find out more details (细节) about pandas. (1) How old are Sing-sing and Lan-lan? (2) Who is bigger, Sing-sing or Lan-lan? (3) Which is bigger, a panda or a koala? 3. Learn the new words and sentences: (1) big/ bigger (2) small/ smaller (3) old/ older (4) long/ longer (5) short/ shorter (7) tall/ taller (8) few/ fewer 4. Third-reading: Read the passage together. III. Drills: 1. Lets learn more about pandas. 1) Where do pandas come from? 2) What color are the pandas? 3) What do the pandas like eating? 4) What else do they like eating? 5) What else do they like doing? 6) Can pandas climb trees? 7) Do people in the other countries like them? 8) Where is the Panda Base? 9) What do the scientists in the Panda Base hope? 2. Lets write about pandas: Fill in the blanks. Giant Pandas 1. Panda is the nature treasure of _______. 2. It is ________ and __________. 3. It likes eating ____________. It also likes ______________. 4. It is ________ than a koala but ___________ than a polar bear. 5. _______________________. 3. Lets talk about the other animals in groups. (1) A rabbit (2) A giraffe (3) A crocodile (4) A koala (5) A tiger (6) A lion (7) An elephant (8) A parrot (9) A dog (10) A cat 4. Lets write down the animals you like. 5. Show Time: Let some students read out their passages. IV. Summary: Animals are our friends. We should love animals and protect animals. V.Homework: Surf the Internet and find out the animals who are dying out.
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