(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:10a07).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Being Helpful_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:10a07)
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    • 复习课Unit 5 Being helpful.ppt--点击预览
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1 姓名:____________ 学号:____________ Practice 3 :Fill in the blanks.(看图填空)看图填空) 1.Can you _____ ______ your toys? Sure.Ill _____ ____ ______ in a minute. 2.Can you _______ ______ the trash,please?. 1. 2. Sorry.Im _______ now. 3.They________ up the room yesterday. 4.Look!The boy____ _____ on the TV. 3. 4. Practice 4.Finish the passage(完成短文。完成短文。) Grandpa Niu was sick last Sunday. His room was very dirty and messy.The children helped him__________________________. Sam_____________________________. Mary ______________________. Jim and Ken _________________________________. Lily _____________________________. Tom _____________________________. May__________________________________.Lucy ____________________________. They were very helpful. 2 Practice 5.Writing. (自由选择其中一个(自由选择其中一个 Level 来完成)来完成) Level 1:你平时在家里帮助做一些家务吗?请写一写。:你平时在家里帮助做一些家务吗?请写一写。 I usually help my mother do housework. First,I ________________________________________________. Next,I________________________________________________. After that,I_____________________________________________. I am_____________.My mother is _________ of me! Level 2:你在家有帮忙做过家务吗?请写一写。你在家有帮忙做过家务吗?请写一写。 I helped my mother do housework yesterday. First,I _______________________________________________. Next,I________________________________________________. After that,I____________________________________________. I was very ____________,but I was very________________. I was __________.My mother was ______________ of me! The room is very___________and______________ now.Brain Storm Try to know me! You are/You like My name is Cindy. I am 36 years old. I like shopping. My daughter likes singing.She is helpful.She helps me do housework everyday.I am proud of her. About me Play games 游戏规则游戏规则:词组快速闪出后将隐藏,词组快速闪出后将隐藏, 全班一起抢答全班一起抢答,站起来大声读出来。站起来大声读出来。 turn on the light turn off the TV put away your books take out your notebook put on your jacket hang up your clothes clean up the room 游戏规则:小鸟撞到哪个单词游戏规则:小鸟撞到哪个单词 就快速拼读出相应的词组。就快速拼读出相应的词组。 (一个回合中每个小组轮一次(一个回合中每个小组轮一次 ) later in a minute right now proud take it out helpful put on put them away put away Practice 1 :Fill in the blanks and choose.(选择并填空选择并填空 ) A._____ _____ the light B._____ _____ the TV C._____ _____ your jacket D._____ _____ your notebook E._____ _____ the room F._____ _____ the trash G._____ _____ your clothes H._____ _____ your books 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____5._____ 8._____ 7._____ 6._____ A turn on C put on D put away E clean up H take out turn off take out hang up G B F Lets sing a song Pair Work A: Can you ,please? B: Sure, Ill/Sorry. Im busy now. (与同桌完成对话)与同桌完成对话) 1.Can you put away your books,please? Sure. Ill put them away in a minute. 2.Can you clean up your room,please? Sorry. I am busy now. 3.Can you take out your notebook,please? Sure. Ill take it out right now. 4.Can you turn on the light,please? Sorry. I am busy now. They are going to clean the house. GG Bond Fei Fei Teacher Mihu Feifei, can you _____ ____ ______? Sure. Ill do ____ right now . it clean the window GG Bong, can you_____ ___ your clothes? up hang Sure. Ill ______ ____ ___ later. hang them up Look. Im ________ ____ ___ for you now. hanging them up GG Bond, can you put away____ _____? Sure. Ill ___ ____ ____ in a minute . your toys put them away Hang up, hang up, hang up your clothes Hang up, hang up, hang up your clothes Can you hang up? Can you hang up? Sure. Ill hang them up later. Hey! Put away, put away, _________________ Put away, put away, _________________ Can you put away? Can you put away? Sure. Ill put______away later. Hey! them put away your toys put away your toys Take out, take out, ________________ Take out, take out, ________________ Can you take out? Can you take out? Sure. Ill take______out later. Hey! it take out the trash take out the trash 1.clean up the rooms clean ____ up PracticePractice 2 2 :Fill:Fill inin thethe blanksblanks withwith “ “it it” ” oror “ “themthem”. ”. 2.turn on your computer 3.put away your shoes turn ____ on put _____ away them it them 4.Look!The boy____ _____ on the TV. Practice 3 :Fill in the blanks.(看图填空)看图填空) 3.They________ up the room yesterday. 2.Can you _____ _____ the trash, please? Sorry. Im _______ now. 1.Can you _____ ______ your toys? Sure.Ill _____ ____ ______ in a minute. put away put them away take out cleaned is turning busy 1. 2. 3. 4. The donkey is on the clock. He has two big ears. Guess! Who is he? He is Tutu.He is a cute boy. Listen and answer. He has a happy family. They share(分担)(分担) the housework everyday. They are helpful. His father can sweep the floor. His mother can cook, wash the dishes and clothes. Can Tutu fold the clothes? No, he cant. But he can clean the desk and windows. clean the desk and windows 1.What can Tutu do ? He can __________________________. 2.Can Tutu fold the clothes ? ______________. No,he cant 3.Is Tutu helpful? ______________.Yes,he is My daughter(女儿)is helpful.She can do some housework. What housework can you do?。 When we are ill, our parents look after us. Everyday we go home, our parents cook dinner for us. So, we need to learn to do things by ourselves. (学会自己的事情自己做) Love our parents, do everything in our power. 爱爸爸妈妈,做我们力所能及的事。 Grandpa Niu was sick last Sunday. His room was very dirty and messy. Sa m Mary Jim Lily Ken Tom Lucy May The children helped at his home. Grandpa Niu was sick last Sunday. His room was very dirty and messy.The children helped him______________. Sam_________________. Mary __________________. Jim and Ken _________________. Lily ______________. Tom ________________.May_____________ Lucy ________________.They were very helpful. clean up the room washed the clothes washed the dishes cleaned the table hung up the clothes swept the floor put away the toys took out the trash Leifeng was helpful. He also loved helping the others. We should learn from him. They helped their friend. They helped the old. They helped grandma wash the feet . They are all helpful. Giving is better than receiving. 给予比索取更好给予比索取更好 Level 2:你在家有帮忙做过家务吗?请写一写。你在家有帮忙做过家务吗?请写一写。 I helped my mother do housework yesterday. First,I ______________________________. Next,I_______________________________. After that,I__________________________. I was very ______,but I was very________. I was ______.My mother was _______ of me! The room is very_______and_____ now. I usually help my mother do housework. First,I ____________________________. Next,I_____________________________. After that,I________________________. I am_______.My mother is _______ of me! Level 1:你平时在家里帮助做一些家务吗?请写一写。你平时在家里帮助做一些家务吗?请写一写。 Writing (自由选择其中一个(自由选择其中一个Level来完成)来完成) turn on the light turn off the TV take out the trash take out the notebook put away the books put on the jacket hang up the clothes clean up the room clean the table sweep the floor wash the clothes wash the dishes do the dishes make the bed fold the clothes water the plants 1.Finish the writing. 2.Help your parents do housework at home.1 Review Unit 5 Being Helpful 一、学情分析:一、学情分析: 本课教学对象是六年级学生。六年级学生已经掌握一定的英语基础知识和听说能 力,对英语学习有浓厚兴趣,在课堂中能较灵活地运用语言材料,能在虚拟的情景中 进行真实的语言交流。本课设计针对六年级已掌握的知识,把关于家务的话题融入到 各种语言环境中去复习,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展 其听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。 二、教材分析:二、教材分析: 此教学设计是以针对广东人民出版社开心学英语六年级下册的第五单元所学 的关于做家务活的语言运用。 三、单元设计整体思路和依据:三、单元设计整体思路和依据: 本课通过几种时态的语言运用,以任务型教学为主要设计原则。整节课采用游戏 、活动的形式,贯穿了整节课堂,既激发了学生的积极性,又增强了他们的竞争意识 ,达到了自主学习的目的。 四、单元教学安排:四、单元教学安排: 根据本单元的教学内容,进行整合。单元教学课时安排:五课时。其中第一、三 课时为“听说读写课”,第二、四课时为“阅读理解课”,第五课时为“单元复习课 ”。 五、单元目标:五、单元目标: (一)语言知识目标:巩固运用关于家务活的动词词组,掌握在不同语境中的运 用以及能更灵活地在生活中进行综合运用。 (二)语言技能目标:学生能更熟练准确地用英语描述或询问、回答关于自己或别 人做家务活的事情。 (三)情感态度目标 (1)提高学生的英语学习积极性,培养学生合作探究创新精神。 (2)培养学生爱家人、帮家人做力所能及的家务及多帮助他人的情感态度。 (四)学习策略目标 (1)学会小组合作,与他人交流。 (2)积极运用英语与同伴合作交流并能顺利完成学习任务。 六、具体教学设计六、具体教学设计 第第5课时课时 教学内容:教学内容:Review Unit 5 Being Helpful 教学重点教学重点: 2 1、要求学生掌握词组:turn on the light, turn off the TV, take out the trash, put away your books,take out your notebook,put on your jacket,hang up your clothes,clean up the room8个词组。 2、理解并能够运用句型:Can you? Sure/Sorry.Im proud of you. 教学难点教学难点: 1. 能够运用句型:Can you? Sure/Sorry.Im proud of you.以及代词“it”和“them”的使用。 2.有关家务的词组在各种时态的灵活运用以及运用所学的语言完成写作。 教学过程教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Brain StormTry to know me! Step 2 Review the words. 1.Sharp Eyes 2.Angry Bird 3.Do the practice.(Practice 1 :Fill in the blanks and choose) Step 3 Review the sentences. 1.Sing a song: Can you take out the trash? 2. Pair work:Can you?Sure/Sorry, I am busy now. 3.Chant 4.Dubbing Time(对话配音) 5.Do the practice. Step 4 Practice and extension 1.Read and say. 1)Lead in T: Guess!Who is he?He has two big ears. 出示同学们熟悉的卡通人物 大耳朵图图,介绍图图一家的故事。 2)Read the story. T: He is Tutu.He is a cute boy. He has a happy family. They share the housework everyday. They are helpful. His father can sweep the floor. His mother can cook, wash the dishes and clothes. Can Tutu fold the clothes? No, he cant. But he can clean the desk and windows. 3)Answer the question. 2.Moral education. T: My daughter(女儿)is helpful.She can do some housework. She can(出示图片) T:My students are also helpful.Look,They can (出示图片) T:What about you?What housework can you do? 3 T:When we are ill, our parents look after us. Everyday we go home, our parents cook dinner for us. So, we need to learn to do things by ourselves.We must be helpful.(学会自己的事情自己做) Love our parents, do everything in our power. 3.Finish the passage T:Grandpa Niu was sick last Sunday.His room was very dirty and messy.The children helped at his home. 1)Finish the passage 2)Read the passage. 4.Moral education. 1)T:The children are helpful. They like to help the others. Just like him. 2)(出示雷锋的图片)T: Lei Feng was helpful. He also loved helping the others. We should learn from him. T: Our students are all helpful.Look,观看学生热心助人的图片。 T:Giving is better than receiving. Step 5. Writing T: Do you usually help your parents do housework?Did you help your parents do some housework?Now, write down your passage. (使用Words Band,学生选择其中一个level完成写作) 1教师指导写作。 2学生独立完成。 Step 6. Summary and Homework. 1.Finish the writing. 2.Help your parents do housework at home. 板书: Unit 5 Being Helpful Can you ? Sure, Ill Sorry, Im busy now. I am proud of you! helpful
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