(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:404a4).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:404a4)
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Unit6 Feeling Fun Who went to the West together? Do you know them? This is Tangseng. He is master. Pre-learning: He is Monkey King. Su Wukong. He is Zhu Bajie. Pigsy. This is Sha Wujing. Sandy. LetsLets watchwatch thethe VideoVideo. Think:1.What did they meet on the way to the West? 2. Was the journey easy? While-learning: master :师傅、主人 dark:dark:黑暗的,careful:careful:小心的 dangerous:dangerous: 危险的 clubclub: :棍棒 fight:fight: 打架 mustmust means have to:必须、不得不 Read out the story loudly. (大声齐读课文) Post-learning: Read the story in groups. (分组读story) Answer the questions: 1.What did they meet on the way to the West? They met a bad man. 2. Was the journey easy? No, it wasnt. Post-learning: 根据根据storystory内容,完成下面句子。内容,完成下面句子。 1 1. .Gogo,Tony,JennyGogo,Tony,Jenny andand BenBen areare onon a a play.play. 2.2.TangsengTangseng andand SandySandy feelfeel . . 3.3.ItsIts ,Tangseng,Tangseng sayssays itsits . . 4.4.A A badbad manman stopsstops them,them, andand asksasks themthem forfor andand thethe . . 5.5.AtAt last,last, MonkeyMonkey KingKing back,back, thethe badbad manman mustmust . . 6.6.MonkeyMonkey KingKing thethe dinner.dinner. putting hungry darkdangerous money horse comes go forgot PracticePractice Role play in groups. (分组)(分组角色表演)(分组角色表演) Homework ReciteRecite thethe story.story.(背诵)(背诵) Goodbye!教教 案案 Book 8 Unit 6 Feeling Fun (The first period: Story) 教学内容:教学内容:开心学英语开心学英语第第 8 册册 Unit6 Feeling Fun 学情分析:学生们经过四年的英语学习,大部分学生已对英语有了学情分析:学生们经过四年的英语学习,大部分学生已对英语有了 一定明确的概念,但小学阶段的学生对英语的认识还不够,处于感一定明确的概念,但小学阶段的学生对英语的认识还不够,处于感 性阶段,一边学一边忘。小学阶段主要是培养学生学习英语的兴趣,性阶段,一边学一边忘。小学阶段主要是培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 不是学习太多的英语语法,因此,在玩中学、在游戏中学是最明智不是学习太多的英语语法,因此,在玩中学、在游戏中学是最明智 的选择,还能让各个层面的学生都可以参加。的选择,还能让各个层面的学生都可以参加。 教学内容分析:本课时的内容来源于四大名著之一教学内容分析:本课时的内容来源于四大名著之一西游记西游记里面里面 的某一场景,它生动、有趣,对提起学生的学习兴趣和探索能力有的某一场景,它生动、有趣,对提起学生的学习兴趣和探索能力有 明显的提高。明显的提高。 教学目标:教学目标:1、能借助实物、图片、能借助实物、图片、PPT、video 等手段理解课文。等手段理解课文。 2、通过学习,会读课文。、通过学习,会读课文。 3、会简单地表演课文。、会简单地表演课文。 教学重点:理解课文。教学重点:理解课文。 教学难点:表演课文。教学难点:表演课文。 教学准备:实物、图片、教学准备:实物、图片、PPT、video 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1: Warming up: Greetings. T: Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls! T: Sit down, please! Yes, Lets do some review. T: Boys and girls! Im very excited today. Because its the fist time we can have a class together. Are you excited, too? Step2: Presentation 1. leading-in 1) Watch the carton of the story T: Today, Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben are excited, too. Do you know why? Look! Where are they now? Ss: They are in the school hall.(PPT) T: But do you know what are they doing in the school hall? (PPT). Yes, they are putting on a play in the school hall. T: Now, lets enjoy their play! (Watch the carton of the story) 2) Introduce something about Journey to the West and the roles in this story. a. Watch a video about Journey to the West. T: Is it funny? Whats their play about? Yes, its about Monkey King. Its about Journey to the West. Have you seen Journey to the West? Now, lets watch a video about it. (Video) b. Introduce the writer about this story. T: Do you like Journey to the West ? When I was a child. I was crazy about this TV play. It is one of four famous books in China. Do you know who wrote this famous book? Yes, hes Wu chengen. Hes a famous writer. c. Introduce the roles about this story. T: And there are many roles in this story. (PPT) Now, lets have a look. Whos he?(PPT) Hes Tangseng, we can call him Master in English. Sun Wukong, we can call him Monkey King in English. Zhu Bajie, he looks like a pig. So we call him Pigsy. Shaseng-Sandy. T: Ok, do you know who is Monkey King in this play? Ss: Gogo. Who is Master? (Jenny). Who is Sandy? (Tony). And who is the bad man?(Ben). 2. Read and Think T: Now, open your books and turn to page 66, read the story by yourself, and then think about the questions. 3. Read after the tape and learn the new words: Teach: dark , must. Teach “dangerous”; T: So we must “Be safe.Love our life.”, understand! Teach: club: Whats this? Its a club. Teach: fight: Dont fight! We are good friends. Be good friends. Dont fight! But when you meet a bad man ,you must fight. 4. Read the story together Step3: Practice 1. Answer the questions. 2. T: Now, its your turn. Take out this paper, according to the story to fill in the blanks. 2.Role play 1) Do you like role play? Now, role play in your group. 2) Check each group. 3) Act out the story by every group. Step4: Homework Step5:Summing up Are you feeling fun today? Yes, today we learned Unit 6 Feeling Fun. Lets have a look, which group is the winner? Big hands for them! T: Boys and girls, I think today all of you are wonderful. Im proud of you! Thank you! Now class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls! 板书设计:板书设计: Writing on the blackboard: Unit 6 Feeling Fun We must be careful. Its dangerous. Give me money and the horse. Drop your club. Dont fight! Im afraid I forgot it. 教学反思:教学反思: 六年级英语教学中六年级英语教学中, 我对学生的学习的空间更加开放我对学生的学习的空间更加开放, 能激发学生创造性地使用所学语能激发学生创造性地使用所学语 言言,从而使学生的思维得以激活从而使学生的思维得以激活,学生自主学习的能力得以发展。学生自主学习的能力得以发展。 上课一开始上课一开始,我就用图片用问答形式和同学们一起复习了课本之前所学的关于情绪的单我就用图片用问答形式和同学们一起复习了课本之前所学的关于情绪的单 词,并用句子进行延伸和巩固,让学生动起来词,并用句子进行延伸和巩固,让学生动起来,避免了机械单调地读避免了机械单调地读, 活跃了课堂气氛活跃了课堂气氛, 激激 发了学生学习的兴趣发了学生学习的兴趣, 同时也锻炼了学生观察、同时也锻炼了学生观察、 记忆和快速反应的能力。记忆和快速反应的能力。 在新课教授部分在新课教授部分, 实行了听力先行实行了听力先行, 感知新语言。感知新语言。 这样一方面有利于拉近师生之间的这样一方面有利于拉近师生之间的 关系关系,另一方面听力练习可以用来帮助学生在进入新的语言学习环境。在此基础上另一方面听力练习可以用来帮助学生在进入新的语言学习环境。在此基础上 ,利用实利用实 物、物、PPT、录像等把学生带入了真实生活的情境、录像等把学生带入了真实生活的情境,为练说重点句型作好了情感铺垫。又根据为练说重点句型作好了情感铺垫。又根据 学生的特点学生的特点,抓住他们喜欢好奇、喜欢热闹和表演之情抓住他们喜欢好奇、喜欢热闹和表演之情,挖掘学生的认知和情感挖掘学生的认知和情感,自然地引出自然地引出 重点句型。重点句型。 最后最后, 让学生分组读和表演课文,能使学生切实感到身边有英语让学生分组读和表演课文,能使学生切实感到身边有英语,从而增强学从而增强学 生运用英语的意识生运用英语的意识,培养学生的自主创新能力。培养学生的自主创新能力。 英语教学应提倡英语教学应提倡“学中用学中用,用中学用中学,学用结合学用结合,学以致用学以致用” 。在教学过程中。在教学过程中,学和用是一个整学和用是一个整 体。为实现教学目标体。为实现教学目标,我所设计的每一个教学游戏活动始终将学生置于一种自主、我所设计的每一个教学游戏活动始终将学生置于一种自主、 和谐、和谐、 轻松的自然学习氛围中轻松的自然学习氛围中, 从而使学生在不断地习得和使用语言中将语言知识内化从而使学生在不断地习得和使用语言中将语言知识内化, 为学生自为学生自 我求知、自我获取知识创造了有利条件我求知、自我获取知识创造了有利条件,促进了学生思维的活跃和才能的发挥。促进了学生思维的活跃和才能的发挥。
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