(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:50314).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:50314)
    • Story 动画.swf
    • Story动画配音版.mp4
    • U6 Feeling fun.pptx--点击预览
    • 个人作业.docx--点击预览
    • 小组作业.docx--点击预览
    • 教案50314.doc--点击预览


Unit 6 Feeling FunUnit 6 Feeling Fun (the first period)(the first period) Free talk: What did you do last night?Free talk: What did you do last night? Monkey King Pigsy They were going to the west. They have to get the great books . Sandy Master Know about:Know about: the Journey to the West 西游记 (西方) (经书) Monkey King Master Sandy A new play:A new play: the bad man Listen Listen and answer:and answer: 2.Where are they? 1.What are Gogo, Tony ,Jenny and Ben doing? 2.Where are they ? 1.What are Gogo, Tony , Jenny and Ben doing? Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben are putting on a play in the school hall Lets listen and answer :Lets listen and answer : They are in the school hall. They are putting on a play. Watch Watch and and answer:answer: 3.What does the bad man want? 4.What did the Monkey king forget? Lets watch the Lets watch the story againstory again Answer the questions:Answer the questions: 3.What does the bad man want? He wants some money and the horse. 4.What did the Monkey king forget? He forgot the dinner. Im hungry,too. He will come back soon. Master, when will Monkey come back? Im hungry. Learn the story!Learn the story! Its dark. We must be careful. Its dangerous. Im not scared. Master. Stop! Give me money and the horse! No way! Drop your club! Dont fight! Master ! Im back. Are you OK ? Oh, no! Its the Monkey King! I must go. Wheres the dinner, Monkey? I found a nice club. Hum. Im afraid I forgot it. Our play is over. Goodbye! Read Read the story!the story! Order the pictures: Order the pictures: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 26 5 4 3 A F E D C B Choose and say!Choose and say! Master and Sandy were ______. Its dark. They must _________. Its_________. A bad man wanted their _______________.They had to fight. But when the monkey king______ , the bad man must _____. The Monkey ______ the dinner and Sandy ______ a nice club. hungryfound go be careful money and horseback forgot dangerous .hungry. .come back soon. Its dark. .be careful. dangerous. Retell Retell the story!the story! .back. go. money and the horse. dinner. nice club. over! Monkey King Master Sandy Role play!Role play! the bad man Monkey King Master Sandy Show time!Show time! the bad man Know more!Know more! There is a will, there is a way.(有志者,事竟成!) No pains, no gains!(一份耕耘,一份收获!) We have to study hard ! Homework!Homework! 1.Retell the story by using your own words with your group members. . 2.Read more, retell the story with your group members. Thank you!开心学英语六年级下册(广东人民出版社)Unit6 Feeling Fun.第 一课时:Story. 开始开始 西游记导入:了解人物及文本背景西游记导入:了解人物及文本背景 文本学习文本学习 1 1.Listen and answer 2 2:Watch and answer 故事情境中学习目标语言 二、教学流程图二、教学流程图 文本学习文本学习 2 1:Order the pictures 语言综合运用语言综合运用 练习巩固练习巩固 2: Choose and say 1: Retell the story 2: Role play 整体感知,了解故事 结束结束 三教学目标三教学目标 1. 认知目标: 能正确理解故事文本的意思。 能准确诵读故事 文本。能熟练运用正确的语言复述故事。 2. 技能目标:能够正确理解、运用文本中的句子;培养孩子们 运用所学语言知识,培养其发散性思维;在学习故事的同时, 激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。 3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与课堂活动,能 够大胆地说英语;在课堂上锻炼孩子们的团队合作意识和竞争 意识;培养孩子的幸福感、责任感,面对困难迎难而上的勇气 和信心。 四教学重难点四教学重难点 4. 重点:1)动词:fight, forgot, gave, drop 形容词:afraid, dangerous 2)短语:be careful, no way; 3)故事中不同时态语句的区别和运用; 4)体会故事传递出来的正能量。 难点:1)不同时态句型在不同语境下的正确运用; 2)各种语言表达在实际情境中的综合运用; 五内容分析五内容分析 本节课是粤人社 2011 课标版六年级下册第六单元 U6 Feeling Fun 第一课时(故事教学),本节课的重点是理解掌握不同时态在语 境中的实际运用,并通过本节课的学习,让学生学会根据故事发展 整理归纳信息,并综合运用自由复述故事的能力。本课一开始以西 游记故事导入,通过听音频、看视频,初步了解故事脉络,之后通 过带入角色学习体会,详细剖析故事内容,之后再设计了排序和填 空两个练习进一步加强理解和运用,最后通过复述故事和课本剧表 演,对综合运用能力进行升华。大量的个人及小组的活动,既增加 了学生表达和自主学习的机会,又让学生在合作、探究中寻求和体 验成功的感觉。情感升华部分,引导学生体会西游记主人公不畏艰 险、迎难而上、不达目标不放弃的精神,结合学生身边的生活实际, 让本课知识指引学生的学习和生活,达到学以致用的教学目的。 六教学策略六教学策略 教学方法:游戏,音频,视频,情景教学法,Group-work 小组 活动,多媒体辅助教学 教学辅助手段:教学课件、多媒体、粉笔、学生用书、练习纸。 七教学过程七教学过程 TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1:1: GreetingsGreetings 1. Say hello. 2. Free talk. T: What did you do last night? S1: I did my homework. S2: I read a book. T: Guess: What did Miss Tan do last night? S1: S2: T: Last night, I watched a play. 【设计意图】教师和学生简单且随和地问候,使老师和学生之间的 陌生关系融洽,消除了学生的紧张心理。通过师生之间的问题互动, 渗透西游记故事与本文故事之间的联系,并引导学生理解 play 的名词形式。 StepStep 2:2: Lead-inLead-in 1.Know something about the Journey to the West. 2. Gogo, Jenny, Tony, and Ben have a new play 【设计意图】通过西游记剧照,认识主要人物,了解故事脉络。 引导出本课主人公们的 play,以及各个人物在 play 中扮演的各个 角色,吸引和激发学生对故事的学习兴趣。 StepStep 3:3: PresentationPresentation 1.Listen1.Listen andand answer.answer. Let Ss listen to the story and answer the questions. Q1: What are Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben doing? Q2: Where are they? 2.Watch2.Watch andand answer.answer. Let Ss watch the story and answer the questions. Q3:What does the bad man want? Q4:What did the Monkey king forget? 【设计意图设计意图】通过设置问题,带着故事来听故事、看视频,多种手 段层层递进来整体感知故事,同时教师通过学生对问题的回答,了 解反馈学生对故事的理解程度,以进一步调整教学节奏。 3.Learn3.Learn thethe story.story. 1.Learn the story together (one picture by one picture). 2.Read2.Read thethe story.story. 1) Let Ss read the story together. 2) Watch the video, read the story together. 【设计意图设计意图】详细分析讲解故事内容,通过情景设置,让学生在故 事情境中体会人物感情,并代入感情丰富朗读,增加体会,在这个 过程中,老师梳理出故事脉络,完成板书。 StepStep 4:4: PracticePractice 1.Order1.Order thethe pictures.pictures. Let Ss order the pictures by themselves. 2.Choose2.Choose andand say.say. Fill in the blanks and read the story. 【设计意图设计意图】通过设计两个递进式的练习,加强学生对故事文本的 记忆和运用。这两个练习由易到难、从简单到复杂,循序渐进符合 学生的认知规律。 3.Retell3.Retell thethe story.story. Group work: Finish the story , retell the story. 【设计意图设计意图】设计小组活动,通过小组合作,积极探索、在给出关 键词的基础上,发挥小组协作能力,补充完成句子,完善故事。增 加了学生表达和自主学习的机会,让学生在合作、探究中寻求和体 验成功的感觉。 StepStep 5:5: ConsolidationConsolidation GroupGroup work:work: RoleRole play.play. 1.Practice in groups. 2.Show their play in front of the classroom. 【设计意图】通过课本剧排练及表演,让学生再次巩固运用所学知 识,在轻松活泼的状态中,达到综合运用的目的。同时,也充分体 现出学生主体和教师主导的教学原则,课堂气氛活跃,学生兴致勃 勃、乐在其中。 StepStep 6 6:EmotionalEmotional sublimationsublimation Learn something from the story. 【设计意图】通过回顾课文内容,再次升华情感目标,引导学生体 会西游记故事人物的不畏艰险、迎难而上、不达目标不放弃的精神, 结合学生身边的生活实际,指引学生的学习和生活,达到学以致用 的教学目的。 StepStep 7 7:Homework.Homework. 1.Retell the story with group members. 2.Read more story , retell it with group members. 【设计意图设计意图】分层作业的布置,让孩子们可以根据自己的能力选择 相关的内容,更具操作性和实效性,也培养了孩子们英语阅读及英 语语言应用的能力。 八教学测试安排八教学测试安排 1.图片排序。检测学生是否了解故事发展的顺序。 2.选词填空。检测学生是否了解文本主要内容。 3.补充故事。检测学生是否能运用所学知识进行综合表述。 九相关练习、板书等资源。九相关练习、板书等资源。 1) 板书设计 2)相关练习
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