(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b3b8d).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:b3b8d)
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    • 教案b3b8d.doc--点击预览


Unit 6 Feeling Fun (第二课时) Lets sing a song! Do you want to play games? Game 1 : Cutting game(游戏规则): 看见水果中的单词、词组和图片,大声读出来并切水果 ;看见笑脸则说“Hurray”;看见炸弹则抱头并喊Bomb! sang a song sang a song danced dan ced visited grandma visited grandma sang a song sang a song studied math studied math played the drum played the drum talked to friends friends talked to jumped high jumped high studied English English studied went to school school went to ate a banana ate a banana rode a bike rode a bike lost keys keys lost gift got a got a gift 游戏规则: 老师说一个动词,同学们快速抢答说出动词过去式并造 句,最后由一个同学选择其中几个动词组合一起编一个小 故事。 Game 2:Make sentences or story carry moved dance d used carry move use dance studystudyied i ed 游戏规则: 老师说一个动词,同学们快速抢答说出动词过去式并造 句,最后由一个同学选择其中几个动词组合一起编一个小 故事。 ran came saw sang was did is run come see sing do gowent gave woke ate got lost found lose give wake eat get find winwon Tangseng Monkey King Sandy Pigsy A Journey to The West to get the great books Monkey King Pigsy Sandy We must go to the west. Tangseng long way desert forest cavemountain lion tiger snake bear wolf Tangseng has a white horse. Monkey King gets a magic stick. Pigsy has a rake. Sandy has a club. So they go to the west together. One day, they go into a forest. What happened ? Was Tangseng hungry? Task1 :Ask and answer. (根据故事,提问并回答。) Was Pigsy scared? Why was the robber scared? Yes, he was. No, he wasnt. Because Monkey King came back. A role play Task2 : Group work: A role play. (四人一组分角色表演课本剧。) One day, they came to a big mountain. Sure, Master. But its dangerous. Let me draw a circle. You must ____in the circle. Dont ____out. Im ______and_______. I cant walk any more. Im________. I want to drink some water. OK, lets have a rest. Wukong, can you get any _____or ______for us? tiredhungry thirsty foodwater staygo Hahaha,Tangsen! I must kill you! I will eat you! Task3 :Make a new play .(根据故事情节,编写对话。) Love,love,love our life! 热爱我们的生活! Enjoy our life! Create our life! 享受生活!创造生活! 1.Make a play according to the situation. (根据情景编写剧本。) 2.Act out the play with your family. (和家人一起表演剧本。)1 教学内容教学内容Unit6 Feeling Fun(第二课时) 教学目标教学目标 1.认知目标认知目标: 本节课主要学习课文,涉及有关 Future actions 的相关知识以及过去发生了什么事 因而将要去做或必须去做什么事等方面的词汇及句型。学生通过对课文的学习,要懂 得描述过去发生的事,并熟练掌握 will, must 表示“将要,必须”的应用。 2.能力目标:能力目标: a.能够借助图片听懂并理解故事内容,进一步提高谈论任务的听、说、读、写 的能力; b.根据情境进行故事创编,运用所学语言知识表达自己的意图。 3.情感目标:情感目标: 激发学生学习英语的积极性,鼓励学生积极参与实践活动,引导学生懂得根据客 观需要决定自己的下一个行动,增强学生合作与竞争意识,培养学生热爱生活的思想 情感。 教学教学 重点难点重点难点 重点:重点:理解本单元课文,能正确的朗读课文并进行表演。 难点:难点:能够仿照课文进行简单的对话创编。 教学过程教学过程措施与目的措施与目的 一一.Warming -up 1) Free Talk Teacher asks the questions. 2) Sing the song “If you are happy.” Have the students sing and do the actions. 3)Play games: Game One :Bomb game. Game Two: I say you say. 通过 Free talk 将旧知识提炼,把学生带进课堂,活 跃课堂气氛,增强师生情感,进入英语的学习。 通过演唱歌曲,拉近师生距离,为接下来的学习内 容做铺垫。 通过游戏,活跃气氛,复习单词句子。 二二.Presentation & Practice 1. Input the topic of Unit 6. And introduce the main roles of . 2. Learn some new words and sentence patterns in the story with the help of PPT. 3. Play VCD for the Ps to watch and ask them to try to get the main idea about it. 4. Play again. Have them to ask and answer some questions about the story. 5. Practice reading. Explain the use of “must”. 6. Invite some individuals to act the story. 介绍西游记故事人物拉近学生的距离,引出主 题,激发学生想要了解故事的欲望和期待。 创设情境,学习相关单词及句子。 观看故事视频,强调重点单词和发音。 朗读单词,拼读单词,造句子,朗读句子。 理解故事,提问并回答。 读句子一边读一边做动作。 表演故事。 三. Activity 1.Group work A role play 2. Set a situation and make a new play. 活动一 4 人小组分角色表演故事。 活动二 小组合作,根据情境进行故事创编。 2 3.Chant together Chant and do the actions. 歌谣 一起朗读歌谣,做动作。 四四.Extension Give the class another story and ask them to read and act. Guide them to make a play. 创设情境, 仿照课文进行简单的对话创编 Step 5 Homework 1.Act out the story. 2. Make a short play. Blackboard Design Unit 6 Feeling Fun Travel to the West must will Master the great books Monkey King monster Sandy dangerous Pigsy club
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