(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:7000f).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:7000f)
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Unit 6 Feeling Fun Story: Part1: Watching and thinking. 1.How many roles are there in the play? Who are they? ______________________________________________________ 2.Who did they meet ? ______________________________________________________ 3. Where did they get the great books? _____________________________________________________ 4. Can they carry the books back at last? _______________________________________________________ Part2: Fill the blanks. They went to the __________ (west / east). Its in ________ (China/ India). On the way, they had to _________ (take/ took ) care. Because it was dangerous. But they were not _________ (afraid/brave). After a long way, they _____ (meet/met) a man. When the bad man_____ (see/saw)Monkey King , he_____ (is / was) scared. He _______ (run / ran) away quickly. At last, they__________(carried / carry) the great books back from India. They______ (were / are) happy. More reading and writing:Read for detail, and answer the questions. 1.Who learned from Tangseng? __________________________________ 2.Was their journey easy? Name:___________ Class:____________ _____________________________________ 3.What did the people do when they after their journey to the west? ______________________________________________ Reading and writing:Pass the words 1.来到______________ 2.走出______________ 3.走开______________ 4.变成______________ 5.在那瞬间______________ 6.打败______________ 7.回来______________ 8.放弃______________ 9.把某人送走______________ 10.返回______________ Unit 6 小检测 1.Master,when will Monkey _____ _______(回来)? He will _____ _____ _____. (很快回来) 2._____ _____(决不)!______ ______ _______!(放下你的棍 棒!) 3.Its _____(天黑).We ____ ____ _____(必须小心). Its________.(危险的) 4.____ _____ ____ ______.(我们的表演完毕。 )________!(再见!) 5._____ ______.(不要担心。 ) 6.We must _____ _____ (赶快)Oh no!We cant ____ _______.(出去) 7.When they ____ _____(来到)a mountain, they were ______ ___ ______.(饿和口渴) 8.不要走出这个圈。Dont ____ ____ _____ the _____. 9.白骨精想吃唐僧,变成了一个漂亮的女孩。White-Bone Monster ___ ____ ___ Tangseng,so it _____ _____ a _______ girl. 10. 在那一瞬间,美猴王回来了。___ ____ _______,Monkey King ____ ____ . 11. He ____ ______ Monster.(打败,战胜) 12. Monster didnt _____ _____.(放弃) 13. 去西方的一次长旅程。____ ______ _______ to the _____. 14. 他们在旅途中遇到许多困难。 They met ____ many _______ ____ the journey. 15. 他们向唐僧学习,很努力工作和帮了唐僧很多。 They ______ ______ Tangseng,_____ ______ ______,and _____ Tangseng ____ _____. 16. 每个人都得到一些非常特别的礼物。 _______ got some very _______ _______. 17. 他想得到一些重要的书,和把它们带回中国。 He _____ _____ _____ some _______ books, and _____ them ____ ____ China.U6 Feeling Fun Story When do you feel fun When do you feel fun When do you feel fun When do you feel fun in our school?in our school?in our school?in our school? See a moviejoin the sports meeting Put on a playplay in the school hall. Put on a playplay in the school hall. Show for everyone We have audiences. They are some actors and actresses. What playWhat playWhat playWhat plays s s s do you know? do you know? do you know? do you know? Romeo and Julia Shakespeare Hamlet(哈姆雷特) Dream of the Red Chamber Romance of the Three Kingdoms Journey to the West Water Margin Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben are putting on a play play in the school hall. Can you guess, which play it is?Can you guess, which play it is? A Journey to the West Who?Who? Where?Where? They went to the _________.(east,west) Its in _________.(India,China) west India Monkey KingMasterPigsySandy First Reading: Lets read the story, tell me who plays Monkey King, Master, Pigsy, or Sandy? Second Reading: What is the play talking about? A.They three met a good guy. B.They three met a bad guy. C.They three get a book. The detail dark not safe must be careful robber Third Reading: What did they do when they three met the bad guy? How do you think of Sandy? brave How do you think of Master ? kind easy going scared drop down the club Think and Talk 1.Whats the ending about the bad guy? 2.Why does Monkey King come so late? 3.How do you think of their day? He is scared, so he drops down the club, and he goes away. Wheres the dinner, Monkey? They dont have dinner, but why Sandy is happy? They had a good and bad day! enjoy themselves Do you like the play? Read S1:Master S2:Monkey King S3:Robber S4:Sandy S5:The White Dragon Horse S6:Narrator(旁白) Have a show Have a show Have a show Have a show Four. They are Master,Monkey King, Sandy and a robber. They met a robber. India. Yes, they can. westIndia take afraid met saw was ran carried were Do you want to know more story about “The Journey to the West”? Lets wait for the next English class!1 一、项目名称:Happy English 六下 U6 Feeling Fun Story 三、学段: 六年级下册 四、TheThe teachingteaching planplan ofof thethe fourthfourth periodperiod 1.1.TeachingTeaching contentcontent: : TeachingTeaching projectproject TeachingTeaching contentcontent (students)(students) TeachingTeaching contentcontent (teacher)(teacher) TeachingTeaching purposepurpose 1.Warm-up1.Greeting. 2.Ask students when do you feel fun at school? 3.When we put on a play in the hall, we feel fun.Do you know play? Lead in:Journey to the West 通过出示中国四大名著来 引入主题。 2.Pre-reading1.Say out the name of the story. 2. Tell the students the where the West is. Show them the map of the world and tell them where the West is. 通过观察图片,得知是西 游记的故事。 3.While-reading1.First reading Grasp the main idea of the passage and ask who plays Monkey King, Master, Pigsy, or Sandy? 2.Second reading Lets learn the details. 3.Third reading Answer the questions. Read fast and more the Main ideas of the Passage. While reading, teach the language parts. Try to understand the passage. 快速阅读进行整体感知。 二次阅读寻找答案,训练 阅读技巧。 猜测后面的剧情,启发学 生思维。 5.Post-reading Act out the passageHelp students to assign roles. 让学生在表演中进行输出。 2 6.HomeworkRetell the passage to their good friends. Check and correct. 加强巩固。 2.2.TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand learninglearning objectives:objectives: KnowledgeKnowledge AimsAims StudentsStudents areare ableable to:to: Re 1. Know the the information of the book “A Long Journey to the We West”. 2.Use the key sentences to act our the story. AbilitiesAbilities AimsAims 1.Distinguish1.Distinguish thethe wordswords Students are able to: use the key sentences to talk about the story. 2.2.LookLook andand saysay: Students are able to: Think about the questions deeply. Talk about the story. 3.Discuss3.Discuss andand saysay: Students are able to: . Tetell the story “Monkey King fights White-Bone Monster”. Work out the questions with group mates. EmotionEmotion AimsAims Students are able to: 1.Cultivate team spirit and communication skills by the cooperation activities. 2.Increase studying interest. 3.Know the famous works in China. LearningLearning strategiesstrategies TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand learninglearning objectivesobjectives Students are able to: 1.Study English with partners, increase team cooperation ability. 2.Study English effectively in groups. 3.After learning can active students interesting, and develop their good learning habits . 4.Use various resources for effective learning, cultivate self-learning ability. TeachingTeaching importantimportant pointspoints andand PredictedPredicted difficultiesdifficulties TeachingTeaching importantimportant pointspoints 3 1.Grasp the target words and sentences. 2.Say out the story in group. PredictedPredicted difficultiesdifficulties 1. The pronunciation and usage of journey and problem 2. The ability of summarizing the passage. TeachingTeaching aidsaids PPT, blackboard-writing, color printing pictures.
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