(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:a020f).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:a020f)
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    • 教案a020f.doc--点击预览


A long journey to the West (西游记) 故事阅读教学故事阅读教学 There are four main characters(主要角色) , who are they? TangsengTangseng MasterMaster Sun Wukong Sun Wukong Monkey KingMonkey King Zhu Bajie Zhu Bajie PigsyPigsy ShaWujingShaWujing SandySandy 唐僧 孙悟空 猪八戒 沙悟净 人物介绍导图 TangsengTangseng studied many books wise(智慧的) Monkey KingMonkey King clever (聪明的) silly(疯癫的) PigsyPigsy looks like a pig silly(疯癫的) Sandy Monkey Kings friend honest(老实的) hardworking(勤奋的) A long journey to the WestA long journey to the West Many,many years ago,Tangseng went on a long Many,many years ago,Tangseng went on a long journey journey to the to the WestWest.He wanted to get some.He wanted to get some importantimportant booksbooks,and,and bringbring them them backback to China. to China. 1 1、journeyjourney- -旅程旅程 2 2、WestWest- -西方西方 3 3、importantimportant books- books-重要的重要的书书; ; 经书经书 4 4、bring.back- bring.back- 带回带回 5 5、bring. back to bring. back to 带回到带回到. egeg; Peter always Peter always bringsbrings some some tasty foodtasty food back to back to school. school. West East 西方 North South India .Task2: Find out the answers below. Many,many years ago,Tangseng went on a longMany,many years ago,Tangseng went on a long journey journey to to the the WestWest.He wanted to get some.He wanted to get some importantimportant booksbooks,and,andbringbring them them backback to China. to China. .Task 1: Read this section in group. Q1: Where did Tangseng go? Q2: What did Tangseng want to do? Tangseng went on a long journey to the West. He wanted to get some He wanted to get some importantimportant books,and books,and bringbring them back to China.them back to China. They met with many problems on the journey.Monkey King,Pigsy,and Sandy went with him and helped him,but sometimes they also made problems for him!It was all OK in the end. 1、meet-met 遇见,遇到 2、problem 问题,麻烦 No problem! 没问题! made problems 制造麻烦 3、in the end 最后 .Task 1: Read this section in group. .Task2: Find out the answer below. Q1: Was their journey easy?No, it wasnt. The problems they met in the journey , Do you know more about it? Our playOur play Play 1:Met the bad man Play 2:Monkey King fights White-Bone Monster They learned from Tangseng, worked very hard, and helped Tangseng a lot. They brought the books back to China, and everyone got some very special presents after their journey to the West. 1、learn from 向某人学习 2、brought bring 的过去式 3、special 特别的 .Task 1: Read this section in group. .Task2: Find out the answer below. Q1: What did they bring back to China? They brought the books back to China. Write down the past tense of verb below:Write down the past tense of verb below: go_____________ want___________ meet___________ help___________ make___________ learn___________ bring__________ get____________ Fill in the blank below,then retell the story.Fill in the blank below,then retell the story. Many,many years ago,Tangseng went on a longMany,many years ago,Tangseng went on a long _____ _____ to to the the __________.He wanted to get some.He wanted to get some ______________ booksbooks,and,and______________ them them __________ to China. to China. They They ________with many problems on the journey.Monkey with many problems on the journey.Monkey King,Pigsy,and Sandy went with him and King,Pigsy,and Sandy went with him and ____________ him,but him,but sometimes they also sometimes they also __________problems for him!It was all OK problems for him!It was all OK ________ ________ __________. . They They ______ ______ from Tangseng, worked very hard, and helped from Tangseng, worked very hard, and helped Tangseng a lot. They Tangseng a lot. They ________ ________ the books back to China, and the books back to China, and everyone got some very everyone got some very ____________ presents after their journey presents after their journey to the West.to the West. journey Westimportantbring back met helped made inendthe learned brought special What do we learn from it? (我们们从中学到什么?) No pains, no gains. (不劳无获。) There is a will, there is a way. (有志者,事竟成!) We have to study hard ! Homework: 1. Listen and read the conversation. 2. Act the conversation with your friends.指导思想与理论依据 本节课我坚持让课堂学习与学生相联系,关注学生的需求,坚持从学生认知基础出发, 促使他们以唐僧四师徒到西方取经的故事为阅读教学主线,进而发展其听、说、读、写、模 仿扮演的能力。英语教育心理学告诉我们:英语教育过程是个师生双方互动、默契合作的过 程,因此,教师的教学必须以学生的最近发展区为基础,这是我确定本课的依据。同时新课 程标准也指出:英语课程改革的重点是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传 授,而忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向,要求我们强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、 生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学 途径。 教学背景分析 本节课的授课内容是人教版开心英语六年级下册的 Unit6 Feeling Fun 的 More Reading and Writing 部分。其故事为 A Long Journey To The West。本课教学内容:1、 相关的词汇:journeyimportant booksbring .backmet with sthproblemin the endlearned.fromspecial 六年级是小学英语学习的第四阶段,孩子们经过三年的学习,已经具备了部分语言知识 和听说读写能力,这就为本课学习奠定了一定的基础。同时,六年级学生的认知与心理也已 经从形象直观向初步概括和逐步逻辑性发展。这就保证了他们能通过故事较深入地了解和推 测词汇,而且表现出对本话题的兴趣。根据教材,前面的 story 和 Reading and Writing 部分中学生已经接触过 Met a bad man 和 Monkey king fights White-Bone Monster 的故 事情节,可指导学生通过故事情节展开扮演来增加课堂趣味,帮助理解这篇总结性的文章。 教学目标 知识技能:知识技能: 1、能够在本课所涉及的情景中听懂、会说和运用相关的短语并理解文章意思; 2、能解决文章提出的问题并学会根据文章故事情节开展丰富的想象,扩展扮演角色对话内 容,使故事变得更丰富生动。 过程方法:过程方法: 1.能通过看录像、幻灯片,利用视觉、听觉感知学习内容; 2.通过看图说话、故事扮演活动,增强学生对文章词汇、句型的运用和口头语言表达能力; 情感态度:情感态度: 学生通过本课的学习,能够进一步体会取经路途险恶,唐僧师徒遇到很多问题,但通过 他们执着、不畏艰险、团结协作的精神,最后将所有的磨难都一一化解,取得真经。让学生 感知无论在学习上还是生活上,如果我们也有这种锲而不舍的精神,也一定能实现自己的梦 想。 教学过程与教学资源设计 教学过程:教学过程: 一一. .Warming up. 1.Free talk. 2. Look at the picture about A Long Journey To The West,introduce four main characters of the story. T:There are four main characters(主要角色主要角色),Do you know who are they? 设计意图设计意图:课前的 free talk,为学生创设一个宽松的英语对话氛围,然后通过及师生之间的互动交流, 让学生了解和复习故事。从而自然引出本课话题 A Long Journey To The West 并通过和 学生的交流,梳理、激活已有知识,自然地导入新课。 二二 Presentation: (一) 、 看课件,呈现本课内容 section1 并学习. 师: Now Lets learn the story.幻灯片显示: Many,many years ago,Tangseng went on a long journey to the West.He wanted to get some important books,and bring them back to China. Learn the new words and phrases:1、journey-旅程旅程 2、West-西方西方 3、important books-重要的书重要的书;经书经书 4、bring.back- 带回带回 5、bring. back to 带回到带回到.eg;Peter always brings some tasty food back to school. 师: Now, lets read in groups and find out the answers below: 1、Q1: Where did Tangseng go? 2、Q2: What did Tangseng want to do? 师:Who can read this section? (check their reading) (2) 、继续看课件,呈现本课内容 section2 并学习. They met with many problems on the journey.Monkey King,Pigsy,and Sandy went with him and helped him,but sometimes they also made problems for him!It was all OK in the end. Learn the new words and phrases:1、meet-met 遇见,遇到遇见,遇到 2、problem 问题,麻烦问题,麻烦 No problem! 没问题!没问题! made problems 制造麻烦制造麻烦 3、in the end 最后最后 师: Now read this section in group and find out the answer: 1、Q1: Was their journey easy? 师:Yes,their journey is not easy, they met so many problems these are the problems they met in the journey , Do you know more about it? (幻灯片呈现) 设计意图设计意图:在小组阅读中解决问题,提高学生自主学习能力、小组合作能力并提高学生通 过阅读解决问题的能力。 2、师:So,can you preform the story Met the bad man and Monkey King Beat The White Bone Monster in group for us? 3、Give the Ss 10 minutes to prepare to role play in group. 4、Ss preform the story. 设计意图设计意图:利用学生已掌握的知识内容,对故事情节进行想象扩展,丰富故事,角色情感 及对话的代入让故事变得更生动,通过增加角色对白的形式让学生的口语表达 能力得到更好的提高,故事的呈现更能让学生深刻记住文章的内容。 5、师:Read section2 twice by yourselves .(后检查 3-4 位同学的朗读) (3)Summarize section : section3 They learned from Tangseng, worked very hard, and helped Tangseng a lot. They brought the books back to China, and everyone got some very special presents after their journey to the West. Learn the new words and phrases: 1、learn from 向某人学习向某人学习 2、brought bring 的过去式的过去式 3、special 特别的特别的 师:师:Read this section in group and find the answer: Q1、What did they bring back to China? (4) 、Exercise:Write down the past tense of verb below: go_____________ want___________ meet___________ help___________ make___________ learn___________ bring__________ get____________ 设计意图设计意图:让学生在阅读中善于发现,善于总结。 (五) 、Fill in the blank below,then retell the story. Many,many years ago,Tangseng went on a long _____ to the _____.He wanted to get some _______ books,and_______ them _____ to China. They ____with many problems on the journey.Monkey King,Pigsy,and Sandy went with him and ______ him,but sometimes they also _____problems for him!It was all OK ____ ____ _____. They ______ from Tangseng, worked very hard, and helped Tangseng a lot. They ________ the books back to China, and everyone got some very ______ presents after their journey to the West. 师:Fill in the blank and then retell the story in groups.(check 2-3 students) 设计意图:训练学生的概述能力,口语表达能力。 (6) 、What do we learn from it? 1、There is a will, there is a way. (有志者,事竟成!) 2、No pains, no gains. (不劳无获。 ) 设计意图设计意图:情感目标的养成,让学生通过故事学习,懂得道理。 (七)(七) 、Homework:1、Listen and read the conversation. 2、Act the conversation with your friends. 五、板书设计:五、板书设计: 学习效果评价设计 1Role play 英语故事阅读教学形式趣味性浓,角色对白设计弹性大,可充分发挥学生故事 扩展的想象力,有利于学生学会创作和组织语言。 2让学生能在故事阅读学习中学会发现和总结动词过去式,问题的设计更能让学生带着任 务有目的地进行朗读。 3. 文章中出现的新词汇比较多,课堂中教师有效引导学生进行记忆,更利于对篇章的复述。 A Long Journey To The West Q1: Where did Tangseng go? Q2: What did Tangseng want to do? Q3: Was their journey easy? Q4:What did they bring back to China? 1、 2、 3、
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