(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:2059a).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:2059a)
    • Unit 6 Sounds and words.doc--点击预览
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一一Read aloud and circle.一边大声读给同桌听,一一边大声读给同桌听,一 边圈出含有边圈出含有 的单词。的单词。 Black Bear Monster There is a bear. He has messy hair. He doesnt like eating pears . He likes eating Tangseng. Now, he is sitting on the chair. Where does he live? There, in the cave! 二二Listen and fill in the blanks. 一边听,一边填空。一边听,一边填空。 Where is the __________? Where is the ____________? The ___________ is on the ________. Where is the ______________? The __________ is on the ___________. Where is the _______________? The ___________ is on the ___________. Oh no, Gogo! Please stop _________________! ( A ) 1 Theres a He has messy 2 He doesnt like 3 He likes. 4 Now, he is sitting. 5 Where does he live? . ( B ) ( C ) Find the words and match.(请找出请找出音的单词并连线到房子里音的单词并连线到房子里)。Unit 6 Feeling Fun Sounds and words Tangseng, Monkey King, Pigsy, and Sandy They went together. But one day. Black bear monster 黑熊怪 Tangseng Master was locked. They had to rescue(营救) him. Boys and girls, can you help them? You must finish three tasksYou must finish three tasks,then you can go to the cave and rescue Tangseng then you can go to the cave and rescue Tangseng MasterMaster!你们必须完成三个任务,然后你们可以去洞里营救师傅!你们必须完成三个任务,然后你们可以去洞里营救师傅 唐僧。唐僧。 task3 task2 task1 air air ch air h air f air p n. 一双一双 ear b ear p ear w ear sw v. 发誓发誓 ere wh ere th air ear ere Great! Lets go to task 2.Great! Lets go to task 2. task3 task2 task1 Black Bear Monster Black Bear Monster There is a bear. He has messy hair. He doesnt like eating pears . He likes eating Tangseng. Now, he is sitting on the chair. Where does he live? There, in the cave! Black Bear Monster There is a bear. He has messy hair. He doesnt like eating pears . He likes eating Tangseng. Now, he is sitting on the chair. Where does he live? There, in the cave! (一边读,一边圈出含有(一边读,一边圈出含有 的单词的单词) C B A So-so Good Very good 35 1 Theres a He has messy 2 He doesnt like 3 He likes. 4 Now, he is sitting. 5 Where does he live? . A B No pictures. C Well done! Lets go to task 3.Well done! Lets go to task 3. task3 task2 task1 Where is the chair? Where is the __________? Where is the ____________? The ___________ is on the ________. Where is the ______________? The __________ is on the ___________. Where is the _______________? The ___________ is on the ___________. Oh no, Gogo! Please stop _________________! First listen and fill in the blanks. 一边听,一边填空。一边听,一边填空。 chair pear pear bear bear bear chair chair chair stairs there Then watch the video and chant. Where is the pear? The pear is on the bear. Where is the chair? Where is the bear? The bear is on the chair. Where is the chair? The chair is on the stairs. Oh no, Gogo! Please stop there! Read and act in your group.在小组内大声在小组内大声 朗读,配上动作!朗读,配上动作! But, you have to finish the But, you have to finish the final challenge! Then you can final challenge! Then you can go into the hole and save out go into the hole and save out TangsengTangseng. (但是,还要完成终极挑战才能 进入山洞解救唐僧!) Good Good jobjob! ! hear near adj.在在.附近附近 here adv.这里这里 hear near here 在这里,ear 和ere 发i tear year i dear fear clear i mere v.害怕害怕 adj.清楚的清楚的 adj.仅仅的仅仅的 Ok, I lose the game! Thank you, kids! Tangseng Master is saved! Pair work Before starting again, they want to find the friends. Can you help them?在动身前,他们想找出 发 音的单词朋友。你能帮助他们吗? hair fair mair wear there pear where hear here near chair swear bear pair adj. 仅仅的 tear air adj. 清楚的 dear fear v. 害怕 clear mere 1.Find more words with “air” and “ear” “ere” that sound 找出更多含有找出更多含有 的单词)的单词) 2.Try to make new chant with . (编写(编写 的歌谣的歌谣.)一一教学目标教学目标 1.认知目标: 能掌握 air, ear, ere 的发音 能正确读出发 音的单词. 2.技能目标:能够掌握发音规律,认读单词;能判断不同的 发音,并正确进行归类;培养孩子们运用所学语言知识,培养 其发散性思维;在学习语音单词同时让孩子们了解语音绘本拓 展孩子们的知识面,激发孩子学习兴趣。 3.情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与课堂活动, 能够大胆地说英语;在课堂上锻炼孩子们的团队意识和竞争意 识。 4.语音知识:air, ear, ere- 4.词汇:chair, hair, bear, pear, where, there 二二. .学情分析学情分析 本课时是 Unit6 Feeling Fun 的第三课时语音部分。学生们 是中山市火炬开发区中心小学六 2 班的学生。他们活泼开朗,积 极大胆开口,勇于表现自我,有一定的英语基础!大部分孩子在 上课之前通过预习,已经掌握了一定的单词,所以本课时英语课 本的学习对于中等学生来说不算太难。但是如果要熟练掌握,还 需要时间。 三、教学内容分析三、教学内容分析 开心学英语六年级下册(广东人民出版社)Unit 6 Feeling Fun.第三课时:Sounds and words 唐僧被抓,引出黑熊怪 开始 引入:唐僧师徒四人 我们要努力完成三个任务,救出唐僧 拓展学习发音 任务二,学习故事 结束 拓展绘本,认读单 词 家庭作业 任务一,学习单词 四、教学环节流程图四、教学环节流程图 任务三,学习绕口令 在欢快的节奏中认读单词 拓展单词的另外发音 五教学重难点五教学重难点 重点:1) chair, hair, bear, pear, where, there 2)i near, hear, here 难点:1)孩子们在教师的引导下拼读单词; 2)让孩子们学会辨别和i发音不同的语音单词, 并进行归类; 3)培养孩子了解自然拼读法,并激发孩子学习的兴趣; 六内容分析六内容分析 本课时首先通过引出西游记中唐僧师徒四人:Tangseng, Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy 一路前行。但因为唐僧被黑熊怪 Black Bear Monster 抓住,徒弟们要想法救出唐僧。孩子们很喜欢西 游记里的人物,他们的学习兴趣高涨。引出黑熊怪 Black Bear Monster, 学生学习了重点词汇 bear, 同时他们也兴致盎然地参与闯 关 活动。在第一个任务中,教师设置了“I can say”的任务,让学生试 着读带有音标的单词,这些单词包括有:air, chair, hair, fair pair, bear, pear, wear, swear, where, there.教师边教边板书 音 标和重点单词 chair,hair,bear,pear,where,there 。其中跟 学生展示清楚音分三种字母组合的单词,包括 air,ear 和 ere 组合。为了更大程度地检查学生的发音,教学的时候采用了个别朗 读, 小组齐读的形式。接着在第二个任务中,教师设置了“I can read” 的任务。设置绘本故事Black Bear Monster ,让学生不仅对“黑 熊怪”的生活习性有个充分了解,也加深了对音单词的学习。 首 先教师设置让学生听故事的环节,接着让学生一边听一边圈出含有 的单词,然后教师让学生小组合作,复述这个故事。教师出示 三 个级别:very good, good 和 so-so 给孩子们选。为了得到良好级 别, 孩子们大都选择了 very good!很多孩子兴趣高涨,复述得不错!闯 关“第三个任务”中,教师设置了“I can chant”的任务。首先让 孩子们一边听,一边填空。接着看着视频朗读一遍。然后教师趁势 让 学生起立,跟老师做动作。欢快的节奏引发了孩子们的学习兴趣。 他 们大都非常喜欢这个 chant,所以在接下来的小组活动中,他们表 现 出了很浓的学习兴趣。闯三关环节结束。在接下来的拓展环节中, 教 师设置情节,因为读错了单词,唐僧师徒四人都被抓了,由此引出 i音的单词。接着让学生协助读单词:hear, near, here, tear, year, dear, fear, clear, mere.让学生明白 air, ear, ere 也会 有 发i音的时候。师徒终于被救出来了!为了巩固学习成果。在最 后 环节,教师设置了任务,让学生帮忙找发音的单词。学生由此 感 受到了更多语音学习的乐趣。 七教学策略七教学策略 教学方法: 1.导入法 如:图片导入和提问引发学生的学习兴趣。 2.任务型教学法 如:三个任务鼓励孩子们闯关,边玩边学。 2.游戏教学法 如:在新授语音单词后采用游戏的方法检查和巩固 学生的语音。 4.小组合作法 如:小组合作复述绘本故事;小组合作完成 Chant. 教学辅助手段: 教学课件、多媒体、彩色粉笔、教学卡片、学生用书、练习纸。 八教学过程八教学过程 Teaching procedures: StepStep 1 1 GreetingsGreetings T: Class begins. S: Stand up. T: Good morning,boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,teacher. T: Today Im very happy to see you all here. Were going to learn Unit 6 Feeling Fun “Sounds and words” . 【设计意图】教师和学生简单且随和地问候,使老师和学生之间的 陌生关系融洽,消除了学生的紧张心理。同时也告诉了学生本节课 的学习内容。 StepStep 2 2 Lead-inLead-in IntroduceIntroduce Tangseng,Tangseng, MonkeyMonkey King,King, PigsyPigsy ,Sandy,Sandy andand BlackBlack BearBear Monster.Monster. T: Look at this picture. Do you know who they are? Ss: They are Tangseng, Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy. T: Yes, very good! They went together to the west. But one day, something happened! Lets look. Whos he? Ss: Bear. T: Yes. Hes a bear monster. Hes Black Bear Monster. Hes scaring, isnt he? Ss: Yes. T: And he caught Tangseng. Tangseng was lost. They had to rescue him! So boys and girls, can you help him? Ss: Yes. T: Very good! You must finish three tasks,then you can go to the cave and rescue Tangseng Master!Are you ready? Ss: Yes. 【设计意图】通过黑熊怪抓了唐僧,唐僧徒弟要去救他,请求学生 帮助,来引起学生的注意,为本课设置情境,使学生迅速进入英语 课堂,为新授课做好铺垫。 StepStep 3 3 presentationpresentation T: Lets go to task1. Can you say the word? Ss: air. (教师先逐个检查并纠正鼓励学生的朗读,然后齐读。) T: Look at this one. Can you read it? Ss: chair. T: ch-t; air-. chair-【t】.(教师一边逐个检查并纠 正学生读,一边板书。同样的教授方法教授单词 hair, fair, pair, bear, pear, wear, swear, where, there.但重点词汇 hair,bear,pear, where, there 才需要板书。) T: So boys and girls, from these words, we know that, air, ear, ere ,have the same pronunciation. What is it? Ss: . T: Good! They all pronounce !(学生齐读) 【设计意图】用生动明了的方式呈现语音单词发音,并在学生反复 读的过程中找到发音规律,让学生了解到更多的关于同类发音的单 词,引起学生学习兴趣,寓教于乐。 StepStep 4:4: PracticePractice T: Great! Lets go to task 2. Ready? Ss: Go! T: I can read! Its a story about Black Bear Monster. First, listen to the story. There is a bear. He has messy hair. He doesnt like eating pears . He likes eating Tangseng. Now, he is sitting on the chair. Where does he live? There, in the cave! T:Is the story interesting? Ss: Yes! T: Now please take out your paper. You can read the story on your paper. Read aloud and circle the words that include. Now lets go! (2 分钟后,教师与学生一起核对答案。) T:Now I have another task for you. Retell the story. We have three grades here. A represents so-so. You can look at this picture. There are some pictures and key words for you. If you choose A, you will get three stars. If you choose B, you can look at these picture, there is no words for you. And then, at last, you will get four stars. If you choose C, it will be very good, there is no picture and no word for you. At last, you will get 5 stars. Now lets do the pair work. (5 分钟后,教师检查学生复述故事的情况。) 【设计意图】让学生在故事中了解黑熊怪,引发学生的学习兴趣, 并让学生反复操练,让学生了解到更多的关于同类发音的单词,既 提升了学生学习绘本故事的能力,丰富了学生的课外知识,又让学 生了解到单词的发音,寓教于乐。 StepStep 5:5: DrillDrill T: Great! Big hands! Well-done! Lets go to task 3. I can chant. “Where is the chair?”Now please listen and fill in the blanks. Take out your paper. Ill play three times for you. (3 分钟后,教师检查学生的听力情况。) T: Now, lets watch the video and chant. (教师先放一遍视 频,学生跟唱一遍。) T: Boys and girls, now stand up and follow me. (学生跟着 教师做动作。)Now lets do the group work. Read and act in your group. 【设计意图】通过先听然后小组操练的形式,同时配上动作学习 chant,体现出学生主体和老师主导的教学原则,课堂气氛活跃,学 生都兴致勃勃地大声读。 StepStep 6:6: ExtensionExtension ExtendsExtends somesome wordswords thatthat pronouncepronounce i T: Good job! But you have to finish the final challenge! Then you can go into the cave and save out Tangseng. Try to say “hear” “near” “here”. Ss: So easy-h, n, h. T: Oh, no, kids! Tangseng was caught again. Can you help him? Try to say “hear” “near” “here” Ss: hi , ni , hi . T: Good. Try to say more words: tear, year, dear, fear, clear, mere. 【设计意图】通过因为学生错误拼读,唐僧师徒再次被抓,形 象地提醒学生要注意单词朗读,从而引出i 的发音,让学生明白 有些含有 air, ear, ere 的单词不发音,而是发i音。 Step 7: Pair work Before starting again, they want to find the friends. Can you help them? 【设计意图】通过同伴合作,能很好地集中学生的注意力,同 时把练习题打印在练习纸上,让孩子们对语音单词加深印象,达到 巩固深化的效果。 StepStep 8 8: HomeworkHomework 1.Find more words with “air” and “ear” “ere” that sound 找出更多含有的单词。 2.Try to make new chant with .编写的歌谣. 【设计意图】这里作业的设置目的在于既锻炼到孩子们的自主学习 能力又让孩子们去了解更多发的单词,激发孩子们的学习兴趣。 八相关板书、练习等资源。八相关板书、练习等资源。 板书设计 UnitUnit 6 6 FeelingFeeling FunFun chairchair bearbear wherewhere hairhair pearpear therethere 相关练习 一一Read aloud and circle.一边大声读给同桌听,一边圈出含有一边大声读给同桌听,一边圈出含有 的单词。的单词。 Black Bear Monster There is a bear. He has messy hair. He doesnt like eating pears . He likes eating Tangseng. Now, he is sitting on the chair. Where does he live? There, in the cave! 二二Listen and fill in the blanks. 一边听,一边填空。一边听,一边填空。 Where is the __________? Where is the ____________? The ___________ is on the ________. Where is the ______________? The __________ is on the ___________. Where is the _______________? The ___________ is on the ___________. Oh no, Gogo! Please stop _________________! (三三) (四)(四) Find the words and match.(请找出请找出音的单词并连线到房子里音的单词并连线到房子里)。
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