(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Culture 1:Study Tour-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:70e22).docx

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1、1 Culture 1: Study tour Period2 一一、教学目标、教学目标 本单元围绕游学文化开展,授课课时为一个课时。旨在让学生广解世界各地的名胜,地方 民俗等;联系生活实际, 并在前三个单元的学习基础上,制定结合本课所了解的名胜或国家 的游学计划并和同学进行分享。通过对比异同凸显跨文化意识培养。 (1)语言知识目标: 1.通过与老师互动交谈获取关于游学的主要信息:时间、 地点、出行方式、活动等要素。 2.联系生活,制定游学计划并用一般将来时态进行描述或创编对话进行分享。 (2)语言技能目标: 1.根据图片、视频、文本了解世界各地名胜及不同地区的文化差异。 2.能够制定游学计划

2、并用英语表达。 3.能够和同学介绍或谈论游学计划。 (3)情感态度目标: 1.喜欢游历和分享游历感受。 2.乐于了解不同地域的文化。 (4)学习策略目标: 1.能够通过活动获取信息并对信息进行整理。 2.能够找到收集信息的渠道。 (5)文化意识目标: 1.学习名胜的英文表达。 2.体验不同地域人文风俗的异同。 3.通过活动提升跨文化意识。 二二、教学内容。教学内容。 (1)重点词句: 学习名胜:USA, Australia, Canada, UK 2 拓展新词: Opera House, Big Ben, The Statue of Liberty, Falls 重点句型: Where are

3、 you going? How are you going to.? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do? Im going to. 教学主题:学习之旅(游学) (2)教学重、难点 教学重点:学会新单词、拓展单词、新句型、拓展句型; 能够了解及谈论游学地点、时 间、交通工具、活动等情况。 教学难点:地方名胜的英文表达以及运用了解到的信息融入英语计划中,最后用英语创编 对话,并且能制定和口头介绍游学计划。 三三、教学策略、教学策略 1.教学法使用。 (1)采用任务型教学法、小组合作学习法、多媒体辅助教学法等进行教学。 (2)

4、通过视频、图片、事物等协助学生了解各地名胜及文化。 2.教学媒体及辅助手段:电脑、投影仪、PPT 通过多媒体和图片等丰富的视觉听觉材料创设生动自然的语言情境,使学生能从多个媒 介接受信息,使课堂效果达到最优化。 3.课前准备材料:本单元词汇、PPT 等。 四四、教学、教学过程过程 Step1:Warm up 1.Sing a song: Were going. (From Unit2)(设计意图:复习将来时的表达。) T:Boys and girls, Lets sing a song. (After singing) Do you like to travel? Ss: Yes. / No.

5、 Step2: Leading 1. T:Just now we enjoy the song, do you like go sightseeing? S:Yes. T:Summer vacation is coming.Im going to have a study tour. Do you know study tour? S:. T:Now today lets learn study tour. 3 S: Study tour. 2. Review T and Ss :I have a study tour in our country ,do you know it. Look

6、at this map tell me. I am in Zhuhai now.I am going to Hubei.I am going to see the Yangtze River. Next,I am going to Shandong,I am going to see the Mount Tai. Next,I will going to Beijing and visit Beijing University. Finally, I will go to Gansu and visit the museum. T:Wow, they are beautiful places.

7、I am going to many places.Where are you going ? S1:I am going to. S2:I am going to. Now look at this,then ask your classmate “where are you going.” 3.Pair work WhereWhere are you going ? are you going ? HowHow are you going there ?are you going there ? WhereWhere are you going to are you going to st

8、aystay ? ? WhatWhat are you going to are you going to dodo? ? (设计意图:联系生活实际,复习所学句子,了解老师的假期游学过的地方,加深师生情感, 了解同学之间想去的地方,激发学生学习兴趣,为以下学习其他国家和景点做铺垫。) Step3: Presentation Part 1 1. T: We know China is very beautiful. The other countries are beautiful ,too.Now we are in China now. You know the world is so bi

9、g and nice.Im going to travel around the word. Do want to go with me? S:Yes. T:First, Im going to travel in China. The first stop, Im going here.I am going here. I am going there. Last,I will come back. ( Show the picture of the travel line.) (设计意图:以环球之旅引入地点,为下面地名的学习做好铺垫,同时以主线贯穿始终。) 2. Know study to

10、ur T:This is study tour,do you know “study tour” (show the PPT about study tour) then ask the students. 3. We know the study tour ,lets go to have a study tour. 4. Watch a video about “Where are we going to have a study tour?” 4 1) .How many countries are we going? 2)Where are we going? 3) ask and a

11、nswer (设计意图:观看环球视频之旅引入地点,通过视频从中挖掘信息,为下面地名的学习做好铺 垫。) 5. Learn the new words We are going to have a study tour in Canada. ( Show the picture of Canada and teach the word.) . ( Show the pictures of the places:Australia, UK, USA, ) We are going visit the Opera House . We are going see the Big Ben. The O

12、pera House is in Australia. The Big Ben is in the UK. We are going see the Statue of Liberty. We are going see the Falls. The Statue of Liberty is in the USA. The Falls is in Canada. (设计意图:呈现词汇的同时渗透相关文化,拓展学生的视野。) Part 2 Play a game: Look at the pictures and guess the places. (设计意图: 通过猜测游戏让学生都参与到语言学习

13、中来, 激发学习兴趣, 同时加深词汇记忆, 巩固单词。) Part 3 1. Make some sentences. We are going to have a study tour in_ We are going to see _ 2. Try to say more sentences. (设计意图:进一步熟悉本课的游学句子的表达,培养学生通过看图表达能力。) 3. Discuss (show the picture “Where are they from?) . 5 (设计意图:拓宽学生视野,学习更多文化,丰富计划的内容。) Part 4 .Discuss and group w

14、ork ,make a plan (Study tour). T:Now, its time for you to know about the plans of your friend. You may ask them by using these sentences: A: Hello, . What are you going to do during your vacation? B: Im going to . And you? A: Im going to have a study tour in . B: Great! How are you going to ? A: Im

15、going by . B: Where are you going to stay? A: Im going to stay . (设计意图:通过小组讨论与对话并回归主线,同学之间互相了解所好,培养同学之间交际能 力和合作意识。角色扮演能使学生身临其境地进行练习,通过小组练习让学生互相帮助和互相 检查,展示对话能了解学生是否掌握基本句型。) Part 5 Show Time 1. T: Now. Lets make our own plan for the study tour and show your plan to your partner. Think about : Where ar

16、e you going? How are you going there? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do? (设计意图:运用所学句型制定划并分享游学计划,营造真实的语言交际环境,不仅创设了浓 厚的英语氛围,还调动了学生进行交流的积极性,更提高了学生英语表达能力。) 2. Show your tour plan to the whole class. (使用投影仪展示) 6 Step4: Conclusion Everyone has his own plan. Remember, the most important thing for you is “study”. Think about the history of the places and know more about the places you are going to visit. Step5: Homework Where do you want to go for a study tour? Write a short passage for your plan. (设计意图:以读促写,培养学生的写作能力。)


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