(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:d0978).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 My Favorite Activities_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:d0978)
    • Ming Guo.flv
    • My Favorite Activities.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案d0978.doc--点击预览
    • 背景音乐.mp3
    • 视频1.qsv


. . . . . . . . . Do you still(仍然)like .? You want to be.?你想变得。? How to make our body strong? 如何让我们身体变得强壮? healthy 健康的 What activity is it? 这是什么活动? 去远足 Hi, my friends. How often do you_____________? 你多久去一次跑步? Monday9: 00a.m. 2:00p.m.4:45p.m.6:00p.m.9:00p.m.12:00p.m . I __________once a day. 一天一次 day go running go running go running Hi, my friends. How _____ do you_____________? SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat I __________once a week. 一周一次 week go swimming go swimming go swimming often Hi, my friends. How ____ ____ you _____________? SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat I __________ _____ a week. 一周两次 oftendo week twice go fishing go fishing go fishing Hi, my friends. How _____________________? I ________________________. 一月三次 go hiking often do you go hiking go hiking three times a month mont h Hi, my friends. ___________________________? _______________________. 一年四次 go ice-skating How often do you go ice-skating I go ice-skatng four times a year year I like eating and playing games. Rhythm Master. three times a month twice a yearthree times a year four times a day twice a year twice a week three times a day twice a day once a day once a month once a year once a week Rhythm Master. three times a day twice a week once a month go ice-skating go dancing go runninggo swimminggo shoppinggo camping go fishingtwice a year go hiking Lets chant! go swimming go camping go shopping How often do you ___________? I _____________________. go dancinggo fishing go ice-skating go hiking month week week week year month go camping go camping twice a week Finish practice 2 in P58 NameIce-skatingSwimmingHikingFishingRunning A: How often do you ___________? B: I ____________ ______ a ______. go ice-skating go ice-skatingonceyear Tony once a year A: Hello,_____. Do you like___________? B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. ice-skatingTony My familys hobbies Hi, my name is Cici. There are three peple in my family. I like swimming. I go swimming once a week. My Dad likes fishing. He goes fishing twice a month. My Mom likes dancing. She goes dancing three times a week. We have a healthy life! How often does Ming Guo____________? week day month He eats chips once a week. He eats candies twice a day. He eats cake three times a month. year He does exercise once a year. Healthy hobby, healthy life! Homework: 1. Copy the new words (抄写单词) 2. Make sentences.(模仿target第一 幅图,分别once, twice, three times 各造 2组对话,一共6组对话)。Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1、 Knowledge objectives: be able to master the new words: go fishing, go hiking, go ice-skating, go swimming, once a day, twice a week, three times a month. Sentence Structure: How often do you go fishing? I go fishing once a week. How often does he go fishing? He goes fishing twice a week. 2、 Skill objectives: be able to use the sentence patterns to tell others about the activity they like 3、 Emotional objectives:Healthy hobby, healthy life. Key point 教学重点:教学重点: Key points:1. master the new words 2. Able to talk how often do they do the activity they like. Difficulties 教学难点:教学难点: Difficulties: 1.correctly use the sentences patterns and answer it. 2. Able to use more words like five times a week, six times a day to talk about their favorite activity. Teaching Aid 主要教学媒体主要教学媒体 PPT, micro-course video, word cards, chant, Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤 1.Warming-up 2.Lead-in Step 1 Greeting and warming up T:Good morning boys and girls! (show them the picture of Ming guo ) Do you know who is he? Yes, he is Ming guo. Lets know more about him! Play Ming guos micro-course video Step 2 Lead-in T:What does he like? Yes, he likes eating candies and ice-cream. Do you like them too? But after you watch this video and please tell me, do you still like the drunk food. Play another video about the dangerous of fat. T:Ming guo wants to be healthy and what should he do? Ss: Eat healthy food and do exercise. Step 3 presentation T:What kind of activity do you like? Sharp eyes: Use this activity to review the learned words(go shopping, go 3. presentation 4.practice 5.Development 6.Summary 7.Homework dancing, go sightseeing)and lead out the new words at the same time(go fishing, go hiking, go swimming, go ice-skating) T: I like running and I go running once a day. (lead out the phrases) T:S1, Whats activity do you like? S1: I like swimming. T:How often do you go swimming? As for me, I go swimming once a week. (lead out the times :twice, three times)What about you? S1:I go swimming twice a week. Show them the picture of go running, go hiking, go fishing and practice the time phrases at the same time. Step4 practice T: Boys and girls, do you still remember What does Ming guo like? Yes, he likes candies and ice-cream. And also he likes playing games. Do you like games? Lets play games! 1. Game1: Rhythm Master, in order to practice the new words. 2. Chant: beat the beat by themselves and chant the song with the words T points in random. 3. Activity: Lets talk Ask about your friends and try to finish the form in P58 4. Lets write: My familys hobbies. Step5 Development Show them the picture of food that Ming guo likes and lead them to use How often does he .? He eats. T: Is that good for Ming guos body? No. If we want to keep our body healthy, What should we do? Yse, we need to eat more healthy food and do more exercise. So good healthy can bring you a good life. Step6 Summary Summarize the new words and sentence patterns with chant. Step7 Homework 1. Copy the new words (抄写单词抄写单词) 2. Make sentences. 8.blackboard design
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