(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 2 Animals at the zoo-Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:90f4a).doc

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(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 2 Animals at the zoo-Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:90f4a).doc_第1页
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(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 2 Animals at the zoo-Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:90f4a).doc_第2页
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(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 2 Animals at the zoo-Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:90f4a).doc_第3页
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(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 2 Animals at the zoo-Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:90f4a).doc_第4页
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1、1 教材分析教材分析 The book covers 24 lessons in 4 units (six lessons per unit). Lesson 8 is arranged in Unit 2. This unit teaches familiar zoo animals. It builds on the conversational structures of Unit 1 so that the Ss can converse about the characteristics of animals more fluently. 学生分析学生分析 The students

2、are in Grade3. They are interested in listening and speaking English. They like playing games. They can imitate sounds of speech, take risks when speaking, participate in all classroom activities. After learning English for half a year, they have some basic English knowledge, so the teacher should p

3、ay attention to the communication with them and provide chances of using language. 授课内容授课内容 Book2 Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears 教学目标教学目标 知识知识 目标目标 (1)Students can understand, read, say and practice these words: tiger, wolf, bear, snake, long, short (2)Students can understand, read, say and practice thes

4、e sentence patterns: Its _ is/are _. 能力能力 目标目标 At the end of this lesson, students will develop the ability. Students can orally describe animals. 情感情感 目标目标 Students should love and protect animals and nature. 教学重点教学重点 Enable the students to master the use of the new words: tiger, wolf, bear, snake,

5、 long, short and make sure that students can speak them in right tone. 教学难点教学难点 Enable the students to understand the sentence pattern: Its_ is/are_. 教法与学法教法与学法 Situational language teaching, Direct method, TPR 教学准备教学准备 some word cards, some animal pictures 教学过程教学过程 教师活动教师活动 学生活动学生活动 设计思路设计思路 2 Step

6、1. Greeting 1.Greeting with students. 2.Talk with students. 1.Greeting with the teacher. 2.Talk with the teacher. 师生口语对话,拉近 教师与学生的距离,营造 宽松和谐的课堂氛围。使 学生带着积极的情绪投入 到学习活动中。为讲授新 知识做铺垫。 Step2. Revision 1.The teacher create a situation”A trip to the zoo” 2.Let the students see a short film about the animals

7、. Watch a short film . 设置和学生一同去 动物园参观动物这一情 境,并分别介绍四个行程 “动物乐园, 猛兽动物馆, 游客中心,博物馆”将学 生轻松带入本课的学习氛 围中,真切地感受生活情 境,激发学生学习和运用 语言的欲望。 3.Ask some questions about the film. T:What can you see in the video? Can you say something about the animals? Say something about the animals. 在 “动物乐园” 环节, 目的是复习单词。动画教 学是学生喜闻乐

8、见的学习 形式之一,加上老师的形 象表演,极大的调动了学 生的学习兴趣。同时也为 学生创设了真实的语言环 境,让他们在生活中使用 语言,提高他们的口语表 达能力。 Step3. Presentation 1. Let the students learn the new words and sentence patterns: wolf, snake, tiger, bear, long, snake, Its_ is/are_. (1)Teach the word “wolf” according to the sound. T: Listen! What is it? Learn the

9、new words and sentence patterns: wolf, snake, tiger, bear, long, snake, Its_ is/are_. Learn the word “wolf”. 在“猛兽动物馆”环 节,目的是进行单词和句 型的新授,根据小学生好 奇、好动的特点,本环节 采用多种形式教授新单 词,如:听声音猜单词,集 知识和趣味为一体的猜谜 游戏等,这些都可以帮助 学生将语言知识转化为语 言技能,充分发挥学生的 主观能动性。 教学过程教学过程 教师活动教师活动 学生活动学生活动 设计思路设计思路 3 (2)Teach the word “snake” ac

10、cording to the riddle. Teach the words “long”and “short” according to the comparison of two different snakes. Learn the words “ snake 、 long 、 short”. 在讲授完新授单词 long 与 short 后,让学生 利用身边的实物进行练 习。学习英语的最终目的 在于回归生活。真实的语 言环境增加了学生学习英 语的有效性。 (3)Teach the word “tiger” according to keyword prompts. Teach sente

11、nce pattern “Itsis/are” according to the picture. Learn the word “tiger”and sentence pattern “Itsis/are”. 在新授句型时,通过 tiger,bear 学生自己的描 述,培养学生在获取知识 的过程中积极主动发现、 分析、理解并掌握句型的 基本结构,培养学生的自 主学习能力。 (4)Teach the word “bear” according to the puzzle. Learn the word “bear”. 2. Listen, read and tick. Listen to th

12、e text then students read the text carefully and tick the right answers. 通过听读课文。以听 力为抓手,课文中涉及的 内容以练习的形式出现。 帮助学生理解语篇,培养 学生良好的朗读习惯。跟 读环节让学生模仿发音, 规范学生正确的语音语 调。 Step4. Practice Play a game. Guessing animals by spin game. Play a game. 在 “游客中心” 环节, 目的是对新授知识进行巩 固练习。 Step5. Production Talk about the animals

13、. Group work: a. Talk about your favourite animals. b. Make a dialogue about animals. Students choose one of the tasks and finish it. 在“博物馆”环节, 让学生以小组合作的形 式, 自由讨论或自编对话, 进行语言输出,把更多的 课堂学习时间和自由支配 时间留给学生。不但增强 了学生自主学习的能力, 而且极大的培养了学生用 英语做事情的能力。 教学过程教学过程 教师活动教师活动 学生活动学生活动 设计思路设计思路 4 Step6. Class Closing 1.

14、Homework. a.Draw a picture about animals. b.Try to describe the animals to your friends. Choose the Homework. 作业是课堂的延伸与 补充。分层作业照顾了不 同学生的需求,让每个学 生都能在自身基础上得到 锻炼与发展。 2. Summary Let students enjoy some beautiful pictures about human and animals. Then let students read the sentences together: Animals are

15、 our friends. We love animals. Students enjoy the pictures and read the sentences. 通过让学生欣赏一些 人与动物和谐相处的图 片,培养学生保护动物、 热爱大自然的情感。通过 让学生一起喊口号的形 式, 活跃气氛, 点明主题。 Blackboard Design Lesson8 Tigers and Bears grey big wolves wolf tiger long tail long fat short snake bear small ears Its . is/are. 个性化的板书设计使 得课堂充满了童真童趣。 巧妙地把思维导图与板书 相结合,突出了本课的重 点,有助于学生对新知识 的领悟与记忆,提高了学 生的学习效率,促使学生 形成系统学习和思维的习 惯。 animals


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