(广东)粤人版六下-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:21b1d).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Feeling Excited_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:21b1d)
    • au.mp3
    • Puppy Feelings.mp4
    • The Feelings Song.mp3
    • The Feelings Song.mp4
    • Unit 4 Feeling Excited(Review).ppt--点击预览
    • 教案21b1d.docx--点击预览


粤人版 开心学英语 六年级下册 Unit 4 Feeling Excited 第3课时 I feel/ am How do you feel? take a deep breath Sometimeswefeelhappy. Sometimeswefeelsad. Sometimeswefeel. Wehavemanydifferentfeelings. Howdidtheyfeel? Whydidtheyfeelso? Hewas. Thatsgood. Imhappyforyou. happy Because_____________________. Whenhearsomegoodnews, Wecansay: hegotagoodgift hewonthegame Theywere_____________. Becausethey_____________. Imsorrytohearthat. gotobedearlyandgetupearly. unhappy/nervous werelateforschool Theyshould___________. Whenhearsomebadnews, Wecansay: hurryupinthemorning. Hewassad.Because______________________.hefelldownfromthebike Heshould becarefulnexttime. Imsorrytohearthat. hehurthisarm Heshouldnot __________________. ridethebikeontheroad Childrenunder12yearsold arenotallowedtoridethebike ontheroad. allow how ow wow now /u/ x Iwas_____.Because___________. Iam______.Because____________. Group work: Talkandshareyourfeelings. Talkaboutthethingsandyourfeelingsrecently(最近). Listencarefully,andgivesomeadviceifyoucan. Animalshavemanyfeelings,too. Whenyoufeltbad, whatdidyoudo? The feeling song Whenyoufeelbad, whatcanyoudo? Takeadeepbreath. Gotobedandhaveagoodrest. WhenIfeelbad,Ican NexttimewhenIfeelbad, Iknowwhattodo. Please write down: take a deep breath Ican_______________. Ican______________. Ican______________. Nexttime,whenyoufeelbad,Ihope youknowwhattodo. 1.Drawamindmapandchoosesomefeelingstowrite. Iwas_______.Because___________________. WhenIfeel______.Ican__________________. Lastweek,Iwassad.BecauseIlostmyIDcard. ButImhappynow.Ifounditinmybagyesterday. IthinkIshouldusuallypackmybagandputthingsaway. 2.Drawandwrite. (writeanddrawthethingshappenedtoyou andyourfeelingsrecently.)主题“Feelings” 学生分析: 本课教学对象是六年级的小学生。经过了三年多的学习,他们已经有 了一定的词汇量,掌握了一些基本的对话和句型。大部分学生养成了良好 的学习习惯。但处在青春初期的孩子们开始变得内敛,不太愿意表达自己, 尤其是情感方面。希望通过本节课的活动鼓励孩子们乐于分享和表达,做 情绪的主人。 教材分析: 本节课教学内容为开心学英语六年级下册 Unit 4 Feeling Excited 的第 3 课时。本单元主要学习内容是几个情感的单词和学会表达引起不同 情绪的原因,主要涉及的语法是过去式。在此之前,前面的三个单元已经 学习了过去时态,学生会用所学句型表达自己一天中发生的事件。所学内 容贴近学生实际,因此在课件的设计中我选用了学生自己的日常照片,利 用发生在孩子身边的事件进行教学活动。通过设计 guessing game 和 group work 复习教材已知内容,并通过网络收集的课外视频进行话题的拓 展,在课堂中渗透“如何处理不良情绪”。 教学目标: 一、知识目标: 复习与“feelings”相关的 8 个单词,渗透“ow”的发 音以及句型”Im /was. Because I .”以及拓展句型“When I feel bad, I can” 二、技能目标: 能够运用“Im /was . Because I.”动词的一般过 去式形式描述事见及感受,并学会通过正确的方式排解自己的不良情 绪。 三、文化目标: 听到别人有好消息时,能由衷的祝福“Thats good. I m happy for you.” 听到不好消息时能表示安慰并尝试提出建议“Im sorry to hear that. You should ” 四、情感目标: a. 学会与他人分享自己的感受; b. 通过同伴及小组合作学习来培养合作学习的意识和能 力; c. 引导学生学会用健康积极的态度排解自己的不良情绪。 五、学习策略: a. 学会聆听,适时做笔记; b. 小组合作,主动运用英语与他人进行交流表达。 教学重难点: 1,课本单词和句型的操练和熟练运用; 2,鼓励学生积极思考并表达; 3,When I feel bad, I can句型的渗透和运用; 教学准备:表情图片, PPT,flash 和多媒体等。 教学过程: Step 1 Lead-in (6 mins) 1. Free talk: Good morning! Boys and girls. Look, today we have a new friend here. Its a camera. We are going to be in a video. So, how do you feel? You can say, I feelor Im 当学生说 Im nervous.时,与学生进行互动: Take it easy, lets take a deep breath. 2. Brainstorm:What feelings do we have? Present the mind map. 3. Match the words and pictures. We have many feelings, sometimes we feel happy. Sometimes we feel sad.we have many different feelings. (设计意图:从谈论学生现场的心情导入本节课主题,利用思维导图呈 现复习主题词汇,并通过单词和表情图片的配对,加深学生对单词的理 解,为本节课的语言运用做铺垫。) Step 2 Practice 1 (10 mins) A guessing game to review and practice of sentence patterns. Look at the photos. Try to say “How did they feel?”, and guess “Why did they feel so?” He was______because____________________. a. When hear some good news, we can say: thats good. Im happy for you. b. When hear some bad news, we can say: Im sorry to hear that. He should He should not c. Children under 12 years old are not allowed to ride the bike on the road. (设计意图:学生提取本单元重点语言谈论他人的心情和原因,有效复 习巩固了已学知识。这一环节的教学素材采用学生日常的照片,通过有 信息差的竞猜活动,学生能够有兴趣的参与表达。通过给图片中迟到及 骑自行车摔跤的同学提建议,渗透良好生活习惯的养成及安全教育。并 在句子的运用中渗透语音教学。) Step 3 Group work: talk about past experiences with the feeling words. (7mins ) 1. Lets get to know more about your friends. Talk in group of 4 When one is talking, others should listen careful and try to give some advice. Demo in groups. The teacher can give some comments for each group, e.g.I think you should put away your books before going to bed at night. 2. Share your feelings: Have 1-2 groups to show. (设计意图:学生结合自身经历谈论最近的心情和原因,并让学生尝试 给自己的朋友提一些建议,有效提升了语言运用能力和知识的整合。小 组活动的过程中,培养学生学会分享和倾听。) Step 4 Extension of the topic: Watch a video about animal feelings. (5 mins) 1. Watch a video. We have feelings. Do you know animals have feelings, too? And they also have good feelings and bad feelings (Stick the signs on the board). Now lets watch the video, and take some notes. Try to find out what are the good feelings and bad feelings in the video. 2. Have some ss to write on the blackboard. 3. Watch, check and read. Lets watch the video and check together. Read follow the video. (设计意图:学生从谈论他人、自己的情感,到了解动物的情感,深化 本节课的主题,拉近了人与动物的距离,在拓展学习单元语言知识的同 时,渗透情感教育。在知识层面上让学生通过观看视频,做笔记,学会 分类处理知识点。) Step 5. Song activity: how to deal with bad feelings? (10 mins) 1. Listen to a song. We have so many different feelings. Some are good, and some are bad. When you feel bad, what can you do? Now lets listen to a feeling song, and try to find out, What does the song say when you have bad feelings? 2. Check and talk in class for 1-2 minutes, what can you do when you feel bad? Have some ss to share their ideas. 3. Choose, write and share. Next time when I feel bad, I know what to do. I can ________________. I can _________________. _____________________________ 4. Have some ss to share their paper. 5. Sing the song together. Next time when you feel bad, I hope you know what to do. First, try your best, then dont worry too much and be happy. Thats all Id like to share with you in this class. (设计意图:主题歌曲循环拓展单元语言知识的同时,让学生体悟到培 养健康情感的重要意义:要学会做情感的主人,用科学的方式调控不良 情绪。) Step 6 Summary and homework (2 minutes) 1. Summary Have the ss read the words and sentences on the blackboard. 2. Homework : Draw and write. Choose 1 or 2 to do. 1. Draw and write a feelings mind map. And choose 1-2 feelings to write some sentences. 2. Draw and write the things happened to you and your feelings recently. (设计意图:作业的设计旨在让学生有兴趣有选择的去整理归纳本课知 识点,思维导图和简笔画一方面使得书写作业不枯燥,一方面能够加强 书写的画面感,帮助学生更好的牢记知识点。) 板 书 设 计 When I feel bad, I can______________. I can______________. I can______________. He was_____. Because he___________. I was ______. Because I _____________. 家 庭 作 业 Homework: Draw and write. Choose 1 or 2 to do. 1. Draw and write a feelings mind map. And choose 1-2 feelings to write some sentences. 2. Draw and write the things happened to you and your feelings recently. 教学 后记 本节课不但能有效开发学生资源和网络资源促进教学,还能利用课堂生成 资源与学生进行交流互动,比如在 share the feelings 环节,学生提到昨天是 弟弟的生日,教师能说 Happy birthday to your brother;还有学生提到 lost my friends pen.教师能继续与学生交流互动:What should you do? 当学生提出 不适当的情绪管理方式 hit myself 时,能够及时地表达家人和老师的爱与关注。 从学生最后的语言产出环节看,不但达成了该节课的知识目标和情感目标,学 生的语言能力思维能力也得到了发展。 还是有以下几点遗憾: 有几个环节的教师的反馈还可以更准确,并与学生进行适当的情感互动, 在 share the feelings 环节,一位学生提到: I helped my friend find the money.教师可以这么反馈:You mean you helped your friend look for the money? Did you find the money? 又如在 When you felt bad, what did you do? 环节,教师针对学生的表达可以适当提供建议。观看完录像后,发现自己 整体教态自然,但有时会用手指学生,这是比较不好的小动作,应引起注意并 调整。
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