2021年春人教版英语八年级下册Unit 4 Section B (3a-Self) Check 课件.pptx

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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section B (3aSelf Check) What do you usually do after school? Do you have any after-school classes? Pair work What kind of after-school classes do you have? Who chooses the classes for you? Why do they send you to the classes? Pair work 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成

2、才路 Pair work What do you think of after-school classes? A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children. Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions. In my opinion, I agree 3a3a Pair work Why should children take after- school classes? Your opinions 1. “ a

3、fter-school classes can help kids get into a good university.” 2. “I want my child to be a successful person.” 3. “Its good for children to start learning from a young age.” Agree: Disagree: After-school classes are good for the childrens future. They can help children get into good schools and univ

4、ersities. Some of these classes help children get better grades at school. Better grades help children feel good about themselves. Some classes help children learn important skills not taught at school. These skills may actually help children relax, e.g. playing a sport or playing a musical instrume

5、nt. People learn better at a younger age. Children have more time than adults, so they should learn as much as they can before they get too busy to learn new things. After-school classes take away the childrens free time. Children have no time to relax. Children may be so busy that they have no time

6、 to absorb and apply what they have been taught. Some children are made to learn skills they are not interested in. These classes cause the children to be stressed. These classes take away the childrens childhood. Write a letter to the magazine to express your opinions on after-school classes for ch

7、ildren. Use the following expressions to help you. Try to write paragraphs. First, say if you agree or disagree. Dear , I dont really agree with . because . Although some parents are right about ., I think children should . 3b3b Try to write paragraphs Then, explain why. In my opinion, it is importa

8、nt for children/ parents to . I believe it is better if children/parents . so that. Perhaps children/parents should/could If children, they will. 审题干:正确审题,确定写作 基本模式。 体裁体裁_ 人称人称_时态时态_ 书信书信/观点类观点类 第一人称第一人称 一般现在时一般现在时 写作迷宫 大探险 A journey in writing 体裁:文 章的形式 和风格 1. 本文为自己对课后辅导班的看法,故应为议论文。 2. 人称为第一人称;时态应用

9、一般现在时。 3. 首先,明确表明自己的看法,是支持还是不支持。说明原因。 4. 接下来再用表格中所给的句型结构,列举自己的想法或原因。 Dear Sir or Madam, I dont really agree with what parents are saying about after-school classes because they only want to get their children into good schools or have successful children. Although some parents are right about the im

10、portance of learning at a young age, I think children should be allowed to be children and have a carefree childhood. One possible version In my opinion, it is important for parents not to push their children too hard. I believe it is better if parents try to really understand their childrens intere

11、sts and abilities first so that they will not make their children take classes that are not suitable for them. Perhaps parents could let their children decide for themselves if they want to have any after-school classes. If children are allowed to take the classes they choose for themselves, they wi

12、ll benefit more from these classes. They will grow up to be not only successful in their own way but happy too. One possible version Part I: Show your understanding or your argument / opinion. Part II: Offer advice and explain why this might be of a little help. Take advantage of words and phrases l

13、ike: “Firstly”, “Secondly”, “Whats more”, “Moreover”, “More importantly”, “In addition”, “On top of that”, “Also” Part III: State your opinion again or show your wishes. How to offer advice? 提供建议, 解释原因。 表达理解; 表明观点 重申观点; 表达祝愿 表示建议的句型: Why dont you do sth.? Why not do sth.? What/How about doing sth.?

14、Shall we do sth.? Youd better do (not do sth.) You should/could do sth. Lets do sth. Would you like to do sth.? 【写作任务】 一家英语俱乐部准备在假期组织同学们去国外举办夏令 营,请你就此发表自己的意见。内容包括:你是否愿意 参加本次夏令营,你对夏令营的活动有哪些建议,以及 你的理由。 提示词语: be glad, hear the news, would love, take part in, the summer camp(夏令营), hold parties, visit, r

15、elax, help summer camp Yes/No Suggestions /Advice Reasons Mind Map Part I: Id love to take part in the summer camp. Part II: Here are some suggestions. First, / Firstly,. Next, / Secondly,. Finally, / Whats more,. Part III: I think its a good way to understand . At the same time, the activities can

16、help us relax . How to offer advice? 提供建议 表明观点: 愿意参加夏令营 解释原因 Im very glad to hear the news. Id love to take part in the summer camp. (表达观点:是否愿意参加 ) Here are some suggestions. First wed better hold some parties with foreign students in order to know each other better. Next we can visit some museums,

17、places of interest to open our eyes. Finally I hope we will have a chance to live in foreign families. (提供建议:第一条,第二条 ) I think its a good way to understand the different culture between two countries. I really want to make friends with foreign students because were in the same world. At the same tim

18、e, the activities can help us relax after the examinations and improve our English. (解释原因:好处一,好处二 ) 现如今父母与青春期孩子们之间的矛盾越来越多,有的孩子经 常对父母发火,甚至几天不说话。请以“How to get along well with parents”为题,阐述父母与孩子间产生矛盾的原因,以及改善关系 的解决措施。词数:100词左右。 要点包括: 1)产生矛盾原因:父母过分关注分数;.; 2)改善关系的措施:多交流;.。 How to get along well with paren

19、ts _ _ _ Writing 写作指导写作指导 1) 人称:第三人称。 2) 时态:一般现在时为主。 3) 结构设计: (1) 总领下文:父母孩子间矛盾的描述; (2) 中间段:矛盾产生的原因和解决措施; (3) 结尾段:对父母和孩子和谐关系的憧憬。 Writing 描述矛盾产生原因的句型:描述矛盾产生原因的句型: On the one hand,.; On the other hand. Parents are too hard on. Parents nowadays pay too much attention to. Students even dont understand th

20、eir parents so that. They just care about. Parents never listen to children even if . Parents are too busy to. Children always feel left out. Students always cant control. Thats why. As a result. 解决矛盾的措施用到的句型:解决矛盾的措施用到的句型: How can they avoid. The followings are the ways to. Communicating more is a g

21、ood way to. In my point of view, . is supposed to be done. Share the feelings. and try to understand. Attention should be paid to. with. Both parents and children should calm down by. Find a proper way to express your anger instead of. 对父母和孩子和谐关系憧憬的句型:对父母和孩子和谐关系憧憬的句型: In this way. If both students a

22、nd parents can follow the things above. Only then will they have a better relationship. After all, east or east, home is best. Hope everyone can deal with. I hope the bad relationship wont become a headache for. Nowadays, more and more teenagers cant get along well with their parents. They often get

23、 mad at their parents and some of them even dont talk with their parents for several days. Why does the relationship between teenagers and parents get so bad? Here are some reasons. First, much attention is paid to teenagers grades in exams by parents. They only want to see their kids studying all t

24、he time without having a rest or having their own time. Second, both teenagers and parents dont spend much time in communicating with each other. Parents are always busy with their work. They even dont understand each other. How to make the relationship better? The followings are the ways to solve t

25、his problem. First of all, parents are supposed to spend more time with their family. Its important to take some time to communicate if there are some problems. Besides, both parents and teenagers should find a right way to express their love and talk about their own thoughts to each other. All the

26、problems can be solved by love and understanding. I hope the relationship between parents and teenagers can be good at any time. If both of them would like to spend time and efforts in how to solve the problems between them, they will have a happy and wonderful life together. 1.Fill in the blanks us

27、ing until, so that or although. 1.You should eat more now _you wont be hungry later. 2. _ you may not like to do chores, you should help your parents around the house. 3. You could save more money _ you can buy a gift for your friends birthday. so that Although so that Self Check 4. Kids shouldnt pl

28、ay computer games_ late at night. They should rest early. 5. _many people like to eat junk food, they should really eat more fruit and vegetables _they can be healthy. until Although so that 2. For each problem, choose the advice you agree with more. Then write your own advice. 1. My best friend and

29、 I had a fight, and now she wont speak to me. A.You should keep trying to talk to her until she talks to you. B. Why dont you wait a few more days before talking to her? My advice:_ _ I agree with B, in my view, Id like to talk with her when both of us are calm. 2. My friend wants me to go to a part

30、y on the weekend, but I want to study for my exams next week. A: Why dont you just go to the party? Itll help you to relax. B: You should study for the exams because theyre more important than a party. My advice:_ _ I agree with A, because after relaxing Youll be much easier to obtain the knowledge.

31、 3. My brother watches television while Im trying to study. A: Why dont you tell him to do something quiet when youre studying? B: You could tell him to turn down the TV. My advice:_ _ I agree with A, because I think its easy for him to accept this advice. 1. In my opinion, it is important for child

32、ren / parents to in ones opinion 依看。用来表达某人的想法。 e.g. In my opinion, its important for us to protect the earth. 我认为,对我们来说保护地球很重要。 2. Perhaps children / parents perhaps adv. 大概;也许 perhaps在句中位于实义劢词前,劣劢词 、系劢词 、 情态劢词后。也可用于句首或句尾, 可指有礼貌地 提出请求或帮劣等。 e.g. Perhaps he is just waiting in station. 也许他正在车站等候。 1. It

33、 seems that my parents sometimes dont understand me. Talk with them more often and youll _ them. A. come up with B. agree with C. get on well with D. be angry with 2. Class is over, why_ in the playground? A. not to play the football B. not play football C. dont play football D. not playing football

34、 3. This book gives us a few _ on how to keep healthy. A. advice B. advices C. opinion D. opinions I.单项选择单项选择 1. 父母父母不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧。不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧。 Parents shouldnt push their kids so hard. 2. 你为什么不买一些书呢?你为什么不买一些书呢? Why dont you buy some books? 3. 不要不要把父母从你的生活中赶出去。把父母从你的生活中赶出去。 Dont cut your parents out

35、 of your lives. 4. 你喜欢跟别人比较吗?你喜欢跟别人比较吗? Would you like to compare with others? II. 翻译翻译下列句子下列句子 SummarySummary Writing skill Language points 表示提建议的表示提建议的句型句型 In ones opinion Perhaps How to offer advice Homework 根据下列提示写一篇文章。 1. 你和张莉是朋友、同桌, 昨天英语测试,她想抄袭 (copy),被你拒绝(refuse);想查字典,又被你阻止。 她很生气,你也很伤心。 2. 你决定下周找她好好谈谈你对这事的想法和观点, 并希望今后你们能够互相帮劣,共同迚步。


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