教科EEC版五下Unit7 How Are You Feeling Now -Class 4Textbook p.68-69-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:168e7).doc

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1、 Teaching Plan (Lesson7 How Are You Feeling Today? Book 2 Tinos English Land Grade 5) Title Lesson7 How Are You Feeling Today? Type Ne w Teaching Aims 1.1. Knowledge objectsKnowledge objects Vocabulary: dance-danced go- went come-came see- saw swim-swam eat- ate go to the beach go shopping see anima

2、ls eat sea food go to the museum Function sentence patterns: - Where did you go? I went to - How did you go to ? I went there by - What did you do? - I Grammar: The simple past tense 2.2. Ability objectsAbility objects . By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to talk about things relat

3、ed to travel. . By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to describe a travel. .By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to understand and grasp the simple past tense. .By the end of this lesson, the students listening abiliy, speaking ability, reading ability and writing abi

4、lity will be improved. 3.3. EmotionEmotion objectsobjects a. Arouse their interest in learning English; b. To help students to build the correct travel concept: To be a civilized traveller. Love our family ,protect the environment. Teaching Method Task -based teaching method 3P teaching method Key P

5、oint The function sentences: - Where did you go? I went to - How did you go to ? I went there by - What did you do? - I Difficult Point Grammar: The simple past tense E.g. I went to the museum. Enable the students to understand the simple past tense and talk about something in the past tense. Teachi

6、ng Tools PPT、 students sheets and vocabulary cards 教学环节教学环节 设计意图设计意图 学情预设及应对策略学情预设及应对策略 Step 1: Warm-up 1. Sing a “La-La ”song 2. Introduce the teaching assesment. 3.Lets chant. Step 2: Presentation 1. Scene introduction 师生一同进入轻松欢快的 学习氛围中。 讲解本课教学评价,激发学 生学习积极性,并及时对学 生的学习效果进行评价。 以游戏形式复习动词,动词 过去式,及动词短语

7、,为下 面的教学做好铺垫。 情景导入,贴近生活,降低 难度。 教师评价(闯关评价) 学生评价 学生互评 自我评价 I can speak very well. I can write very well I can listen very well. I can read very well Show the verbs and the past forms and the phrases on the PowerPoint(e.g.play- played- played soccer) T: OK! Now everybody stands up. Show me your hands.

8、Clap your legs twice. T and S do and say: one, two. T: Now, clap your hands twice. T and S do and say: one ,two. T:Pleas do with me. T and S chant together. T: Great job! Do you know what day is it today? S: Its Tuesday. T: Yes, we often go to school on Tuesday. But I didnt go to school last Tuesday

9、. Because it was Labour Day.(ppt to help students understand “Labour Day”) T: I went to travel. I went Get the flag. 夺红旗 Go camping 建营 Get the flag 夺红旗 Camp ticket 宿营票 2.Key sentences -Where did you go? I went to -How did you go to?- I went there by - What did you do? I 教师导入自己在五一劳动节 的一次旅行,让学生来猜测 老师去

10、的地方,引起学生的 好奇,并引出新授句型。 通过图片来了解老师去旅游 的出行方式,并关于旅游地 点和出行方式展开小组操 练。 通过视频与学生分享自己的 旅行经历,并让学生通过多 种途径获取信息,提高学生 通过图片以及录音内容采集 信息的能力,并进行反馈。 。 to a beautiful place. Can you guess where I went? (write Where on the blackboard) Some students guess: Beijing? Shanghai?. T: I went to Hawaii.(teach “went”, the student

11、read it following the teacher ) T: Where did you go? S1: I went to Beijing. S2: I went to Hainan. Please tell you partner where you went.One minute. Begin. T:You know, I went to Hawaii last week. Do you know how, how did I go to Hawaii?(write How on the blackboard) Show the means of transportation o

12、n the PowerPoint, T: Look! I went there by airplane. Then practice in pairs. The teacher gives a demonstration first. And then the students practice in pairs for two minutes and show their dialogues. T:Now Ill share something about my travel with you. Try to remember what I did in Hawaii. (write Wha

13、t on the blackboard)Youd better pay attention to these phrases on the blackboard, maybe you can choose one from them. T and S watch the vedio together. T : (after watching) Do you remember what I did in Step 3: Practice Pair-work: The teacher gives a demonstration first. And then the students practi

14、ce in pairs for two minutes and show their dialogues. Step4: Production Brain storm: A : Speaking.(超级链接) B: Listening. (超级链接) C. Reading (超级链接) D. Writing. (超级链接) Step5: Emotion Education “师生练习”引导“生生练 习” 。 板书例句对学习困难学 生有较大的帮助。 进行评价小结,高效调控课 堂。 在 “头脑风暴” 这一活动中, 主要是对学生语言输出能 力的训练, 分别设有听、 说、 读、写、四个环节,提高学 生

15、的综合语言运用能力。 谚语“读万卷书行万里路” 在旅游的过程中,我们欣赏 美景,开阔见识。通过一些 不文明的旅游现象,让学生 观看后谈一些个人看法,帮 Hawaii. S1: You went to the beach. S2: You swam. S3: You ate sea food. S4: You danced. S5: You saw animals. S6: You went shopping. 及时表扬学生的学习成果、 调动其学习主动性 T:Hey! Where did you go? S1: I went to Shanghai. T: How did you go to S

16、hanghai? S1: I went there by train. T: What did you do in Shanghai? S1: I went shopping. Look at the pictures on the PPT and say something related to travel according to the picture. Listen to the sound recording and put the pictures in order. Read the passage and answer the questions. Make a survey

17、 in groups 在此环节学生需完成学生互 评。 T: It is said that read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.读万卷书, 行 万里路. It is true that we enjoy ourselves during the travel. During travel we can broaden our minds. But what worried me so Step6: Summary 1. Summary. 2. Self-assessment Step7: Homework Write a dia

18、ry about your travel. 助学生树立正确的旅游观 念:文明出行,你我同行。 保护环境,爱护家园。 结合板书对本课所学内容 进行简单整理归纳。 自己对自己本节课的课堂 表现以及学习效果进行评 价,让学生充分体会到自己 学习成果的喜悦。 much is that we often see these phenomenons during the travel.(ppt.) After watching , how are you feeling? What should we do? What shouldnt we do? Do you want to say somethin

19、g? S1: We should love our family. S2: We shouldnt cut down trees. T : Yes! We should be a civilized traveller. We should protect the evironment , we should love our family. Lets see what have we learnt this lesson. If you want to say something related to the travel you had, first, you should use the

20、 simple past tense, second, you should say where did you go?/ how did you go there?/ what did you do there? And maybe something else. 自我评价 I can speak very well. I can write very well I can listen very well. I can read very well 附:板书设计 Blackboard Writing Design Lesson7 How Are You Feeling? -Have fun

21、 2 and Practice 2 Where went to How by airplane What went to the beach went shopping saw animals ate sea food swam danced 教学评价说明:教学评价说明: 本课教学采用多元评价方式,有教师评价,学生互评,和自我评价的 评价方式,以激励学生学习的兴趣,并及时对学生的学习情况和学习效果 给予反馈。 1. 教师评价 教师评价主要以闯关形式展开,本节课将会把学生分为两组,Group A and Group B. 第一关,夺红旗。 正确回答问题的同学,所在小组可以迈上一个台阶。 第二关,建营。 本课与旅游相关,所以在第一关夺到红旗的小组可以率先建营 第三关,宿营票。 小组建营以后,对于回答精彩的个体 教师要及时给予肯定和评价,可以给学 生发放一张宿营票,激励更 多的个体参与到课堂的学习活动中。 2.学生互评。 学生在完成调查表的过程中,教师只起到一个调控的作用,而真正参与 活动中的是学生,因此在完成调查表以后是学生互相对于刚刚的口语交 流以及表格填写进行互评。 3. 学生自评。 学生的课堂练习纸中,我设计了学生自评(关于听、说、读、写) , 自己对自己本节课的课堂表现以及学习效果进行评价, 让学生充分体会 到自己学习成果的喜悦。


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