接力版四年级下册英语-Lesson 13 I want some soup.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:e0a5c).zip

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lesson 13 I want some soup Look, listen and say Hello! Boys and girls! Im Chef David!(大卫主厨)大卫主厨) Welcome to my restaurant(餐厅)(餐厅)! This is my fridge. Can you guess whats in it? tea milk water rice bread coffee soup fish This is my backyard.(后院后院) Please help me to catch these hateful mice. 请帮我读单词消灭这些可恨的老鼠!请帮我读单词消灭这些可恨的老鼠! juice Wow ! My backyard is clean(干净)(干净) now! You are so kind(善良)(善良)! I want to do something to help you too ! (我也要帮助你们)(我也要帮助你们) The summer holiday (暑假暑假) is coming! I need some part-time workers ( 暑假工暑假工) . Do you want to try? 报酬:包吃包住,一个月报酬:包吃包住,一个月一万元一万元 ! Interview 1 面试第一关面试第一关 Get familiar with the menu! 熟悉菜单熟悉菜单 menu Interview 2 面试第二关面试第二关 How to communicate with customers! 如何接待顾客如何接待顾客 A:What do you want? B:Iwant some soup. A:What do you want? B:I want some coffee ! A:What do you want? B:I want some tea. A:What do you want? B:I want some bread,please. 面试现场演绎环节:面试现场演绎环节: (一人扮演顾客一人扮演服务员)(一人扮演顾客一人扮演服务员) A:What do you want? B:I want some , please ! Interview 3 面试第三关面试第三关 Lets chant ! What do you want? I want some bread. I want some soup. I want some coffee. I want some tea. Mmm,Im full! Interview 4 面试第四关面试第四关 Memory Test 记忆力大考验记忆力大考验 TIPS:Pay attention to the color of their hair ! (温馨提示:注意他们头发的颜色) Good luck ! What do you want? I want some coffee, please. I want some drink, please. Can I help you? What do you want? I want some tea, please. Can I help you? I want some drink, please. What do you want? I want some bread, please. I want some drink, please. Can I help you? Memory Quit 记忆力测验记忆力测验 1.What does the guest(顾客顾客) with blue hair want ? A. fish B.coffee 2.What does the guest(顾客顾客) with yellow hair want ? A.tea B.water 3.What does the guest(顾客顾客) with black hair want ? A. soup B. bread Interview 5 面试第五关面试第五关 Customer Preference Survey 顾客喜好调查顾客喜好调查 work in groups:What do your group members want? Tips: Healthy eating habbits ( (健康饮食习惯健康饮食习惯) ) more less Interview 6 面试第六关面试第六关 实习环节实习环节 A: Can I help you? B: I want some food/drink. A:What do you want? B:I want some. A:Here you are! B:Thanks ! A:You are welcome ! 一人扮演顾客一人扮演顾客 一人扮演服务员一人扮演服务员 Congratulations! 恭喜你通过了我全部的考验!恭喜你通过了我全部的考验! You are hired! 你被我录用了!你被我录用了! Its time for lunch. What do you want for lunch? Who makes your lunch? I believe you can be a better boy/girl. Please introduce our menu to your parents. Ask your parents favorite food. Make your dream menu. Lesson 13 I want some soup look, listen and say Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: 1.The students will be able to listen,speak,read and recognize the key words about food and drinks. 2.The students will be able to master the key sentences to ask the others needs by using what do you want? And answer the question or express their needs by using I want some. Ability aims: 1.The students will be able to use the key sentences to ask and express the needs in a real situation. 2.The students will be able to create new dialogues with the sentence patterns. 3.Develop the students ability of cooperation. Emotional aims: 1.Encourage the students interests about English. 2.Foster a good eating habit . 3.Help the students to realize their moms hard working and guide them to love their parents by doing something they can do. Teaching key and difficult points: 1.Key points: a. The key words about food and drinks such as: coffee, tea, bread, and so on. b: The key sentences about how to ask and express the needs. 2:Difficult points: a. Make new sentences with the key points in a real situation. b. Develop their abilities of cooperation. Teaching methods: The situational teaching method Communicative teaching method Task based teaching approach Learning methods: Individual learning Pair work Group work Teaching aids: Pictures ,cards ,blackboard ,ppt Teaching procedures: 过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step I: Warm up Creat a situation that Im the chef. Get interested and greet. 创设情境,激发 学习兴趣 Step II: Lead in Show the pictures of Davids fridge and ask them to guess whats inside Say what they know about food. 引入本课内容, 了解学生掌握哪 些食物词汇。 Show the pictures and word, teach new words. Try to read the words 用自然拼读法教 发音,并通过大 小声游戏,分组朗 读. Lets go to my backyard! Please help me to catch the bad mice. Play the game! 通过后院游戏练 习单词并转折到 下一部分。 Find a part time worker 看到一万元的工资 会惊讶发笑等。 过渡到面试环节, 也让孩子知道应 该乐于助人。 Get familiar with the menu. Watch and say! 练习和复习食物 词汇,并考验记 忆力。 How to communicate with customers -What do you want? - -I want some.! 在场景中教读本 课时新句型。 Pair work Ask the students to act the dialogue,one be the custom, one be the waiter. Discuss in pairs and act. 在场景中进行角 色扮演,练习本 课时句型。 Let chant Read the sentences 通过 Chant,强化 记忆,练习语音 语调。 Memory test. Ask the students to focus on the pictures and the dialogue and answer the questions. Listen read and answer. 利用本课时内容 巩固句型和词汇, 并复习颜色内容, 考验孩子们的记 忆力。 Step IV. Practice Do a survey Develop a good eating habit. Work in groups 让学生讨论本课 时内容并得到答 案,渗透情感教育, 养成良好的饮食 习惯。 Ask the students to make a new dialogue A:Can I help you ? B: I want some food/drink. A:What do you want? B:I want some. B:Here you are ! A:Thanks ! B:You are welcome ! 在场景中练习本 课时内容,使整 个课程更具有完 整性和操练性。 Its time for lunch. What do you want for lunch? Who makes your lunch? Think and answer 渗透情感教育, 思考谁在付出, 引导学生感恩父 母 Step V . Consolidation Show the dialogue between the mother and the son and ask: What does the mother want? Listen read and guess 出示小故事,引 导学生猜想父母 想要什么,激发 学生拓展思维。 Step VI . Emotional education We should love our parents.Help the students to realize their moms hard working and guide them to love their parents by doing something they can do Think and discuss 渗透情感教育, 引导学生感恩父 母 Step VII . Homework and summary Set different tasks. Ask the students to review the key points according to the blackboard design. Finish the tasks. Review the key points. 分层任务,巩固 新知,创意作业, 激发兴趣
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