人教pep版五年级下册英语Recycle 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:c01a3).zip

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Listen and circle Mike is at _. summer camp winter camp Recycle 2 Listen and choose ( ) When is the sports day? It is on _. ( ) What are the children doing? A. July 1st B. August 1st C. August 11th B C Listen and tick What else will Mike do at summer camp? Listen and match When will Mike do these things at summer camp? 1. Mike: Hi, Mum. Mum: Hi, how is your summer camp? Mike: Fine. Today, we had an art class. Mum: Good. Mike: On August 1st well have a sports day. 2. Mum: What are you doing now? Mike: We are listening to music. Well have lunch. Mum: I see. Whats for lunch? Mike: Potatoes and rice. 3. Mum: What else will you do at camp? Mike: On the 6th well have a trip to the forest. Mum: That sounds fun. Mike: And on the 11th, well have a party. Mum: Great! 4. Mum: OK. Mike. Be a good boy! Keep your room clean. Mike: I will. Mum: See you at home on August 12th. Mike: OK. Bye-bye. I love you, Mum. Mum: Love you, too. 1. Mike: Hi, Mum. Mum: Hi, how is your summer camp? Mike: Fine. Today, we had an art class. Mum: Good. Mike: On August 1st well have a sports day. On August 1st well have a sports day. 3. Mum: What else will you do at camp? Mike: On the 6th well have a trip to the forest. Mum: That sounds fun. Mike: And on the 11th, well have a party. Mum: Great! On the 6th well have a trip to the forest. And on the 11th, well have a party. 4. Mum: OK. Mike. Be a good boy! Keep your room clean. Mike: I will. Mum: See you at home on August 12th. Mike: OK. Bye-bye. I love you, Mum. Mum: Love you, too. See you at home on August 12th. drink eat jump play run sleep diary? letter? diary August 1st A Sports Day Zhang Peng and John are _ football. Chen Jie is _ rope. I am _. We are having lots of fun. Where are Wu Yifan and Robin? playing jumpingrunning Where? Who? What? Which season? Where are you? Which season is it? Are there any other people? What are you doing? What will you do next? . “Im in the picture!” Write about your diary on special days. Writing Where? Who? What? Which season? . Send me an e-mail to share your special days. 话题:话题:A special day 链接:人教小学英语五年级下册链接:人教小学英语五年级下册 Recycle 2 任务:任务:Write down a diary about your special day. 评价等级评价等级 任务目标任务目标参考句型参考句型参考词汇参考词汇 ABC 能够询问同伴旅游、活动等照 片内容,交流有意义的一天。 Where are you? What are you doing? Which season it is? What will you do next? . in the park, at sea, in Beijing, . playing sports, listening to music, . spring, summer, fall, winter go swimming, climb mountains, . . 能够用规范的日记文体,根据 自己的旅游、活动等照片,记 录有意义的一天。 Whats the date? Whats the title? Where? Who? What? Which season? . . January 1st, February 3rd, . A sports day, A happy day, . 能够根据照片内容,向同伴描 述自己旅游、活动等有意义的 一天。 It is in .(season). I am in .(place). I am .ing. I will . My . is / are .ing. . spring, summer, fall, winter in the gym, at home, in the USA, . cleaning the room, doing kung fu . cook dinner, sing and dance, . father, mother, sister, friend, . . 五下五下 Recycle 2 复习课教学设计复习课教学设计 课题名称课题名称Recycle 2 Mikes summer camp上课年级上课年级五年级课课 时时第一课时 单单 位位 上课教师上课教师课课 型型复习课 教学内容教学内容 教学 材料 分析 本节课选自 PEP 小学英语五下 Recycle 2,整合书本 P66,P68 内容,作 为复习课第一课时进行教学,即围绕Mikes summer camp展开。P66 注 重听力教学,P68 上半部分注重口语表达,P68 下半部分关注书写。本节课 以锻炼学生听说读写综合能力为目标。 教学 设计 说明 以 special day 为主线,通过旧知带新知,复习节日、日期和活动,引出 Mikes summer camp;通过从整体到局部再到整体的方式,介绍 Mike 夏令营 的活动安排,培养学生听力技巧;通过 Mike 的活动日记,复习日记的基本 格式,并根据自己的旅游、活动等照片,仿写日记,记录有意义的一天;最 后,能够根据照片内容,向同伴描述自己旅游、活动等有意义的一天。 学情 分析 学生经过 U4-U6 的学习,能够表达节日、日期和活动,学习了现在进行 时,能够在情境中表达自己和他人正在做的事情。五年级的学生经过前两年 的学习,能够用英语进行表达,且乐于进行英语交流。不过学生对于听力的 策略掌握不够;表达现在进行时的时候经常忽视 ing。 教学 目标 定位 1. 能够听懂 Mike 和妈妈的听力对话,抓住关键信息,完成相关练习; 2. 能够比较熟练地运用 U4-U6 单元的核心词汇和句型,并在相关情境中自 然地交流、运用; 3. 能够根据提示,选词填空,完成 Mike 的日记内容; 4. 能够根据游戏活动的提示,用现在进行时描述自己的图片活动,并仿写日 记。 教学 重点 难点 重点:在 summer camp 的整体情境下将 U4-U6 单元的相关语言知识点自 然地进行滚动复现。 难点:通过 Mike 和妈妈的四个小对话听力活动,运用学习策略,抓住 关键信息,完成练习;选词填空,完成 Mike 的日记。运用现在进行时描述 自己的活动照片,仿写日记。 板书 设计 教学设计教学设计 教学教学 步骤步骤 教学活动教学活动教学说明教学说明 Step 1 Warming up 1. Enjoy the song 2. Greeting 3. Free talk Whats your favourite season? Why? When is .? What will you do on .? 通过歌曲复习季节,询 问: Whats your favourite season? Why? 导入,谈 话式有效引出季节中的 节日,日期和活动,激 活学生旧知,并引出话 题 special day。 Step 2 Presentation 4. P66 Listening Mike is on a special day. Look, Mike is in the picture. 读图,Where is Mike? Which season is it? Are there any other people? What will he do? (1) Listen and circle Where is Mike? Mike is at _. summer camp winter camp (2) Listen and choose Mike is at summer camp. He will . 1. When is the sports day? Its on _. Guess! Maybe its on . A. July 1st B. August 1st C. August 11th 2. What are the children doing now? Guess! Maybe theyre . Now Mike is calling his mum. Listen and choose. (3) Listen and tick Mike will have a sports day at summer camp. What will Mike do in this picture? Guess: What else will Mike do at summer camp? Maybe he will . (4) Listen and match When will Mike do these things at summer camp? 根据 P66 书本内容,进 行从整体到局部,再到 整体的听力练习,注重 培养学生听前读图,听 中寻找关键词,听后检 查的听力策略。 Step 2 Presentation (5) Listen and check the answer Ask students to find out the key words or sentences in the text. Step 3 Consolidation & Extension 5. P68 Talking Students are having fun at summer camp. Look, where are they now? Who is in the picture? What is / are . doing? This is a sports day. Discuss with your partner “What are they doing?” Is this Mikes _? (diary?/ letter?) How do you know? August 1st Date 6. P68 Writing (1) Share the teachers diary 通过谈论 Mike 和伙伴们 的 Sports day 活动照片, 选词填空,完成 Mike 的 日记,复习现在进行时, 并掌握日记文体的基本 格式,即日期和标题。 Step 3 Consolidation & Extension Im in the picture. You can ask questions about my picture. 提示:Where? Which season? Who? What? . Mikes diary is about “A sports day”. How about my diary? We may write a title for the diary. A skating/ cool/ happy . day (2) Pair work Lets play the game “Im in the picture”. Try to ask your friend about his / her pictures. (3) Write down your diary about special days. (4) Share your diary. Whos in the picture? What is he/ she doing? Welcome . to share his /her diary. 教师展示自己有意义一 天的活动照片,现场带 领学生一起书写日记, 再次强调日记文体的基 本格式,描述活动的基 本要素(地点,季节, 天气,人物活动等) 。 学生能够用基本句型询 问同伴旅游、活动等照 片内容,交流有意义的 一天。 指导学生能够用规范的 日记文体,根据自己的 旅游、活动等照片,记 录有意义的一天。 学生现场根据照片内容, 向同伴描述自己旅游、 活动等有意义的一天。 教师根据日记内容,现 场批改,纠错,规范学 生的书写。 Homework Send me an e-mail to share your special days. 课后要求学生将有意义 的活动内容以电子邮件 形式发给教师,再次复 习强化书信文体,并有 效延续今天的课堂活动。
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