川教版三年级下册Lesson I How's the Weather -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:4121d).zip

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  • 川教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年11月第2版)_小学英语_Lesson I Hows the Weather _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:4121d)
    • Lesson I Hows the Weather .mp4
    • Lesson I Hows the Weather .pptx--点击预览
    • 教案4121d.docx--点击预览
    • 歌曲Good morning背景音乐.mp3
    • 结束语背景音乐.mp3
    • 风声.mp3


If If you see the word in you see the word in blackblack, sit , sit and speak the sentence “Its and speak the sentence “Its ”. ”. If If you see the word in you see the word in redred, , stand and speak the sentence stand and speak the sentence “Its ”. “Its ”. If If you listen to the you listen to the sound sound “Bomb”, “Bomb”, please lie down.please lie down. cloudy sunnycloudy sunny rainy rainy windywindy cloudycloudy rainy rainy windy windy rainyrainy cloudycloudy sunny sunny rainy rainy cloudycloudy Work in pairs Open your book, turn to Open your book, turn to page 20, practice page 20, practice speaking the words and speaking the words and structure “Its .”structure “Its .” Work in groups Open your book, turn to Open your book, turn to page 20, practice page 20, practice speaking the words and speaking the words and structure “Hows the structure “Hows the weather? Its .”weather? Its .” If I show you the If I show you the picturepicture, work , work in four and find the in four and find the word card word card to to match it. Four students show us match it. Four students show us the the word cardword card and speak the and speak the sentences sentences “Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its .Its .” If I show you the If I show you the word cardword card, , work in four and find the work in four and find the picturepicture to match it. Four students show us to match it. Four students show us the the picturepicture and speak the and speak the sentences sentences “Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its .Its .” 1. Draw a picture about your favourite weather, describe what you do in the weather. 2. Read Lesson I fluently. 课标要求课标要求 Master the words and daily expressions, culture the students interest in speaking English, form good learning habit. 知识目标 1. Master the words :sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, cold. 2. The structure: Hows the weather? Its 能力目标 1. Be able to use the new words and structure. 2. Be able to describe different weather with the sentences. 导学目标导学目标 情感目标 1. Culture the students interest in science. 2. The students learn to prepare daily supplies for different life. 重点:1. The right pronunciation of the new words. 2. The structure: Hows the weather? Its 导导学学 重重 难难 点点 难点: The right sounds: snowy, cold, weather. 教教 法法Communicative Teaching. The Situational Approach teaching method. TPR 学学 法法Corporation learning. Talking. 导学准备导学准备Cards, PPT, the reading machine, ect. 教案来源教案来源Designed by myself The first period: Leading Step 导学环节导学环节教教 师师 活活 动动 Step One Establishment I. Warm-up. 1. Daily greetings. 2. Sing the song together. (改编三年级上册Lesson D Im Sunny Lets sing 部分。 ) T & Ps: Good morning, Sunny! Good morning, Cloudy! Good morning, Windy! Good morning, Rainy! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning to you! 3. Divide into groups. II. Learn the new words and structure. 1. Learn four words and the structure “Its ”. 1 T:(根据已学四个单词,以Baby Lion 到川旅行为主线,引出sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy 以及句型“Its sunny / cloudy/ windy / rainy.”) 设设计计活活动动: A. 爆炸游戏(例如出现单词sunny,学生回答Its sunny. 单词颜色为红 色,学生边站起来边回答Its sunny. 如果听到爆炸声则躺下躲过炸弹。 ) B. 分组学习(以四人或五人为一组,参照书上20 页和所给卡片,共同 学习已教单词和句型。 ) C. 小老师教学(学生上台图片与单词配对,当小老师教学生句型 “Its ”) 2. Learn the structure “Hows the weather? Its ”. T: Look at the picture, hows the weather?(出示四种天气的图片,学生回 答。 ) Ps: Its sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy. T: Just guess, “Hows the weather? ”, what does it mean? Ps: 天气怎么样? T:You are so clever! (引出询问天气的句子 “Hows the weather? ”) Look at the word “weather”. wea - ther weather(分两部分手势教学) 设设计计活活动动: A. 分组练习句型“Hows the weather? Its ” B. 分竖列比赛操练句型“Hows the weather? Its ” 3. Learn the new words “snowy, cold”. T: (继续以 Baby Bear 旅行为主线,展示卡片,教授单词 snowy) T: snowy. s now y. (分三部分拼读) 设计活动设计活动:Sit and stand(教师做手势分别表示站着说单词和坐着说单词, 学生根据手势比赛单词的拼读速度。 ) T: (展示图片,TPR 教学,通过单词 old 联想记忆教授单词 cold)Its snowy. Its cold. 设计活动设计活动:Do and say(教师走到学生面前出示卡片,学生边做动作边 说句子 “Its cold.”) 2 Step Two: Comprehension Sum up. T:(设计 chant,TPR 教学,熟悉句型和单词。 ) Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its sunny. Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its cloudy. Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its windy. Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its rainy. Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its snowy. Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its cold. Step Three Practice 1. Work in groups, practice speaking the words and structure. 2. Match and say. 教师出示图片,学生分组合作,找出对应的单词卡片。 教师出示单词卡片,学生找出图片配对。 Homework: 1. Draw a picture about your favourite weather, describe what you do in the weather. 2. Read Lesson I fluently. 板 书 设 计导 学 反 思 Lesson I Hows the Weather? Its sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy cold Group A Group B 1、 本节亮点: 一、教法上有效运用 TPR 教学, 结合多媒体和单词卡片教学,激 发学生兴趣,调动学生积极性。 二、两次小组合作锻炼学生团队 合作精神,有效开展对话练习。 2、 待改进处: 一、句型 Hows the weather?操练 还不充分,学生的问句思维还没 锻炼到位。 二、小组合作中每个学生问答句 的操练还不够,还需要提高小组 合作的有效性。 三、关于天气的交际拓展训练还 不够,还应该在最后让学生创编 对话,讨论不同天气里做些什么 或者需要携带什么必需品,让学 3 生不仅仅只停留在询问天气这一 层面上。 四、英语课堂的指令还应更清晰 明了。
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