外研版(三起)四下Module 9-Unit 1 Did he live in New York -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a1597).docx

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1、课程目课程目 标标 1、能理解并运用 5 个重点词汇:welcome, cousin, travel, came, dear。 2、能听懂并能说出:Did he live in New York? 3、能运用一般疑问句询问过去的行为。 4、进一步尝试在词语与相应事物之间建立联想。 5、初步了解美国的首都和主要城市,乐于接触外国文化,增 强祖国意识。 学习重学习重 难点难点 重点:行为动词一般过去时的一般疑问句结构。 “Did do?” 难点:行为动词的一般过去时。 (尤其是不规则行为动词) 课前准课前准 备备 前置 作业 内容 Module 9 Unit 1 Did he live in Ne

2、w York? 前置性小研究 1、Writedownthenewwords ofModule 9 according to the following picture, then read the words with the radio at least twice and send the words audio to qq. _ _ 2、英汉互译: dear表(堂)兄妹 3、DO a survey on your friends or your parents about their travel experience of the past time. Send the photo w

3、ith the voice to me. Eg. This is my friend. He visited Shanghai last year. This year he went to Beijing. He visited the Summer Palace. He then travelled by bus to the Great Wall. In the Great Wall, he climbed the mountain and took photos. According to your performance, I will give you the tickets. C

4、ome on! Baby! 设计意图:前置作业的设置,是为了提升孩子自主学习的 能力。学生可以扫书中的二维码观看教材动画视频,也可 以跟录音练习朗读。 前置 作业 反馈 班级的大部分同学会通过自主学习掌握 2-3 个新词, 会读 会认会译,但在单词运用上的能力还比较欠缺。 学学习习过过程程 Step 1: Warm-up and Lead-in 1、Greeting 2、Warm-up: Sing the song in Module 8 3、Lead-in : M9s words show and Question time. Q1: Who is Wang Jiahan? Ss:Hes M

5、i Hanjiaos cousin. (导入 cousin 这个词语并教授) Q2: Does Wang Jiahan live in Chang Xingdao now? Ss: Yes, he does. Q3: Did Wang Jiahan live in Dalian then? 师出示小牌 Yes,he did./ No, he didnt. 引导孩子回答。 引出本课的课题:Did he live in New York? (教师板书) Step 2: Presentation: 1、通过 Daming 的照片,告诉学生大明也有个表兄弟叫 Dalong, 出示大龙的图片,并提问:

6、A. First, watch the CD-rom and think: Where does Dalong live now? Where did Dalong live then? 第一遍课课文动画,整体感知课文。尝试回答标题句的问题。 设计意图: 通过让学生观看课文动画视频, 一方面可以帮助学生整体 感受对话内容,另一方面可以训练学生获取重要信息的听力技能。 2、Task Presentation: T: This class well learn Damings cousins basic information and his experience of travel in the

7、 US. Now lets describe Dalongs experience of travel in the US. BWatch again and circle Ture or False. 第二遍看课文动画,教师将课文理解内容通过 iPad 分享给学生,学 生可以在自己的 iPad 上直接圈出 Ture or False,并在听完课文后提交。 1、Sam got a postcard from his cousin.TrueFalse 2、Dalong lives in San Francisco now.TrueFalse 3、Dalong lived in New York

8、last year.TrueFalse 4、Dalong is on holiday in New York now.TrueFalse 5、Dalong travelled by train.TrueFalse 6、Dalong went to a concert last week.TrueFalse 设计意图:通过另一种形式的变化,对课文进一步的理解,转换学生的思 维, 进一步掌握本课主人公大龙的基本信息。 教师可以在学生都提交之后, 进行观看学生做的结果,学生之间也可以在提交之后观看其他同学的结果 并进行点赞,增强孩子们的自信心。 C.Listen and repeat. 第三遍听音跟

9、读。 D.Read the texts in roles. One is Daming, the other is Sam. After reading, I will let some of you act out for the whole class. 设计意图:分角色朗读课文,挑选几组利用实物道具表演课文。 让孩子通过分角色朗读课文,感受英语语境,在语境中掌握文章的内容。 3、出示活动一的图片,让孩子们猜猜站在大龙身边的男孩, 引出大龙的外国朋友要来中国,我们应如何表达? 导出:Welcome to China! 第二遍听音并跟着节奏拍手 chant。 教授单词 welcome 欢迎

10、Step 3: Task completion 在 6 宫格中选择自己喜欢的旅游景区, 教师找同学们通过对教师 ipad 操作 选择一副自己喜欢的图片,然后根据翻开的图片进行描述描述的内容 便是 Dalong 的旅行经历。 Step 4: Practice Its time for relax. Lets play a game. Best Guides: Take out your friends or parents photo of travel. Describe more about his experience of travel. If you describe well, yo

11、u will be the best guide. Ok, who wants to try? Eg. T: This is my friend. He visited Shanghai last year. He traveled by train. In Shanghai, he went to a pop concert and a football game. S1:Did he visit Dalian last year?T: No, he didnt S2:Did he travel by train?T: Yes, he did. S3:Did he go to a pop c

12、oncert ?T: Yes, he did. S4:Did he go to a football game?T: Yes, he did. 学生将自己准备的朋友旅行时候的照片通过 ipad 拍照技术传给 教师,教师随机抽取几张图片,让学生进行描述。通过此活动引 导学生对过去发生的事件进行描述, 并能根据描述的内容进行提 问,用句式:Did he? 并做出相应的回答: Yes, he did. /No, he didnt. Step 5: Summary and homework 1、Help the Ss to sum up. 2、Homework: A、Listen and imitat

13、e till you can read it fluently. B、Copy new words and sentences 3 times. C、Design a postcard of your experience of travel on holiday to your friend. 当堂检当堂检 测测 熟练掌握本节课的句式:Did he? 并作出肯定否定回答:Yes, he did./No, he didnt. 课堂教课堂教 学反思学反思 1、国家名字是本节课的难点朗读单词,还需要反复练习,强 调语音; 2、课前的单词展示是孩子们非常喜欢的一种单词学习方法, 便于孩子快速掌握新词; 3、学生们的听力能力还是比较弱,应该多一些听力练习的训练, 从而提高学生们的听力能力。


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