广东版四年级上册Unit 7 Working or Playing -Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e01dc).doc

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1、Unit 7 working or playing? The second period 第二课时教学设计书第二课时教学设计书 一、一、Teaching contents: (教学内容教学内容) 四年级下学期四年级下学期 Unit 2Are you dancing ? 第二课时第二课时 教学内容:教学内容:Vocabulary and target 1.Vocabulary: exercising, working, shouting, thinking, practicing, talking, cutting, coloring. 2. Target: Are you sleeping ?

2、 No, Im not. Im thinking. Is he practicing volleyball? No, hes not. Hes practicing basketball. 二、二、Teaching aims: (教学目标教学目标) 1、Knowledge and skill objectives: (语言知识和技能目标语言知识和技能目标) 1)词汇:能听说读写 vocabulary 8 个新词(exercising, working, shouting, thinking, practicing, talking, cutting, coloring.) 2)语句:能够用英语

3、表达自己或某人正在做什么事情及会询问某人正在做 什么事情。如:Are you sleeping ? No, Im not. Im thinking. Is he practicing volleyball? No, hes not. Hes practicing basketball. 3)、学生会唱歌曲Whats everyone doing now?并且能巩固所学单词和 句型。 4)能够综合运用所学词汇和句型到实际生活中去。 2、Study tactics and objectives: ( (学习策略和能力目标学习策略和能力目标) ) 1)学生能利用本单元所学词汇和句型询问别人是不是正在

4、做着什么并正确 作答。 2)学生能流畅、正确并有感情地朗读 Target 部分对话。 3)通过学习学生听、说、读、写能力得到培养,综合运用语言进行交际的 能力得到提升。 3、Moral objectives: (情感目标情感目标) 1)通过歌曲、Chant、比赛和视频材料等激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生主 动参与学习的积极态度和合作精神。 2)学生感受英语学习的乐趣,对所学内容能主动练习和实践; 3)学生懂得珍惜时间,积极认真做事的生活态度。 三、三、Teaching key points and difficult points: (教学重点和难点教学重点和难点) 1、Key points:

5、1) Be able to listen, read , say and write 8 words in vocabulary part。 2) Be able to speak and communicate with the sentences freely in Target。 2、Difficult points: 1) The new words: exercising, working, shouting,thinking, practicing, talking, cutting, coloring. 2) To use the sentences of target free

6、ly and in our life. 四、四、Instructional strategies: (教学策略教学策略) 1、Teaching methods: 新课程理念要求融词汇于情境之中,避免孤立地、单纯地学习操练词 语。本课时词汇较多,并且个别词语比较难读。通过自己创编了一个与学 生生活息息相关的语境进行整体呈现,使语言知识具有整体性和形象性, 为提高学生的听说读写技能做了一个很好的铺垫。我还通过生动活泼的游 戏、歌曲、歌谣来激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中掌握 知识,并通过组与组的比赛,小组合作来推动学生的合作与竞争意识。采 用任务型教学法(Task-based appr

7、oach)、合作学习法(Cooperation learning)、 整体教学法、歌曲歌谣教学法(Songs and chant),真正体现了以教师为主导、 学生为主体的课堂教学模式,使学生的听说读写等综合性能力切实得到发 展和提高。我还运用多媒体设置真实情境,用体验式教学来为学生创造好 的语言学习环境,引导学生积极思考,大胆上台展示个人风采,从而提高 学生的英语综合能力。 2、Teaching aids: 1)Pictures and cards. 2)PPT 课件、动画和视频。 3)CAI and exercises for every students. 五、教学流程:五、教学流程: P

8、resentation (The new words) Show some pictures and revise the contents of conversation. Do you remember: What are Tonys family doing? Make a new story about the new words and lets enjoy it . Then learn the new words and practice one by one. 1. Open the books and pair work with the pictures of new wo

9、rds. Then have a role play with the target. 2.Relaxing time: Lets sing a song “whats everyone doing now?” And make a new chant with the new words. Then chant together. 3.Play a game (look and guess): Show a part of the picture and guess the words, try to finish the sentences. Warm-up and revision 4.

10、Play another game (大屏幕游戏大屏幕游戏):The students do actions according to the screen, and other students ask some questions to guess. 5.Activity : do a fashion a show (身体语言动作走秀身体语言动作走秀, 学生边走学生边走 边用身体语言表达所学的知识。边用身体语言表达所学的知识。)For examples: Im exercising (cutting,shouting, coloring.). Sing the song: Whats sh

11、e doing? Practice 1 Unit 7 Working or playing?(2ndperiod) Summary Practice 2 1. Do some listening exercises: the contents of page 11 Look, read and match. Listen to the tape and check the right answers one by one. 2. Do some other exercises: Look at the pictures and finish the sentences. Then check

12、the right answers together. 3. Have an ideological and political education(思思 想教育想教育): Think carefully before you do. (三思而后行三思而后行) What have we learned today? We learned these new words and new sentences. Homework 1.Read and recite the new words. 2.Ask and answer with your partner like this: A:Are y

13、ou sleeping (thinking.)? B:Yes, I am. (No, Im not. Im .) 六、六、Teaching procedures: (教学过程教学过程) Step 1Warming-up and Revision 1) Greetings: 2) Divide all the students into two group (boys and girls groups) 3) Sing a song: Do you like songs? Lets sing a song “Whats she doing?”. 【设计意图】想通过唱一首歌来营造学习氛围,提高学生

14、的学习兴趣,把 学生带进英语课堂,并且通过歌曲的内容达到温故而知新的目的。 4) Revision: Show some pictures about Tonys family and Gogo . Lets remember and talk about: What are they doing? Questions: T: Whats dad doing ?S1: Hes working. T: What are Tony and Jenny doing?S2: They are playing. T: Whats Gogo doing ?Is Gogo dancing? S3: No,

15、hes not. Hes exercising. 【设计意图】想通过图片复习上节课所学 conversation 的主要内容,进行有 效地语言输入,进一步顺理成章地导入新授内容,使各个环节能够衔接自 然流畅,达到一个整体性呈现新内容的效果。 Step 2Presentation 1)Make a story and lead out the new words: After exercising, Gogo is coming to Tonys home. Do you want to know“What are they talking about?” Lets watch the stor

16、y carefully. The contents of the story: Gogo:Are you sleeping? (Gogo 飞到 Tony 的门前,并敲门进去问 Tony 的情景) Tony: No, Im not. Im thinking. Gogo:Are you coloring? Tony: Yes, I am. Im coloring. Gogo: Is she cutting? Tony: Yes, she is. Shes cutting. Gogo: Is she cutting? Tony: No, shes not. Shes shouting. Gogo:

17、Is he practicing volleyball? Tony: No, hes not. Hes practicing basketball. Gogo:Are they talking? Tony: Yes, they are . They are talking. Gogo:Are you hungry? Tony: Yes, I am. Lets go home. Gogo: Ok! Lets go. 【设计意图】想通过创设一个融新词于句型真实的故事情景,来让学生学 到整体性的语言,并从这个完整的故事中,感知和理解所学新词汇和新句 型,比单独地呈现新词效率更高,学习效果更好。 2)

18、Learn the new words one by one: Thinking: T: Gogo is coming to Tonys home. What does Gogo say to Tony? Listen! And Tony how to answer? T:Are you sleeping ?S4: No, Im not. Im thinking. (板书) T: Look, Im thinking, too.Are you thinking? S5: Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im Then read , learn and practice the

19、word “thinking” Show other pictures and talk about: Whats Jenny doing?Whats Dad doing? Coloring: T: Look, I have some color pencils. Now Im coloring . Are you coloring ? S6: Yes, I am./ No, Im not. Then read , learn and practice the word “coloring” Show other pictures and talk about: Whats he doing?

20、Whats she doing? What are they doing? Cutting: T: Look, I can cut. Im cutting now. T: Im cutting now.Are you cutting now?S7: No, Im not. Then read , learn and practice the word “cutting” Show other pictures and talk about: Whats he doing?What is she doing? What are they doing? Practicing: T: Is he p

21、racticing volleyball?S8: No, hes not. Hes practicing basketball. (放 录音 and learn the new words ) Then show some other pictures: practicing ping-pong, practicing soccer, practicing baseball , practicing the piano. Then read , learn and practice the word “practicing” Show other pictures and talk about

22、: Whats she doing?Is he practicing .? Is she practicing .? Shouting: T: What are they doing?S9: They are shouting. (板书 and learn it) T: Look, Im shouting.Are you shouting ?S10: Yes, I am./ No, Im not. Im Let one student to come to the blackboard and do action .Then talk about: What are you doing?Wha

23、ts he doing? Is he shouting ? Is she shouting?Are they shouting? Talking: T:Are they shouting?S11: No, theyre not. They are talking. T: What are they doing?S11: They are talking. Practice with some pictures: Whats he /she doing?Is he/ she talking? 【设计意图】想通过故事情景后,再故事分解一个一个内容,进行呈现新 词并进行教学,然后继续利用图片或动画进

24、行及时的巩固和操练,从音形 义各方面来认知新词,来进一步强化和加深学生对新词的理解及运用,进 而达到学以致用的目的。 Step 3practice 1 1)Pair work on the book: Point to the pictures ,ask and answer with your partner. For examples: S1: Is he/she working?S2: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. S1:Are they talking ?S2: Yes, they are. Then check some pairs to prac

25、tice. 2)Read in roles and check some students to read the target . 【设计意图】想通过课本这个珍贵的资源来巩固和操练,所学新词和新句 型,并充分培养学生互助合作的精神,还想通过让学生分角色朗读 target 部分内容,模仿正确的语音语调,有利于提高学生口语表达水平。 3)Lets sing a song together . (relaxing time) The contents of these songs: Whats everyone doing now?Whats everyone doing now? Shes wo

26、rking. Hes thinking. Were exercising. Shes working. Hes thinking. Were exercising. 4)Make a new song and sing : Whats everyone doing now?Whats everyone doing now? Shes shouting. Hes coloring. Were practicing. Whats everyone doing now?Whats everyone doing now? Shes cutting.Hes talking.Were exercising

27、. 【设计意图】想通过这首歌曲,调节一下学生紧张的学习气氛,创设一个 轻松愉快的英语课堂,让学生唱唱歌曲,不但可以让学生享受和表现音乐 的美,还可以巩固所学内容,培养学生的创新精神。 5)Look and guess: (学生提问题,学生回答。) Show a part of the pictures and try to guess: S12: Is he ?S13: Yes, he is./ No, hes not. S14: Is she ?S15: Yes, she is./ No, shes not. S16:Are they.?s17: Yes, they are ./ No, t

28、heyre not. 6)Lets play a game.(do and guess)大屏幕游戏 For examples: the students face to the screen and do action, one student back to the screen and try to guess: S1:Are you _?Ss: Yes, I am. / No , Im not. 【设计意图】想通过这两个游戏,充分利用信息差的作用,让学生在边玩 游戏边动脑思维的过程中,培养学生综合性语言输出的能力,并能进一步 激发学生学习积极性。 7)Activity1: Do a fa

29、shion show(时装动作走秀) For examples: One student: Im working. (边说边走秀,并配上夸张的动作演示。) Im singing.Im cutting.Im coloring.Im playing basketball. (准备咪头、剪纸刀、水彩笔、篮球、乒乓球、哑铃等) Some students 组合: We are exercising.We are practicing basketball. We are playing ping-pong. We are dancing. 【设计意图】我们新课标强调学生学习英语的最终目的,就是能够用英

30、语 做事情。这个活动就是很好地让学生自由地用英语进行表达思想,通过轻 松而富有节奏感的音乐,来激发学生大胆地用英语进行做事,也是本课时 语言输出最精彩的活动之一。 Step 4practice 2 1)Do some exercises: PartA: Do some listening exercising on the book.(提醒学生翻开书, 做此练习) Part B:Look and finish the sentences: Then check the right answers. 2)思想教育:Think carefully before you do.(三思而后行) 3)S

31、ummary up: What have we learn this class? 【设计意图】想通过这两个练习,检查学生对本课时学习内容的掌握程度, 并作出一个合理的反馈,以便为下一节课设计做好及时的调整和修改。练 习设计考虑到学生的综合能力,有听的训练和写的能力体现。 Step 5Homework 1. Read and recite the new words. 2.Ask and answer with your partner. Like this: A: Are you sleeping (thinking.) ? B: Yes, I am. (No, Im not. Im .)

32、【设计意图】教师的课后作业要体现开放式原则,要灵活多样,注重学生 能力性训练,想通过这两种作业来巩固所学语言知识,培养学生造句成篇 的能力,为上更高年级的学习做好充分的准备。 七、教学检测安排:七、教学检测安排: 我觉得单词与句型教学,要多花时间让学生去复习、巩固及内化为自 己的知识,才能达到灵活运用的目的。因此,我安排在下一节课课前 35 分钟,进行检查学生的单词及句型,以听力形式和笔试相结合进行检测, 通过训练各种感官来达到提升学生的理解掌握程度,以便为下一节课作好 充分地准备和铺垫。 八、相关练习:八、相关练习: Unit 7 working or playing (Vocabulary

33、 and target) Name:_ Class:_Mark: _ 一、Listen and number: (听录音,标顺序。) shoutingthinkingcuttingexercising ()()()() coloringworkingpracticingtalking ()()()() 二、Look and finish the sentences.(看图,完成句子。) 1. Whats Tony doing?Hes _. 2. Is she working?Yes, _ _. 3.Are they _? Yes, _ _. 4. I can get: 九、板书设计:九、板书设计: Are you sleeping? No, _. Im _.


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