广东版四年级上册Unit 6 Toys-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:453e6).zip

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Unit 6 Toys Book3 Friends with English Marys box Story time (听故事时间) Hello. Im Genie. Lets learn the new words. a doll a toy bear a toy plane a toy car want (想要) What do you want, What do you want, What do you want? I want a . * Read the story (读故事) One day, Mary finds a box on the floor. Its red. Its a magic box. she opens the box, and takes out a lamp. Oh, a genie comes out from the lamp! - Hello. Im Genie. Thank you for saving me. You can have four wishes. What do you want? - I want a doll. I want a doll. - Mali-mali-hong! Here you are. -Thank you. - What do you want? - I want a toy bear. A toy bear! - Mali-mali-hong! Here you are. -Thank you very much. - What do you want? - Well I want a toy plane. - Mali-mali-hong! Heres a toy plane. -Thank you very much. - What do you want? - I want a toy car. Yes! a toy car! - Mali-mali-hong! Heres a toy car. -Thank you very much. Now Mary has a doll, a toy bear, a toy plane, and a toy car. Shes very happy! Retell (复述故事) Lets act the story.(请在小组里分角色表演故事) Suppose your birthday is coming, what do you want? You can make four wishes to the genie. 假如你的生日快到了,灯神可以满足你四个愿望,你想要什么呢 ?请把你的愿望告诉灯神,完成以下一封信件。 Dear Genie, I want a _, I want _, I want_, I _ for my birthday. Thank you very much Dear Genie, I want a doll, I want a toy car, I want a soccer, I want a big cake for my birthday. Thank you very much. Miss Lin Unit 6 Toys Period 2 1. Enjoy the song on P47. 2. Look and answer. Happy Toy Shop -Do they want a plane? -Yes, they do. -Do they want a plane? -No, they dont. -What do they want? -They want a soccer. -Do they want a violin? -No, they dont. -What do they want? -They want a guitar. violin She is playing the violin now. She plays the violin on Saturday. guitar She is playing the guitar now. She plays the guitar on Saturday. -Do the boys want a guitar? -No, they dont. -What do they want? -They want a drum. -What do they want? -They want a puzzle and a computer game. -What do the girls want? -They want bananas, pears, strawberries and cherries. -Do they want an English book and a math book? -Yes, they do. -What do the students want? -They want some books. - What do the students want? - They want some toys. Lets learn the new words. a computer game a puzzle a guitar a drum want (想要) P48. Activity 1. Ask and answer. Picture 1. -Do they want dolls? -No, they dont. -Do they want toy cars? -No, they dont. - Do they want puzzles? - Yes, they do. - do the want drums? - Yes, they do. P48. Activity 1. Ask and answer. Picture 2. What do they want? - They want two kites, two puzzles and two guitars. 1.Do you want a toy car? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 2.Do they want a doll? No, they dont. 3. Do the girls want a drum? Yes, they do. 4. Do they want a computer game? No, they dont. Answer the questions: (回答下列问题) What do they want? They want a puzzle. Unit 6 Toys Period 3 Look, listen and answer. Happy Toy Shop 1. - Does she want a guitar? 2. -What does she want? - No, she doesnt. - She wants a computer game. - Does the boy want a puzzle? - Yes, he does. - Does the girl want a doll? - Yes, she does. - What does she want? - She wants a drum, a guitar and a toy car. - What does he want? - He wants a cup, a spoon and five bowls. 1. Look and answer Teachers questions. (看图并回答老师的问题。) P47 Activity 1. 2. Ask and answer with your partner. (与同桌一起互相问答。) 3. Look and write. (把第一、第三幅图的句子写出来。) P47 Are you right? (你写对了吗?) 1. -Does he want a drum? -No, he doesnt. -Does he want a puzzle? -No, he doesnt. -Does he want a toy plane? -Yes, he does. -Does he want a doll? -No, he doesnt. 3. What does he want? He wants a toy car, a ruler and a balloon. 1.Do you want a toy car? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 2.Does he want a doll? No, he doesnt. 3. Does she want a drum? Yes, she does. 4. Do they want a computer game? No, they dont. Answer the questions: (回答下列问题) What do they want? They want a guitar. 读句子,说意思,区分红色单词为什么不一样 I want a guitar. He wants a guitar. What do you want? What does she want? They play soccer on Friday. Tony plays soccer on riday. 小结:一般现在时的句子里,当主语是第三人称单 数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,即常在动 词原形后加-s或-es。 一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。如: He likes Chinese. 他喜欢语文。 She goes to school at seven. 她7点钟上学。 二、单个人名、地名或称呼作主语;是第三人称单数 。如: Han Mei gets up at 6:30. 韩梅6:30起床。 Tony plays basketball on Saturday. Tony星期六打篮球。 快速复习 目前为止,我们学习了两种时态的句子: 现在进行时描述正在发生的动作。 Jenny is reading English. (Jenny正在读英语) 一般现在时描述经常发生或习惯性的动作。 Jenny reads English every morning. (Jenny每天早上读英语。) We read English every morning. (我们每天早上读英语。) 两种时态,谓语动词的形式不一样: 现在进行时 am/ is / are +动词ing 一般现在时 动词用原形,如果主语是第三人称 单数,动词加s / es. Homework If you have a magic box.Whats in it? 假如你有一个箱子, 里面会有什么?一盏 灯?有灯神帮你实现你的愿望吗?展开想 象,模仿该故事编写一个属于你自己的箱 子的故事“XXXs Box” 1 教材分析 Unit 6 The topic is about the toys. They can ask about and express wants, They can express the wants of others. This is unit is very difficult, Its only the words but also the grammar point. This unit They learn a lot of key structures : What do they want? Do they want a guitar? No, they want a computer game. Does she want a guitar? No, she doesnt. Do you want a guitar? Yes, please. After The Language point is story and vocabulary, target. The story is required to recite and the vocabulary is required to memorize. This unit should be taught in four periods. More detail is as following: 1. Teaching Context The theme of this unit is “toy”. Conversation happened in the shop, Gogo, and some students, Jenny talk about their favorable toy, After finished the conservation, Student can speak ask somebody their favorite objects, and express their wants of others. The vocabulary is about different toy, The target is about the key structure of the unit include” What do they want?” “Do they want to guitar?” “Does she want a guitar?” “ Do you want a guitar?” This unit is very difficult. And there are so many grammars need to learn in this unit 2. Teaching target: Communicate target: Able to ask about and can express wants. They can express the wants of their. Language target: What do they want? Does she want a guitar? Do you want a guitar? 3. Difficult point and main point: Student can use “she, he, you, they” ask and answer 4. Student situation: Student had already learn the sentences structure: Do you like apple? What do you like? Who are they? 5. Teaching Material: some real objects. CD PPT 2 课 题 Unit 6 Toys (period 1) 备注 教 学 目 标 1. Ps will be able to learn the new words and talk about them with others. 2. Ps will be able to use the structure in daily life. 3. Ps will enjoy learning English in the class. 重 点 Key words: want, toy bear, toy car, toy plane doll, Main sentences: What do you want? I want 难 点 Understand the story, Act out the story in roles 教 具 Picture cards, some realities, some toys , etc. Students had better bring some toys. 教 学 过 程 Step1 Warming up. 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk:daily expressions:What day is today? Whats the weather like today? Do you like ? 3. Elicit: “want”. T: Saturday is coming. I want to go shopping. I want some money. I want a new skirt. I want many things. I hope I have a magic lamp. The magic lamp can make my wishes com true. Genie will give me many things. (Write “want” on the blackboard.) Step2 Presentation 1. Elicit : Mary and the magic lamp. Learn new words: doll, toy bear, toy plane, toy car. 2. Listen to the story: Marys box. Elicit the new words as well. 3. Chant. Doll, doll, I want a doll. Toy bear, toy bear, I want a toy bear. 4. Look at the pictures and answer Ts questions. : What do you want? 5. A passing game. : What do you want? What do you want? What do you want? After three times, whole class asks someone, “What do you want?” He /She should choose one and answer “ I want a ” T gives him / her a picture card or real objects. 6. Present the sentences on the Bb. 3 7. Ask some students: Do you want a toy bear? Pass him a word card if he answers “Yes, I do. / Yes, please.” 8. Present the sentences on the Bb. Read them by heart. Do you want a doll? -Yes, I do. ( Yes, please.) -Do you want a toy bear? -No, I dont. -What do you want? -I want a toy car. Step4 Practice. 1. Share your toys. Ask and answer with using the sentences above. a. Do you want ? Yes, I do. / Yes, please. . Here you are. Thank you. b. Do you want ? No, I dont. What do you want? I want Here you are. Thank you. 2. Go over the story. a. Listen to the story again. b. Read the story. c. Retell the story. d. Act out the story in pairs. 3. Finish a letter. a. Example. b. Written exercises. Step 5. Homework. 布 置 作 业 1. Copy the new words and sentences. 2. Ask your parents and friends what they want. 板 书 设 计 Unit 6 Toys -Do you want a doll? want -Yes, I do. (Yes, please.) doll toy bear -Do you want a toy bear? toy car -No, I dont. toy plane -What do you want? -I want a toy car. 教 学 后 记 4 课 题 Unit 6 Toys (period 2)備註 教 学 目 标 1. Ps will be able to learn the new words and talk about them with others. 2. Ps will be able to use the structure in daily life. 3. Ps will enjoy learning English in the class. 重 点 The sentence patterns: do they want ? What do they want? 难 点 The dialog in conversation. 教 具 VCD, the realia, etc. 教 学 过 程 Step 1 Enjoy the song on P47. Do you want a toy bear? Step 2 Revision. 1. Teacher review the key structure, teacher put many toys on the desk. Hold up a stuffed animal to show T: Do you want a toy bear? What do you want? 2. Review the words cards: Make sentences with the pictures. Step 3. Presentation. 1. T: I want to run a toy shop. Look, This is my toy shop. Happy Toy shop. The toy shop needs more things. T say: “I want to have more toys, I want a doll.” Elicit the new toys: a computer game, a puzzle, a drum, a guitar. (Justin oral first.) 2. Lets welcome customers- Ask and answer : Do they want ? What do they want? 3. Learn the new words while making dialogues. 4. Compare: guitar, violin. 5. Pl. forms. What do they want ? They want some _s. 6. Read the words. Point the words on the blackboard. Check by the cards. 7. Guess the words. Cover the parts of the pictures, let Ps guess and say out the words as quickly as they can. Step 4. Practice. 1. P48. Activity 1. Oral first. Then written exercises. 2. Answer the questions on ppt. 3.Work check. Step 5. Set homework. 布 置 作 业 1. Copy one line for each. new word, 2. P46 Practice 2, 板 书 设 计 教 学 后 记 5 课 题 Unit 6 Toys(period 3)备注 教 学 目 标 1. Ps will be able to learn the new words and talk about them with others. 2. Ps will be able to use the structure in daily life. 3. Ps will enjoy learning English in the class. 重 点 What does he/she want? 难 点 The exercises. 教 具 VCD, the realia, etc. 教 学 过 程 Step 1. Greeting and revise. 1. Sing a song. 2. Look, listen and answer. Ask some questions, Do you want? What do you want? What do they want? Happy shop: toys, Open the shop, welcome customers Step 2. Presentation. Look at the pictures on the screen. Elicit the sentences: - What does he/she want? - He/She wants a -Does she want ? -She wants some . Step3. Practice. 1. Do the exercise on P47. Activity 1. a. Look and answer Teachers questions. b. Ask and answer questions with your partner. c. Look and write. Picture 1 & Picture 3. d. Check the work. 2. Answer the questions on ppt. Then have Work check. Step4. Comparing. Whats the difference? Summary. Step 5. Sounds and words. 布 置 作 业 1.The childrens work book. 2. Have a word dictation at home. 板 书 设 计 教 学 后 记 6 课课 题题 Unit 6 Toys (the fourth period) 个人修改个人修改 教教 学学 目目 标标 1. Ps will be able to understand and read the conversation. 2. Ps can practice the dialogue with others. 重重 点点 The sentences in conversation. 难难 点点 Patterns: Does she want Pinocchio? He has long nose. What do they want? They want him. 教教 具具 PPT, word cards, CAI. etc. 教教 学学 过过 程程 A. Revision. 1. Greetings. 2. Revise the words. 3. Play a game. A passing game “What do you want? What does he want? What does she want?” Stop and get one answer the questions. Then Teacher asks: What does she / he want? Whole class answer. (Write the sentences on the Bb before class.) B.Learn Story. 1. Think over these questions: Some boys and girls are at the toy shop. What do they want? 2. Let Ps watch VCD and try to get the main idea. .3. Ask Ps comprehension questions. (oral) -Does Gogo like toys? - What do the boy and the girl want? 4. Watch again. Answer the questions. 5. Read after the teacher. 6. Whole class read the story aloud. 7. Open the white book, do the exercises. 8. Work check. C.Practice. 1. Read the story by heart. 2. 读课文,接受小组成员的评分。 3. Listening exercises. P46. Practice. 1. 布布 置置 作作 业业 1. 做练习册; 2. 听录音,熟读课文, 背课文; 板板 书书 设设 计计 教教 学学 后后 记记
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