冀教版(三起)五上Unit 1 My Family-Lesson 1 Li Ming's Big Family-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:50d93).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 My Family_Lesson 1 Li Mings Big Family_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:50d93)
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X Name: _ Class: _ Grade: _ This is Lucys family. Lucy has a brother and a sister. Her parents has _ children. Her _ has a brother. He is Uncle Bill. Her _ has a sister. She is Aunt Linda. She has _ cousins, Mike and Lily. They are lovely. She has two _s and two grandmothers. She loves her big family. Word list: two, three, father, mother, grandmothers, grandfathers Hello! I am QinXing. Listening TimeListening Time Who are they? Listening TimeListening Time Who are they? They are Li Mings grandfather and grandmother. Read and Answer: Read and Answer: How many brothers does Li Mings father have? Does Li Mings mother have sisters? Yes. She has a sister. One. Hes Uncle Dachao. Read and Find.Read and Find. Who is her mother? Who is she? Read and Find.Read and Find. She is Cousin Jing. Who is she? Can we call her Sister Jing? Read and Find.Read and Find. She is Aunt Meiping. Who is her mother? Listen and Imitate Listen and Imitate After that, lets retell “LiMings Family”. “ Who is ? ? Show TimeShow Time Lets talk about “Li Mings Big Family.” Lucys Big FamilyLucys Big Family? ? Lucys Big FamilyLucys Big Family? ? Lucys Big FamilyLucys Big Family? ? This is Lucys family. Lucy has a brother and a sister. Her parents has _ children. Her _ has a brother. He is Uncle Bill. Her _ has a sister. She is Aunt Linda. She has _ cousins, Mike and Lily. They are lovely. She has two _s and two grandmothers. She loves her big family. Word list: twothreefathermothergrandmothers grandfathers Introduce your familyIntroduce your family A. Draw a family tree and then write a passage. ActAct your familyyour family B. Make a family in your groups and then show it. Have a Role-PlayHave a Role-Play What is “family”?What is “family”? Lets watch a video. What is “family”?What is “family”? HomeworkHomework Read these picture books about family. Unit1 Lesson1 LiMings Big Family 1 Book5 Lesson1 Li Mings Big Family 教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课是冀教版小学英语五年级上册第一单元第一课,本单元学习 My Family,介绍自己家人的有关信息。这节课主要讲述李明的大家庭,先从自己 的小家庭入手,从而学习大家庭成员之间的关系。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学习本课的学生为五年级的小学生,他们具有好动、好奇、模仿能力较强 等特点。本单元教授的是与学生们日常生活有紧密关系的家庭及成员的相关内 容。学生们会对这方面的内容较感兴趣且较容易理解。本节课力求让学生多说 多练多做,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 语言知识和技能目标语言知识和技能目标 1.学生能听,说,读,写:grandfather / grandmother/ parent/ have/has 2.学生能运用句型 I have _.来介绍自己的家庭成员。 3. 通过学习本课,学生能够掌握家庭人物关系,并且能用英语介绍自己的 家庭成员。 情感态度情感态度 1. 学生在 song、角色朗读等活动中,被激发起学习的兴趣,获得自信。 2. 学生通过小组活动和评价的形式,增强了自己的合作意识。 3. 学生更热爱自己的家庭,热爱自己的父母。 学习策略学习策略 1. 学生能够积极于同学合作,共同完成任务。 2. 能够利用寻读、略读等阅读策略寻找相应信息。 文化意识文化意识 学生能知道了解中西方文化中亲属称谓的差异。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 能听,说,读,写 grandfather/ grandmother/ parent/ have/has 2. 能运用句型 I have_.来介绍自己的家庭成员。 3. 弄清大家庭成员之间的关系。 2 五、教学用具五、教学用具 课件、白板、图片和句子卡片等。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: StepI: Class Opening 1.Greeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Qin. T: How are you today? Ss: I am fine, thank you. And you? T: I am fine, too T: Hows the weather today? Ss: Its sunny. T: Are you happy? S: Yes. 2.Warming up T: Im very happy. Look, this is the finger family. This is the father. This is the mother, brother, sister and the little baby. FF: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you! FF: Now lets sing a song about my family. Stand up and show me your fingers. 3. Draw a family tree of Li Ming. T: They are a happy family. Li Ming has a happy family, too. Look, this is LM, his father and his mother. Can you say something about Li Ming? S: Li Ming is a student. T: Right. You can take one card. Here you are! S: Li Mings mother is a doctor. T: Yes, good. 3 T: Does Li Ming have brothers or sisters? S: No. T: His father and his mother have only one child. Li Ming. Yes? S: Yes. T: Who else in Li Mings family? Look, who are they? Are they Li Mings father and mother? S: No. T: Why? S: They are old. T: Right. Look at their hair. What colour is it? S: Grey. 设计意图设计意图课前师生的亲切问候,缩短了师生间的陌生感,一首活泼的歌 曲,活跃课堂气氛的同时,顺理成章的引出李明的家庭。从李明和他的父母着 手,开始在黑板上绘制 family tree。 StepII: Presentation 1. Listen and answer Who are they? T: Who are they? Now look and listen then answer the question. T: OK. Who can tell me? S: They are Li Mings grandfather and grandmother. T: Yes. 贴图片 T: Follow me, grand, grand. 引导学生读 father,和 grandfather。贴词条 引导学生自己认读 grand 和 grandmother。贴词条 T: Grandfather, we can say grandpa. Grandmother, we can also say grandma. S: Grandpa, grandma. T: 指着板书说,Fathers father is grandfather. Fathers mother is 4 grandmother. What about mother father and mothers mother? S: Grandfather and grandmother. T: Yes. 手里拿着两张图片说,Look, they are Li Mings grandfather and grandmother, too. Can you put them on the blackboard? T: Are they right? S: Yes. T: Li Ming says I have two grandfathers and two grandmothers. That means he has two grandfathers and two grandmothers. 贴两张句型的 词条。 T: Does Li Ming have brothers or sisters? S: No. T: Li Ming doesnt have brothers or sisters. He says I dont have brothers or sisters. 设计意图设计意图预设问题,让学生带着问题去听音。让学生了解李明没有兄 弟姐妹。又用提问的方式新授单词 grandfather 和 grandmother。并且继 续完善板书上的 family tree。 2. Read and answer (1) Does Li Mings mother have brothers or sisters? (2) How many brothers does Li Mings father have? T: What about Li Mings father and mother? Does Li Mings mother have sisters? How many brothers does Li Mings father have?划线,划问号 T: Now read by yourselves and answer the questions. T: Firstly, who can read the two questions. S: T: Now read loudly and circle the answers on your paper. Begin. T: Who can answer? No. 1. S: T: Yes, Li Mings mother has a sister. She is Aunt Wanrong. 领读 aunt aunt。 T: So Aunt Wanrong is Li Mings mothers sister. She is Li Mings aunt. 5 T: Li Ming has an aunt. She is Aunt Wanrong. T: No. 2. Who can answer? S: One. He has a brother. T: Yes, Li Mings father has a brother. He is Uncle Dachao. 领读 uncle uncle。 S: Uncle uncle. T: So Uncle Dachao is Li Mings fathers brother. He is Li Mings uncle. T: Li Ming has an uncle. He is Uncle Dachao. 设计意图设计意图预设问题,让学生带着问题去读课文。从而向学生介绍 Aunt Wanrong 和 Uncle Dachao。并且让学生了解到他们与李明之间的关系。 3. Read and find T: Look, who is she? Now read silently, find out the answers. (1)Who is she? (2)Who is her mother? T: Who is she? S: Jing is Li Mings cousin. T: Is Jing Li Mings sister? Can we call her Sister Jing? T: Lets watch a video. 设计意图设计意图 通过观看微课视频, 让学生了解到,在英语中,cousin 一词不分性别,父系母系,囊括了同辈 中所有的非亲生的亲戚。让学生更形象地了解中西方文化中亲属称谓的差 异。 T: Are you clear? T: Jing is Li Mings cousin. Li Ming is Jings cousin, too. T: Who is Jings mother? S: Aunt Meiping. T: Very good! 设计意图设计意图利用 scanning 这个阅读策略,根据题目要求,学生能在文章 6 中快速扫描出问题的答案。向学生介绍 Cousin Jing 和 Aunt Meiping。在 教学中渗透学习策略,让学生带着问题去听对话,指导学生在听音时完 成回答,捕捉文本的关键信息,培养学生语篇阅读的技能。 4. 新授 parent 和 parents T: Aunt Meiping is Jings parent. 板书 parent 领读 parent That group, read one by one. T: Uncle Dachao is Jings parent, too. T: So parent means father or mother. And they are Jings parents. Can you find any parents on the blackboard? S: Li Mings father and mother are Li Mings parents. S: Aunt Wanrong and Li Mings mothers parents are Li Mings grandfather and grandmother. S: Uncle Dachao and Li Mings fathers parents are Li Mings grandfather and grandmother. 在板书上用红笔画出三人的连接线。接着画出其他 parents 的线 (1) 指着爷爷奶奶说,They are parents. (2) 指着姥姥姥爷说,They are parents. (3) 指着李明的爸爸妈妈说,They are parents. T: Whats the meaning of the purple lines. T: They mean parents T: What about the green lines. They mean brothers or sisters. 5. Listen and imitate T: Now listen and imitate. 设计意图设计意图听音模仿,为后面的 retell 做铺垫。 6. Queations T: Do you have any questions? S: No. T: I have one. Who is he? Do you know? 7 S: Uncle Zhiwei. T: Yes. Who can put it on the right place? T: Right. He is Aunt Meipings husband.划线 T: So the blue line means married. 7. Listen and retell Li Mings family T: This is Li Mings family. Li Ming has a big family. T: Now lets retell Li Mings family. Together. T: I have two grandfathers and grandmothers. I dont have brothers or sisters. My parents have one child: me. I have aunts and uncles. My mother has a sister. She is Aunt Wanrong. My father has a brother. He is Uncle Dachao. I have a cousin. Her name is Jing. Aunt Meiping and Uncle Dachao are Jings parents. I have a big family. T: Now who can retell it? T: You can practice with your partners. One minute for you. T: Who can retell it? S: T: You can get two cards. 设计意图设计意图通过复述李明的家庭,不仅帮助学生更好地理解课文。而且 还能让学生练习使用 have 的单三式 has。 8. Meet Lucys family. T: After learning Li Mings family, now lets meet Lucys family. Lets watch a video. T: OK. This is Lucys family. 8 Lucy has a big family, too. T: Can you ask any questions about Lucys family? S: T: Who can answer this question? S: T: Great. Two card for each one. T: Now lets do some exercise. Take out this paper. I will give your three minutes. T: Have you finished? I will check your answers. T: T: Are you right? If you are right, you can take one card. 设计意图设计意图 由李明的家庭 再到 Lucy 的家庭,充分让学生熟悉家庭成员的关系,大量的语言知识 输送给学生,为后面介绍和表演自己的家庭做了铺垫。 StepIII: Practice&Production 1. Introduce your family T: Just now, we meet Lucys family, too. What about your family? Lets introduce your family. Now take out the pictures of your family members, stick them on this paper, and then come here and show it. Three minutes for you. 2. Act your family T: We know your family, this time lets act your family, OK? Six or seven students in one groups. One is father, one is mother and so on. Please look here. 9 There are some props for you. You can wear them. OK? Now make a family in your group, then show it. I have some things for you. Four minutes for you. 设计意图设计意图创设真实的语言 环境,灵活运用语言。在这课的最 后我设计了两种形式:1. 让学生自己创作,画下自己的 family tree,并且仿照 课文写一段话。2. 我创设了语言环境,活用英语交流。以六人或七人小组为活 动单位,表演本课内容,辅以评价的激励机制,鼓励学生相互帮助,共同学习。 3. Watch a video T: Now lets watch a video. My father was tall and strong when I was young. My mother was always busy and tired. And I often made them angry. Then I grow up. And I find that they are old. Now Im the tree of my family. Its time for me to help them. T: What do you want to say to your family? After class, you can say I love you to your parents. You can hug your parents. 设计意图设计意图通过短片,得到情感提升 StepIV: Homework T: Read these picture books about family. You will love your parents more! 10 七、板书设计:七、板书设计: 八、课后反思:八、课后反思: 大家好,刚刚我执教是五年级上册 Unit1 Lesson1 Li Mings big family,基于 学生实际情况及教材特点,我们设计了以下几个教学环节: 1. 利用思维导图,更好地发散学生的思维。 本堂课中我把板书设计成思维导图的形式,让学生对本课重点内容-Li Mings big family 一目了然。 在设计李明的家谱时,我用不同颜色的线条来代 表不同的关系。例如:本节课中我用紫色的线条代表父母关系,用绿色的线条 代表兄弟姐妹关系,用蓝色线条代表婚姻关系。通过不同的颜色更直观地体现 出来不同的关系。在学习了课本内容之后,给学生拓展课外知识,通过观看视 频了解 Lucy 的家庭成员。并在观看完视频之后,让学生自己提出问题并解决问 题,不仅体现了学生的主体地位,而且更好地发散学生的思维品质。学生深度 了解了李明和 Lucy 的家庭成员之后,我为学生设计了两个开放性的活动。学生 把提前画好的家庭成员粘贴在空白的 family tree 上,并介绍自己的家庭成员。 然后以小组为单位扮演一个家庭。让学生自己设计语言,大量的运用所学语言, 发散学生思维,更好地运用英语。 2. 创设真实的语言环境, “活”运用语言。 在本节课中教师尝试创设多种语言环境,活用英语交流。以 6 人或 7 人小 11 组为活动单位,在课堂中组成家庭。通过扮演和表演不同的家庭成员,让学生 更好地了解和运用家庭成员类的单词。活动设计较为开放,辅以评价的激励机 制,鼓励学生相互帮助,共同学习。 3. 在课堂中渗透文化意识,开拓学生国际视野 今天在教学过程中,以教材为依托,结合所学的语言知识直接挖掘教材中 出现的文化内容。当在教授 cousin 一词时,我们让学生通过观看微课视频巧妙 地对比了中西方文化中亲属称谓的差异。通过视频和讲解,使学生明白了文化 的影响力是无处不在。当然,无论采用什么方法对学生进行文化意识的渗透, 文化教学必须要以语言教学为依托,更好开拓学生国际视野。 4. 整合资源搭建支架,培养学生进入学习的阅读 螺旋上升式教学,既是新课标所倡导的,也是冀教版小学英语教材的编 写理念。在课中学习方式中,特别为学生提供了大量学运用句型介绍家庭成员 的机会。大量的输入语言知识才能适合的输出。在初读文章后,课堂中教师试 图让学生将一般的阅读活动,成为了一种学习的阅读。 当然,这节课还有不足之处还请各位老师,多多指正!谢谢。
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