人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 4I have a pen pal-C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:60016).zip

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    • Part C Story time.pptx--点击预览
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PEP Primary English (六年级上学期) Unit 4 Unit 4 I have a pen palI have a pen pal C Story timeC Story time Its tail. Lets guessLets guess Whose tail is it? a monkeys a long Whose tail is it? Its tail. a shorta rabbits Whose tail is it? Its a squirrels tail. Lets Lets watchwatch Questions:Questions: 1. What does Zac like ? 2. What does the Monkey king like ? He likes singing and dancing. He likes reading books. Zac lives in a forest. He likes singing and dancing very much. Hello! Im Zac.I like singing and dancing. Lets imitateLets imitate Every day the squirrels have to give the Monkey King gifts. Then the Monkey King lets them get food from his forest. We are little squirrels . We are small. Im the king of the forest. z Monkey King! Have some bananas,please. Oh!I like eating bananas. You can get food in the forest. Monkey King! Have some watermelons,please. Oh no! I dont like eating watermelons . Pair workPair work If you are little squirrels or Monkey King, what will you say? Monkey King, Have some _. Ah,Yes. I like eating_. Oh no. I dont like eating_. Zac sometimes sings and dances in front of the king. The Monkey King likes reading books,so he doesnt like Zacs music. I like I dont like Monkey King! Do you like my Why ? One day ,Zac sang for the king. The king was very angry and shouted, “Go away!” Then he threw Zac out of the tree. Monkey King! Do you like my song ? I like reading. I dont like listening to your song.Go away! One day ,Zac sang for the king. Zac got up and looked at his tail. It was really bushy! Zac liked his new tail,and so did all the other squirrels. So from that day on all squirrels tails were bushy. Wow! I have a new_. I like my _. Zac lives in a forest,he likes_ and _.The monkey is the king of the forest. He likes _.One day Zac _ for the king .The king was very _and _:“Go away!”Then he _Zac out of the tree.Zac _up and looked at his tail,it was bushy. Fill in the blanksFill in the blanks singing dancing reading bookssang angry shouted threw got Tips:(work in groups of six) 1. Role-Parts: (1 Zac,1 Monkey King,1 another squirrel, 2 narrators) 2.Act with emotion and action. Lets actLets act Is this a true story? HomeworkHomework 1.Read the story . 2.Act the story in a group. Good bye!Good bye! Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part C story time 教学设计 教学目标教学目标 1.知识与技能 a.能够理解 Story time 的故事并正确朗读。 b.能运用本单元核心句型“He likesHe doesnt like”来描述兴趣爱好。 c.能理解过去式动词及短语:was ,sang a song,shouted ,threw out 等。 d.能够分角色表演 Story time 的故事,进一步理解故事表达的深层含义。 2.过程与方法 a.通过学生自主,合作学习,帮助他们体验故事的角色,激发他们的阅读兴趣,掌握阅读方法。 b.通过仿读、齐声朗读等方式和角色扮演 Zac 和 Monkey King 表演,帮助学生进一步去理 解故事。 3.情感态度与价值观 通过阅读“老松鼠给小松鼠讲的故事”,让学生了解每个人都有自己的兴趣爱好,激发孩子 对英语故事的阅读兴趣;并简单了解小松鼠尾巴的作用。 学情分析学情分析 六年级的学生已经有一定的英语学习基础和阅读能力,他们活泼好动,对新事物有着强 烈的好奇心,并且有着很强的表现欲。他们已经养成了一定的英语学习习惯,具有一定的自 我学习的能力,会利用网络资源,在网上搜索有关学习信息的能力。教师应该面向全体学生, 以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,注意分层教学,引导学生端正学 习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 重点难点重点难点 重点::在故事语境中,运用本单元核心句型“He likesHe doesnt like”来描述兴趣爱 好,理解过去式动词及短语:was ,sang a song ,shouted ,threw out 等,并表演故事。 难点: 学生能准确朗读课文,并在理解的基础上完整的表演故事,做到语言与感情同步。 教学活动教学活动 【导入】Step1:Warmupandleadin 1. Greetings. 2. Lets guess Teacher asks Ss:whose tail is it. Ss:Look at the tail,then guess whose tail is it. 【讲授】Step2:Presentationandpractice 1. Lets watch Ss: watch the story cartoon with questions. 2.lets read and Imitate Ss: read and Imitate sentence by sentence with acting. 3.Pair work 【活动】Step3:Consolidation 1.Fill the blanks Ss:Retell the story. 2.lets show Ss:Act the story in a group. 【作业】Step5:Homework 1.Read the story . 2.Act the story in a group.
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