Unit 5There is a big bed-C-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-部级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:41953).zip

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PEP 五年级上册五年级上册 Unit5 Revision 练习练习 一、一、Read and draw:请把下列单词分类,并以思维导图归纳出来。:请把下列单词分类,并以思维导图归纳出来。 二、二、Listen and tick:听录音,勾出你所听到动物。:听录音,勾出你所听到动物。 三、三、Listen and match:听录音,连线:听录音,连线 四、根据故事内容填空。四、根据故事内容填空。 五、五、Read and find:阅读短文,圈出阅读短文,圈出“O”房间里的物品,用横线房间里的物品,用横线 “_”画出物品的位置。画出物品的位置。 A B Look! This is Erics bedroom. The bed is big. Its on the floor. There is a nice plant near the window. The boat is red and small. Its behind the ball. There is a cure bear in front of the toy car. The blue water bottle is in the box. I like my room. There is a big bookcase. Its near the desk. There are many books in the bookcase. There is a nice sofa beside the bookcase. I like reading very much. There is a blue piano near the sofa. I can play the piano, too. Cool! C D 六、六、Lets write:写一写你的梦想房间:写一写你的梦想房间 五、五、Read and find:阅读短文,圈出阅读短文,圈出“O”房间里的物品,用横线房间里的物品,用横线 “_”画出物品的位置。画出物品的位置。 A Its my moms favourite room. Theres a white fridge behind the door. Theres a big table in front of the fridge and 6 chairs are under the table. On the table, therere 4 bowls and forks. My mom can cook good food here. I like them. Its my living room. Theres a big TV and a yellow armchair in it. Theres a white phone on the table. There are green plants beside the sofa. Every week I watch TV with my parents here. Sometimes I can play games with my brother in front of the TV desk. 请在下面方格中,根据左边短文的内容,画出思维导图请在下面方格中,根据左边短文的内容,画出思维导图,并向同伴汇并向同伴汇 报:报: Look at this . There is a There are Its nice! 六、六、Lets write:写一写你的梦想房间:写一写你的梦想房间 There is a big bookcase. Its near the desk. There are many books in the bookcase. There is a nice sofa beside the bookcase. I like reading very much. There is a blue piano near the sofa. I can play the piano, too. Cool! 五、五、Read and find:阅读短文,圈出阅读短文,圈出“O”房间里的物品,用横线房间里的物品,用横线 “_”画出物品的位置。画出物品的位置。 B 请在下面方格中,根据左边短文的内容,画出思维导图请在下面方格中,根据左边短文的内容,画出思维导图,并向同伴汇并向同伴汇 报:报: Look at this . There is a There are Its nice! 六、六、Lets write:写一写你的梦想房间:写一写你的梦想房间 Look! This is Erics bedroom. The bed is big. Its on the floor. There is a nice plant near the window. The boat is red and small. Its behind the ball. There is a cure bear in front of the toy car. The blue water bottle is in the box. I like my room. bedroom 五、五、Read and find:阅读短文,圈出阅读短文,圈出“O”房间里的物品,用横线房间里的物品,用横线 “_”画出物品的位置。画出物品的位置。 C 请在下面方格中,根据左边短文的内容,画出思维导图请在下面方格中,根据左边短文的内容,画出思维导图,并向同伴汇并向同伴汇 报:报:Look at this . There is a There are Its nice! Its my living room. Theres a big TV and a yellow armchair in it. Theres a white phone on the table. There are green plants beside the sofa. Every week I watch TV with my parents here. Sometimes I can play games with my brother in front of the TV desk. 六、六、Lets write:写一写你的梦想房间:写一写你的梦想房间 五、五、Read and find:阅读短文,圈出阅读短文,圈出“O”房间里的物品,用横线房间里的物品,用横线 “_”画出物品的位置。画出物品的位置。 D living room Its my moms favourite room. Theres a white fridge behind the door. Theres a big table in front of the fridge and 6 chairs are under the table. On the table, therere 4 bowls and forks. My mom can cook good food here. I like them. . 请在下面方格中,根据左边短文的内容,画出思维导图请在下面方格中,根据左边短文的内容,画出思维导图,并向同伴汇并向同伴汇 报:报:Look at this . There is a There are Its nice! 六、六、Lets write:写一写你的梦想房间:写一写你的梦想房间 kitchen PEP 五年级上册五年级上册Unit5 Revision House Ricky 1 Ricky is an active boy. Yes/No 2 Ricky can put the chair on his head. Yes/No 3 There is a dog in Rickys home. Yes/No 4 There are many toys in Rickys room. Yes/No 5 Ricky likes playing games and reading story- books. Yes/No WWWWWWW WWHWWWW WWWWWWO WUWWWWW WWWWSWW WWWEWWW house desk ball window bathroomcomputer bag bed kite bedroom living room washroom beside behind in front of between abovebook study kitchenbig red red small black pretty cute nice desk ball window bathroomcomputer bag bed kite bedroom living room washroom beside behind in front of between abovebook study kitchenbig red red small black pretty cute nice What stories do you know? 你读过哪些英语小故事?你读过哪些英语小故事? One night, Eric had a dream. Sally and Spot are in his dream. They are in the house. Whats the house like? Whats in the house? Whats the house like? A. Its nice. B. Its strange.(奇怪的) C. Its scared.(恐怖的) Whats in the house? How many animals are there? There are many animals. What are they? a brown bear an orange duck two cats three birds behind the door beside the clock in front of the bed under the rug There is / There are in the basketa pink rabbit an orange dogin the box living room bedroom bathroom kitchen Whats in the house? animals a cute monkey a big lion inside the closet under the stairs There _ a brown bear _ the door. There _ in the basket. There is _ orange duck _ the clock. There _ under the stairs. There _ two cats _ the bed. _ a pink rabbit _ the rug. isbehind anbeside arein front of is a big lion There isunder is an orange dog Whats in the house? _ is _ cute monkey_ the closet.There inside a _ three birds _ the box.There arein There _ a brown bear _ the door. There _ in the basket. There is _ orange duck _ the clock. There _ under the stairs. There _ two cats _ the bed. _ a pink rabbit _ the rug. Whats in the house? _ is _ cute monkey_ the closet. _ three birds _ the box. Do you like this house? Is this house really Erics house? No, thats a house in Erics dream. Whats Erics room like? How many rooms are there in Erics house? ? ? ? ? ? bedroom living room study kitchen bathroom ? ? ? ? ? Here is a mirror, a rug and a tub. The mirror is nice. Its over the tub. The rug is black. Its on the floor. I can take a shower and play in it. I can wash my clothes there, too. This is my bathroom. There is a big bookcase. Its near the desk. There are many books in the bookcase. There is a nice sofa beside the bookcase. I like reading very much. There is a blue piano near the sofa. I can play the piano, too. Cool! Look! This is Erics bedroom. The bed is big. Its on the floor. There is a nice plant near the window. The boat is red and small. Its behind the ball. There is a cure bear in front of the toy car. The blue water bottle is in the box. I like my room. Its my moms favourite room. Theres a white fridge behind the door. Theres a big table in front of the fridge and 6 chairs are under the table. On the table, therere 4 bowls and forks. My mom can cook good food here. I like them. Its my living room. Theres a big TV and a yellow armchair in it. Theres a white phone on the table. There are green plants beside the sofa. Every week I watch TV with my parents here. Sometimes I can play games with my brother in front of the TV desk. bathroom bed water bottle boat plantbear on the floor in the box behind the ball near the window in front of the toy car Hello! I am _. This is my dream room. There is a _ _. There are_ _. I like my dream room. Its _. What is QR code? 1. Fix the software 二维码大师.(安装软件) 2. Type your paper on it. (在软件上打字) 3. Save. (生成二维码) Homework 1. Make a mind map about your house. 2. Write about your dream house and make a QR code, then send E- mails to your friend and teacher. E-mail: PEP 小学英语小学英语五年级上册五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a bed Revision 教学设计教学设计 授课教师授课教师 教教 材:材:PEP 小学英语五年级上册 课课 型:型:对话教学 年年 级:级:五年级 上课时长:上课时长:40 分钟 一、教学内容:一、教学内容: 二、教学目标二、教学目标: : (一)知识目标(一)知识目标 1.通过单词游戏,重点复习本课的方位介词:“beside、in front of、behind、above、between” ,以及已学的方位词:“in、on、under、near”等。 同时滚动复习关于“room、房间物品、形容词”等词汇。 2.通过阅读绘本,了解动物们所在位置,复习询问某地有某物的句型及回答: “Whats in /under/beside/in front of/ the ? There is a There are” 3.通过复习阅读,了解各房间内的物品及位置。 (二)能力目标(二)能力目标 1. 能够运用简易思维导图归纳关于“房间、房间物品、方位介词、形容词”等 词汇。 2.能够通过复述绘本,区分句型“There is 和 There are”的用法。 3.能够运用思维导图清晰呈现各房间的物品和位置,并进行简单写作。 (三)策略目标(三)策略目标 1.通过思维导图,激活学生知识背景,归纳相关单词,形成知识体系。 2.通过运用绘本资源,巩固对物体位置的认识。 3.通过小组合作,完成思维导图,引导学生掌握运用思维导图写作和归纳知识点 的方法。 (四)情感与态度目标(四)情感与态度目标 1. 通过课文学习,培养孩子对家的热爱之情。 2. 结合人文价值教育因素,概括学习的价值意义,帮助自己轻松学习,理清思 路。 三、学情分析:三、学情分析: 本节课的授课对象是小学五年级的学生,他们已有一定的生活经历,对自己 所熟悉的事物容易产生兴趣。学生也对绘本故事情有独钟,因此借助绘本丰富的 情节,渗透教学,有助于激发学生的求知欲望和学习主动性。在学习方面,他们 已具备一定的英语知识基础和记忆能力,初步掌握了运用所学语言交际的能力, 懂得运用举一反三的学习策略,有一定概括表达能力,对学习英语有的浓厚兴趣。 (一)语言知识(一)语言知识 本节课的授课对象是小学五年级的学生,他们已经掌握了一定的词汇量,能 够根据规律对所学知识进行归纳总结。在四、五年级的教材中,都有学习关于 “house”主题的内容,故在设计时应该考虑到这一情况,在此基础对所学内容进 行滚动、联系、拓展。 (二)语言技能(二)语言技能 五年级的学生已具备一定的听说读写能力;有一定的外语原声的模仿能力, 因此可作语音、语调、语速等方面的要求;能够用英语去思考简单的问题和具有 一定的概括能力;虽为高年段学生,但仍善于模仿,喜欢表演,能够在一定的语 言支架下进行语言创编。 (三)学习策略(三)学习策略 学生已经基本具备小组学习的技能,能够在此基础上进行合作探究。另外, 引导学生通过思维导图,归纳概括,理解文本,并有助于分析与记忆。 (四)情感态度(四)情感态度 五年级的学生对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,喜欢直观形象的思维,对表演特别 感兴趣,生动的故事特别能激发学生的表现欲望,能够积极与他人合作,共同完 成学习任务。 四、教学内容分析:四、教学内容分析: (一)教学内容剖析(一)教学内容剖析 PEP小学英语五年级下上册 Unit 5 的话题是家具及位置,涉及房间物品 及方位介词,运用 There be 句型介绍物品的位置。在学习本课之前,学生已经学 习了关于“房间、方位介词”等词汇,因此,本课学习时应设计活动,激活学生 元认知,滚动知识,以帮助学生建构知识体系,再在此基础上,导入新课,活动 知识。另外,本课的重点句型是询问物品的位置并用 There be 句型回答,且有单 复数之分。 本课的话题是“house” ,笔者通过故事主人公 Eric 的故事,创设两个场景: 一个是 Eric 在梦中的房子。通过小狗 Sally 的带领,介绍房子里的物品,并区分 句型 There be。另一个场景是 Eric 现实中的房子。首先通过 4 个听力语篇,理解 对房间的概述,然后再通过分组阅读,具体了解各房间的摆设,并板书,形成思 维导图,最后以思维导图引导学生描述自己的房间以及归纳知识点。从人文性与 工具性统一的层面考虑,通过思维导图,对文本进行概括,加深巩固文本,为后 面的语言输出作铺垫。本课还结合单元目标,挖掘人文价值因素,对学生如何有 效学习,提高学习效率给予指导。 (二)教学重、难点(二)教学重、难点 1. 通过绘本阅读,区分 There be 句型。 2.通过分组阅读,完成思维导图。 五、教学环节与活动:五、教学环节与活动: Step 1:Warm-up and lead-in 1. Greeting:Read and judge 判断教师孩子的信息是否正确 (1) Ricky is an active boy. (2) Ricky can put the chair on his head. (3) There is a dog in Rickys home. (4) There are many toys in Rickys room (5) Ricky likes playing games and reading books. 【设计意图设计意图】通过对老师的孩子的信息判断,预先感知本课的重点内容之一通过对老师的孩子的信息判断,预先感知本课的重点内容之一 方位介词和方位介词和There be句型,为后面的复习运用奠定基础。句型,为后面的复习运用奠定基础。 2. Word games (1) Find the odd letter: present the word house (2) Read and draw: 把给出的单词进行分类,并归纳出该单词属于哪一种类:“room, things at house, preposition, adjective” ,形成简易思维导图。 【设计意图设计意图】承接上面提及老师孩子爱玩文字游戏的话题,引领孩子玩承接上面提及老师孩子爱玩文字游戏的话题,引领孩子玩“单词分单词分 类类”的活动,让学生学会利用思维导图归纳总结,明白词义,区分词性。的活动,让学生学会利用思维导图归纳总结,明白词义,区分词性。 3. Lead-in: 以主人公 Eric 为主线,先介绍他有一所大房子和一个梦幻一样的房间, 他还有 2 只小狗,然后有一个晚上 Eric 做梦了,他梦见一个房子,接下来引领学 生思考 Eric 梦中的房子是什么样子的?任务驱动,导入绘本阅读。 T: One night, Eric had a dream. Sally and spot were in his dream. They were in the house. Q1: Whats the house like? roomprep.adj. things at house Q2: Whats in the house? 【设计意图设计意图】结合学生年龄特点,以结合学生年龄特点,以Eric做梦为话题,让学生展开想象,做梦为话题,让学生展开想象,Eric的的 梦里是一所怎样的房子,为后面的带领学生阅读绘本增加神秘感,并能够有效调梦里是一所怎样的房子,为后面的带领学生阅读绘本增加神秘感,并能够有效调 动学生的积极性。动学生的积极性。 Step 2:Presentation Story reading 1. Pre-task: 任务驱动,阅读绘本,了解 Eric 梦中的房子的样子。 Task: Read and guess whats in the house? 任务驱动,带领学生阅读绘本,跟着 Sally 走过各个房间,猜猜房间里的物体 周围,藏着什么东西。边读边猜,积极互动。 Whats behind the door? There is a brown bear. Whats beside the clock? There is an orange duck Whats inside the closet? There is a cute monkey. Whats in front of the bed? There are 2 cats. Whats under the rug? There is a pink rabbit. Whats in the basket? There is an orange dog. 【设计意图设计意图】以绘本作为猜测的内容,是出于以绘本作为猜测的内容,是出于 启发学生思考和想象考虑。在孩子的前认知意启发学生思考和想象考虑。在孩子的前认知意 识中,对房子已有固定认识,因此在猜测识中,对房子已有固定认识,因此在猜测Eric 梦中房子的样子时,增加了趣味性和不确定性,梦中房子的样子时,增加了趣味性和不确定性, 有助于激发学生的好奇心和主动性,有效复习有助于激发学生的好奇心和主动性,有效复习 询问某地有某物的句型并回答:询问某地有某物的句型并回答:“Whats ? Maybe there is a ” ,同时也复习的方位介词。,同时也复习的方位介词。 2. While-task: (1) Listen and tick: 通过听力练习,了解房子 里有哪些动物? T: Whats in the house? Ss: There are many animals. T: How many animals are there in the house? What are they? (2) Listen and match: 确定动物的数量后,再次通过听力练习,了解各动物的位 置“There is a / There are s” 。 T: Where are the animals? 听力练习结束后,让学生根据动物所在的位置,猜测他们藏在哪个房间里, 最后根据图表匹配连线,概括 Eric 梦中的房子。 This is a house in Erics dream. There is a brown bear behind the door in the living room. There is an orange duck beside the clock in the living room. There are two cats in front of the bed in the bedroom. There is a cute monkey inside the closet in the bedroom. There is a big lion under the stairs in the bedroom. There are 3 birds in the box in the kitchen. There is a pink rabbit under the rug in the bathroom. There is an orange dog in the basket in the bathroom. (3) Read and fill: Describe the house in Erics dream 通过概括填空,区分运 用 There be 句型。 【设计意图设计意图】通过一次阅读,学生对绘本内容有了初步的了解,再通过二次听力通过一次阅读,学生对绘本内容有了初步的了解,再通过二次听力 练习,发现房间中出现的动物以及他们的位置,形成图表,帮助学生概括绘本主练习,发现房间中出现的动物以及他们的位置,形成图表,帮助学生概括绘本主 要内容。最后通过填空复述,介绍这个梦中房子,区分运用要内容。最后通过填空复述,介绍这个梦中房子,区分运用There be 句型。句型。 Step 3:Practice Groups reading 1. Pre-task: 任务驱动,了解 Eric 现实的房子的样子。 T: Do you like this strange house in Erics dream? Whats Erics really house like? Ss: Its very big and nice. T: How many rooms are there? What are they? Listen and answer: 通过听力练习,理解文本,猜测是哪个房间? Room 1: There is a big bookcase. There are many books in it. I like reading books there. What room is it? Its study Room 2: There is a big TV and a big sofa in it. I can watch TV with my family. What room is it? Its living room. Room 3: Its a so big and nice bedroom. There are 2 big beds and many toys in it. There are 2 kites, too. I can play with my friends. What room is it? Its bedroom. Room 4: There is a tub. I can take a shower and play in it. I can wash my clothes there, too. What room is it? Its bathroom. Room 5: There is a fridge in it. My mom can cook dinner there. What room is it? Its kitchen. 【设计意图设计意图】通过一次阅读,学生对绘本内容有了初步的了解,再通过二次听力通过一次阅读,学生对绘本内容有了初步的了解,再通过二次听力 练习,发现房间中出现的动物以及他们的位练习,发现房间中出现的动物以及他们的位 置,形成图表,帮助学生概括绘本主要内容。置,形成图表,帮助学生概括绘本主要内容。 最后通过填空复述,介绍这个梦中房子,区最后通过填空复述,介绍这个梦中房子,区 分运用分运用There be 句型。句型。 2. While-task: (1) Demo: 教师引领学生阅读其中一个文本,并在其中找出房间里的物品及位 置,在黑板上用简易的思维导图表现出来,并让学生根据思维导图概述 bathroom。 (2) Read,find and stick:分组阅读,圈出房间里的物品及画出其相对应的位置, 最后形成思维导图,并根据图表概述各自的房间。 【设计意图设计意图】教师通过示范,引领学生掌握学习策略:先阅读,找出关键词,再教师通过示范,引领学生掌握学习策略:先阅读,找出关键词,再 形成思维导图,最后根据图表概述文本。接下来,让学生尝试实践形成思维导图,最后根据图表概述文本。接下来,让学生尝试实践 通过阅通过阅 读读4个文本,了解个文本,了解Eric现实中的房子的样子,圈画关键内容,再用思维导图清晰现实中的房子的样子,圈画关键内容,再用思维导图清晰 呈现每个房间的物品和位置,有助于理清思路,表达描述,为后面的写作奠定基呈现每个房间的物品和位置,有助于理清思路,表达描述,为后面的写作奠定基 础。础。 Step 4:Production: 1.Make a mind map for writing 教师通过 PPT 分布呈现思维导图,示范如何通过思维导图进行写作。 2. Writing: Describe your dream house 布置学生根据思维导图,写一写自己心目的 dream house 【设计意图设计意图】先是让学生通过思维导图概述文本,再让学生根据图表进行写作。先是让学生通过思维导图概述文本,再让学生根据图表进行写作。 前者是借助思维导图进行知识归类,后者是结合实际运用思维导图。在让学生尝前者是借助思维导图进行知识归类,后者是结合实际运用思维导图。在让学生尝 试实践之前,教师注重示范,教于学生学习策略。试实践之前,教师注重示范,教于学生学习策略。 Step 5: Homework 1. Make a mind map 2. Use QR code to describe your dream house 【设计意图设计意图】与时俱进,让学生把作文转变为二维码,增加写作的趣味性,增加与时俱进,让学生把作文转变为二维码,增加写作的趣味性,增加 学生对信息技术辅助学习的认识。学生对信息技术辅助学习的认识。 六、板书设计:六、板书设计: 七、教学资源:七、教学资源: 多媒体课件、图片、绘本、学生阅读材料 八、教学评价:八、教学评价: 义务教育课程英语标准(2011 版)倡导,以学生为本的教育评价理念, 所有的评价活动要从一切为了学生的宗旨出发,注重对学生综合素质的考查,强 调评价指标的多元化,促进学生的全面发展。 在表述环节,该课的评价标准为“五 ”指标:如下图: 在课堂行为评价中为“L- T- R- W- M” ,即:“L for listen carefully;T for think and guess; R for read with fluency; W for work together; M for make connections” 。 如下图: 九、教学反思九、教学反思 声音响亮 动作到位 眼神交流 文明礼仪 表情丰富 本课以“mind map”作为教学媒介,通过任务设置,从单词到短文再到写作, 层层递进,小步子引领学生如何用思维导图理清思路,归纳知识点,提升能力。 本微课有效引领学生明白“知识是什么?(What?关于房里内的陈设及位置) 、怎样学习?(How?思维导图,概括总结)以及学习价值?(Why? 掌握正确的学习策略,提高学习效率) ” ,把学科教学和价值教育完美结合。 本课的教学亮点为本课的教学亮点为“三性一化三性一化” 1 1、工具性:、工具性:本课以“mind map”作为教学媒介,通过任务设置,从单词到短文 再到写作,层层递进,小步子引领学生如何用思维导图理清思路,归纳知识点, 提升能力。整个学习过程体现“用英语做事情”的理念,学习与生活紧密相连, 有助于学生学以致用。 2 2、人文性:、人文性:本课以“house”为话题,通过两个情景:Erics dream house、 Eric s real house 的主线牵引,让学生对比两个不同的房子,渗透对家的热爱,最后以 “my dream house”为题,写出自己心目中最美丽的房子,让学生发挥想象力, 抒发对美好生活的向往之情,处处凸显课文学习的人文性。 3 3、有效性:、有效性:本课通过听、说、读、写的方式,紧扣课文主题,通过单词归类、 听力理解、阅读理解、读写训练等活动,层层递进,梯度分明,有效锻炼、提高 学生语言运用能力。 4 4、趣味化:、趣味化:“house”的话题接近学生实际生活,是学生熟悉的话题,学生容易 接受。把绘本作为 Eric 梦中内容教学,迎合小学生爱做梦、爱想象的年龄特征, 绘本中的动物也是学生喜爱的,该活动的巧妙设计,有效激发学生的好奇心,
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