Unit 4 Where's the bird -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:b0326).zip

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    • Unit 4 Wheres the bird?.ppt--点击预览
    • Unit4.Where’s the bird?.ppt--点击预览
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Wheres the bird?(第二课时)(第二课时) Unit 4a _ bird little Look! A bird!How beautiful!_ the bird?Its _ your _.Now its _.Its not _. Where is _?Su Hai! Its _ your _.Its _ my _. Its _ now.Wheresunderdeskbehind the doorhereitonchairindeskin the tree让我们一起配音吧让我们一起配音吧! her _friendsallWhere, where, wheres the bird?Where are her friends?The little bird and all her friends, They are in the tree.Where are her friends?They are in the tree.Where, where, wheres the bird?Where are her friends?The little bird and all her friends, They are in the tree.Where, where, wheres the bird? Its under the desk. The little bird and all her friends They are under the desk. Where, where, wheres the bird? Its the . The little bird and all her friends They are the . Choose one of them and sing by yourself.选择其中的一幅画,自己改编歌词唱一唱。fly away 飞走飞走_,_,_ fly away !_on my _,_be my _, OK?StandfriendBird bird dontdeskAnd /d/d 选择一些选择一些词,编造词,编造一句话。一句话。 Look, the doll is beside the door.daddogdollduckgoodfrienddoor windowbed and beside under behind G: Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Wheres my pencil? Guess.B: Is it in your pencil case?G: No, it isnt.B: Is it under your pencil case?G: No, it isnt.B: Is it on your schoolbag?G: No, it isnt.B: Is it behind your schoolbag?G: Yes, it is. A:Wheres my .?B:Is it your.?A:Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Tips同桌互相合作,同桌互相合作,利用身边文具问利用身边文具问答答,注意让同桌注意让同桌闭上眼睛哦。闭上眼睛哦。on in underbehind Put your toys in the right place, OK? 把玩具放在合适地方,好吗?把玩具放在合适地方,好吗?Wheres my doll?No, it isnt.Is it on your bed?Is it behind your sofa?Yes, it is.Wheres my kite?No, it isnt.Is it behind your chair?Is it under your desk?Yes, it is.Wheres my robot?No, it isnt.Is it on your table?Is it under your table?Yes, it is.Where are my yo-yos?Where are my puppets?They are beside the table.They are in the box.Where are my toys?让我们一起配对吧让我们一起配对吧!Lets keep our things in order! 让我们保持东西的整洁有序!让我们保持东西的整洁有序!1.登陆一起作业网,跟读复习登陆一起作业网,跟读复习Sound/Song time内容。内容。2.模仿模仿 Fun time用用Wheres ? Is it 的句的句子来玩一玩游戏。子来玩一玩游戏。3.完成同步练习词组翻译。完成同步练习词组翻译。Wheres the bird?(第二课时)(第二课时) Unit 4a _ bird little Look! A bird!How beautiful!_ the bird?Its _ your _.Now its _.Its not _. Where is _?Su Hai! Its _ your _.Its _ my _. Its _ now.Wheresunderdeskbehind the doorhereitonchairindeskin the tree让我们一起配音吧让我们一起配音吧! her _friendsallWhere, where, wheres the bird?Where are her friends?The little bird and all her friends, They are in the tree.Where are her friends?They are in the tree.Where, where, wheres the bird?Where are her friends?The little bird and all her friends, They are in the tree.Where, where, wheres the bird? Its under the desk. The little bird and all her friends They are under the desk. Where, where, wheres the bird? Its the . The little bird and all her friends They are the . Choose one of them and sing by yourself.选择其中的一幅画,自己改编歌词唱一唱。fly away 飞走飞走_,_,_ fly away !_on my _,_be my _, OK?StandfriendBird bird dontdeskAnd /d/d 选择一些选择一些词,编造词,编造一句话。一句话。 Look, the doll is beside the door.daddogdollduckgoodfrienddoor windowbed and beside under behind G: Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Wheres my pencil? Guess.B: Is it in your pencil case?G: No, it isnt.B: Is it under your pencil case?G: No, it isnt.B: Is it on your schoolbag?G: No, it isnt.B: Is it behind your schoolbag?G: Yes, it is. A:Wheres my .?B:Is it your.?A:Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Tips同桌互相合作,同桌互相合作,利用身边文具问利用身边文具问答答,注意让同桌注意让同桌闭上眼睛哦闭上眼睛哦。on in underbehind Put your toys in the right place, OK? 把玩具放在合适地方,好吗?把玩具放在合适地方,好吗?Wheres my doll?No, it isnt.Is it on your bed?Is it behind your sofa?Yes, it is.Wheres my kite?No, it isnt.Is it behind your chair?Is it under your desk?Yes, it is.Wheres my robot?No, it isnt.Is it on your table?Is it under your table?Yes, it is.Where are my yo-yos?Where are my puppets?They are beside the table.They are in the box.Where are my toys?让我们一起配对吧让我们一起配对吧!Lets keep our things in order! 让我们保持东西的整洁有序!让我们保持东西的整洁有序!1.登陆一起作业网,跟读复习登陆一起作业网,跟读复习Sound/Song time内容。内容。2.模仿模仿 Fun time用用Wheres ? Is it 的句的句子来玩一玩游戏。子来玩一玩游戏。3.完成同步练习词组翻译。完成同步练习词组翻译。Unit4 Wheres the bird?(Fun/Sound/Song time)一、教材分析 本课所用教材为译林 2011 课标版三年级起点,内容为 Unit4 Wheres the bird?(Fun/Sound/Song time) 二、教学目标 1.知识与技能: (1)能听懂、会读、会说、进一步运用单词 bird, on, in, under, behind, desk, tree 等。 (2)能听懂、会读、会运用句型 Wheres ? Is it.?以及其回答 Yes, it is. No, it isnt. (3)能体会字母 d 的发音d (4)能正确演唱歌曲 Wheres the bird? 2.过程与方法 (1)通过“Task-based teaching method”, “Communicative language teaching method” and “TPR teaching method”等对学生进行全方位教学。 (2)创设真实情境,通过生生互动,师生互动,游戏,以旧带新等方式达到巩固句型的目的。 3.情感态度与价值观 (1)让学生明白要把物品摆放整齐,保持房屋的干净和整洁。 (2)通过小组演唱和操练,培养学生的合作精神和创新能力。 三、教学重点 (1)能听懂、会读、会说、进一步运用 bird, on, in, under, behind, desk, tree 等单词。 (2)能体会字母 d 的发音d. (3)能正确演唱歌曲 Wheres the bird? 四、教学难点 (1)能正确使用句型 Is it.?及回答 Yes, it is. No, it isnt.(2)能正确演唱歌曲 Wheres the bird? 五.学情分析 通过第一,二课时的学习,学生对 story time 的课文有了更深的感知和理解,学生能基本掌握方位词 on/in/under/behind 以及句式 Wheres.?和 Its.这为第三课时的教学打下了基础。第三课时的重点则需要放在这些方位词和句式的进一步巩固和运用以及句式 Is it.?的学习和操练中,这对学生来说是难点。Song/ Sound time 的内容整体来说难度不大,特别是辅音字母 d 的发音,学生掌握起来比较轻松。 六、课前准备 学生准备:Review story time and preview fun time,sound time and song time. 教师准备:PPT,word cards,sentence patterns,pictures,etc. 七.教学步骤 Step1GreetingWarm up 1. Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Fan. T: Are you happy today? S: Yes. T: Im happy too. Lets sing a song together. 2. Sing a song (1) T: Lets sing a song “On in under”.OK?(老师带着学生用手势表示歌词内容,学生边唱边做动作。) (2)再次播放歌曲,学生加上动作一起唱. 设计意图:通过歌曲调动课堂气氛,拉近与学生的距离,让学生在歌曲中复习方位词。 Step2Review the story (1)Introduce the bird T: Shh! Listen, what is it? S: Its a bird. T: How is the bird? Is it beautiful? Is it nice? So we can say its a.bird. S: Its a . bird. 设计意图:由一只鸟串联本节课,脉络清晰,同时给学生足够的空间,开发思维的宽度和广度,不局限于课本的 beautiful。 (2)Fill in the blanks(Review the story) Look! A bird! How beautiful! _ the bird?Its _ your _.Its not _. Where is _?Its not _. Where is _?Su Hai! Its _ your _.Its _ my _. Its _ now. 设计意图:加深学生对课文的印象,突破重难点,如方位词和方位词相关短语。 (3)Lets dub together 设计意图:给学生创造说英语的真实情境,让学生有情可抒,语音语调也得到训练。 Step3 Song time T: At last, wheres the bird? S: Its in the tree. (1) Listen to the song T: The bird is singing in the tree.Lets listen to the song first. T: The song is really good. Some birds come here. Who are they? S: her friends T: How many birds? S: Five. T: And they are all her friends.(Teach: all) T: Where are her friends? S: They are in the tree. 设计意图:由课文中的鸟过度到歌曲,让学生先听并且看视频来解决其中重难点字词,给学生减轻难度。 (2)Sing the song T: Now, lets sing the song after the tape. T: Please sing after me. The little bird/ and all her friends. The little bird and all her friends, they are in the tree. T: This time, please sing together. 设计意图:先跟视频唱,然后重难点部分让学生再跟着老师唱,有所侧重,做到有针对性,最后再一起唱,由易到难,层层递进。 (3) Change the lyrics T: We know the little birds are in the tree. Now can you change your words accordingto my picture? 你能根据图片改编歌词唱一唱吗?Now listen to me. (教师示范演唱第一段) T: Where, where, wheres the bird? Its under the desk. The little bird and all her friends, they are under the desk. T: Can you sing it like this? Now here are three more pictures from the text. (PPT 出课文另外三幅图片) Choose one of them to sing. 设计意图:让学生利用 story time 的图片自编歌曲,巩固方位词短语,新歌也得到了训练。并且由老师先示范唱,降低难度,调动学生积极性。 Step 4 Sound time T: Good. Oh, look, the bird is flying away. Teach: fly S: d. T: Good! Now read them like this: d, d, desk, d, d, stand S: (学生读单词) 设计意图:跟着录音读完,再齐读,让学生通过多读来感知发音规律。 (4)Extension T: Can you find more words like them? S: (学生列举并且拼读) T: The bird also knows some words with the letter d, can you read them? (PPT 显示单词,学生读) T: And can you choose some words to complete a sentence? For example: Look, the doll is beside the door. More words, more steps. 设计意图:让学生举一反三,列举含有“d”发音的单词,拓宽思维。并且让学生利用这些单词进行造句,所含“d”的单词越多,就是胜出者,调动学生的积极性。 Step 5 Fun time (1)Guess T: The bird flies away. Wheres it? Is it on the chair? Is it under the desk? Is it behind the door? Lets guess. 设计意图:猜调动学生的积极性,同时渗透句型 Is it.?和方位词短语。 (2)Read the dialogue G: Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Wheres my pencil? Guess. B: Is it in your pencil case? G: No, it isnt. B: Is it under your pencil case? G: No, it isnt. B: Is it on your schoolbag? G: No, it isnt. B: Is it behind your schoolbag? G: Yes, it is. 设计意图:为 fun time 活动的开展做铺垫。 (3) Play the game with me Guess: Where is my pencil? Wheres my rubber? T: Do you want to play the game with me? S:. T: This is my pencil. This is my rubber. This is my pencil case. This is my book. T: Now close your eyes. T: Open your eyes. Wheres my pencil? Guess. S: Is it.? T: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. T: Wheres my rubber? Guess. S: Is it.? T: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 设计意图:师生先玩这个游戏,降低游戏难度,为下面学生自主开展这个游戏做铺垫。 (4)Work in pairs: A:Where is my .? B:Is it on/in/under/behind your.? A:Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 设计意图:给予学生充分的准备时间,让每个孩子都有机会训练到,为上台展示做铺垫。 (5)Act Ask some students to come to the front and act the dialogue. 设计意图:学生上台展示自己与同桌的配合,检测本节课所学效果,让大家学习好的地方同时也一起纠正不足之处。 Step6. Consolidation T: Its getting dark. The bird comes home. This is her brother.What happened in their house? Lets enjoy a comic book and do the match(图文配对,让学生用所学句子问答). The comic book:Wheres my robot? Is it on your table? No, it isnt. Is it under your table? Yes, it is. Wheres my kite? Is it behind your chair? No, it isnt. Is it under your desk? Yes, it is. Wheres my doll? Is it on your bed? No, it isnt. Is it behind your sofa? Yes,it is. Where are my yo-yos? They are beside the table. Where are my puppets? They are in the box. T: Wheres the kite? Is it.? S:. T: Lets be tidy and keep our things in order. OK? Today, group. is the winner. Big hands for them. 设计意图:整合本课的重难点形成一个绘本故事,让学生读绘本故事回答问题。训练学生的阅读思考能力,能灵活运用所学知识,并进行情感教育,保持物品摆放秩序。 Step7.Homework 1.登陆一起作业网,跟读复习 Sound/Song time 内容。 2.用 Where is my? Is it in/on/under/behind 的句型来说说物品的位置。 Step8.Blackboard designUnit4 Wheres the bird?Wheres my.? Is it under your.? behind on in Yes, it is. No, it isnt.
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