Unit 2 课本短文词汇 语法填空 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx

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1、 1. _( tradition ) crafts have long been disappearing from countries across the world. With many crafts having been, or about to be, lost forever, people are beginning to grasp the 2._(important) of preserving those 3._remain. In fact, after a long period of decline, traditional crafts have recently

2、 undergone a renaissance(复兴). There is greater public interest 4._old stories and traditions, as well as a desire 5._high-quality products. Such objects 6._(produce)through a 7._(combine) of skill, respect for materials, devotion to tradition, and focus on the task. Craftsmanship speaks to the human

3、 need for skilled and 8._(society) useful work; the sort of work that can 9._(admire) and valued by society.1 What is currently happening to traditional crafts?_2 Why are people starting to engage more with traditional crafts?_Read the passage and answer the questions. Pay attention to the words and

4、 expressions in bold.In October 1964,China 1._(explode) its first atomic bomb, 2._(mark) a successful start of the two bombs, one satellite project, 3._more than 17,000 scientists and researchers participated. Of those,23 4._(award) for their extraordinary contributions.One of the 23 scientists was

5、Deng Jiaxian , 5._was among the founders of Chinas nuclear programme . After coming back from the US, Deng devoted himself whole-heartedly to the 6._(develop) of the two bombs. 7._(spend)years apart from his family and enduring the extreme conditions of the Gobi desert, he refused to back down from

6、his responsibilities and kept on8._(conduct) scientific research. After the successful development of the atomic bomb, he worked 9._(close)with Yu Min, another leading scientist at the cutting edge of nuclear technology. Together, they 10._(think)outside the box and 11._(break) new ground, 12._(lead

7、) to the breakthrough of the hydrogen bomb. This was a remarkable achievement by the Chinese team of scientists, in such a short space of time.Another 13._(respect) scientist among the 23 award-winners was Qian Xuesen, who was14._( experience)in rocketry and 15._(high) accomplished in his field. He

8、had been working in the United States, 16._his crack hand(一流好手,快手) at jet propulsion (推动力)had won him acclaim. However, he 17._(seek) no fame and shunned the spotlight, 18._(return) to China with great resolution. He played 19._key role in Chinas missile and aviation(航天) programmes, helping fast-tra

9、ck the development by decades.The 23 scientists and many more like them 20._(overcome) harsh conditions and dedicated much of their lives 21._their work. Their expertise in science, perseverance, integrity and innovation have inspired generations of scientific researchers to work towards a more powe

10、rful and prosperous China.1 What were the 23 scientists honoured for?_2 What challenges did they meet? How did they overcome them?_expertise/eksprtiz/n. 专长,专门技能explode/ksplod/v. (使)爆炸,(使)爆破explosive/ksplosvksplozv/adj. 易爆的,可能引起爆炸的explosion/ksplon/n. 爆破,爆炸(声)atomic/tmk/adj. 原子的participate/prtspet/v.

11、参加,参与participant/prtspnt/n. 参加者,参与者participation/prtspen/n. 参加,参与award/wrd/n. 奖,奖品v. 授予,颁发extraordinary/kstrrdneri/adj. 异乎寻常的,令人惊奇的contribution/kntrbjun/n. 贡献,促成作用;founder/fandr/n. 创立者programme/prorm/n. 计划,方案;(电视或广播的)节目whole-heartedly/,hulha:tidli/adv. 全心全意地;全神贯注地apart from/pt frm/远离,除之外;且不说;缺少endur

12、e/ndr/v. 持续存在,持久;忍受,忍耐extreme/kstrim/adj. 极大的,极度的back down from退缩妥协conduct/kndkt; kndkt/v. 实施,进行;指挥;带领break new ground开辟新天地,开垦处女地breakthrough/brekru/n. 突破,重大进展hydrogen/hadrdn/n. 氢,氢气remarkable/rmrkbl/adj. 引人注目的,非凡的respected/rspektd/adj. 受人尊敬的respectable/rspektbl/adj. 值得尊敬的,体面的respectful/rspektfl/adj

13、. 表示敬意的,尊敬的award-winners获奖者accomplish/kmpl/v. 完成,实现crack/krk/v. 破裂,裂开acclaim/klem/v. 赞扬,称赞,为喝彩seek sought sought v. 寻找;寻求,谋求fame/fem/n. 名誉,名气shun/n/v. (故意)避开,躲开spotlight/sptlat/n. 聚光灯,反光灯resolution/rezlun/n. 决议,正式决定play a key role in 起关键作用missile/msl/n. 导弹,飞弹;投掷物aviation/evien/n. 航空,飞行(术)decade/deke

14、ddked/n. 十年harsh/hr/adj. (环境)恶劣的,艰苦的;严厉的dedicated/dedketd/adj. 专心致志的,献身的;专用的perseverance/prsvrns/n. 毅力,不屈不挠的精神integrity/nterti/n. 正直,诚实;完整,完全innovation/nven/n. 新事物,新方法;革新,创新prosperous/prsprs/adj. 繁荣的,富足的样式雷家族What do the Summer Palace, Yuanmingyuan and the Chengde Mountain Resort all have in common?

15、These Qing-dynasty architectural marvels, along with many others, were all built by members of the same family-the Lei family.For seven generations, the Lei family 1._(quiet) dominated imperial architecture. Their designs were admirable, 2._(vary) from grand buildings to public works, such as roads

16、and dams. So incredible was their skill3._ many of their buildings survived earthquakes and remained standing over hundreds of years.The Lei family were also pioneering engineers, 4._used a grid system to plan their projects in minute detail. They took careful notes and made models of their projects

17、, many of 5._have survived to this day and are registered as part of UNESCOs Memory of the World Programme.In addition to their architectural achievements, the Lei family showed diligence and humility. Each generation conscientiously learnt their craft and 6._(undertake) ambitious projects, many of

18、which took years7._( complete). Yet they did not seek fame, and even today, their great works are associated more 8._the imperial court than with them.With their remarkable skills, innovation, diligence and humility, the Lei family leave behind their buildings and the legacy 9._true craftwork is a t

19、reasure 10._ can last beyond a lifetime.1. What is the passage about?_2. What qualities of the Lei family are mentioned? Find examples in the passage to support your answers._3. What is the conclusion of the passage?_1.architectural/,rktktrl/adj. 建筑学的;建筑上的2.marvel/mrvl/ n. 奇迹3.grand /rnd/ adj. 宏伟的;豪

20、华的4.dominate/dmnet/vt. 控制;支配5.imperial/mprl/adj. 帝国的;皇帝的6.architecture/rktkt/n. 建筑学;建筑风格7.design/dzan/vt. n.设计;计划;构思8.admirable/dmrbl/adj. 令人钦佩的;极好的9.register/rdst/vt. 登记;注册;记录10.conscientiously/knnsli/adv. 良心上11. vary/veri/vi. 变化12.various/vrs/adj. 各种各样的;多方面的13.variation/,vren/n. 变化14.grand/rnd/adj

21、. 宏伟的;豪华的;15.dam/dm/v. n控制;筑坝16.incredible/nkrdbl/adj. 难以置信的,惊人的17.earthquake/kwek/n. 地震;大动荡18.pioneer/,panr/n. vt.先锋;拓荒者19.grid/rd/n. 网格;格子20.detail/dtel/n. 细节,详情21.take notes记笔记;作笔记22.model/mdl/n. 模型;典型;模范23.humility/hjumlti/n. 谦卑,谦逊24.conscientiously/knnsli/adv. 良心上conscience/knns/n. 道德心,良心25.und

22、ertake/,ndtek/vt. 承担,保证;从事26.ambitious/mbs/adj. 野心勃勃的;有雄心的27.diligence/dldns/n. 勤奋,勤勉28.seek /sik/vt. 寻求29.fame/fem/n. 名声,名望30.be associated with和联系在一起;与有关31.remarkable/rmrkbl/adj. 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的32.innovation/,nven/n. 创新,革新;新方法33.legacy/lgsi/n. 遗赠,遗产34.treasure /tr/n. 财富,财产35.beyond/bjnd/prep. 超过;越过3

23、6.conclusion/knklun/n. 结论;结局;推论37.grasp/rsp/n. vt.抓住;理解;控制38.preserve/przv/vt. 保存;保护;维持39.decline/dklan/n. vi下降;衰退;斜面40.renaissance/rens:ns; rnsns/n. 新生;再生;复活41.desire/dza/n. 欲望;要求,心愿;性欲vt. 想要42.focus on集中于43. sort/srt/n. 种类;方式参考答案:1.Traditional 2.importance 3.that 4.in 5.for 6.are produced bination

24、 8.socially 9.be admired 参考答案:1.exploded 2.marking 3.in which 4.were awarded 5.who 6.development 7.Spending 8.conducting 9.closely 10.thought 11.broke 12.leading 13.respected 14.experienced 15.highly 16.where 17.sought18. returning19. a 20.overcame21. to 参考答案:1.quietly 2.varying 3.that 4.who 5.which 6.undertook 7.to complete 8.with 9.that 10.that 出现问题的时候,逃避还是想办法解决它?学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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