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1、Lesson08 Afamousmonastery 著名的著名的修道院修道院New words and expression 生词和短生词和短语语nMonasteryn.寺院,修道院nPassn.关隘npass away 去世;死 (= pass on, pass over)npass by 漠视;不理会 (= pass over)|走过npass down 传递 (= pass on)nA mountain pass is a narrow gap between mountains.nPassers-by十字路口 nIntersectionnCrossroadnOur business i

2、s at the crossroad,if the deal succeeds, our future is assured; if not, we shall be bankrupt.nThey have decided to _ physical punishment in all local schools.(2002年6月大学英语六级(CET-6)真题试卷第66题。)nA put away B break away from C do away with D pass away Watchdog n.看门狗nDoormannA guard dognGuardnBodyguardnA s

3、ecurity guardnGuardian 监护人 nA watchdog committee 检查委员会nScapegoat 替罪羔羊Rashly adv.莽撞地,冒失地nA rash decision/ a rash promisenBoldly adv.大胆地, 显眼地nPeople did not dare to act rashly.n让人不敢轻举妄动。nWe should not rashly accept battle.n不可率尔应战。nIf you act rashly, youll suffer for it.n蛮干是要吃苦头儿的。nMarriage is a big de

4、al. You should never go into it rashly.n结婚是人生大事,绝不能草率。Enclosure n.围场,圈地nEnclose a garden with a wallnThe enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people could no longer use it.n三亚的海滩nEnclosure size.n附件大小。nThe grass enclosure in the center of the town square is deserted.n镇中广场的中央草坪已经荒废。nEnclosed/a

5、ttached, please find my resume.Privacy n.清静,隐居intrudenPrivacy is the right of all.n隐私权就是所有的权利。nto live in privacy 隐居nI tell you this in strict privacy. 我极秘密地告诉你这件事。nWe must respect others privacy. 我们应该尊重别人的隐私。;我们不该打听别人的私事。nI prefer to read in the privacy of my study.nA greater concern in the long te

6、rm is privacy.n还有一个令人关注的长远问题隐私。nWebcams: Electronics Tool or the End of Privacy?n网路摄影机:电子工具或隐私终结者?nMany were concerned with privacy issues and security.n很多人担忧隐私和安全问题。nIs tighter security worth the loss of privacy?n为了更严密的保全,就值得牺牲隐私权吗?nSkiern.滑雪者nSki n.滑雪橇 vi.滑雪(- go skiing)nEastern.复活节n- at Easter 在复

7、活节 / at Christmas 在圣诞节 / at Thanksgiving 在感恩节nLie, Lay, Lain, Lying (vi.位于, 躺, 平放)nLie, Lied, Lied, Lying(vi.说谎)nLay, Laid, Laid, Lying(vt.放置, 产卵)nMinus adj.负的, 减的 prep.减去 n.负数nMinus adj.负的负的或在负值区间的n- a minus value 一个负值 / minus five degrees 零下五度Text 课文课文 nTheGreatSt.BernardPassnconnectsSwitzerlandto

8、Italy.nSt.=saint(n.圣人圣人,圣徒圣徒adj.神圣)神圣)n把 . . . 与 连 接 在 一 起 c o n n e c t t o / join.to / linkwithnconnect.with 把.与某事联系在一起n- I cant connect the picture with my friend, Mary.nbe connected with 与.有联系 n- Are you connected with the government?nAt2,473metres,itisthehighestmountainpassinEurope.nAt 2,473 me

9、tres(介词短语修饰全句用于句首表示原因原因、条件或状态)n- In red, she looks much more beautiful.n- At the age of 25, he is able. 在十五岁的时候, 他很能干。n- At one point 65 metres, he is a little short.nThefamousmonasteryofSt.Bernard,whichwasfoundedintheeleventhcentury,liesaboutnamileaway.nFound(v.建立, 创立)= set up(设立, 竖立)= establish(vt

10、.成立,建立)n限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句最大的区别:n1 非限制性定语从句只是对主句或主句中所出现的某个名词的补充、说明和解释, 去掉对主句影响不大。n2 限制性定语从句是主句当中不可缺少的一部分。1who引导的非限制性定语从句主要指人做主语n-Mr. Smith was a famous person in American history.n- Mr. Smith, who died on July 17th at 84, was a famous person in American history.n- There were very few passengers, who e

11、scaped without serious injury.n旅客很少, 他们都逃出来了, 没有受到重伤。nThere were very few passengers who escaped without serious injury.n没有受重伤而逃出来的旅客很少。n- The taxi drivers, who knew about the traffic jam, took another road.n所有司机都知道堵车的事, 都走了别的路。nThe taxi drivers who knew about the traffic jam took another road, and

12、others who didnt know about the traffic jam still took this heavy road.n得知堵车的司机走了别的路, 不知道堵车事件的司机仍然走这条路。n2指代事物在非限制性定语从句当中只能使用which, 不用that。n- He lent me a thousand dollars, which was exactly the sum I needed.n3指代时间when、地点wheren- He was left on the desert island, where he stayed for as long as three w

13、eeks.n 他被留在了荒岛上, 在那里他呆了长达三周之久。translationn一类是限制性定语从句,(可前置或单独成句)一类是限制性定语从句,(可前置或单独成句)n一类是非限定性定语从句(一律单独成句)一类是非限定性定语从句(一律单独成句)n举例:举例:Heisamanwhomyoushouldnotmarry.nHeismyfather,wholovemealot.nForhundredsofyears,St.BernarddogshavesavedthelivesoftravellerscrossingthendangerousPass.nLife(n.生命, 生活) lives(l

14、ife的复数)nThesefriendlydogs,whichwerefirstbroughtfromAsia,wereusedaswatchdogseveninnRomantimes.nwhich指代friendly dogsn- The panda, which was brought from China, was used as a symbol of friendshipnNowthatatunnelahsbeenbuiltthroughthemountains,thePassislessdangerous,buteachnyear,thedogsarestillsentoutint

15、othesnowwheneveratravellerisindifficulty.nNow that 既然n1 用做时间时间连接词, 后面通常跟完成式n- Now that you have left university, you have to find a job.n2 用做原因原因连接词时, 后面时态不限n- Now that you wont help me, I must do the job myself.nWell, nowthat you mention it , there is one thing that will make my life a little easie

16、r.n是,现在你提到这个,这里有一件事情,你将会使得我的生活变得更加容易。nNowthat Im dying, will you follow me and keep me company?n既然我快要死了,你能跟随我继续经营我的公司吗?nIts a common trend, nowthat unemployment is at 5.8 percent.n这是一个普遍的趋势,因为失业率已经达到了58。whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, however n= no matter who/what/when/where/which/

17、hown- You can telephone me whenever you like. 无论什么时候你想打电话给我都行。n- Whichever day you come, well be pleased to see you. n- Wherever you go, Ill follow you. n- However busy you are, you must spare some time to study English.nDespitethenewtunnel,therearestillafewnpeoplewhorashlyattempttocrossthePassonfoo

18、t.nDespite(介词) = in spite of (of是介词)nattempt to do something = try to do something 企图做某事nThere be结构:nThere are still a few students studying English in the classroom.n = There are still a few students who are studying English in the classroom.n依旧有些学生在教室学习英语。nDuringthesummermonths,themonasteryisveryb

19、usy,foritisvisitedbythousandsofpeoplewhocrossthePassincars.nin cars = by car nAstherearesomanypeopleabout,thedogshavetobenkeptinaspecialenclosure.nAbout(adv.到处, 周围)n- Dont litter waste paper about. 不要到处扔废纸。 Litter(vt.乱丢, 铺草, 弄乱)n- look about 到处看 / go about 到处走 / run about 到处跑 / wander about 到处闲逛nkee

20、p经常和介词短语、形容词、分词搭配使用, 表示使某人或某物处于某种状态。n- Keep him out. / Keep him in.(介词)n- Do keep the cat in the room. (介词)n- Im sorry to keep you waiting.(现在分词)n- The lamb was kept tight to a tree. = I kept the lamb tight to a tree. nInwinter,however,lifeatthemonasteryisquitedifferent.nquite the opposite 恰恰相反nComp

21、letely 与表示极限的词连用nEntirelynQuite empty/perfect/enough/satisfied/rightnfairly, not very 相当-可分级的属性形容词nQuite big/good/cold/interesting nThetemperaturedropsto-30andveryfewpeopleattempttocrossthePass.Themonkspreferwintertosummerfortheyhavemoreprivacy.nprefer A to B 宁愿A也不愿Bn- I prefer reading to doing noth

22、ing. 我宁愿看书, 也不愿什么都不做。n- The boy prefers apples to bananas.nprefer to do sth than do sthn- He prefers to read than do nothing. 我宁愿看书, 也不愿什么都不做。nThedogshavegreaterfreedom,too,fortheyareallowedtowanderoutsidetheirenclosure.nTheonlyregularvisitorstothemonasteryinwinterarepartiesofskierswhogothereatnChri

23、stmasandEaster.nThe regular visitors to BeiJing.nTheseyoungpeople,wholovethepeaceofthemountains,alwaysreceiveawarmwelcomeatnSt.Bernardsmonastery.nMike, who loves chess very much, enter for the game.nTaiwan Strait connects Taiwan to Mainland.nAt 5895 meters, it is the highest mountain pass in Africa.nI prefer taking medicine/ pills to having an injection.nNow that you want to study abroad, you may as well try IELTS.nDont attempt to cheat at exams.nHe would rather die than agree with it,nHe prefer to die than agree with it.nWhoever has done it, we must learn a lesson from it.


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