Unit 3 Food and Culture 单元词汇讲解 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、选择性必修2 Unit 3Food and Culture-Words and Expressions1. cuisine n. 菜肴;风味;烹饪 a case in point 明证;很好的例子 Chinese cuisine is a case in point.2. prior a. 先前的;优先的 n. 小修道院院长;大修道院的副院长 because of a prior engagement 因事先有别的安排3. prior to (doing) sth 在之前的 during the week prior to the meeting 在开会前的一周内4. consist vi.由

2、组成5. consist of . 由组成(或构成)=be made up of/be composed of consist in.=lie in. 存在于 consist with. 相符,与一致 My breakfast consists of bread, eggs and milk.6. pepper n.甜椒;灯笼椒;胡椒粉 (pl. peppers) vt.撒胡椒粉; 布满some big red peppers 几个大红椒 pepper. with. 大量加入.7. recipe n. 烹饪法;食谱 (pl. recipes ) an authentic chinese rec

3、ipe 一份正宗的中国食谱 8. bold a.大胆自信的;敢于冒险的 n.黑体字boldly adv.大胆地; 敢于冒险地 boldness n. 大胆,冒失,勇敢; 魄力 be printed in bold 用黑体印刷9. chef n. 厨师;主厨 (pl. chefs ) cook n. 厨师 cooker n. 厨灶;炉具 kitchen n. 厨房10. peppercorn n. 胡椒粒 (pl. peppercorns ) Sichuan peppercorns 四川花椒11. vinegar n. 醋 She flavored the fish with sugar and

4、 vinegar. 她用糖和醋给鱼调味.12. stuff vt.填满;把塞进 n. 东西;物品 stuff A with B 用B填满/装满/塞满Astuff sth in/ into/ under .把塞进 stuff sb/oneself with 让吃饱;狼吞虎咽地吃be stuffed with.= be filled with. be full of. stuff 100 doars into an envelope=stuff an envelope with 100 doarsShe stuffed the money under a cushion 她把钱塞到软垫底下。13.

5、 slice n. (切下的食物)薄片 vt. 把切成薄片 a slice of 一片 a slice of bread 一片面包14. slice.off 切下 a sliced loaf 切片面包 slice off enough meat 15. onion n. 洋葱;葱头 (pl. onions ) slice (up) onions 把洋葱切成片16. lamb n. 羊羔肉;羔羊 mutton n. 羊肉 sheep n. 绵羊 goat n. 山羊meat n. 肉 (动物肉或者鸟肉) beef n. 牛肉 pork n. 猪肉 chicken n. 鸡肉 fish n. 鱼肉

6、 rabbit n. 兔肉They had roast lamb for lunch.他们的午餐吃了烤羊肉.17. lamb kebab 烤羊肉串 kebab n. 烤肉串 barbecue v./n. 烧烤18. elegant a. 精美的;讲究的;文雅的 elegantly adv. 优美地;雅致地;高雅地 elegance n. 高雅; 优雅19. dim sum n.点心(中国食品) Guangdongs elegant dim sum 广东的精致点心20. exceptional a. 特别的;罕见的 the exceptional stewed noodles In Henan

7、河南独特的烩面exceptionally adv. 极其,非常 exception n. 例外,异议 except prep.除了之外21. minimum n. 最小值;最少量 adj. 最低(限度)的;最小的 at a/the minimum 至少 a minimum of. 至少.maximum n. 最大值;最大量 adj. 最高的; 极大的 a minimum charge/price/standard 最低收费/价格/标准at (the) least 至少 at (the) most 至多; 不超过22. consume vt.吃;喝;饮;消耗 consume lots of ef

8、fort, time and money consumer n.消费者consumption n.消耗量;消费be consumed with sth. (某种情绪或念头)充满(内心)23. temper n. 脾气;火气 have a hot temper 脾气躁 out of temper 发火的lose ones temper (with sb) (对某人)发脾气 keep ones temper (with sb) (对某人)忍住怒火24. vegetarian n.素食者 (pl. vegetarians) vegetable n. 蔬菜; 植物人 Is your grandmoth

9、er a vegetarian?25. junk n.无用的东西 /U/ a junk shop 旧货店 There is nothing but junk on the TV. 26. junk food (=junk) 垃圾食品 Junk food tastes good, but it does not have enough nutrition.27. garlic n. 蒜 Garlic can prevent some cancers.28. bacon n.熏猪肉;咸肉 bring home the bacon成功; 挣到养家糊口的钱 She always made the be

10、st bacon too.29. ham n.火腿 (pl. hams) The hams were cooked whole. 这些火腿是整条烹制的。a slice of ham 一片火腿 a ham sandwich 火腿三明治 a ham actor 表演过火的演员30. sausage n. 香肠;腊肠 (pl. sausages) beef/pork sausages 牛肉/猪肉香肠 That sausage doesnt smell right.31. cabbage n. 甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜 Do you like cabbage?32. bean curd (tofu) 豆腐

11、 He likes food made of bean curd.33. brand n. 品牌 (pl. brands) brand new= brand-new: 全新的 She wants to buy a famous brand watch.34. olive n. 油橄榄;橄榄树 In Greece, the olive (tree) is a symbol of peace and wisdom.35. fig n. 无花果 Figs are full of seeds. 36. ingredient n. (尤指烹饪)材料;成分 (pl. ingredients) Proces

12、sed foods (加工食品) often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients. 37. dessert n. (饭后)甜点 (pl. desserts) In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut down on (减少) desserts, and cut out (停止) sweet drinks altogether.38. dough n. 生面团 r

13、oll in dough 有钱; 富裕 When making dough, mix the flour and water well.39. stable a. 稳定的;稳重的 a stable price/relationship 稳定的价格/关系stably adv. 稳定地; 坚固地; 坚定地; 有恒心地 stablity n. 医稳定性,安定性;40. haggis n.(苏格兰)羊杂碎肚 Haggis is the name for a traditional Scottish dish that even many people in England dont like!41.

14、canteen n.食堂;餐厅 (pl. canteens) David has eaten his lunch in the school canteen.42. cafeteria n.自助餐厅;自助食堂 (pl. canteens) This is first time that I have eaten in a cafeteria.43. bun n.圆面包;小圆甜饼 (pl. buns) I bought some buns for tomorrows breakfast.44. chilli n.辣椒 (pl. chillies) You can taste the chilli

15、 in the dish but it is a little sweet.45. pork n.猪肉 a leg of pork 猪腿肉 Cook the beans with a piece of salt pork.46. red braised pork 红烧肉 braise vt. 炖,焖; stew vt.& vi. 炖,煨 n.炖的菜; 煨的菜(有肉和蔬菜)Many people in the province like red braised pork.47. pearl n.珍珠(pl. pearls) (at) Pearl Harbour 珍珠港 a string of p

16、earls一串珍珠She is wearing a pearl necklace. 48. somewhat adv.有点;稍微 How is Hunan cuisine somewhat different from Sichuan cuisine?49. madam n.夫人;女士 Can I help you, madam?50. calorie n.卡路里(热量单位) (pl. calories) Oranges contain only 35 calories per 100g. 每100克橙子仅含35卡的热量。a calorie-controlled diet for slimme

17、rs 控制热量的减肥食谱 a low-calorie drink/diet 低热量的饮料 / 饮食51. association n.协会;关联 Football Association 足球协会 associate v. 联想; 联系; 交往associate.with. 把.和.联系在起来 be associated with.和联系在一起; 与有关52. regardless adv.不顾;不加理会; 不顾后果地; 不管怎样 carry on with our work regardless53. regardless of.不管;不顾 = in spite of = despite o

18、f = in despite of = despite54. category n. 类别;种类 (pl. categories) kind n. 种类 sort n. 种类; 类别 type n. 种类; 类型55. vitamin n.维生素 (pl. vitamins) need vitamin supplements (补充) Oranges/Vegetables are rich in vitamin C.56. fibre n.纤维;纤维制品 a high-fibre/low-fibre diet 纤维素含量高/低的饮食 be full of vitamins and fibre5

19、7.quantity n.数量;数额a good/great/large/huge quantity of +U/C (谓单) good/great/large/huge quantities of +U/C(谓复)58. dairy a.奶制的;乳品(业)的 n.乳制品;乳品店;牛奶厂 the dairy industry 乳品业 a dairy cow/farm 乳牛/乳牛场 dairy cattle/farmers 乳牛/乳牛场主 dairy products 乳制品59. moderation n 适度;合理 in moderation 适量地; 适度地 moderate adj. 有

20、节制的; 稳健的,温和的; 适度的moderate weather 温和的天气 moderately adv. 适度地; 普通地; 温和度; 不过度地60. ideal adj. 完美的;理想的 n. 理想; 完美的人(或事物) be ideal for. 对.很合适61. fundamental adj.根本/基础/基本的 n. 基本规律;根本法则 be fundamental to . 对.是基本的a fundamental key to healthy eating fundamentally adv. 基础地; 根本地; 从根本上;62. chew vi.vt.咀嚼;嚼碎 n. 咀嚼

21、chewing gum = gum 口香糖(U) chew your food 咀嚼你的食物63. consistent adj.一致的;连续的 consistently adv. 一贯地,坚持地,固守地consist of. 由组成/构成 be consistent with: 与一致64. modest adj. 些许的;谦虚的;朴素的be modest about.对.谦虚 modestly adv. 谨慎地; 切勿浪费 modesty n. 谦虚65. trick n.诀窍;计谋;把戏 play tricks/a trick on. 对. 恶作剧/开玩笑;捉弄. =play a jok

22、e/jokes on trick sb into doing 骗某人做66. overall adv.总体上;大致上 adj.全面的;综合的 on the whole 大体上说;总的说来Overall, I am satisfied with your progress. You must cut down your overall amount of physical activity.67. Jean Anthelme Brillat-savarin让安泰尔姆布里亚一萨瓦兰(法国美食家)68. Kaza adj. 哈萨克族的n.哈萨克族人 69. St Andrews 圣安德鲁斯(英国城市)5


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