Unit 2 Words and Expressions (ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 重点单词及短语immoral adj.不道德的不道德的morality n.U道义;道德观道义;道德观道德困境道德困境maral dilemmamorally adv.道义上,确切地,道义上,确切地,morale n.士气;精神面貌士气;精神面貌moral issuemoral support moralitymoral morally练习:练习:by virtue of 凭借凭借have the virtue of 具有具有.的优点的优点virtue and vice(邪恶(邪恶 小毛病小毛病 坏习惯)坏习惯)善与恶善与恶 1、Women

2、are often regarded as (美德的象征美德的象征).symbols of virtue2、It is a of Chinese nation that we should respect the old and cherish the young.(传统美德传统美德)traditional virture3、Among her many (virtue)are loyalty,courage,and truthfulness.virtues A moral dilemma is a situation in which you have two or more difficu

3、lt choice to make.道德困境就是当你有两个或者更多选择时需要做出的处境,1、It is beneficial to some people,while it over whether to vote or not.对一些人有益处,却使其他人就是否投票陷入困境。puts other into a dilemma2、She was ,wondering what t do next.她左右为难,思考接下来做什么。in a dilemma3、us might meet with in our daily life.在日常生活中,我们大部分人可能会遇到道德困境。The majority

4、 ofmoral dilemma She suddenly fell forward onto the table and .(faint)Tom gave us a (淡淡一笑淡淡一笑)and shook his head.He looked (faint)embarrassed.She said there was a (希望渺茫希望渺茫)that they might be alive on that desolate island.faintedfaint smilefaintlyfaint hopefaintly adv.微弱地;模糊地;虚弱地faintness 模糊;微弱;衰弱fa

5、int with 因.而昏厥to illustrate 举例说明 sth(with sth)加插图于;给(书等)做图表to illustrate ones point 为了证明.的观点illustrate with 用.来证明an textbook 有插图的课本His lecture was slides taken during the expedition.他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。,let me tell you a little story.为了说明我的观点,让我来给你们讲个小故事。The incident the need for better security meas

6、ures.这次事件说明了加强安全措施的必要。illustratedillustrated withTo illustrate my pointillustratesadj.illustrative 说明的;作例证的;解说的n.illustration 说明;插图;例证;图解illustrator 插图画家;说明者;图解者entrust with 委托;信托entrust A to Bentrust B with A把把A A托付托付给给B BHe entrusted the task to his nephew.=He entrusted his nephew with the task.他把

7、这任务托付给了他的侄儿。I the task of looking after the money.was entrusted with我受委托负责保管我受委托负责保管钱钱。carry through 完成;进行到底完成;进行到底carry out 执行;实行;贯彻;实现执行;实行;贯彻;实现carry on 开展;维持;继续开展;维持;继续carry forward 继承;弘扬继承;弘扬1、It was their determination that this last ordeal.是他们的决心帮助他们渡过了最后的严酷考验。2、The work was at minimal cost.这

8、项工作是以最少的开销完成的。3、Youll wear yourself out if you working so hard.你要是继续这样拼命工作,身体会吃不消的。carried them throughcarried outcarry on4、It was my parents who those hard time in Senior Three.是我爸妈帮助我度过了高三那些艰难的日子。carried me throughadj.married 已婚的,有配偶的;婚姻的,夫妇的;密切结合的marriageable 可结婚的,适合结婚的n.married 已婚者marriageabilit

9、y 结婚适龄;适合结婚v.married 结婚,与结婚(marry的过去式)vi.marry 结婚vt.marry 嫁;娶;与结婚 Mike and Kate last week.Mike and Kate last week.Mike last week.Mike last weekmarried got marriedmarried Kategot married to Kate翻译:翻译:Mike和和Kate上周结婚了上周结婚了。a/the majority of 大多数;大部分(谓语动词单复数取决于谓语动词单复数取决于ofof后面的名词后面的名词)overwhelming majori

10、ty 压倒性多数 be in the majority 占大多数/大部分minority n.少数;少数派/人 be in the minority 占少数major adj.主要的;重要的;主修的;较多的主要的;重要的;主修的;较多的 反义词反义词minor n.主修科目,专业;陆军少校,主修科目,专业;陆军少校,v.(在美国大学)主修,专攻(在美国大学)主修,专攻 major in 以以.为专业为专业 The majority of the students (be)from Zhejiang.The majority of his money (be)spent on books.The

11、 majority (be)from Zhejiang province.Young women are the majority in the fashion industry.areisare/isinWhat I found was that a (major)of students made full preparations before new lessons.majoritycomplain(to sb.)about/of sth.向某人抱怨某事向某人抱怨某事complain about sth.抱怨某事抱怨某事complain that 抱怨抱怨complaint n.投诉,抱

12、怨,怨言投诉,抱怨,怨言make a complaint about 抱怨抱怨make a complaint that 抱怨抱怨Im going to the manager aboutthis.我要就这件事向经理投诉。My parents often my bad habits so I decide to make a change.我的父母经常抱怨我的坏习惯,所以我决定做出改变。Im writing to make some the computer I bought in your store.我写信投诉我在你店里购买的电脑。complain tocomplain about com

13、plaints about She often complains about .She often complains that .She often makes a complaint about .She often makes a complaint that .not being recognized at workshe is not recognized at worknot being recognized at workshe is not recognized at work 翻译:她常常抱怨说在工作上得不到翻译:她常常抱怨说在工作上得不到赏识赏识.respond to 对

14、对.作出回应或反应作出回应或反应response n.回答,答复,反应回答,答复,反应 in response to 为答复;为回应为答复;为回应make(a)response to 回答,对回答,对.做出回应做出回应 the students actively to the proposal made by the teacher.大部分学生积极响应老师的提议。,our government has made great efforts to educate our tourists on appropriatebehaviour.作为回应,我们政府付出巨大努力教育我们的游客举止得体。The

15、 majority ofresponded In response翻译:她对于翻译:她对于TimTim的邀请的邀请报以报以淡淡一笑。淡淡一笑。She gave a faint smile Tims invitation.She Tims invitation with a faint smile.in response toresponded to翻译:他没有对翻译:他没有对这这一消息做出回应一消息做出回应。He didnt .He made .respond to the newsno response to the news What asked about the companys fu

16、ture,the director (respond)he was confident.respondedhire sb.as 雇佣某人为雇佣某人为hire sb.to do雇佣某人做雇佣某人做fire vt.解雇解雇for hire 供出租用供出租用They agreed to hire a gardener (do)the work.She (hire)as the sales manager 3 days ago.The employees (hire)by the company were college graduates.The cars over there are hire.t

17、o dowas hiredhiredfor1、One of my most able students (reject)by his favorite unicersity last year.was rejected2、Her proposal met with unanimous .她的建议遭到一致否决。rejectionappoint sb.to sth.任命某人到任命某人到(部门部门/职位职位)appoint sb.as sth.任命某人为任命某人为appoint sb.to do sth.委派委派/任命某人做任命某人做某事某事appointment n.任命任命;约会约会have a

18、n appointment with sb.与与有约有约make an appointment with sb.跟跟预约预约adj.appointed 约定的,指定的 appointive 任命的;委派的n.appointment 任命;约定;任命的职位v.appointed 任命;指定;约定时间,地点(appoint 的过去分词形式 We knew that he was appointed (do)the research.I had to make an appointment the dentist every time I got toothache.She was eventual

19、ly appointed the college an assistant professor.to dowithtoasappointmentelect sb.(as)sth.选举某人为选举某人为.elect to do sth.选择做某事选择做某事run for election 参加竞选参加竞选elect sb.to sth.选举某人选举某人.到(部门)到(部门)adj.elective 选修的;选举的;选任的n.election 选举;当选;选择权;上帝的选拔1、He _ _ _(elect)by the people and was responsible for them.was

20、elected2、The date of the _ _(elect)was fixed.election3、Those _ _(elect)to smoke will be seated at a separate carriage.electingtend to do sth./be.易于易于/倾向倾向/趋向趋向/做某事做某事.往往会发生某事往往会发生某事tend (to)sb./sth 照顾照顾/护理护理/看护看护.tend to/towards sth.倾向于倾向于.趋于趋于.1、Strange though it sounds,we all this.尽管听起来很奇怪,我们都倾向这么

21、做。tend to do 2、Whenitcomes totheircareer interest ,the majorityof studentschoose professions like an engineer.当谈到就业倾向的时候,大部分学生选择像工程师这样的职业。词汇复现3、that a growing number of high school students are extending theirknowledge during their spare time.有种倾向:越来越多的高中生正在他们的空闲时间进行知识拓展。tendencyThere is a tendencyr

22、etire from 从从.退休退休retire as.作为作为.而退休而退休retire sb.安排安排/使某人退休使某人退休retire into oneself 退隐,沉默;退隐,沉默;(沉湎于自己的思想而沉湎于自己的思想而)离群索居离群索居adj.retired 退休的;退役的;幽闭的退休的;退役的;幽闭的 retiring 退休的;不善社交的;过隐退休的;不善社交的;过隐居生活的居生活的n.retirement 退休,退役退休,退役She was forced to early from teaching because of ill health.她由于身体不好而被迫早早地从教学岗

23、位上退休。retire1、The shop was opened by a _(retire)teacher.2、She retired teaching three years ago.3、In fact,she took early _(retire)due to illness.4、The old man are (retire)now.retiredfromretirementretiredscare.away/off 把把.吓跑吓跑scare sb.into doing sth 威胁威胁/恐吓某人做某事恐吓某人做某事be scared to death 吓得要死吓得要死 sacred

24、 adj.害怕害怕.的;的;对对.感到惊慌(恐惧)的感到惊慌(恐惧)的be scared of.害怕害怕.be scared of doing/to do.害怕做害怕做.be scared that.害怕害怕.scary adj.恐怖的;吓人的恐怖的;吓人的When we are getting excited,angry or _(scare),our bodies also go through many physical changes.The atmosphere was _ and we felt _ staying in theroom.(scare)He is scared _(

25、tell)his parents the result.The local farmers used to light a fire _(吓跑吓跑)the wolves.She was _(害怕进入害怕进入)the yard because she was _(害怕被咬害怕被咬)by the big dog lying at the gate.scaredscaryscaredscaredto scare off/awayscared to enterscared of being bittenadv.sharply 急剧地;锐利地急剧地;锐利地n.sharpener 卷笔刀;卷笔刀;机机 磨

26、具;研磨者磨具;研磨者sharper 骗子;赌棍;欺诈犯骗子;赌棍;欺诈犯sharpness 锐利;锐利;摄摄 清晰度;疾速;严厉清晰度;疾速;严厉vi.sharpen 尖锐;变锋利尖锐;变锋利vt.sharpen 削尖;磨快;使敏捷;加重削尖;磨快;使敏捷;加重 a sharp tongue说话刻薄说话刻薄 be sharp with对对说话刻薄说话刻薄 a sharp sense of humour很强的幽默感很强的幽默感 a sudden sharp pain突然的剧痛突然的剧痛 sharply adv.急剧地,大幅度地;严厉地,毫不客气地急剧地,大幅度地;严厉地,毫不客气地 fall

27、sharply急剧下降急剧下降 We came to a sharp bend in the road.She is a journalist with an extremely sharp mind.The outline of the mountain was sharp.The old man was a sharp operator.A sharp wind blew across the lake.Were meeting at one-thirty sharp.We saw a group of young men in sharp suits.There was a sharp

28、smell of alcohol.1.replace sb./sth._2.replace sth.with/by sth._3.in place of=in ones place_4.take ones place=take the place of_代替.用什么代替什么代替.代替.1)If you cant manage it,you _(replace).2)Its not a good idea to miss meals and replace them _ snacks.will be replacedwith/byby accident 偶然地,意外地偶然地,意外地 by cha

29、nceby chanceaccidental adj.偶然的,意外的偶然的,意外的accidentally adv.偶然地,意外地偶然地,意外地Rango killed the hawk (accident).Officials say the fire appears to be (accident).accidentallyaccidentalwhisper to sb.对某人耳语whisper sth.in ones ear 在某人耳旁小声说某事It is/was whisper that.据秘密传闻in a whisper=in whisper=in a low voice 耳语地 低

30、声地 Jane leaned over (whisper)something to Mary.There are whispers the actor was seen checking into a hospital last week.to whisper that He sat down and _(bite)into his sandwich.Every year in this country more than 50000 children _(bite)by dogs.If a snake or a small insect _(bite)you,it makes a mark

31、or a hole in your skin._(bite)twice,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dogs.bitare bittenbitesBittenonce bitten,twice shyassist(sb.)in/with sth.在在.上帮助某人上帮助某人assist sb.to do sth.帮助某人做帮助某人做.assist sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做帮助某人做.adj.assistant 辅助的,助理的;有帮助的assisted 辅助的 n.assista

32、nt 助手,助理,助教assistance 援助,帮助;辅助设备come to ones assistance前来援助a senior assistant 高级助理a personal assistant 私人助理a shop assistant 店员They came to assist us the rescue work.with22.disguise vt.装扮;假扮;掩盖装扮;假扮;掩盖 n伪装;化装用具伪装;化装用具in disguise 伪装,化装 disguise oneself as 装扮成speak without disguise 毫不掩饰地说see through hi

33、s disguise 看穿他的伪装 The woman turned out to be a police officer _ disguise.He disguised himself Santa Claus.They got in (disguise)as security guards.inasdisguised be of great harm be of great harm 危害极大的危害极大的 do harm to sb./sth.do harm to sb./sth.(=do sb./sth.harm=do sb./sth.harm)对某人)对某人/某物有害某物有害mean n

34、o harm mean no harm 没有恶意没有恶意There is no harm in(ones)doing sth.=There is There is no harm in(ones)doing sth.=There is no harm(for sb.)to do sth.no harm(for sb.)to do sth.做某事无妨做某事无妨/无害无害harmful adj.harmful adj.有害的有害的 be harmful to be harmful to 对对有害有害harmless adj.harmless adj.无害的无害的 be harmless to be

35、 harmless to 对对无害无害23.harm n.&vt.伤害;损害1.1.Try to choose products that do the least harm _ Try to choose products that do the least harm _ the environment.the environment.2.2.Staying up too often will be _great harm to Staying up too often will be _great harm to peoples health.peoples health.3.3.There is no harm _ eating more fish,which is There is no harm _ eating more fish,which is beneficial to our health.beneficial to our health.4.4.Most children are fond of sweets but they may be Most children are fond of sweets but they may be _(harm)to their teeth._(harm)to their teeth.toofinharmful谢谢观看


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