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1、四级考试概况四级考试概况试卷构成试卷构成 1 2所占分值比例为所占分值比例为15%15%考试时间考试时间3030分钟分钟提供的信息提供的信息提纲提纲120-180120-180字字写作写作3 4 5%5%10%10%20%20%词汇理解词汇理解 长篇阅读长篇阅读 仔细阅读仔细阅读5 67010203048010203049010203041001通读全文02整理选项03选词填空04复读全文,谨慎调整11第一步:通读全文第一步:通读全文(1分钟分钟)通读全文是用较快速度,一行一行地读,目的是把握至少90%的文章内容。要先了解文章大意,带着文章脉络去找选项。所以,务必先沉着地把文章读一遍,尤其注意

2、空格前后的位置,为寻找正确选项打下铺垫。12第二步:整理选项第二步:整理选项 标出15 个选项的词性,名词前写n,动词前写 v 等等。目前 四级考试只考实词中的四种:名词,动词,形容词,副词。不考代词和数词;也不考虚词(冠词,介词,连词,感叹词)13标注词性时注意的问题标注词性时注意的问题1.不认识的单词看词缀2.认识的单词要注意词性的单一性和多样性(比如challenge,change,display作名词和动词都很常见,都要标出来)3.动词归类要分为V.V-ed.V-ing。根据语法判断具体的形式。4.选项中出现一组近义词或者反义词时,往往有一个是干扰选项,它注重考察的是词汇的精确理解。1

3、4标词性时的切入点是后缀,也就是词尾。以-ion,-age,-ness,-ship,-ance,-ence,-ency,-dom结尾的大都是名词;以-ize,-ise,-fy结尾的大都是动词;以-ive,-ent,-ful,-ous,-ble,-cal,-less结尾的是大都是形容词;以-ly结尾的大都是副词。eg:exclusively 唯一地;专有地 relatively 相当地;相对地 (2017.06)abnormal反常的,不规则的 briefly slightly traditional (2016)15第三步:选词填空第三步:选词填空 1.判断原文空缺处所需单词的词性,缩小正确选

4、项的范围(1)动词的确定 In particular,when older patients _(complain)of pain,they were told it was a natural part of aging and they would have to learn to live with it.Thats why a growing number of hospitals now depend on physicians who _(specialize)in pain medicine.16(2)名词的确定名词主要做主语/宾语形容词或名词都可以修饰名词限定词(the,thi

5、s,that,a,my之类)后必有名词介词后面必有名词或相当于名词的词定语从句前面是名词Education soon became a _.(nightmare)As the trade lessen in_.(strength)17(3)形容词的确定名词的前面.women are _ customers.副词的后面EI Nino brought the most _ weather in modern history.18(4)副词的确定1.动词的附近(前面或后面).students_outperform their peers.jobs that used to be done _ by

6、women.2.形容词的前面.but they are still not _ sure what leads to it.3.句子的前面Not _,the jury found them both guilty.19第四步:复读全文,谨慎调整第四步:复读全文,谨慎调整填空完成后,再次复读全文,自我感觉上下文是否通顺,内在逻辑关系是否连贯。如有问题,需要谨慎的微作调整。20选项形式词义A)cautiously副词小心地,谨慎地 ksliB)commit动词原形做,犯,保证 kmt C)control动词原形,不可数名词控制,支配D)cycling动名词,动词现在分词骑自行车E)effectiv

7、ely副词有效地,实际上F)increased动词过去式,过去分词,形容词增加,上升的G)involved动词过去式,过去分词涉及,包含 H)limited动词过去式,过去分词,形容词限制,局限,有限的I)phenomenon可数名词单数现象 fnmnn J)preventing动名词,动词现在分词阻止,防止K)sensitive形容词敏感的L)slowing动名词,现在分词,形容词减缓,缓慢的M)solution可数名词单数解决方案,溶液 N)sufficient形容词足够的 sfntO)vigorous形容词有活力的 vrs21选项形式词义A)cautiously副词小心地,谨慎地 ksl

8、iB)commit动词原形做,犯,保证 kmt C)control动词原形,不可数名词控制,支配D)cycling动名词,动词现在分词骑自行车E)effectively副词有效地,实际上F)increased动词过去式,过去分词,形容词增加,上升的G)involved动词过去式,过去分词涉及,包含 H)limited动词过去式,过去分词,形容词限制,局限,有限的I)phenomenon可数名词单数现象 fnmnn J)preventing动名词,动词现在分词阻止,防止K)sensitive形容词敏感的L)slowing动名词,现在分词,形容词减缓,缓慢的M)solution可数名词单数解决方案

9、,溶液 N)sufficient形容词足够的 sfntO)vigorous形容词有活力的 vrs名词动词形容词副词C)controlB)commitK)sensitiveA)cautiouslyI)phenomenonC)controlH)limitedE)effectivelyM)solutionD)cyclingL)slowingF)increasedN)sufficientG)involvedO)vigorousH)limitedF)increasedJ)preventingL)slowing 22 As if you needed another reason to hate the

10、gym,it now turns out that exercise can exhaust not only your muscles,but also your eyes.Fear not,however,for coffee can stimulate them again.During 1vigorous exercise,our muscles tire as they run out of fuel and build up waste products.Muscle performance can also be affected by a 2phenomenon called

11、central fatigue,in which an imbalance in the bodys chemical messengers prevents the central nervous system from directing muscle movements 3effectively.It was not known,however,whether central fatigue might also affect motor systems not directly 4involved in the exercise itselfsuch as those that mov

12、e the eyes.To find out,researchers gave 11 volunteers a carbohydrate 5solution either with a moderate dose of caffeinewhich is known to stimulate the central nervous systemor as a placebo without,during 3 hours of 6cycling.After exercising,the scientists tested the cyclists with eye-tracking cameras

13、 to see how well their brains could still 7control their visual system.The team found that exercise reduced the speed of rapid eye movements by about 8%,8preventing their ability to capture new visual information.The caffeinethe equivalent of two strong cups of coffeewas 9sufficient to counteract th

14、is effect,with some cyclists even displaying 10increased eye movement speeds,the team reports today in Scientific Reports.So it might be a good idea to get someone else to drive you home after that marathon.23 1.掌握词汇的多样性特征 2.了解词缀知识,扩充词汇量 3.关注词汇之间的常用搭配 4.分析语篇内的逻辑关系 5.提高自己分析复合句的语法技能24非谓语非谓语 一、过去分词 1.作

15、定语 动词的过去分词作定语时,相当于形容词,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词。及物动词的过去分词作定语,表示动作的被动和完成,不及物动词的过去分词作定语,只表示完成。a.单独及物动词的过去分词一般置于被修饰名词前,做前置定语 spoken language developed country fallen leaves We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions.b.过去分词短语则要位于名词之后,其意义相当于一个定语从句 The gases sent into the air by the chemical works are pois

16、on.The concert given by their friends was a success.25 2.作表语 动词的过去分词作表语,其实可以看作是过去分词的形容词化,说明的是主语所处的状态。She looked disappointed.The library is now closed.Dont get excited.26 3.作状语 动词的过去分词作状语表示时间、原因、条件、让步、伴随状况等意义,这种动词的过去分词结构通常相当于一个状语从句.动词的过去分词作状语表示被动和动作的完成 Written in a hurry,this article was not so good

17、.Lost in deep thought,he didnt hear the sound.Seen from the hill,the town looks magnificent.Completed,the canal will connect the river with the lake.Given more time,I would have done much better.Even if invited,I wouldnt go.Though defeated again and again,they went on fighting.27 4.作宾语补足语 要求用动词过去分词作

18、宾语补足语的动词有三类:a.感官动词 see hear watch notice observe find feel When he arrived home,Tom found his dog killed.I heard the song sung in English.b.使役动词 have get let keep leave make Your car works much better now.Have you got/had it repaired?Dont leave those things undone.28 c.表示“认为”“想要”“宣布”“命令”等 think/cons

19、ider want like wish declare order I consider the matter settled.I wanted two tickets reserved.29三、现在分词1.现在分词的用法a.作表语The news is surprising.That book was rather boring.很多动词的现在分词都可以作表语:exciting,interesting,encouraging,disappointing,confusing,touching,puzzling.30 b.作定语 下面所出现的现在分词都可以用作定语,修饰一个名词 That mus

20、t have been a terrifying experience.I found him a charming person.现在分词短语还可以放在名词的后面修饰名词,相当于一个定语从句 There are a few boys swimming in the river.There is a car waiting outside.31c.作状语现在分词短语可以表示伴随的动作Opening the drawer,he took out a box.Taking a key out of his pocket,he opened the door.现在分词短语还可以表示原因,相当于一个原

21、因状语从句Not knowing her address,we couldnt get in touch with her.现在分词短语还可以表示时间,相当于一个时间状语从句Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.Returning home,he began to do his homework.Having found a hotel,we looked for somewhere to have dinner.32 d.作宾补 现在分词在一些动词之后可以做宾语的补语:例如,see,hear,catch,find,keep,have 等.I se

22、e him passing my house every day.I caught him stealing things in that shop.I smelt something burning.She kept him working all day.33现在分词和过去分词的区别(1)从语态上来区别1在语态上现在分词无论是及物动词或不及物动词,一般都表示主动的意思。Do you know the woman talking to Tom?=Do you know the woman who is talking to Tom?Entering the city,they saw a l

23、ot of soldiers marching.=When they entered the city,they saw a lot of soldiers marching.342及物动词的过去分词一般表示被动。The soldier wounded in the war has become a doctor.=The soldier who was wounded in the war has become a doctor.Seen from the top of the hill,the city is more beautiful.=If it is seen from the t

24、op of the hill,the city is more beautiful.35(2)从时态上来区别 及物动词:现在分词:表正在进行的动作。过去分词:表示已经完成的动作。不及物动词:现在分词:表进行的意思。过去分词:表示完成的意思,而非表被动 China is a developing country and America is a developed country.=China is a country that is developing and America is a country that has developed.(developed countries发达国家 U

25、nderdeveloped countries 不发达国家 developing countries发展中国家)36词汇词汇37performancen.form=形成形成form系列词汇串讲系列词汇串讲performinforminformationperformervnformalinformalformulaadjn.adjuniformtransformplatformn3839404142434445 b.形近词形近词1.放在一起放在一起 2.比较不同点以联想比较不同点以联想4647commerce kms n.(尤指国际间的)贸易;商业;商务commence kmens v.开始发

26、生;开始;着手484950suspectsubwayexpectexitrespectrespectiveinspectinspectorinspectionsu=下ex=向外向外adj.spect=看看n.n.ins=向里向里前缀表方向前缀表方向aspectcircum=圆形circumstancecircumspectnprospectprospectiveprogresspro=往前adj51spectatororspectacularspectrumspeculatespectaclescontact lensnadjv.spect=看看n.spectacle后缀表词性后缀表词性audienceobjectiveperspectivennforumn5253genius“牛牛”天才天才genuinegenuinelynadj.gene=基因基因adv.词根词缀法词根词缀法ingeniousgenerategeneratoringenuousvadjgenerationnngenerous5455


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