Unit 2 Vocabulary (ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、高一英语必修高一英语必修1 Unit 2 Lets talk teensVocabulary核心详解 to leave/fly the nest=leave your parents home 离开安乐窝 When children fly/leave the nest,they leave their parents home to live on their own.自立门户;独立生活 strangers under the same roof 在同一屋檐下的陌生人 have a roof over your head 有栖身之所 The paper was used for sealin

2、g up holes in walls and _(roof).roofs turn into a battle 变成一场争论 打赢脱贫攻坚战 to win the battle against poverty 战胜疫情 to win the battle against COVID-19(the pandemic)最后,她在与乳腺癌的斗争中失败了,在一个寒冷的冬天的早晨 去世了。At last,she _ breast cancer and died on a cold winter morning.lost the battle against n.“战斗;战役;斗争”battle wit

3、h/against sb./sth.(for sth.)两位领导人正在争夺政府控制权。The two leaders _ control of the government.are battling for vi.“和作战,和斗争”(to fight against)在政治问题上,年轻人几乎不可能与他们的父母亲有一致的看法。It is _for young people to see eye to eye with their parents_ political issues.hardly possible“在上与某人观点一致”agree with sb.on sth.on以眼还眼,以牙还牙

4、-汉谟拉比法典 e.g.There was _ on the referees decision.对裁判的裁决有激烈的争论。(2)n.U “争论;辩论”(discussion based on reasoning)e.g.We must settle this by argument not by fighting.我们应当用说服而不是用打架来解决问题。a heated argument(1)n.C“争辩;争吵”(disagreement;quarrel)e.g.对于执行死刑,赞成与反对的双方都有强有力的论据。There are strong arguments _capital punish

5、ment.This argument,however,does not hold water.但是,这种观点是站不住脚的。for and against(3)n.(C)“论据;论点;理由”(reason or reasons put forward)the argument for/against sth.e.g.suffer from(nervous)tension 感到(神经)紧张(2)n.C/U“紧张局势”作不可数名词或可数名词,后者通常作复数 e.g.Teenagers physical changes may result in such family tensions.青少年的身体

6、变化可能会导致家庭关系紧张。_tension(s)种族间的/政治上的/社会生活中的 紧张状态 racial/political/social(1)n.U “紧张”(mental,emotional or nervous strain;tenseness)e.g.a tense moment/atmosphere/meeting 紧张的时刻/气氛/会议 He _(tense)ran his fingers through his hair as he sat in the dentists waiting room.坐在牙科侯诊室里,他紧张地用手指捋头发。tensely(3)tense:adj.

7、“紧张的;绷紧的”(in a state of mental or nervous tension)be anxious/worried/upset about/for.对担心,焦虑 父母为儿女前途操心,是人之常情。Its natural for parents to _their childrens future.(2)adj.“渴望的”(strongly wishing sth.;eager for sth.)be anxious for 迫切想得到 be anxious/eager to do sth.急切想做某事 我很期待考试结果。Im anxious _ the exam resul

8、t.=Im anxious _the exam result.be anxious about(1)adj.“忧虑的;焦虑的”(feeling worried;uneasy)forto know with anxiety=_ 焦虑地 e.g.For some people,air travel is a real anxiety.对一些人来说,飞机旅行是真正使他们焦虑的。我们急切想知道考试的结果。We waited for the exam result _.anxiously(3)anxiety:n.U “忧虑,焦急;渴望,热望”with anxiety/anxiously e.g.the

9、_/_/_/_ rate 出生/死亡/失业/离婚率 at a different rate 以不同的速度 雨林正以惊人的速度消失。The rainforests are disappearing _.birthn.“比率,速度”at an alarming ratedeathunemployment divorce e.g.a first-rate swimmer 一流的游泳运动员 (3)n.“价格,费用”(the cost per unit of a commodity or service)e.g.postal/advertising/insurance rates 邮资/广告费/保险费

10、(4)vt.“评定某人/物的价值”(estimate the worth or value of sb/sth)e.g.The house has been rated at 200000 yuan.这座房子的估价定在200000元。(2)n.“等级”(level of quality)Chinas Yang Qian takes aim during the womens 10-meter air rifle competition at Asaka Shooting Range at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in Japan on July 24.e.g.The s

11、ports car shot past us.赛车从我们前面飞驰而过。(2)vt.“射击;射杀”(fire;fire at sb./sth.)e.g.这个人在一次对他家的突击搜查时被警察击毙了。The man was shot dead by the police during a raid on his house.(3)vt.“摄影”e.g.The film was shot in black and white.这部电影拍成了黑白片。(1)vi.“(使朝某方向)冲,奔”(to move swiftly;dart)e.g.Sales shot up by 9%last month.销售量上

12、个月猛增了 9。自从我上次见到大卫以来,他个子窜得很快。David has really shot up since I saw him last.(5)shoot a look at sb.瞥某人=glance at sb.玛丽安悔恨地瞥了他一眼。Mary Ann shot him a regretful look.(4)shoot up “快速增长,蹿个儿”e.g.球队在规定时间内必须要投篮。A time limit was set for a team to shoot at the basket.(7)n.C“嫩芽;幼苗”(8)shot n.中文:_ (9)have a shot at

13、 sth.尝试(6)vi.“射门;投篮”射门、投篮、拍摄、枪击、注射 e.g.我妹妹曾满脸疙瘩。My sisters face was covered with spots.(2)n.“污点”(a flaw)e.g.a spot on ones fame/reputation 名誉上的污点 (3)n.“地点;场所”(particular place or area)e.g.a historic spot 古迹 (4)on the spot “立即;当场”、“在现场,到现场”(1)n.C“粉刺;斑点;圆点;污渍”e.g.I spotted a shooting star which,to my

14、astonishment,was bright green in color.我发现一颗流星,使我大为惊奇的是,它居然是鲜亮的绿色。spotted adj.有花点的、斑点的 a spotted dog 一只斑点狗“发现”be targeted at 以为目标 =be aimed ate.g.导弹主要瞄准的是美国。The missiles were mainly targeted at the United States.大规模检测、有针对性的封锁、广泛的接触者追踪和隔离是帮助中国遏制新冠肺炎疫情的久经考验的办法。Massive testing,_ lockdowns,extensive con

15、tact tracing and quarantine are the tried and tested formula that has helped China contain the COVID-19 epidemic.“瞄准;把作为攻击目标”targeted e.g.When it all gets too much,your parents are often the first targets of your anger.当担忧变得太多时,你的父母往往是你愤怒的第一个目标。hit the target_ 达到目标_ 制定目标_ 目标顾客_.“目标:被瞄准或被射击的某物”、“批评或攻

16、击的目标”meet the targetset a targettarget customer射中靶子;达到目的 e.g.He cried with anger and frustration.=_他愤怒而沮丧地哭了。(2)vt.“使(某人)发怒;激怒”(fill sb.with anger;make angry)许多网民对这个64岁的姓毛的女士感到愤怒,她被称为“一人 毁一城”。Many netizens _the 64-year-old woman,surnamed Mao,who has been dubbed the person who destroyed a city“.U“怒,愤

17、怒”angrilywere angered by e.g.mental problem/disease 心理问题(2)mentally:adv.“精神方面地”我们应当保持身心健康。We are supposed to keep healthy_.(3)physical:adj.“身体的,物质的,有形的,物理的”e.g.physical education_ the physical world _ a physical change _both physically and mentally物质世界物质世界体育体育物理变化物理变化(2)adj.成年的 (fully developed and

18、mature)e.g.成人仪式:_(3)adulthood:n U “成年”(state of being adult)e.g.童年:_(4)adolescent:adj.“青春期的,青春的”/n.“青少年”adolescence:n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期)(5)teenager:n.十几岁的青少年;十三岁到十九岁的少年 =teen(6)youth:n.青春时期,青春;年轻人 waste ones youth 虚度青春 pl._childhoodAdult Ceremonyyouths desire sth.desire to do sth (=long to do st

19、h./be dying to do sth.)desire sb.to do sth./desire that sb.(should)do sth.e.g.我要求他周一早晨给我打电话。I desired him _ me on Monday morning.I desired that he _me on Monday morning.desired adj.期望的;渴望的 e.g.这种药未达到预期效果。The medicine failed to achieve the _.“渴望;要求,请求”to call(should)call desired effect a desire for s

20、th.渴望某物 have a(strong/burning)desire to do sth.有做某事的(强烈)愿望 achieve ones desire 实现某人的理想抱负 satisfy all your desires 满足你所有的欲望 e.g.我不想讨论这个问题。I _to discuss the question.“愿望,欲望”have no desire struggle to do sth.挣扎着做某事 struggle with/against 与作斗争 struggle for sth.为而奋斗 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 e.g.我正在努力提

21、高英语。I _ to improve my English.为了民族自豪而奋斗,许多中国运动员在2020年东京奥运会上展现了他们最好的表现。_,many Chinese athletes showed their best performance at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.vi.“斗争,奋斗”/“挣扎,搏斗”am strugglingStruggling for national pride a struggle(for sb)(对某人来说是)难做之事 e.g.对他来说,要记住这些单词是一件费劲的事。It was _for him to memorize

22、all these words.“斗争,奋斗,挣扎;难事”a struggle/a challenge(1)adj.“粗糙的”e.g.rough hands 粗糙的手 a rough road/surface 崎岖不平的路/粗糙的表面(2)adj.“粗略的,大致的”e.g.a rough guess 一个粗略的猜测(3)adj.“粗野的,粗暴的;汹涌的”e.g.rough winds/waves 狂暴的风/汹涌的波浪(4)adj.“艰难的”e.g.have a very rough/hard/tough time 度过一段难熬时期;吃苦头a rough ride 艰难时期,艰难进程,艰难经历=

23、a difficult periode.g.Growing up is a rough ride.成长是一段艰难的旅程。勇于走自己道路的女人就必须准备好面对外界的非难。The woman _ is brave enough to pursue her own path must prepare herself for_.反义短语:an easy ride 一帆风顺、顺利的进程whoa rough ride(机器等)出故障;(身体等)垮掉;(情感等)失控:On my way to the station my car broke down.(谈判等)失败:Talks between the tw

24、o sides have broken down.把成若干部分(以方便做或理解):Each lesson is broken down into several units.使分解:Decomposers break down dead animal and vegetable matter into nutrients.分解物把死去的动植物分解成营养物质。打破;消除:A smile can break down barriers.微笑可以消除隔阅。lead to a breakdown in your relationship 导致你的关系破裂break up_break in(to)_br

25、eak away_break off_break out_break through_(关系)破裂,分手闯入,打断挣脱,逃脱折断,脱落,中断爆发,突然开始重大突破adj.“规则的,有规律的,定期的,经常的”e.g.He made a regular visit to his parents.他定期看望父母。regular customers 老顾客 regularly:adv.“定期地”e.g.Take the medicine regularly.定期服药。irregular:adj.“不规则的;不正当的”e.g.an irregular verb 不规则(变化的)动词regulation:

26、n.“规章;规则,规定;条例C”e.g.He was fined for breaking traffic regulations.他因违反交通规则而被罚款。(1)adj.“平静的;镇定的”e.g.remain/stay/keep calm保持镇静(2)vt./vi.“(常与down连用)使安静”calm down 镇定下来 calm sb.down 使某人镇定下来(3)adv._ n._calmlycalmness(1)n.看法,视线,景色 take a birds-eye view of 鸟瞰 from ones point of view =in ones opinion =from o

27、nes perspective 根据某人的观点 in view of 鉴于,考虑到(2)v.把.看作,观看 view.as 把.看作 address their concerns 解决他们的担忧解决他们的担忧 (1)n.“关心;忧虑”with concern 关切地(忧虑地)show concern for sb 对某人表示关心e.g.Unemployment was the main concern of the new government.失业是新政府最关心的问题。He looked at me with concern.他关切地看着我 The whole family show dee

28、p concern for his health.全家人都对他的健康表示深切的关注。(2)concerned:adj.“关心的,担心的,和有关的(作后置定语)”be concerned about 担忧关心 be concerned with 和有关,关心 as far as I am concerned 就我而言;在我看来 authorities concerned 有关当局 e.g.The soldiers concerned were unarmed at the time.(翻译)有关士兵当时未携带武器。(3)concerning:prep.“关于”(=about)e.g.He ask

29、ed me questions concerning my health.他问了我一些有关我健康方面的问题。(1)adj.“正常的,标准的,正规的”e.g.Its normal to feel nervous before an exam.考前紧张是正常的。lead/live a normal life 过个正常的生活(2)n.“常态,正常,标准”e.g.above/below normal 高于/低于正常标准 return/back to normal 恢复常态(3)abnormal:adj.“反常的,例外的”e.g.abnormal weather/conditions/behavior

30、反常的天气/情况/变态行为“normale”除了表达“典型的、正常的、一般的”之外,还有“师范的、规范的、标准的”意 思。根据记载,1872年,日本仿照世界上第一所师范大学-巴黎高等师范学院建立了亚洲第一所师范学校,即东京高等师范学校(筑波大学的前身)并把“normal school翻译为“师范学校”,后来便传入了清末的中国。从此,中国的师范学校就开始延续这种命名方式。(1)n.“压力”/“强调”/“重音”e.g.be under/suffer from stress 在压力下/遭受压力 我们必须强调强调自立更生。We must lay stress/emphasis on self reli

31、ance.(2)vt.“强调”/“重读”e.g.必须要强调的是我们该准时。_that we should be punctual.(3)stressful:adj.e.g.为人父母会是一件压力很大的事。Parenting can be a stressful business.It must be stressed n.“编辑,编者”edition:n.“版,版本”edit(edited,editing):vt.“剪辑,编辑,校订”e.g.以下是经过编辑的校长演讲全文。The following is _transcript of the principals speech.the lates

32、t/newest edition of the dictionary 字典的最新版本 a limited edition 限量版an edited(1)vi.“争论;争辩;争吵”(express an opposite opinion;exchange angry words;quarrel)argue with sb.about/over sth.(2)vi./vt.“说理;辩论;讨论”(give reasons for or against sth.,discuss;debate)argue for/against sth./argue that argue sb into/out of

33、doing sth.说服/劝说某人(不)做某事(persuade sb to do/not to do sth.by giving reasons)(1)vt.“设计,构思”be designed for 为而设计的 e.g.这些手套是为在严寒气候使用而设计。The gloves _extremely cold climates.(2)vt.“计划,谋划”design to do sth.打算做某事 e.g.My brother designs to be an engineer.我弟弟立志要当工程师。(3)n.“设计,图样,方案,企图”by design “故意地,有意地”(=on purp

34、ose)e.g.我不知道他们这样做是偶然的,还是故意的。I dont know whether they did it _or _.designer n.设计者are designed for by accident by design皮肤;兽皮,毛皮 skinny:adj.瘦骨嶙峋的;紧身的 He was quite a skinny little boy.他是个骨瘦如柴的小男孩。论坛,讨论会 the“teen health”forum 青少年健康论坛专家 an expert at/in/on(doing)sth.an expert in psychology 心理学专家(1)adj.&ad

35、v.“有可能”(unlikely 不可能的)sb.be likely to do sth.某人可能做某事 =It be likely that e.g.Its likely that he will cancel the plan.他有可能取消这个计划。=_(2)It is possible/probable/likely that It is possible(for sb)to do e.g.他们很可能会赢这场比赛。Its(highly)probable that they will win the match.=Its _ for them to win the match.=They

36、are _to win the match.=They will _win the match.He is likely to cancel the plan.possiblepossibly/probably/likelylikely(1)adj.独一无二的,独特的,独具的,特有的 一个独特的设计_ adv._ n._a unique designuniquelyuniqueness(1)adj.“消极的,被动的”e.g.passive voice 被动语态 take a passive role in the relationship 在关系中处于被动地位 反义:active:adj.“活

37、跃的,起作用的,积极的,主动的”e.g.take an active part in 积极参加(2)adv._passively(1)n.表现,表演,执行,履行 e.g.live performance 现场演出 have a bad influence on your performance 对你的表现造成坏影响 学习成绩不好 _ Your_(perform)as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.(2012浙江)(2)vt.perform 做;履行;执行 per

38、form an operation 动手术;做手术 performer n.表演者poor academic performanceperformance变得高兴,振奋起来 _,Tom.Dont _ yourself too hard.振作起来,汤姆,不要把自己逼得太紧。(1)vt.&vi.催促,逼迫;按,压;挤,推keep pressing me to study 一直逼着我学习press the button 按按钮(2)n.报刊杂志,报刊 the press(3)n.pressure:挤压;压力(物理学)e.g.blood pressure 血压 (精神上的、外界施加的)压力 peer

39、pressure 同伴压力,来自同辈的压力 put pressure on sb.给某人施加压力Cheer up push(1)adj.“热心于,渴望着”be eager to do sth.急切想做某事 be eager for sth.急切想得到 e.g.那个男孩急于获得成功。The boy was eager_.=The boy was eager _ success.(2)eagerly:adv.急切地;渴望地 eagerness:n.渴望 e.g.The boy wanted to achieve success _.(3)同义词组归纳:be anxious to do be anx

40、ious for die to do sth.die for be thirsty to do be thirsty for long to do sth.long foreagerly/with eagernessto succeed/achieve successfor e.g.a spirit of adventure 冒险精神 the adventures in Africa 在非洲的冒险经历 (2)adventurous:adj.“喜欢冒险的;充满冒险的”e.g.an adventurous lifestyle 敢于冒险的生活方式 adventurer n.冒险者 They are

41、always on my back about something.他们总是有事烦扰着我。(1)n.“冒险,冒险精神”U、“冒险活动(或经历)C”缠磨,烦扰(1)adj.“灵活的,可变动的;有弹性的”e.g.a flexible schedule 灵活性的计划表 flexible employment/working hours _(2)n._ adv._ 弹性就业弹性就业/工作时间工作时间flexibilityflexiblye.g.bank account 银行账户give an account of sth.描述on account of 因为,由于 (=because of)take

42、into account/consideration 考虑;顾及on no account 决不 他对那个决定命运的夜晚所发生的事情做了一个详细的报道。He _what happened on the fateful night.我决不会放弃。On no account _.n.账户;描述;解释gave a detailed account of will I give upe.g.account for 是是.的说明的说明/原因、(比例)占原因、(比例)占 你最近学习低效可能是压力太大导致的。Too much _ may _your recent low efficiency in stud

43、y.中国预计,到2025年,混合动力汽车将占中国汽车市场总份额的20%,到2030年将占50%。China expects hybrid vehicles to _20 percent of its total vehicle market by 2025 and 50 percent by 2030.(3)accountant:n.会计解释;导致;报账pressureaccount for account for e.g.他们住在出租屋里。They live in a _ house.(2)n.租金 pay the rent 付租金 for rent 供出租的租用;出租rented(1)n.

44、复数.groceries 食品杂货 e.g.她买了一箱子食品杂货。She bought a box of groceries.(2)食品杂货店;超级市场 e.g.Most of these ingredients can be found at your local grocery.(1)adj.“安全的”/“可靠的;稳定的”e.g.a secure job 一份稳定的工作 feel secure about ones future 对对自己的前途无忧无虑无忧无虑(2)vt.争取获得;拴牢;保护 Please secure a ticket for me.请替我弄张票。(3)n._ “安全”a

45、dv._“安全地;牢固地;安心地”e.g.a sense of security 安全感 security guard 保安securitysecurely(1)n.“毕业生”e.g.a graduate student 研究生 an undergraduate 本科生(2)vt./vi.“毕业”graduate from 从毕业 e.g.她毕业于剑桥大学,获法学学士学位。She graduated_ Cambridge_ a degree_ law.(3)graduation:n.“毕业”e.g.graduation ceremony 毕业典礼fromwithin(1)vi.&vt.(使)聚

46、集;(使)聚拢 gathered together 聚集 e.g.他鼓足勇气问道:“你想喝杯咖啡吗?”He _ and asked,“Would you like a cup of coffee?“(2)vt.搜集,采集 借助人类基因组项目搜集到的信息,科学家已经掌握了一些改善人们健康的方法。With information_ from the Human Genome Project,scientists have already improved the health of some people.(3)gathering:n.聚会;集会gatheredgathered all his c

47、ourage(1)emergency n.“紧急情况,紧急事件”万一有紧急情况,请拉响警报。_emergency,sound the alarm.(2)emergent:adj.“紧急的,浮现的,突然出现的”/“新兴的”e.g.emergent nations 新兴的国家 an emergent case 紧急病例;急症病例In case of(1)n.“志愿者”今年暑假,很多九中高三毕业生在疫情期间积极报名参加志愿者活动。During this summer vacation,many seniors _ from Nanjing No.9 Middle School _ signed up

48、 for volunteer activities during the epidemic period.(2)vt./vi.“自愿”volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事 e.g.很多党员同志自愿到社区参与疫情防控工作。Many party members have volunteered to participate in the epidemic prevention and control work in their communities.(3)adj._:adj.“自动的,主动的,自愿的”adv._graduatingactivelyvoluntaryvoluntari

49、ly(1)n.烟斗;管子;管道(2)v.用管道输送;用管弦乐器演奏 e.g.全国只有18%的人能用到自来水,仅2.5%的家庭装有下水管道。Only 18%of the population have_ water and only 2.5%are connected to a sewerage system.pipedn.市中心 adj.市中心的 adv.往闹市区;在市区 go downtown 去市中心(drew,drawn)提取,支取 draw money out of mamas bank account 从妈妈的银行账户取钱(1)n.“身材,身影”/“数字”/“重要人物”have a

50、good/slim figure I could see a tall figure near the door.He has a six-figure income.a great figure in history(2)vt.“认为,认定(某事将发生或属实)”e.g.我料想你不会来。I figured(that)you wouldnt come.身材身影数字大人物(3)figure out 解决,计算出(=work out);弄明白 e.g.科学家们试图弄清楚文化是如何影响我们的睡眠方式。Scientists are trying to figure out how culture sha


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